581 research outputs found

    Direct nitrous oxide emissions from oilseed rape cropping - a meta-analysis

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    Oilseed rape is one of the leading feedstocks for biofuel production in Europe. The climate change mitigation effect of rape methyl ester (RME) is particularly challenged by the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during crop production, mainly as nitrous oxide (N2O) from soils. Oilseed rape requires high nitrogen fertilization and crop residues are rich in nitrogen, both potentially causing enhanced N2O emissions. However, GHG emissions of oilseed rape production are often estimated using emission factors that account for crop-type specifics only with respect to crop residues. This meta-analysis therefore aimed to assess annual N2O emissions from winter oilseed rape, to compare them to those of cereals and to explore the underlying reasons for differences. For the identification of the most important factors, linear mixed effects models were fitted with 43 N2O emission data points deriving from 12 different field sites. N2O emissions increased exponentially with N-fertilization rates, but interyear and site-specific variability were high and climate variables or soil parameters did not improve the prediction model. Annual N2O emissions from winter oilseed rape were 22% higher than those from winter cereals fertilized at the same rate. At a common fertilization rate of 200 kg N ha−1 yr−1, the mean fraction of fertilizer N that was lost as N2O-N was 1.27% for oilseed rape compared to 1.04% for cereals. The risk of high yield-scaled N2O emissions increased after a critical N surplus of about 80 kg N ha−1 yr−1. The difference in N2O emissions between oilseed rape and cereal cultivation was especially high after harvest due to the high N contents in oilseed rape's crop residues. However, annual N2O emissions of winter oilseed rape were still lower than predicted by the Stehfest and Bouwman model. Hence, the assignment of oilseed rape to the crop-type classes of cereals or other crops should be reconsidered

    Downscaling of agricultural market impacts under bioeconomy development to the regional and the farm level—An example of Baden‐Wuerttemberg

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    The expansion of the bioeconomy sector will increase the competition for agricultural land regarding biomass production. Furthermore, the particular path of the expansion of the bioeconomy is associated with great uncertainty due to the early stage of technology development and its dependency on political framework conditions. Economic models are suitable tools to identify trade-offs in agricultural production and address the high uncertainty of the bioeconomy expansion. We present results from the farm model Economic Farm Emission Model of four bioeconomy scenarios in order to evaluate impacts and trade-offs of different potential bioeconomy developments and the corresponding uncertainty at regional and farm level in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. The demand-side effects of the bioeconomy scenarios are based on downscaling European Union level results of a separate model linkage between an agricultural sector and an energy sector model. The general model results show that the expanded use of agricultural land for the bioeconomy sector, especially for the cultivation of perennial biomass crops (PBC), reduces biomass production for established value chains, especially for food and feed. The results also show differences between regions and farm types in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Fertile arable regions and arable farms profit more from the expanded use of biomass in the bioeconomy than farms that focus on cattle farming. Latter farms use the arable land to produce feed for the cattle, whereas arable farms can expand feedstock production for new value chains. Additionally, less intensive production systems like extensive grassland suffer from economic losses, whereas the competition in fertile regions further increases. Hence, if the extensive production systems are to be preserved, appropriate subsidies must be provided. This emphasizes the relevance of downscaling aggregated model results to higher spatial resolution, even as far as to the decision maker (farm), to identify possible contradicting effects of the bioeconomy as well as policy implications.Ministerium fĂŒr Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden‐WĂŒrttemberg http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100003542Peer Reviewe

    Peat and other organic soils under agricultural use in germany: Properties and challenges for classification

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    Under natural conditions, peatlands store large amounts of soil organic carbon (SOC). However, they are under threat due to drainage which leads to mineralisation of soil organic matter to carbon dioxide (CO2). This situation is especially severe in Germany, where more than 70 % of peat and other organic soils are used for agriculture. This study assessed the properties of these soils within the framework of the first German Agricultural Soil Inventory. In a nationwide 8 × 8 km grid, soils from a total of 3104 sites were sampled to depths of up to one metre or down to the peat base. Of these sites, 146 were on peat and other organic soils; and 31 % of the 146 sites were being affected not only by drainage but also by changes in horizonation (e.g. mineral covers, deep ploughing). The classification of heavily disturbed sites is limited within the German Manual of Soil Mapping, which has led to the development of an adapted classification scheme for peat and other organic soils under agricultural use in Germany. The respective peat classes showed distinct patterns of SOC and total nitrogen (Nt) contents and stocks, bulk density (BD) and C:N ratios. Overall, a SOC stock of 529 ± 201 t ha-1 and a Nt stock of 29.3 ± 13.9 t ha-1 were found within a depth of 0–100 cm. However, in deeper profiles, 48 % of the total SOC was stored below 100 cm depth down to the peat base. High SOC stocks were also found in peat-derived, mineral-covered and deep-ploughed organic soils, which might be classified as mineral soils depending on the classification system used but are still prone to mineralisation and need to be considered in terms of emissions reporting and mitigation. Logarithmic and quadratic pedotransfer functions were developed to estimate BD and SOC density, respectively, from SOC contents. This is necessary for the calculation of SOC stocks when analyses of BD are absent. The quadratic relationship between SOC content and SOC density clearly showed that heavily degraded organic soils store as much SOC in a defined volume as more natural ones, and that any estimates of differences in potential CO2 emissions should not be based on SOC content, but on SOC density instead

    Genome Sequence of the Moderately Acidophilic Sulfate-Reducing Firmicute Desulfosporosinus acididurans (Strain M1T)

