302 research outputs found

    Вегетативне розмноження видів роду Viburnum L.

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    The results of investigations on vegetative reproduction of 11 species and 5 form of Viburnum L. are given. The most effective method of vegetative reproduction is taking green cuttings with the use of heteroauxin as rhizogenesis stimulator.Наведено результати дослідів з вегетативного розмноження 11 видів та 5 форм роду Viburnum L. Найефективніший спосіб вегетативного розмноження – зелене живцювання з використанням гетероауксину як стимулятора ризогенезу

    Вегетативне розмноження стебловими живцями рослин роду Pyracantha М. Roem.

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    Results of vegetative propagation by stem cuttings plants of genus Pyracantha М. Roem. are given. The most effective method of propagation by stem cuttings is green cuttings using heteroauxin as a stimulator of rhizogenesis and the best substratum is KTS (2 : 1 : 1).Наведено результати дослідів з вегетативного розмноження стебловими живцями рослин роду Pyracantha М. Roem. Найефективнішим способом розмноження стебловими живцями є зелене живцювання з використанням гетероауксину як стимулятора ризогенезу. Кращим субстратом є субстрат KTS (2 : 1 : 1)

    До вивчення репродуктивної здатності деяких лікарських рослин, інтродукованих в Донецькому ботанічному саду НАН України

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    Reproductive capacity of Inula helenium L., Origanum puberulum (G. Beck) Klokov, Pulsatilla nigricans St rck under the introduction has been studied. The results of investigation of sprouting energy and laboratory seed germination are presented. For the first time the methods of O. puberulum propagation by green cuttings and P. nigricans - by particles without digging out the maternal plant under conditions of the Donetsk Botanical Gardens have been used. It was fixed that rootage success changes depending upon phenologic phases during which the propagation by cuttings and particles was conducted

    Effect of root formation stimulators on rooting of green cuttings of juniper

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    Приведены сравнительные данные за 2019-2020 гг. по размножению зелеными черенками можжевельника обыкновенного в условиях г. Омска. Исследовались биометрические параметры при обработке разными стимуляторами корнеобразования. Лучшие результаты по приросту зеленых черенков, длины корней и проценту перезимовавших растений были в вариантах с рибавом экстра, гетероауксином и корневином.Comparative data for 2019-2020 on propagation by green cuttings of common juniper in the conditions of Omsk are presented. Biometric parameters were studied during treatment with different root formation stimulators. Thebest results for the growth of green cuttings, root length and percentage of overwintered plants were in the variants with Ribav extra, heteroauxin and kornevin

    Climate effects of recycled fertilizers and biochar: emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia in a field experiment

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    Background Nitrogen (N) fertilizers are essential for crop production. Farmyard manure and slurry traditionally constitute about half of the total N inputs into crop production in Switzerland. Recycled fertilizers such as biogas slurry, liquid digestates and compost enable simultaneous energy production and closing of nutrient cycles. There is evidence that recycled fertilizers can help to increase N use efficiencies and to improve N supply in organic farming. Biochar amendment has shown a potential to mitigate soil greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in particular nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions. Here, we combine one of the liquid recycled fertilizer treatments with biochar. In a 2.5-years on-farm experiment, we quantify GHG emissions and further gaseous N-losses via ammonia (NH3) emissions

    Substrate influence on tylosis formation when dogwood green cutting

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    The use of coconut fiber increases the chances of callus green cuttings development, when peat, on the contrary, inhibits and leads to rotting of the cuttings stem

