11 research outputs found

    A distribution network design for fast-moving consumer goods

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    A distribution network design of fast-moving consumer goods ensures distribution of products in an effective manner by giving  maximum customers’ satisfaction and minimum distribution cost. The study evaluates the distribution through direct shipment and the use of intermediate shipment for distribution of products from plant to depots. A real-life case study in Southwestern Nigeria was defined and solved as a linear programming model to minimise total cost of distribution from plant to the depots with consideration of four routing options. The results show that distribution through intermediaries gives a better solution than routing option with  direct shipment. The best routing option with intermediate points when compared with the routing option with direct shipment gives a savings of 1,819,490.00 Naira which translates to 13.46% cost savings. The study shows that the location of intermediaries is a key decision in distribution network design and that the intermediaries add value to the distribution networks in supply chain. Keywords: Distribution network; Supply chain design; Fast-moving consumer goods; Linear programmin

    Presenting a circular supply chain optimization model under uncertainty: the case of MDF industry

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    The circular supply chain includes return processes and additional value intends to reduce the waste of resources and improve the efficiency, it plays an important role in reducing costs and increasing the level of sustainability of supply chains. Therefore, in the current research, a multi-objective, multi-level circular supply chain optimization model was presented in in uncertain conditions, which minimizes system costs and environmental impact and maximizes social responsibility. In order to face the uncertainty in demand, a scenario-based approach has been used. Then, the multi-objective model was converted into a single-objective model using the enhanced epsilon constraint method and solved with Gams software. The data of an active company in the MDF industry has been used to examine the application of the proposed model. The results of sensitivity analysis carried out on some important parameters showed that paying attention to the maximum number allowed for the establishment of collection and recycling centers has a significant impact on the costs and environmental effects in the system

    Circular Economy indicators for supply chains : a systematic literature review

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    Recently, the Circular Economy paradigm has emerged as an alternative to linear and unsustainable production and consumption systems. However, no established indicator exists to assist the transition of supply chains to a higher degree of circularity; also, most of the literature on Circular Economy indicators has focused on the firm rather than on the supply chain as the level of analysis. Through a Systematic Literature Review, this paper examines decision support tools, and related indicators, employed for assessing the performance of Circular Supply Chains in the academic literature. In parallel, a content analysis and a template technique are employed to evaluate how Multi National Enterprises measure the effect of the adoption of Circular Economy practices in their reports. Results are synthesised in two composite indicators, which aggregate the most commonly employed metrics. Findings show that both academic literature and industrial practice show a scarce consideration of social and circularity measurements, rather focusing on classical environmental impacts and economic ones. In the academic literature, the economic dimension is prevalent; practitioners seem to evaluate and communicate more often the environmental impacts of already adopted Circular Economy practices. This article also recognises the different and sometimes hidden worldview assumptions in current Circular Economy indicators, highlighting that different paths toward Circular Supply Chains are possible depending on value and methodological choices. Future contributions should explicetly state these assumptions and their idea of a Circular Economy

    Sustainable supply chain management trends in world regions: A data-driven analysis

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    This study proposes a data-driven analysis that describes the overall situation and reveals the factors hindering improvement in the sustainable supply chain management field. The literature has presented a summary of the evolution of sustainable supply chain management across attributes. Prior studies have evaluated different parts of the supply chain as independent entities. An integrated systematic assessment is absent in the extant literature and makes it necessary to identify potential opportunities for research direction. A hybrid of data-driven analysis, the fuzzy Delphi method, the entropy weight method and fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory is adopted to address uncertainty and complexity. This study contributes to locating the boundary of fundamental knowledge to advance future research and support practical execution. Valuable direction is provided by reviewing the existing literature to identify the critical indicators that need further examination. The results show that big data, closed-loop supply chains, industry 4.0, policy, remanufacturing, and supply chain network design are the most important indicators of future trends and disputes. The challenges and gaps among different geographical regions is offered that provides both a local viewpoint and a state-of-the-art advanced sustainable supply chain management assessment

    An overview of fuzzy techniques in supply chain management: bibliometrics, methodologies, applications and future directions

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    Every practice in supply chain management (SCM) requires decision making. However, due to the complexity of evaluated objects and the cognitive limitations of individuals, the decision information given by experts is often fuzzy, which may make it difficult to make decisions. In this regard, many scholars applied fuzzy techniques to solve decision making problems in SCM. Although there were review papers about either fuzzy methods or SCM, most of them did not use bibliometrics methods or did not consider fuzzy sets theory-based techniques comprehensively in SCM. In this paper, for the purpose of analyzing the advances of fuzzy techniques in SCM, we review 301 relevant papers from 1998 to 2020. By the analyses in terms of bibliometrics, methodologies and applications, publication trends, popular methods such as fuzzy MCDM methods, and hot applications such as supplier selection, are found. Finally, we propose future directions regarding fuzzy techniques in SCM. It is hoped that this paper would be helpful for scholars and practitioners in the field of fuzzy decision making and SCM

    Une méthode de tri multicritère multi-périodes pour la sélection de projet en contexte d'incertitude

