1,884 research outputs found


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    In this modern era, many people from various backgrounds listen to music through digital album applications. This study was made to analyze one of the features of digital music applications that have many listeners in various parts of Indonesia. This study aims to describe the meaning of the denotation "Mendengarkan Secara Offline" on the feature in the Spotify application. In this study, a descriptive qualitative approach was used to reveal the meaning of the denotation "Mendengarkan Secara Offline". The technique of data collection was done by using sentence analysis. This study concludes that the denotation meaning of "Mendengarkan Secara Offline" feature in the Spotify application means that music in online music applications can be listened while being offline. It can be listened without having an internet connection. The music could be saved using any storage in the phone's memory. "Mendengarkan Secara Offline" feature allows the users listen to music easily and it offers convenience to users listen to music freely

    Mosaicismo cromossômico em bovinos com anormalidade de genitália.

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    Estudo do cariotipo de um bovino. Dupla fertilização. Não disjunção no gameta paterno

    Parthenogenesis vs sexual reproduction

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    Razmnožavanje je osnovna funkcija svih organizama i sav živi svijet koji nas okružuje rezultat je razmnožavanja. Bilo da se radi o spolnom ili nespolnom načinu razmnožavanja, cilj je uvijek isti: stvoriti potomstvo i na taj način osigurati nastavak svoje vrste. Spolno razmnožavanje i partenogeneza imaju svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Spolno razmnožavanje zahtijeva više vremena i daje manji broj potomaka. No, ti potomci sadrže nove kombinacije gena što omogućuje bolju prilagodbu na uvjete u okolišu i iskorištavanje najraznolikijih ekoloških niša. Iako partenogeneza daje potomke smanjene genetičke varijabilnosti, ima neke prednosti u odnosu na spolno razmnožavanje. Partenogeneza je proces koji ne zahtijeva prisutnost mužjaka iste vrste i njome se organizmi mogu brže reproducirati, pri čemu nastaje veći broj potomaka. Obje su ove metode razmnožavanja zajedno sa svim svojim prednostima i nedostacima prisutne kod najrazličitijih životinjskih vrsta. Iako je spolni način razmnožavanja češći, razmnožavanje partenogenezom vrlo je važna komponenta u životu nekih vrsta. Očito su prednosti koje partenogeneza nudi više nego dovoljne organizmima koji se njome koriste. Dokaz toga je činjenica da se partenogeneza kod tih vrsta usprkos postojanju spolnog razmnožavanja uspjela održati.Reproduction is fundamental function of all organisms, and all the living world that surrounds us is the result of it. Whether it's sexual or asexual type of reproduction, the goal is always the same: to create an offspring and thus ensure extension of one own species. Sexual reproduction and parthenogenesis have their own advantages and disadvantages. Sexual reproduction requires a great deal of time and it results in fewer of offspring. These offspring have new gene combinations which provide them better adaptation to environmental conditions and exploatation of diverse ecological niches. Although parthenogenesis results in offspring with reduced genetic diversity, it does have some advantages over sexual reproduction. The advantage of parthenogenesis is that organisms can reproduce rapidly and it doesn't require the presence of the males. Parthenogenic organisms also produce a greater quantity of offspring. Both of these methods together with all their benefits and drawbacks exist among diversed animal species. Although sexual reproduction is the most common form of reproduction, reproduction by parthenogenesis is important component in life of some species. Obviously, the advantages that parthenogenesis offers are more than satisfactorily to these organisms. In accordance with that is the fact that parthenogenesis maintaines by them in spite of possibility of sexual reproduction

    Contribució a l'estudi del leucocytozoon syphilis de Mc Donagh

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    Replikátorová rovnice - příklad užití matematiky v biologii

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    Přehledový článek uvádí matematický model vývoje společenstva populací zapsaný diferenciálními rovnicemi a model změny frekvence alel v jedné populaci zapsaný diferenční rovnicí. Tyto modely mají analogický tvar, což ukazuje, že z jistého hlediska jsou genetika a populační ekologie speciálními případy jedné obecnější teorie; konkrétně se jedná o evoluční syntézu (neodarwinismus). Tento výsledek ilustruje sílu matematiky také při popisu živé přírody. Ve druhé části jsou uvedeny základní asymptotické vlastnosti sestavené rovnice