    Dry anaerobic digestion of organic residues on-farm - a feasibility study

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    Objectives The feasibility study shall answer the following questions: Are there economical and ecological advantages of on-farm dry digestion biogas plants? How the construction and operation parameters of a dry digestion biogas plant influence environment, profit, and sustainability of on-farm biogas production? The aim of the feasibility study is to provide facts and figures for decision makers in Finland to support the development of the economically and environmentally most promising biogas technology on-farm. The results may encourage on-farm biogas plant manufacturers to develop and market dry anaerobic digestion technology as a complementary technology. This technology may be a competitive alternative for farms using a dry manure chain or even for stockless farms. Results Up to now farm scale dry digestion technology does not offer competitive advantages in biogas production compared to slurry based technology as far as only energy production is concerned. However, the results give an over-view of existing technical solutions of farm-scale dry digestion plants. The results also show that the ideal technical solution is not invented yet. This may be a challenge for farmers and entrepreneurs interested in planning and developing future dry digestion biogas plants on-farm. Development of new dry digestion prototype plants requires appropriate compensation for environmental benefits like closed energy and nutrient circles to improve the economy of biogas production. The prototype in Järna meets the objectives of the project since beside energy a new compost product from the solid fraction was generated. On the other hand the two-phase process consumes much energy and the investment costs are high (>2000 € m-3 reactor volume). Dry digestion on-farm offers the following advantages: Good process stability and reliability, no problems like foam or sedimentation, cheap modules for batch reactors, less reactor capacity, reduced transport costs due to reduced mass transfer in respect of the produced biogas quantity per mass unit, compost of solid digestion residues suitable as fertiliser also outside the farm gate, use of on-farm available technology for filling and discharging the reactor, less process energy for heating because of reduced reactor size, no process energy for stirring, reduced odour emissions, reduced nutrient run off during storage and distribution of residues because there is no liquid mass transfer, suitable for farms using deep litter systems. These advantages are compensated by following constraints: Up to 50% of digestion residues are needed as inoculation material (cattle manure does not need inoculation) requiring more reactor capacity and mixing facilities. Retention time of dry digestion is up to three times longer compared to wet digestion requiring more reactor capacity and more process energy, filling and discharging batch reactors is time and energy consuming. We conclude that only farm specific conditions may be in favour for dry digestion technology. Generally, four factors decide about the economy of biogas production on-farm: Income from waste disposal services, compensation for reduction of greenhouse gas emission, compensation for energy production and - most important for sustainable agriculture - nutrient recycling benefits. Evaluation of the results We did not find any refereed scientific paper that includes a documentation of an on-farm dry digestion biogas plant. It seems that we tried first. We also could not find any results about the biogas potential of oat husks, so we may have found these results first. Farm scale production of anaerobically treated solid manure for composting is new. Dry fermentation biogas plants offer the possibility to design solid manure compost by variation of fermentation process parameters. From different scientific publication databases we found about 10 000 references concerning biogas research during the past 10 years. Less than ten are dealing with biogas reactors for non-liquid substrates on-farm. Recent research mainly concentrates on basic research, biogas process research for communal waste, large-scale biogas plants, and research on laboratory level. This mirrors the fact, that production of research papers is rather financed than product development on site. Our conclusion is that it seems worldwide to be very difficult or even impossible to find financial support for on site research, especially for on-farm prototype biogas reactors. We suppose the following reasons for this fact: biogas plant research requires proficiency in many different scientific disciplines, lack of co-operation between engineering and life sciences, high development costs to transfer basic research results into practical technical solutions, low interest of researchers because on site and on-farm research enjoys low appreciation in terms of scientific credits, portability of farm specific design and process solutions is difficult. Our conclusion is that on site and on-farm research has to be supported by funding agencies if integration of biogas and bio energy into the farm organism is considered as an important target within the agricultural policy framework. Future research on both dry fermentation technique and biogas yield of solid organic residues may close present knowledge gaps. Prototype research may offer competitive alternatives to wet fermentation for farms using a solid manure chain and/or energy crops for biogas production. To encourage farmers and entrepreneurs to foster the development of dry fermentation technology support in terms of education and advisory services is also necessary

    Testing of pear trees on their own roots in comparison with important used rootstocks under organic farming conditions with special regard to fire blight (E. amylovora)

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    Pear trees on their own roots are tested in comparison to grafted trees in growth and yield characteristics and with special regard to the tolerance to diseases, above all fire blight (Erwinia amylovora). In spring 2004 15 randomized trees of the cultivar 'Williams' from three variants (self rooted in vitro, self rooted long cuttings, grafted on Quince A) were planted in a pear orchard, which was heavily infected with fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) the previous years. The trees were left untreated. Growth and yield characteristics, plant diseases and tree losses were observed. After four years the in vitro self rooted trees were significantly more vigorous in growth than those grafted on quince A. The self rooted long cuttings were comparable in growth with grafts on quince, but showed high tree losses probably due to frost damages in the first winter one year after planting. However no infections with Erwinia amylovora could be observed so far. In a field trial with more cultivars and rootstock variants planted in 2006 at two organically managed sites more significant effects are expected in the next years

    Перспективи використання похідних хінолін-бурштинової кислоти в технології вегетативного розмноження садових форм Thuja occidentalis L. та Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco.