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    RÉSUMÉ: Dans les dernières années, le gouvernement du Québec a souligné l'importance de la prise de décision dans un contexte de développement durable et de lutte contre les changements climatiques. L'évaluation des projets dans ce contexte devrait prendre en considération l'équilibre entre les critères économiques, sociaux et environnementaux à court, moyen et long terme. De plus, ces évaluations peuvent être imprécises et tâchées d'incertitude. Les problèmes de décision dans ce contexte sont complexes et caractérisés par les trois aspects suivants, à savoir l'aspect multicritère, l'aspect temporel et l'incertitude. Or, la plupart des méthodes multicritères sont statiques et seules quelques rares méthodes traitent l'aspect temporel des évaluations. En effet, des recherches récentes ont développé des méthodes multicritères multi-périodes de rangement mais au meilleur de notre connaissance, aucune méthode de tri multicritère multi-périodes ne fut développée à date. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de proposer une méthode de tri multicritère multi-périodes dans un contexte d'incertitude pour l'évaluation de la durabilité des projets. La méthode proposée est constituée de deux phases d'agrégation multicritère et d'agrégation multi-périodes. La première phase consiste à conduire les simulations Monte Carlo et à appliquer la méthode SMAA-Tri pour affecter à chaque période le projet à une des catégories prédéfinies. Ensuite, la phase d'agrégation multi-périodes propose d'agréger les résultats obtenus dans chaque période pour arriver à une affectation à la fois multicritère et multi-périodes. La méthode proposée a été appliquée dans le contexte d'aménagement forestier durable. Un projet d'aménagement spécifique qui consiste à implanter un plan de protection spécifique pour l'habitat du caribou a été trié selon un ensemble de critères évalués sur l'horizon de régénération de la forêt de 150 ans. L'incertitude a été simulée par 10000 simulations Monte Carlo à chacune des 30 périodes. Les résultats de cette application démontrent que la méthode proposée permet de généraliser la méthode SMAA Tri au contexte multi-périodes et aboutit à des résultats intéressants. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en français : Sélection de projet, Méthodes de tri multicritère, évaluations multi-périodes, Monte Carlo, incertitude, développement durable. -- ABSTRACT: In the last years, the government of Quebec emphasized sustainable and robust decision making in the context of climate change. Projects evaluation in this context must take into consideration the balance between economic, social and environmental criteria, over the short, medium and long term. Furthermore, decision criteria may be imprecise or uncertain. Decision-making problems in this context are complex and characterized by multi-criteria, temporal and uncertainty aspects. Yet, the majority of the multi-criteria methods are static and only few methods deal with temporal evaluations. In fact, recent studies proposed multi-criteria multi-period ranking methods but to the best of our knowledge, there is no multi-criteria multi-period sorting method proposed yet. The general objective of this research is to propose a multi-criteria multi-period sorting method in the context of uncertainty to be used for sustainability evaluations of projects. The proposed method is composed of two phases, the multi-criteria aggregation phase, and the multi-period aggregation phase. The aggregation phase consists of conducting the Monte-Carlo Simulations and applying the SMAA-TRI method at each period in order to sort the project in one of the predefined categories. Then, the multi-period aggregation proposes to aggregate the results obtained at each period in order to get a global sorting result. The proposed method is applied in the context of sustainable forest management. A particular project of forest management, that aims to implement a specific protection plan for the caribou habitat, is sorted according to a set of criteria evaluated over the regeneration forest horizon of 150 years. Uncertainty has been simulated with 10 000 Monte-Carlo simulations over 30 periods. The results of this application show that the proposed method generalizes the SMAA-TRI method to the multi-period context and provides interesting results. -- Mot(s) clé(s) en anglais : Project selection, multi-criteria sorting methods, multi-period evaluations, Monte Carlo, uncertainty, sustainable development


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    Recent legislation has recognized the importance of adopting Circular Economy (CE) principles in supply chain (SC) restructuring. The primary objective is to create circular supply chains (CSCs) that effectively reintegrate end-of-life (EOL) products into production networks through processes such as reusing, remanufacturing, and recycling. This paradigm shift toward circularity aims to enhance resource efficiency, extend product lifecycle, and minimise waste, thereby aligning firms with sustainable practices while providing them with a competitive advantage. In line with the goals of the CE, this study focuses on the design and optimisation of strategic decisions within a circular supply chain (CSC). To achieve this aim, a bi-objective mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed. This model represents a significant contribution as it offers a compact and generalized formulation for dealing with CSC design problems. The proposed MILP model encompasses several key decision variables and considerations. It determines the optimal number of downgraded market levels to be activated, the location of forward and treatment facilities as well as the optimal product flow within the CSC. Furthermore, the model takes into account the cannibalisation effects associated with the demand for both new and recovered products, ensuring a comprehensive analysis of the system dynamics. To solve the complex mathematical model, the augmented epsilon-constraint (AUGMECON2) method is employed. The utilisation of this method enables decision-makers to obtain practical solutions within reasonable time frames. The computational results obtained from applying the MILP model illustrate its encouraging potential and effectiveness in dealing with strategic decision-making problems within CSCs

    Nonprofit Strategies for Alternative Revenue Generation and Sustainability

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    AbstractIn the post-2008 Great Recession era of a highly volatile global business environment of increased competitiveness, diminishing predictable revenues, and depleting philanthropy, many nonprofit leaders struggle to sustain their organizations. Volatility is important to nonprofit leaders because such fluctuations create unpredictability, which threatens their organizations\u27 financial stability for short-term survivability and long-term sustainability. Grounded in Elkington\u27s triple bottom line conceptual framework, the purpose of this qualitative single case study was to explore nonprofit leaders\u27 strategies for short-term survivability and long-term sustainability. The participants comprised 3 senior leaders in a nonprofit located in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States who used successful short-term survivability and long-term sustainability strategies. Data were collected from semistructured interviews, the organization\u27s archival documents, and GuideStar. The data were analyzed using thematic analysis, yielding themes of strong ethical governance and leadership, systemic strategies, robust programmatic processes, and proactive revenue generation. A key recommendation is that nonprofit leaders adopt an entrepreneurial leadership mindset and use social entrepreneurial activities as alternative revenues to increase income streams by creating added value to sustaining supporters. The implications for positive social change include leaders of nonprofit organizations directly sustaining opportunities for the most disadvantaged citizens to receive services