    Mathematical models in evolution

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    Rad obrađuje matematičke modele u evolucijskoj znanosti. U prvom dijelu, raspravlja se o ključnim biološkim temama: replikaciji, spolu, srodstvu i altruizmu, te mogućnosti određivanja matematičkih parametara kod istih. Drugi dio obrađuje temu virtualnih (nebioloških) sustava i to na dva primjera: digitalni organizmi i važnost njihova istraživanja, i jezik, kao sustav koji evoluira.This paper regards mathemathical models in evolutionary science. In first part, crucial biological subjects are being presented: replication, sex, kinship and altruism, as well as posibilities to define mathemathical parameters of those. Second part takes focus on virtual (non-biological) systems on two examples: digital organisms and the importance of research on them, and language, as an evolving system

    p53 tumor suppresor gene

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    Gen p53 otkriven je 1979. godine i prvi je otkriveni tumor supresorski gen. Njegova glavna uloga u organizmu je sprječavanje nastanka tumora i to na način da na određene podražaje kao što su oštećenje DNA, hipoksija ili aktivacija onkogena može zaustaviti staničnu diobu, aktivirati enzime za popravak DNA ili izazvati apoptozu. Koncentracija p53 u stanici regulirana je proteinom MDM2 koji ga modificira (dodaje ubikvitin) i tako predodređuje za degradaciju proteosomima. p53 je fosfoprotein od 53 kDa, a njegov gen kod ljudi se nalazi na kraćem kraku kromosoma 17. Ovaj gen pripada visoko konzerviranoj obitelji gena koja sadrži još najmanje dva člana, p63 i p73. Divlji tip p53 proteina sadrži 393 aminokiselina i sastoji od nekoliko strukturnih i funkcionalnih područja: na N-terminalnom kraju nalazi se transaktivacijsko područje ili TAD domena, regija bogata prolinom, centralna domena, regija koja sadrži jezgrin lokalizacijski signal, oligomerizacijska domena i C-terminalna bazična domena. p53 ima i važnu ulogu u reprodukciji jer kontrolira implantaciju zametka. Mutacije u genu p53 odgovorne su za većinu tumora kod ljudi kao što su tumori mozga, pluća, dojke, debelog crijeva te maligne bolesti krvotvornog sustava (limfomi i leukemije). Danas se zna da je p53 jedan od najvažnijih tumor supresorskih gena i da su njegove mutacije odgovorne za preko 50% svih novonastalih tumora.p53 gene was discovered in 1979. as a first tumor suppressor gene. The main role of the p53 gene is to prevent tumors by responding to certain stimuli, such as DNA damage, hypoxia or oncogene activation in a way to stop cell division, to activate DNA repair enzymes or to induce apoptosis. Concentration in the cell is regulated by the MDM2 protein that modifies p53 (adds ubiquitin) flagging it for the degradation by proteosomes. p53 is a phosphoprotein of 53 kDa and the gene in humans is located on a short arm of chromosome 17. This gene belongs to a highly preserved gene family containing at least two more members, p63 and p73. Wild-type p53 protein contains 393 amino acids and contains several structural and functional areas: the N terminal end or TAD domain, a region rich in proline, central domain (DNA binding), a region that contains nuclear localization signal, oligomerization domain and C-terminal basic domain. p53 has an important role in reproduction because it controls the implantation of the embryo. Mutations in the p53 gene are responsible for most cancers in humans, such as brain tumors, lung, breast, colon, and malignant diseases of the hematopoietic system (lymphoma and leukemia). Today it is known that p53 is one of the most important tumor-suppressor genes and its mutations are responsible for over 50% of all newly established tumors

    Conceitos básicos de genética de populações.

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    Conceitos de genética básica; Moléculas de DNA; Conceitos de genética de populações; População genética ou mendeliana; Freqüência genotípica; Freqüência gênica ou alélica; Teorema de Hardy-Weinberg (1908).bitstream/CPAF-RO-2010/12193/1/doc118-geneticadepopulacoes.pd

    Successful autotransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue with recovery of the ovarian function

