58 research outputs found

    String Matching Problems with Parallel Approaches An Evaluation for the Most Recent Studies

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    In recent years string matching plays a functional role in many application like information retrieval, gene analysis, pattern recognition, linguistics, bioinformatics etc. For understanding the functional requirements of string matching algorithms, we surveyed the real time parallel string matching patterns to handle the current trends. Primarily, in this paper, we focus on present developments of parallel string matching, and the central ideas of the algorithms and their complexities. We present the performance of the different algorithms and their effectiveness. Finally this analysis helps the researchers to develop the better techniques

    Interactive Visualization on High-Resolution Tiled Display Walls with Network Accessible Compute- and Display-Resources

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    Papers number 2-7 and appendix B and C of this thesis are not available in Munin: 2. Hagen, T-M.S., Johnsen, E.S., Stødle, D., Bjorndalen, J.M. and Anshus, O.: 'Liberating the Desktop', First International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interaction (2008), pp 89-94. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ACHI.2008.20 3. Tor-Magne Stien Hagen, Oleg Jakobsen, Phuong Hoai Ha, and Otto J. Anshus: 'Comparing the Performance of Multiple Single-Cores versus a Single Multi-Core' (manuscript)4. Tor-Magne Stien Hagen, Phuong Hoai Ha, and Otto J. Anshus: 'Experimental Fault-Tolerant Synchronization for Reliable Computation on Graphics Processors' (manuscript) 5. Tor-Magne Stien Hagen, Daniel Stødle and Otto J. Anshus: 'On-Demand High-Performance Visualization of Spatial Data on High-Resolution Tiled Display Walls', Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications (2010), pages 112-119. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5220/0002849601120119 6. Bård Fjukstad, Tor-Magne Stien Hagen, Daniel Stødle, Phuong Hoai Ha, John Markus Bjørndalen and Otto Anshus: 'Interactive Weather Simulation and Visualization on a Display Wall with Many-Core Compute Nodes', Para 2010 – State of the Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing. Available at http://vefir.hi.is/para10/extab/para10-paper-60 7. Tor-Magne Stien Hagen, Daniel Stødle, John Markus Bjørndalen, and Otto Anshus: 'A Step towards Making Local and Remote Desktop Applications Interoperable with High-Resolution Tiled Display Walls', Lecture Notes in Computer Science (2011), Volume 6723/2011, 194-207. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21387-8_15The vast volume of scientific data produced today requires tools that can enable scientists to explore large amounts of data to extract meaningful information. One such tool is interactive visualization. The amount of data that can be simultaneously visualized on a computer display is proportional to the display’s resolution. While computer systems in general have seen a remarkable increase in performance the last decades, display resolution has not evolved at the same rate. Increased resolution can be provided by tiling several displays in a grid. A system comprised of multiple displays tiled in such a grid is referred to as a display wall. Display walls provide orders of magnitude more resolution than typical desktop displays, and can provide insight into problems not possible to visualize on desktop displays. However, their distributed and parallel architecture creates several challenges for designing systems that can support interactive visualization. One challenge is compatibility issues with existing software designed for personal desktop computers. Another set of challenges include identifying characteristics of visualization systems that can: (i) Maintain synchronous state and display-output when executed over multiple display nodes; (ii) scale to multiple display nodes without being limited by shared interconnect bottlenecks; (iii) utilize additional computational resources such as desktop computers, clusters and supercomputers for workload distribution; and (iv) use data from local and remote compute- and data-resources with interactive performance. This dissertation presents Network Accessible Compute (NAC) resources and Network Accessible Display (NAD) resources for interactive visualization of data on displays ranging from laptops to high-resolution tiled display walls. A NAD is a display having functionality that enables usage over a network connection. A NAC is a computational resource that can produce content for network accessible displays. A system consisting of NACs and NADs is either push-based (NACs provide NADs with content) or pull-based (NADs request content from NACs). To attack the compatibility challenge, a push-based system was developed. The system enables several simultaneous users to mirror multiple regions from the desktop of their computers (NACs) onto nearby NADs (among others a 22 megapixel