5,190 research outputs found

    Configuring innovative societies: the crossvergent role of cultural and institutional varieties

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    The study aims to explore why some societies are more innovative than others in high-technology sectors. Following a crossvergence perspective, we generate nine causal conditions by accommodating both cultural and institutional varieties: uncertainty avoidance, masculinity, individualism and power distance as culture indicators, and union density, skill development, market capitalization to credit, prevalence of cluster and state dominance as institutional indicators. Applying the configurational approach, we conducted fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) on Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries. We confirm the equal importance of both cultural and institutional mechanisms as contributors to national innovativeness, and identify equifinal configurations of cultural and institutional varieties as leading to a high-tech society. The implication is that a society can adjust or develop various cultural and/or institutional conditions to maintain or create leadership in innovation

    A fuzzy dynamic inoperability input-output model for strategic risk management in global production networks

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    Strategic decision making in Global Production Networks (GPNs) is quite challenging, especially due to the unavailability of precise quantitative knowledge, variety of relevant risk factors that need to be considered and the interdependencies that can exist between multiple partners across the globe. In this paper, a risk evaluation method for GPNs based on a novel Fuzzy Dynamic Inoperability Input Output Model (Fuzzy DIIM) is proposed. A fuzzy multi-criteria approach is developed to determine interdependencies between nodes in a GPN using experts’ knowledge. An efficient and accurate method based on fuzzy interval calculus in the Fuzzy DIIM is proposed. The risk evaluation method takes into account various risk scenarios relevant to the GPN and likelihoods of their occurrences. A case of beverage production from food industry is used to showcase the application of the proposed risk evaluation method. It is demonstrated how it can be used for GPN strategic decision making. The impact of risk on inoperability of alternative GPN configurations considering different risk scenarios is analysed

    Reconciliation, Restoration and Reconstruction of a Conflict Ridden Country

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    Conflict has sadly been a constant part of history. Winning a conflict and making a lasting peace are often not the same thing. While a peace treaty ends a conflict and often dictates terms from the winners’ perspective, it may not create a lasting peace. Short of unconditional surrender, modern conflict ends with a negotiated cessation of hostilities. Such accords may have some initial reconstruction agreements, but Reconciliation, Restoration and Reconstruction (RRR) is a long term process. This study maintains that to achieve a lasting peace: 1) The culture and beliefs of the conflict nation must be continuously considered and 2) RRR is a long term effort which will occur over years not just in the immediate wake of signing a treaty or agreement. To assure the inclusion of all stakeholders and gain the best results in dealing with this “wicked problem”, an array of Operations Research techniques can be used to support the long term planning and execution of a RRR effort. The final decisions will always be political, but the analysis provided by an OR support team will guide the decision makers to better execute consensus decisions that consider all stakeholder needs. The development of the value hierarchy framework in this dissertation is a keystone of building a rational OR supported long term plan for a successful RRR. The primary aim of the research is to propose a framework and associated set of guidelines derived from appropriate techniques of OR, Decision Analysis and Project Management (right from development of a consensus based value hierarchy to its implementation, feedback and steering corrections) that may be applied to help RRR efforts in any conflict ridden country across the globe. The framework is applicable to any conflict ridden country after incorporating changes particular to any country witnessing a prolonged conflict

    Disentangling the resiliency of international transportation systems under uncertainty by a novel multi-layer spherical fuzzy decision-making framework:Evidence from an emerging economy

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    Although transportation systems play a critical role in the global socio-economic facets, they are acknowledged as vulnerable systems directly impacted by unexpected events, e.g., natural calamities, war, traffic accidents, terrorist attacks, and public health. In this respect, improving the resiliency of transportation systems under uncertainty is a controversial global challenge that this study could underpin. To do so, a systematic literature review (SLR) extracted a list of resiliency factors for resilient transportation systems. Next, a novel version of spherical fuzzy Delphi (SFD) screened factors, considering the case of Iran’s international maritime transportation system. Moreover, the causal network relationship of the finalised factors was analysed by a novel hybrid spherical fuzzy approach, including a decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and the analytic network process (ANP). Later, the unexpected events that occurred after 2000 were investigated. The SLR deeply investigated 51 of the top relevant articles. As a result, 12 factors and 22 subfactors that affect transportation systems resiliency were extracted. Notably, the rest of the findings primarily apply to the Iranian context. By implementing the SFD, ten factors were screened for Iran’s international maritime transportation system and then analysed by SF-DEMATEL. After, the analysed factors were weighted by SFANP, where “recoverability” was selected as the most critical factor, and the “technological and communicational” factor was chosen as the least critical factor. Furthermore, the results provide a critical analysis of the policies adopted by Iran’s international maritime transportation system to enhance resiliency under disruptive events

    Disentangling the resiliency of international transportation systems under uncertainty by a novel multi-layer spherical fuzzy decision-making framework:Evidence from an emerging economy

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    Although transportation systems play a critical role in the global socio-economic facets, they are acknowledged as vulnerable systems directly impacted by unexpected events, e.g., natural calamities, war, traffic accidents, terrorist attacks, and public health. In this respect, improving the resiliency of transportation systems under uncertainty is a controversial global challenge that this study could underpin. To do so, a systematic literature review (SLR) extracted a list of resiliency factors for resilient transportation systems. Next, a novel version of spherical fuzzy Delphi (SFD) screened factors, considering the case of Iran’s international maritime transportation system. