182 research outputs found

    Timely processing of big data in collaborative large-scale distributed systems

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    Today’s Big Data phenomenon, characterized by huge volumes of data produced at very high rates by heterogeneous and geographically dispersed sources, is fostering the employment of large-scale distributed systems in order to leverage parallelism, fault tolerance and locality awareness with the aim of delivering suitable performances. Among the several areas where Big Data is gaining increasing significance, the protection of Critical Infrastructure is one of the most strategic since it impacts on the stability and safety of entire countries. Intrusion detection mechanisms can benefit a lot from novel Big Data technologies because these allow to exploit much more information in order to sharpen the accuracy of threats discovery. A key aspect for increasing even more the amount of data at disposal for detection purposes is the collaboration (meant as information sharing) among distinct actors that share the common goal of maximizing the chances to recognize malicious activities earlier. Indeed, if an agreement can be found to share their data, they all have the possibility to definitely improve their cyber defenses. The abstraction of Semantic Room (SR) allows interested parties to form trusted and contractually regulated federations, the Semantic Rooms, for the sake of secure information sharing and processing. Another crucial point for the effectiveness of cyber protection mechanisms is the timeliness of the detection, because the sooner a threat is identified, the faster proper countermeasures can be put in place so as to confine any damage. Within this context, the contributions reported in this thesis are threefold * As a case study to show how collaboration can enhance the efficacy of security tools, we developed a novel algorithm for the detection of stealthy port scans, named R-SYN (Ranked SYN port scan detection). We implemented it in three distinct technologies, all of them integrated within an SR-compliant architecture that allows for collaboration through information sharing: (i) in a centralized Complex Event Processing (CEP) engine (Esper), (ii) in a framework for distributed event processing (Storm) and (iii) in Agilis, a novel platform for batch-oriented processing which leverages the Hadoop framework and a RAM-based storage for fast data access. Regardless of the employed technology, all the evaluations have shown that increasing the number of participants (that is, increasing the amount of input data at disposal), allows to improve the detection accuracy. The experiments made clear that a distributed approach allows for lower detection latency and for keeping up with higher input throughput, compared with a centralized one. * Distributing the computation over a set of physical nodes introduces the issue of improving the way available resources are assigned to the elaboration tasks to execute, with the aim of minimizing the time the computation takes to complete. We investigated this aspect in Storm by developing two distinct scheduling algorithms, both aimed at decreasing the average elaboration time of the single input event by decreasing the inter-node traffic. Experimental evaluations showed that these two algorithms can improve the performance up to 30%. * Computations in online processing platforms (like Esper and Storm) are run continuously, and the need of refining running computations or adding new computations, together with the need to cope with the variability of the input, requires the possibility to adapt the resource allocation at runtime, which entails a set of additional problems. Among them, the most relevant concern how to cope with incoming data and processing state while the topology is being reconfigured, and the issue of temporary reduced performance. At this aim, we also explored the alternative approach of running the computation periodically on batches of input data: although it involves a performance penalty on the elaboration latency, it allows to eliminate the great complexity of dynamic reconfigurations. We chose Hadoop as batch-oriented processing framework and we developed some strategies specific for dealing with computations based on time windows, which are very likely to be used for pattern recognition purposes, like in the case of intrusion detection. Our evaluations provided a comparison of these strategies and made evident the kind of performance that this approach can provide

    Software Defined Applications in Cellular and Optical Networks

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    abstract: Small wireless cells have the potential to overcome bottlenecks in wireless access through the sharing of spectrum resources. A novel access backhaul network architecture based on a Smart Gateway (Sm-GW) between the small cell base stations, e.g., LTE eNBs, and the conventional backhaul gateways, e.g., LTE Servicing/Packet Gateways (S/P-GWs) has been introduced to address the bottleneck. The Sm-GW flexibly schedules uplink transmissions for the eNBs. Based on software defined networking (SDN) a management mechanism that allows multiple operator to flexibly inter-operate via multiple Sm-GWs with a multitude of small cells has been proposed. This dissertation also comprehensively survey the studies that examine the SDN paradigm in optical networks. Along with the PHY functional split improvements, the performance of Distributed Converged Cable Access Platform (DCCAP) in the cable architectures especially for the Remote-PHY and Remote-MACPHY nodes has been evaluated. In the PHY functional split, in addition to the re-use of infrastructure with a common FFT module for multiple technologies, a novel cross functional split interaction to cache the repetitive QAM symbols across time at the remote node to reduce the transmission rate requirement of the fronthaul link has been proposed.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Electrical Engineering 201