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    Cel pracy: Celem pracy był autologiczny przeszczep tkanki jajnikowej poddanej kriokonserwacji u pacjentki z przedwczesnym wygaśnięciem czynności jajników po agresywnej terapii onkologicznej. Materiał i metody: W 18 tygodniu ciąży u 28 letniej ciężarnej (C2P1) rozpoznano inwazyjną postać gruczołowego raka szyjki macicy. W 31 tygodniu przeprowadzono elektywne cięcie cesarskie, podczas, którego urodził się noworodek płci męskiej (1780g Apgar 8/10). Następnie wykonano radykalne wycięcie macicy techniką „nervesparing” z przydatkami, węzłami chłonnymi biodrowymi i około aortalnymi dolnymi. Jajniki poddano kriokonserwacji techniką powolnego zamrażania. Pacjentka przeszła cykl radiochemioterapii z następczą brachyterapią. Przedwczesne wygaśnięcie czynności jajników potwierdzono pomiarem hormonów płciowych: estradiol – 2 pg/ml, FSH – 96,52 IU/ml, LH – 37,55 IU/ml, AMH – 0,03 ng/ml. Trzynaście miesięcy po zabiegu chirurgicznym w powłokach brzusznych laparoskopowo wytworzono zachyłek otrzewnowy, w którym umieszczono rozmrożoną tkankę jajnikową Wyniki: Dziewięć tygodni po transplantacji uzyskano remisje objawów wypadowych, wzrost stężenia estradiolu (53 pg/ml), spadek FSH (64,89 IU/ml) i LH (33,39 IU/ml). Dwadzieścia cztery tygodnie po zabiegu zaobserwowano wysokie stężenia estradiolu (269 pg/ml), fizjologiczne stężenia FSH (5,92 IU/ml), LH (4,09 IU/ml) oraz wzrost stężenia AMH (0,37 ng/ml). Podczas badania ultrasonograficznego w przeszczepionej tkance jajnika uwidoczniono pęcherzyk dominujący. Wnioski: Przeszczep tkanki jajnikowej spowodował powrót czynność hormonalnej jajnika. Transplantacja tkanki jajnikowej może posłużyć, jako alternatywne leczenie przedwczesnej menopauzy spowodowanej agresywnym leczeniem onkologicznym.  Objectives: The aim of the study was autotransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue to a patient suffering from premature ovarian failure caused by aggressive oncological therapy. Material and methods: A 28-year-old woman, GII PI, was diagnosed with invasive adenocarcinoma of the cervix at 18 weeks of gestation. At 31 weeks of gestation, a cesarean section was performed, resulting in the delivery of a healthy male newborn, followed by simultaneous, radical hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and lymphadenectomy. Half of each ovary was cryopreserved. The patient was scheduled for radiochemotherapy, supplemented with brachytherapy. After the intervention, the patient experienced menopausal symptoms. The basal hormonal levels were: estradiol – 2 pg/ml, FSH – 96.52 IU/ml, LH – 37.55 IU/ml, AMH – 0.03 ng/ml. Thirteen months after surgery, the peritoneal pocket was formed on the anterior abdominal wall during laparoscopy and heterotrophic autotransplantation of the frozen-thawed ovarian tissue was performed, replacing 59% of the tissue. Results: Nine weeks after transplantation, symptom resolution, an increase in estradiol (53 pg/ml), and a decrease in FSH (64.89 IU/ml) and LH (33.39 IU/ml) levels were noted. Twenty-four weeks after transplantation, high estradiol levels (269 pg/ml), normal level of FSH (5.92 IU/ml) and LH (4.09 IU/ml), and an increase in AMH (0.37 ng/ml) were observed. Follicular development in the transplanted ovarian tissue was confirmed. Conclusions: Cryopreservation and transplantation of ovarian tissue allowed to restore the ovarian function. It could offer an alternative physiological solution to treating premature ovarian failure caused by oncological therapy.

    Hardy - Weinberg equilibrium

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    Ovim člankom, koji je gradivom i pristupom prlagođen četvrtim razredima srednjih škola koje u nastavi matematike imaju teroiju vjerojatnosti, pokušat ćemo kroz zanimljive genetičke činjenice predstaviti upotrebu osnovnog matematičkog aparata teorije vjerojatnosti. S matematičke točke gledišta obradit ćemo model ravnoteže u populaciji do kojeg su neovisno došli britanski matematičar G. H. Hardy (1877. - 1947.) i njemački fizičar W. Weinberg (1862. - 1937.), te na nekoliko primjera ilustrirati upotrebu ovog modela.This article, which is by its content and approach adapted to students of senior classes of high school, represents usage of some important terms of probability theory through interesting facts in genetics. A population equilibrium model, which is the result of independent research of British mathematician G. H. Hardy (1877. - 1947.) and German physician W. Weinberg (1862.- 1937.), is going to be presented from mathematical point of view . The usage of this model is going to be illustrated by a few examples