display wall) without requiring usage of separate DVI/VGA cables, permanent installation of third party software or opening firewall ports. The system has lower performance than that of a DVI/VGA cable approach, but increases flexibility such as the possibility to share network accessible displays from multiple computers. At a resolution of 800 by 600 pixels, the system can mirror dynamic content between a NAC and a NAD at 38.6 frames per second (FPS). At 1600x1200 pixels, the refresh rate is 12.85 FPS. The bottleneck of the system is frame buffer capturing and encoding/decoding of pixels. These two functional parts are executed in sequence, limiting the usage of additional CPU cores. By pipelining and executing these parts on separate CPU cores, higher frame rates can be expected and by a factor of two in the best case. To attack all presented challenges, a pull-based system, WallScope, was developed. WallScope enables interactive visualization of local and remote data sets on high-resolution tiled display walls. The WallScope architecture comprises a compute-side and a display-side. The compute-side comprises a set of static and dynamic NACs. Static NACs are considered permanent to the system once added. This type of NAC typically has strict underlying security and access policies. Examples of such NACs are clusters, grids and supercomputers. Dynamic NACs are compute resources that can register on-the-fly to become compute nodes in the system. Examples of this type of NAC are laptops and desktop computers. The display-side comprises of a set of NADs and a data set containing data customized for the particular application domain of the NADs. NADs are based on a sort-first rendering approach where a visualization client is executed on each display-node. The state of these visualization clients is provided by a separate state server, enabling central control of load and refresh-rate. Based on the state received from the state server, the visualization clients request content from the data set. The data set is live in that it translates these requests into compute messages and forwards them to available NACs. Results of the computations are returned to the NADs for the final rendering. The live data set is close to the NADs, both in terms of bandwidth and latency, to enable interactive visualization. WallScope can visualize the Earth, gigapixel images, and other data available through the live data set. When visualizing the Earth on a 28-node display wall by combining the Blue Marble data set with the Landsat data set using a set of static NACs, the bottleneck of WallScope is the computation involved in combining the data sets. However, the time used to combine data sets on the NACs decreases by a factor of 23 when going from 1 to 26 compute nodes. The display-side can decode 414.2 megapixels of images per second (19 frames per second) when visualizing the Earth. The decoding process is multi-threaded and higher frame rates are expected using multi-core CPUs. WallScope can rasterize a 350-page PDF document into 550 megapixels of image-tiles and display these image-tiles on a 28-node display wall in 74.66 seconds (PNG) and 20.66 seconds (JPG) using a single quad-core desktop computer as a dynamic NAC. This time is reduced to 4.20 seconds (PNG) and 2.40 seconds (JPG) using 28 quad-core NACs. This shows that the application output from personal desktop computers can be decoupled from the resolution of the local desktop and display for usage on high-resolution tiled display walls. It also shows that the performance can be increased by adding computational resources giving a resulting speedup of 17.77 (PNG) and 8.59 (JPG) using 28 compute nodes. Three principles are formulated based on the concepts and systems researched and developed: (i) Establishing the end-to-end principle through customization, is a principle stating that the setup and interaction between a display-side and a compute-side in a visualization context can be performed by customizing one or both sides; (ii) Personal Computer (PC) – Personal Compute Resource (PCR) duality states that a user’s computer is both a PC and a PCR, implying that desktop applications can be utilized locally using attached interaction devices and display(s), or remotely by other visualization systems for domain specific production of data based on a user’s personal desktop install; and (iii) domain specific best-effort synchronization stating that for distributed visualization systems running on tiled display walls, state handling can be performed using a best-effort synchronization approach, where visualization clients eventually will get the correct state after a given period of time. Compared to state-of-the-art systems presented in the literature, the contributions of this dissertation enable utilization of a broader range of compute resources from a display wall, while at the same time providing better control over where to provide functionality and where to distribute workload between compute-nodes and display-nodes in a visualization context

    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas

    Efficient approximate string matching techniques for sequence alignment

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    One of the outstanding milestones achieved in recent years in the field of biotechnology research has been the development of high-throughput sequencing (HTS). Due to the fact that at the moment it is technically impossible to decode the genome as a whole, HTS technologies read billions of relatively short chunks of a genome at random locations. Such reads then need to be located within a reference for the species being studied (that is aligned or mapped to the genome): for each read one identifies in the reference regions that share a large sequence similarity with it, therefore indicating what the read¿s point or points of origin may be. HTS technologies are able to re-sequence a human individual (i.e. to establish the differences between his/her individual genome and the reference genome for the human species) in a very short period of time. They have also paved the way for the development of a number of new protocols and methods, leading to novel insights in genomics and biology in general. However, HTS technologies also pose a challenge to traditional data analysis methods; this is due to the sheer amount of data to be processed and the need for improved alignment algorithms that can generate accurate results quickly. This thesis tackles the problem of sequence alignment as a step within the analysis of HTS data. Its contributions focus on both the methodological aspects and the algorithmic challenges towards efficient, scalable, and accurate HTS mapping. From a methodological standpoint, this thesis strives to establish a comprehensive framework able to assess the quality of HTS mapping results. In order to be able to do so one has to understand the source and nature of mapping conflicts, and explore the accuracy limits inherent in how sequence alignment is performed for current HTS technologies. From an algorithmic standpoint, this work introduces state-of-the-art index structures and approximate string matching algorithms. They contribute novel insights that can be used in practical applications towards efficient and accurate read mapping. More in detail, first we present methods able to reduce the storage space taken by indexes for genome-scale references, while still providing fast query access in order to support effective search algorithms. Second, we describe novel filtering techniques that vastly reduce the computational requirements of sequence mapping, but are nonetheless capable of giving strict algorithmic guarantees on the completeness of the results. Finally, this thesis presents new incremental algorithmic techniques able to combine several approximate string matching algorithms; this leads to efficient and flexible search algorithms allowing the user to reach arbitrary search depths. All algorithms and methodological contributions of this thesis have been implemented as components of a production aligner, the GEM-mapper, which is publicly available, widely used worldwide and cited by a sizeable body of literature. It offers flexible and accurate sequence mapping while outperforming other HTS mappers both as to running time and to the quality of the results it produces.Uno de los avances más importantes de los últimos años en el campo de la biotecnología ha sido el desarrollo de las llamadas técnicas de secuenciación de alto rendimiento (high-throughput sequencing, HTS). Debido a las limitaciones técnicas para secuenciar un genoma, las técnicas de alto rendimiento secuencian individualmente billones de pequeñas partes del genoma provenientes de regiones aleatorias. Posteriormente, estas pequeñas secuencias han de ser localizadas en el genoma de referencia del organismo en cuestión. Este proceso se denomina alineamiento - o mapeado - y consiste en identificar aquellas regiones del genoma de referencia que comparten una alta similaridad con las lecturas producidas por el secuenciador. De esta manera, en cuestión de horas, la secuenciación de alto rendimiento puede secuenciar un individuo y establecer las diferencias de este con el resto de la especie. En última instancia, estas tecnologías han potenciado nuevos protocolos y metodologías de investigación con un profundo impacto en el campo de la genómica, la medicina y la biología en general. La secuenciación alto rendimiento, sin embargo, supone un reto para los procesos tradicionales de análisis de datos. Debido a la elevada cantidad de datos a analizar, se necesitan nuevas y mejoradas técnicas algorítmicas que puedan escalar con el volumen de datos y producir resultados precisos. Esta tesis aborda dicho problema. Las contribuciones que en ella se realizan se enfocan desde una perspectiva metodológica y otra algorítmica que propone el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos y técnicas que permitan alinear secuencias de manera eficiente, precisa y escalable. Desde el punto de vista metodológico, esta tesis analiza y propone un marco de referencia para evaluar la calidad de los resultados del alineamiento de secuencias. Para ello, se analiza el origen de los conflictos durante la alineación de secuencias y se exploran los límites alcanzables en calidad con las tecnologías de secuenciación de alto rendimiento. Desde el punto de vista algorítmico, en el contexto de la búsqueda aproximada de patrones, esta tesis propone nuevas técnicas algorítmicas y de diseño de índices con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y el desempeño de las herramientas dedicadas a alinear secuencias. En concreto, esta tesis presenta técnicas de diseño de índices genómicos enfocados a obtener un acceso más eficiente y escalable. También se presentan nuevas técnicas algorítmicas de filtrado con el fin de reducir el tiempo de ejecución necesario para alinear secuencias. Y, por último, se proponen algoritmos incrementales y técnicas híbridas para combinar métodos de alineamiento y mejorar el rendimiento en búsquedas donde el error esperado es alto. Todo ello sin degradar la calidad de los resultados y con garantías formales de precisión. Para concluir, es preciso apuntar que todos los algoritmos y metodologías propuestos en esta tesis están implementados y forman parte del alineador GEM. Este versátil alineador ofrece resultados de alta calidad en entornos de producción siendo varias veces más rápido que otros alineadores. En la actualidad este software se ofrece gratuitamente, tiene una amplia comunidad de usuarios y ha sido citado en numerosas publicaciones científicas.Postprint (published version

    Density-Aware Linear Algebra in a Column-Oriented In-Memory Database System

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    Linear algebra operations appear in nearly every application in advanced analytics, machine learning, and of various science domains. Until today, many data analysts and scientists tend to use statistics software packages or hand-crafted solutions for their analysis. In the era of data deluge, however, the external statistics packages and custom analysis programs that often run on single-workstations are incapable to keep up with the vast increase in data volume and size. In particular, there is an increasing demand of scientists for large scale data manipulation, orchestration, and advanced data management capabilities. These are among the key features of a mature relational database management system (DBMS). With the rise of main memory database systems, it now has become feasible to also consider applications that built up on linear algebra. This thesis presents a deep integration of linear algebra functionality into an in-memory column-oriented database system. In particular, this work shows that it has become feasible to execute linear algebra queries on large data sets directly in a DBMS-integrated engine (LAPEG), without the need of transferring data and being restricted by hard disc latencies. From various application examples that are cited in this work, we deduce a number of requirements that are relevant for a database system that includes linear algebra functionality. Beside the deep integration of matrices and numerical algorithms, these include optimization of expressions, transparent matrix handling, scalability and data-parallelism, and data manipulation capabilities. These requirements are addressed by our linear algebra engine. In particular, the core contributions of this thesis are: firstly, we show that the columnar storage layer of an in-memory DBMS yields an easy adoption of efficient sparse matrix data types and algorithms. Furthermore, we show that the execution of linear algebra expressions significantly benefits from different techniques that are inspired from database technology. In a novel way, we implemented several of these optimization strategies in LAPEG’s optimizer (SpMachO), which uses an advanced density estimation method (SpProdest) to predict the matrix density of intermediate results. Moreover, we present an adaptive matrix data type AT Matrix to obviate the need of scientists for selecting appropriate matrix representations. The tiled substructure of AT Matrix is exploited by our matrix multiplication to saturate the different sockets of a multicore main-memory platform, reaching up to a speed-up of 6x compared to alternative approaches. Finally, a major part of this thesis is devoted to the topic of data manipulation; where we propose a matrix manipulation API and present different mutable matrix types to enable fast insertions and deletes. We finally conclude that our linear algebra engine is well-suited to process dynamic, large matrix workloads in an optimized way. In particular, the DBMS-integrated LAPEG is filling the linear algebra gap, and makes columnar in-memory DBMS attractive as efficient, scalable ad-hoc analysis platform for scientists

    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    Holistic three-dimensional cellular mapping of mammalian organs by tissue clearing technologies

