539 research outputs found

    Ionospheric tomography and data assimilation

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    Robust Real-Time Wide-Area Differential GPS Navigation

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    The present invention provides a method and a device for providing superior differential GPS positioning data. The system includes a group of GPS receiving ground stations covering a wide area of the Earth's surface. Unlike other differential GPS systems wherein the known position of each ground station is used to geometrically compute an ephemeris for each GPS satellite. the present system utilizes real-time computation of satellite orbits based on GPS data received from fixed ground stations through a Kalman-type filter/smoother whose output adjusts a real-time orbital model. ne orbital model produces and outputs orbital corrections allowing satellite ephemerides to be known with considerable greater accuracy than from die GPS system broadcasts. The modeled orbits are propagated ahead in time and differenced with actual pseudorange data to compute clock offsets at rapid intervals to compensate for SA clock dither. The orbital and dock calculations are based on dual frequency GPS data which allow computation of estimated signal delay at each ionospheric point. These delay data are used in real-time to construct and update an ionospheric shell map of total electron content which is output as part of the orbital correction data. thereby allowing single frequency users to estimate ionospheric delay with an accuracy approaching that of dual frequency users

    Airborne gravity and precise positioning for geologic applications

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    Airborne gravimetry has become an important geophysical tool primarily because of advancements in methodology and instrumentation made in the past decade. Airborne gravity is especially useful when measured in conjunction with other geophysical data, such as magnetics, radar, and laser altimetry. The aerogeophysical survey over the West Antarctic ice sheet described in this paper is one such interdisciplinary study. This paper outlines in detail the instrumentation, survey and data processing methodology employed to perform airborne gravimetry from the multiinstrumented Twin Otter aircraft. Precise positioning from carrier-phase Global Positioning System (GPS) observations are combined with measurements of acceleration made by the gravity meter in the aircraft to obtain the free-air gravity anomaly measurement at aircraft altitude. GPS data are processed using the Kinematic and Rapid Static (KARS) software program, and aircraft vertical acceleration and corrections for gravity data reduction are calculated from the GPS position solution. Accuracies for the free-air anomaly are determined from crossover analysis after significant editing (2.98 mGal rms) and from a repeat track (1.39 mGal rms). The aerogeophysical survey covered a 300,000 km2 region in West Antarctica over the course of five field seasons. The gravity data from the West Antarctic survey reveal the major geologic structures of the West Antarctic rift system, including the Whitmore Mountains, the Byrd Subglacial Basin, the Sinuous Ridge, the Ross Embayment, and Siple Dome. These measurements, in conjunction with magnetics and ice-penetrating radar, provide the information required to reveal the tectonic fabric and history of this important region

    GNSS Precise Point Positioning Using Low-Cost GNSS Receivers

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    There are positioning techniques available such as Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) which allow user to obtain few cm-level positioning, but require infrastructure cost, i.e., setting up local or regional networks of base stations to provide corrections. Precise Point Positioning (PPP) using dual-frequency receivers is a popular standalone technique to process GNSS data by applying precise satellite orbit and clock correction along with other corrections to produce cm to dm-level positioning. At the time of writing, almost all low-cost and ultra-low-cost (few $10s) GNSS units are single-frequency chips. Single-frequency PPP poses challenges in terms of effectively mitigating ionospheric delay and the multipath, as there is no second frequency to remove the ionospheric delay. The quality of measurements also deteriorates drastically from geodetic-grade to ultra-low-cost hardware. Given these challenges, this study attempts to improve the performance of single-frequency PPP using geodetic-grade hardware, and to capture the potential positioning performance of this new generation of low-cost and ultra-low-cost GNSS chips. Raw measurement analysis and post-fit residuals show that measurements from cellphones are more prone to multipath compared to signals from geodetic-grade and low-cost receivers. Horizontal accuracy of a few-centimetres is demonstrated with geodetic-grade hardware. Whereas accuracy of few-decimetres is observed from low-cost and ultra-low-cost GNSS hardware. With multi-constellation processing, improvements in accuracy and reductions in convergence time over initial 60 minutes period, are also demonstrated with three different set of GNSS hardware. Horizontal and vertical rms of 37 cm and 51 cm, respectively, is achieved using a cellphone

    Road Estimation Using GPS Traces and Real Time Kinematic Data

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    Advance Driver Assistance System (ADAS) are becoming the main issue in today’s automotive industry. The new generation of ADAS aims at focusing on more details and obtaining more accuracy. To achieve this objective, the research and development parts of the automobile industry intend to utilize Global Positioning System (GPS) by integrating it with other existing tools in ADAS. There are several driving assistance systems which are served by a digital map as a primary or a secondary sensor. The traditional techniques of digital map generation are expensive and time consuming and require extensive manual effort. Therefore, having frequently updated maps is an issue. Furthermore, the existing commercial digital maps are not highly accurate. This Master thesis presents several algorithms for automatically converting raw Universal Serial Bus (USB)-GPS and Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS traces into a routable road network. The traces are gathered by driving 20 times on a highway. This work begins by pruning raw GPS traces using four different algorithms. The first step tries to minimize the number of outliers. After the traces are smoothed, they tend to consolidate into smooth paths. So in order to merge all 20 trips together and estimate the road network a Trace Merging algorithm is applied. Finally, a Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) curve is implemented as an approximation curve to smooth the road shape and decrease the effect of noisy data further. Since the RTK-GPS receiver provides highly accurate data, the curve resulted from its GPS data is the most sufficient road shape. Therefore, it is used as a ground truth to compare the result of each pruning algorithm based on data from USB-GPS. Lastly, the results of this work are demonstrated and a quality evaluation is done for all methods
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