    Load Balancing Using Artificial Intelligence for Cloud-Enabled Internet of Everything in Healthcare Domain

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    The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its subsequent evolution into the Internet of Everything (IoE) is a result of the rapid growth of information and communication technologies (ICT). However, implementing these technologies comes with certain obstacles, such as the limited availability of energy resources and processing power. Consequently, there is a need for energy-efficient and intelligent load-balancing models, particularly in healthcare, where real-time applications generate large volumes of data. This paper proposes a novel, energy-aware artificial intelligence (AI)-based load balancing model that employs the Chaotic Horse Ride Optimization Algorithm (CHROA) and big data analytics (BDA) for cloud-enabled IoT environments. The CHROA technique enhances the optimization capacity of the Horse Ride Optimization Algorithm (HROA) using chaotic principles. The proposed CHROA model balances the load, optimizes available energy resources using AI techniques, and is evaluated using various metrics. Experimental results show that the CHROA model outperforms existing models. For instance, while the Artificial Bee Colony (ABC), Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), and Whale Defense Algorithm with Firefly Algorithm (WD-FA) techniques attain average throughputs of 58.247 Kbps, 59.957 Kbps, and 60.819 Kbps, respectively, the CHROA model achieves an average throughput of 70.122 Kbps. The proposed CHROA-based model presents an innovative approach to intelligent load balancing and energy optimization in cloud-enabled IoT environments. The results highlight its potential to address critical challenges and contribute to developing efficient and sustainable IoT/IoE solutions

    Designing Intelligent Energy Efficient Scheduling Algorithm To Support Massive IoT Communication In LoRa Networks

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    We are about to enter a new world with sixth sense ability – “Network as a sensor -6G”. The driving force behind digital sensing abilities is IoT. Due to their capacity to work in high frequency, 6G devices have voracious energy demand. Hence there is a growing need to work on green solutions to support the underlying 6G network by making it more energy efficient. Low cost, low energy, and long-range communication capability make LoRa the most adopted and promising network for IoT devices. Since LoRaWAN uses ALOHA for multi-access of channels, collision management is an important task. Moreover, in massive IoT, due to the increased number of devices and their Adhoc transmissions, collision becomes and concern. Furthermore, in long-range communication, such as in forests, agriculture, and remote locations, the IoT devices need to be powered using a battery and cannot be attached to an energy grid. LoRaWAN originally has a star network wherein IoT devices communicated to a single gateway. Massive IoT causes increased traffic at a single gateway. To address Massive IoT issues of collision and gateway load handling, we have designed a reinforcement learning-based scheduling algorithm, a Deep Deterministic policy gradient algorithm with channel activity detection (CAD) to optimize the energy efficiency of LoRaWAN in cross-layer architecture in massive IoT with star topology. We also design a CAD-based simulator for evaluating any algorithms with channel sensing. We compare energy efficiency, packet delivery ratio, latency, and signal strength with existing state of art algorithms and prove that our proposed solution is efficient for massive IoT LoRaWAN with star topology

    Optimización del rendimiento y la eficiencia energética en sistemas masivamente paralelos

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    RESUMEN Los sistemas heterogéneos son cada vez más relevantes, debido a sus capacidades de rendimiento y eficiencia energética, estando presentes en todo tipo de plataformas de cómputo, desde dispositivos embebidos y servidores, hasta nodos HPC de grandes centros de datos. Su complejidad hace que sean habitualmente usados bajo el paradigma de tareas y el modelo de programación host-device. Esto penaliza fuertemente el aprovechamiento de los aceleradores y el consumo energético del sistema, además de dificultar la adaptación de las aplicaciones. La co-ejecución permite que todos los dispositivos cooperen para computar el mismo problema, consumiendo menos tiempo y energía. No obstante, los programadores deben encargarse de toda la gestión de los dispositivos, la distribución de la carga y la portabilidad del código entre sistemas, complicando notablemente su programación. Esta tesis ofrece contribuciones para mejorar el rendimiento y la eficiencia energética en estos sistemas masivamente paralelos. Se realizan propuestas que abordan objetivos generalmente contrapuestos: se mejora la usabilidad y la programabilidad, a la vez que se garantiza una mayor abstracción y extensibilidad del sistema, y al mismo tiempo se aumenta el rendimiento, la escalabilidad y la eficiencia energética. Para ello, se proponen dos motores de ejecución con enfoques completamente distintos. EngineCL, centrado en OpenCL y con una API de alto nivel, favorece la máxima compatibilidad entre todo tipo de dispositivos y proporciona un sistema modular extensible. Su versatilidad permite adaptarlo a entornos para los que no fue concebido, como aplicaciones con ejecuciones restringidas por tiempo o simuladores HPC de dinámica molecular, como el utilizado en un centro de investigación internacional. Considerando las tendencias industriales y enfatizando la aplicabilidad profesional, CoexecutorRuntime proporciona un sistema flexible centrado en C++/SYCL que dota de soporte a la co-ejecución a la tecnología oneAPI. Este runtime acerca a los programadores al dominio del problema, posibilitando la explotación de estrategias dinámicas adaptativas que mejoran la eficiencia en todo tipo de aplicaciones.ABSTRACT Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly relevant, due to their performance and energy efficiency capabilities, being present in all types of computing platforms, from embedded devices and servers to HPC nodes in large data centers. Their complexity implies that they are usually used under the task paradigm and the host-device programming model. This strongly penalizes accelerator utilization and system energy consumption, as well as making it difficult to adapt applications. Co-execution allows all devices to simultaneously compute the same problem, cooperating to consume less time and energy. However, programmers must handle all device management, workload distribution and code portability between systems, significantly complicating their programming. This thesis offers contributions to improve performance and energy efficiency in these massively parallel systems. The proposals address the following generally conflicting objectives: usability and programmability are improved, while ensuring enhanced system abstraction and extensibility, and at the same time performance, scalability and energy efficiency are increased. To achieve this, two runtime systems with completely different approaches are proposed. EngineCL, focused on OpenCL and with a high-level API, provides an extensible modular system and favors maximum compatibility between all types of devices. Its versatility allows it to be adapted to environments for which it was not originally designed, including applications with time-constrained executions or molecular dynamics HPC simulators, such as the one used in an international research center. Considering industrial trends and emphasizing professional applicability, CoexecutorRuntime provides a flexible C++/SYCL-based system that provides co-execution support for oneAPI technology. This runtime brings programmers closer to the problem domain, enabling the exploitation of dynamic adaptive strategies that improve efficiency in all types of applications.Funding: This PhD has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU16/03299 grant), the Spanish Science and Technology Commission under contracts TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R and PID2019-105660RB-C22. This work has also been partially supported by the Mont-Blanc 3: European Scalable and Power Efficient HPC Platform based on Low-Power Embedded Technology project (G.A. No. 671697) from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (H2020 Programme). Some activities have also been funded by the Spanish Science and Technology Commission under contract TIN2016-81840-REDT (CAPAP-H6 network). The Integration II: Hybrid programming models of Chapter 4 has been partially performed under the Project HPC-EUROPA3 (INFRAIA-2016-1-730897), with the support of the EC Research Innovation Action under the H2020 Programme. In particular, the author gratefully acknowledges the support of the SPMT Department of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)

    Towards Data Sharing across Decentralized and Federated IoT Data Analytics Platforms

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    In the past decade the Internet-of-Things concept has overwhelmingly entered all of the fields where data are produced and processed, thus, resulting in a plethora of IoT platforms, typically cloud-based, that centralize data and services management. In this scenario, the development of IoT services in domains such as smart cities, smart industry, e-health, automotive, are possible only for the owner of the IoT deployments or for ad-hoc business one-to-one collaboration agreements. The realization of "smarter" IoT services or even services that are not viable today envisions a complete data sharing with the usage of multiple data sources from multiple parties and the interconnection with other IoT services. In this context, this work studies several aspects of data sharing focusing on Internet-of-Things. We work towards the hyperconnection of IoT services to analyze data that goes beyond the boundaries of a single IoT system. This thesis presents a data analytics platform that: i) treats data analytics processes as services and decouples their management from the data analytics development; ii) decentralizes the data management and the execution of data analytics services between fog, edge and cloud; iii) federates peers of data analytics platforms managed by multiple parties allowing the design to scale into federation of federations; iv) encompasses intelligent handling of security and data usage control across the federation of decentralized platforms instances to reduce data and service management complexity. The proposed solution is experimentally evaluated in terms of performances and validated against use cases. Further, this work adopts and extends available standards and open sources, after an analysis of their capabilities, fostering an easier acceptance of the proposed framework. We also report efforts to initiate an IoT services ecosystem among 27 cities in Europe and Korea based on a novel methodology. We believe that this thesis open a viable path towards a hyperconnection of IoT data and services, minimizing the human effort to manage it, but leaving the full control of the data and service management to the users' will

    An Approach to QoS-based Task Distribution in Edge Computing Networks for IoT Applications

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    abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as part of the infrastructures for advancing a large variety of applications involving connections of many intelligent devices, leading to smart communities. Due to the severe limitation of the computing resources of IoT devices, it is common to offload tasks of various applications requiring substantial computing resources to computing systems with sufficient computing resources, such as servers, cloud systems, and/or data centers for processing. However, this offloading method suffers from both high latency and network congestion in the IoT infrastructures. Recently edge computing has emerged to reduce the negative impacts of tasks offloading to remote computing systems. As edge computing is in close proximity to IoT devices, it can reduce the latency of task offloading and reduce network congestion. Yet, edge computing has its drawbacks, such as the limited computing resources of some edge computing devices and the unbalanced loads among these devices. In order to effectively explore the potential of edge computing to support IoT applications, it is necessary to have efficient task management and load balancing in edge computing networks. In this dissertation research, an approach is presented to periodically distributing tasks within the edge computing network while satisfying the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements of tasks. The QoS requirements include task completion deadline and security requirement. The approach aims to maximize the number of tasks that can be accommodated in the edge computing network, with consideration of tasks’ priorities. The goal is achieved through the joint optimization of the computing resource allocation and network bandwidth provisioning. Evaluation results show the improvement of the approach in increasing the number of tasks that can be accommodated in the edge computing network and the efficiency in resource utilization.Dissertation/ThesisDoctoral Dissertation Computer Engineering 201

    Leveraging Graph Convolutional-LSTM for Energy Efficient Caching in Blockchain-based Green IoT

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    Nowadays, adopting blockchain technology to Internet of Things has become a trend and it is important to minimize energy consumption while providing a high quality of service (QoS) in Blockchain-based IoT networks. Pre-caching popular and fresh IoT content avoids activating sensors frequently, thus effectively reducing network energy consumption. However, the user equipment in regions covered by base stations will generate distributed and time-varying data requests, hence modeling the base station topology to capturing spatio-temporal request patterns is required for the data storage pre-allocation. Traditional solutions typically fail to pay attention to the topology, resulting in the sensor being activated redundantly. In this paper, we propose Request Graph Convolutional-LSTM to capture the spatio-temporal request patterns in Blockchain-based IoT networks and make predictions. Moreover, a heuristic algorithm based on the predictions is proposed to develop pre-caching strategy, which determines the data and location to be cached to minimize the mean data retrieval latency restricted by the cache space of IoT network entities and the freshness of IoT content. Experiments show that our proposed frame provides a low energy consumption