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    Microbial dissimilatory sulfate reduction is commonplace in many anaerobic environments, though few acidophilic bacteria are known to mediate this process. We report the 4.64-Mb draft genome of the type strain of the moderate acidophile Desulfosporosinus acididurans, which was isolated from acidic sediment in a river draining the SoufriĂšre volcano, Montserrat

    Genome Sequence of the Acidophilic Sulfate-Reducing Peptococcaceae Strain CEB3

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    We report the draft genome of the Peptococcaceae strain CEB3 that originated from an acidic (pH 2.5) stream draining an abandoned copper mine. Strain CEB3 is one of the very few reported acidophilic sulfate-reducing isolates. The 5.04-Mb draft genome harbors 5,069 predicted protein-encoding and 66 RNA genes

    Economic and environmental assessment of seed and rhizome propagated Miscanthus in the UK

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    Growth in planted areas of Miscanthus for biomass in Europe has stagnated since 2010 due to technical challenges, economic barriers and environmental concerns. These limitations need to be overcome before biomass production from Miscanthus can expand to several million hectares. In this paper we consider the economic and environmental effects of introducing seed based hybrids as an alternative to clonal M. x giganteus (Mxg). The impact of seed based propagation and novel agronomy was compared with current Mxg cultivation and used in ten commercially relevant, field scale experiments planted between 2012 and 2014 in the UK, Germany and Ukraine. Economic and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions costs were quantified for the following production chain: propagation, establishment, harvest, transportation, storage and fuel preparation (excluding soil carbon changes). The production and utilisation efficiency of seed and rhizome propagation were compared. Results show that new hybrid seed propagation significantly reduces establishment cost to below ?900 ha-1. Calculated GHG emission costs for the seeds established via plugs, though relatively small, was higher than rhizomes because fossil fuels were assumed to heat glasshouses for raising seedling plugs (5.3 and 1.5 kg CO2 eq. C Mg (dry matter (DM))-1), respectively. Plastic mulch film reduced establishment time, improving crop economics. The breakeven yield was calculated to be 6 Mg DM ha-1 y-1, which is about half average UK yield for Mxg; with newer seeded hybrids reaching 16 Mg DM ha-1 in second year UK trials. These combined improvements will significantly increase crop profitability. The trade-offs between costs of production for the preparation of different feedstock formats show that bales are the best option for direct firing with the lowest transport costs (?0.04 Mg -1 km-1) and easy on-farm storage. However if pelleted fuel is required then chip harvesting is more economic. We show how current seed based propagation methods can increase the rate at which Miscanthus can be scaled up; ~x100 those of current rhizome propagation. These rapid ramp rates for biomass production are required to deliver a scalable and economic Miscanthus biomass fuel whose GHG emissions are ~1/20th those of natural gas per unit of heatpublishersversionPeer reviewe

    Proteomic landscape of extracellular vesicles for diffuse large b‐cell lymphoma subtyping

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    Funding Information: R.M. is supported by Funda??o para a Ci?ncia e a Tecnologia (CEEC position, 2019?2025 investigator). This article is a result of the projects (iNOVA4Health?UID/Multi/04462/2013), supported by Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work is also funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT?Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the projects number PTDC/BTM?TEC/30087/2017 and PTDC/BTM?TEC/30088/2017. B.C.S. is supported by the Cham-palimaud Foundation and the EMBO Installation Grant 3921. Funding Information: Funding: R.M. is supported by Fundação para a CiĂȘncia e a Tecnologia (CEEC position, 2019–2025 investigator). This article is a result of the projects (iNOVA4Health—UID/Multi/04462/2013), sup‐ ported by Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work is also funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the projects number PTDC/BTM‐TEC/30087/2017 and PTDC/BTM‐TEC/30088/2017. B.C.S. is supported by the Cham‐ palimaud Foundation and the EMBO Installation Grant 3921. Publisher Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.The role of extracellular vesicles (EVs) proteome in diffuse large B‐cell lymphoma (DLBCL) pathology, subclassification, and patient screening is unexplored. We analyzed by state‐of‐the‐art mass spectrometry the whole cell and secreted extracellular vesicles (EVs) proteomes of different molecular subtypes of DLBCL, germinal center B cell (GCB subtype), and activated B cell (ABC subtype). After quality control assessment, we compared whole‐cell and secreted EVs proteomes of the two cell‐of‐origin (COO) categories, GCB and ABC subtypes, resulting in 288/1115 significantly differential expressed proteins from the whole‐cell proteome and 228/608 proteins from EVs (adjust p‐value < 0.05/p‐value < 0.05). In our preclinical model system, we demonstrated that the EV prote-ome and the whole‐cell proteome possess the capacity to separate cell lines into ABC and GCB sub-types. KEGG functional analysis and GO enrichment analysis for cellular component, molecular function, and biological process of differential expressed proteins (DEP) between ABC and GCB EVs showed a significant enrichment of pathways involved in immune response function. Other enriched functional categories for DEPs constitute cellular signaling and intracellular trafficking such as B‐cell receptor (BCR), Fc_gamma R‐mediated phagocytosis, ErbB signaling, and endocyto-sis. Our results suggest EVs can be explored as a tool for patient diagnosis, follow‐up, and disease monitoring. Finally, this study proposes novel drug targets based on highly expressed proteins, for which antitumor drugs are available suggesting potential combinatorial therapies for aggressive forms of DLBCL. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD028267.publishersversionpublishe