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    High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1406 “High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet)“ project. Long considered important pillars of the scientific method, Modelling and Simulation have evolved from traditional discrete numerical methods to complex data-intensive continuous analytical optimisations. Resolution, scale, and accuracy have become essential to predict and analyse natural and complex systems in science and engineering. When their level of abstraction raises to have a better discernment of the domain at hand, their representation gets increasingly demanding for computational and data resources. On the other hand, High Performance Computing typically entails the effective use of parallel and distributed processing units coupled with efficient storage, communication and visualisation systems to underpin complex data-intensive applications in distinct scientific and technical domains. It is then arguably required to have a seamless interaction of High Performance Computing with Modelling and Simulation in order to store, compute, analyse, and visualise large data sets in science and engineering. Funded by the European Commission, cHiPSet has provided a dynamic trans-European forum for their members and distinguished guests to openly discuss novel perspectives and topics of interests for these two communities. This cHiPSet compendium presents a set of selected case studies related to healthcare, biological data, computational advertising, multimedia, finance, bioinformatics, and telecommunications

    From nanometers to centimeters: Imaging across spatial scales with smart computer-aided microscopy

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    Microscopes have been an invaluable tool throughout the history of the life sciences, as they allow researchers to observe the miniscule details of living systems in space and time. However, modern biology studies complex and non-obvious phenotypes and their distributions in populations and thus requires that microscopes evolve from visual aids for anecdotal observation into instruments for objective and quantitative measurements. To this end, many cutting-edge developments in microscopy are fuelled by innovations in the computational processing of the generated images. Computational tools can be applied in the early stages of an experiment, where they allow for reconstruction of images with higher resolution and contrast or more colors compared to raw data. In the final analysis stage, state-of-the-art image analysis pipelines seek to extract interpretable and humanly tractable information from the high-dimensional space of images. In the work presented in this thesis, I performed super-resolution microscopy and wrote image analysis pipelines to derive quantitative information about multiple biological processes. I contributed to studies on the regulation of DNMT1 by implementing machine learning-based segmentation of replication sites in images and performed quantitative statistical analysis of the recruitment of multiple DNMT1 mutants. To study the spatiotemporal distribution of DNA damage response I performed STED microscopy and could provide a lower bound on the size of the elementary spatial units of DNA repair. In this project, I also wrote image analysis pipelines and performed statistical analysis to show a decoupling of DNA density and heterochromatin marks during repair. More on the experimental side, I helped in the establishment of a protocol for many-fold color multiplexing by iterative labelling of diverse structures via DNA hybridization. Turning from small scale details to the distribution of phenotypes in a population, I wrote a reusable pipeline for fitting models of cell cycle stage distribution and inhibition curves to high-throughput measurements to quickly quantify the effects of innovative antiproliferative antibody-drug-conjugates. The main focus of the thesis is BigStitcher, a tool for the management and alignment of terabyte-sized image datasets. Such enormous datasets are nowadays generated routinely with light-sheet microscopy and sample preparation techniques such as clearing or expansion. Their sheer size, high dimensionality and unique optical properties poses a serious bottleneck for researchers and requires specialized processing tools, as the images often do not fit into the main memory of most computers. BigStitcher primarily allows for fast registration of such many-dimensional datasets on conventional hardware using optimized multi-resolution alignment algorithms. The software can also correct a variety of aberrations such as fixed-pattern noise, chromatic shifts and even complex sample-induced distortions. A defining feature of BigStitcher, as well as the various image analysis scripts developed in this work is their interactivity. A central goal was to leverage the user's expertise at key moments and bring innovations from the big data world to the lab with its smaller and much more diverse datasets without replacing scientists with automated black-box pipelines. To this end, BigStitcher was implemented as a user-friendly plug-in for the open source image processing platform Fiji and provides the users with a nearly instantaneous preview of the aligned images and opportunities for manual control of all processing steps. With its powerful features and ease-of-use, BigStitcher paves the way to the routine application of light-sheet microscopy and other methods producing equally large datasets
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