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    Великий попит і висока вартість саджанців декоративних форм Thuja occidentalis L. і Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco змушує українських виробників садивного матеріалу шукати способи їх пришвидшеного розмноження. Відомо, що використання регуляторів росту є обов'язковим елементом технології вегетативного розмноження декоративних порід. Тому перспективним напрямом є пошук нових регуляторів росту, що поєднали б в собі високу різогенну активність, екологічну безпеку і низьку вартість. З'ясовано, що такою новою речовиною з потенційними властивостями регулятора росту рослин можна вважати дінатрієву сіль 2-(хінолін-4-ілтіо) бурштинової кислоти (ДНХБК). Експерименти проведено в лабораторії садово-паркового господарства Хортицької національної навчально-реабілітаційної академії упродовж 2018-2020 рр. На зелених живцях Thuja occidentalis "Danica", "Columna", "Globosa"; Platycladus orientalis "Morgan", "Aurea nana", "Pyramidalis" оцінено вплив водних розчинів ДНХБК у концентраціях 10, 25 і 50 мг/л на їх укорінення і збереженість упродовж зими. Вік маточних рослин – 10-15 років. Технологія зеленого живцювання – загальноприйнята. Контрольні живці висаджували на укорінення без попередньої підготовки. Додатковий контроль – живці, оброблені порошком "Корневін" (4-(індол-3-іл) масляна кислота). Експериментальні живці перед висадкою витримували впродовж 12 год зануреними базальними частинами в розчин ДНХБК у концентраціях 10, 25 і 50 мг/л. Повторність досліду триразова, по 30 живців. Живці укорінювали в парнику із плівки. Субстрат – низинний торф у суміші з перлітом (1:1). Приживлюваність живців, кількість, довжину коренів враховано наприкінці вересня. Укорінені живці висаджено у відкритий ґрунт на дорощування. Навесні наступного року виявлено кількість рослин, що перезимували. Встановлено, що позитивний результат дії ДНХБК на укорінення живців більшості сортів проявився в концентрації 50 мг/л, на сорті "Columna" – у концентрації 10 мг/л. Виявлено, що поліпшення якості кореневої системи забезпечило успішнішу (на 10-20 %) перезимівлю вкорінених живців.It is known that ornamental varieties of Thuja occidentalis L. and Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco are widely used in landscaping. The lack and high cost of planting material of these varieties encourages Ukrainian horticultural material producers to look for ways to accelerate their propagation. A promising path is a search for new effective and environmentally friendly stimulants of rooting. It was found that disodium salt of 2-(quinolin-4-ylthio) succinic acid (DSQSA) can be considered such a substance with potential growth regulator properties. The experiments were conducted in the horticulture laboratory of the Khortytsia National Training and Rehabilitation Academy in 2018-2020. The authors evaluated the effect of aqueous solutions of the disodium salt of 2-(quinolin-4-ylthio) succinic acid (DNCB) in the concentrations of 10, 25 and 50 mg/l on the rooting and development of green cuttings of Thuja occidentalis "Danica", "Columna", "Globosa"; Platycladus orientalis "Morgan", "Aurea nana", "Pyramidalis" in comparison with the control group where the plants did not receive treatment and their rooting was with "Kornevin" (4-(indol-3-yl) butyric acid). Mother plants are 10-15 years old. Green cuttings were rooted according to the usual technology. In the control group, cuttings were planted for rooting without special preparation. The additional control group comprised cuttings, previously treated with "Kornevin" powder. Before planting, the experimental cuttings had their basal parts immersed for 12 hours in DSQSA solution in the concentrations of 10, 25, 50 mg/l. The experiment was repeated three times, 30 cuttings each. Lowland peat with perlite (1:1) was used as a substrate for rooting. Cuttings were rooted in the greenhouse made of film. At the end of September, the survival of cuttings, as well as the number and length of roots were counted. Rooted cuttings were planted in the open ground for growing. Overwintering plants were counted next years spring. Consequently, the most effective DSQSA concentration was 50 mg/l for rooting most varieties, and 10 mg/l for "Columna" variety. It was found that improving the quality of the root system provided a more successful (10-20 %) rooted cuttings overwintering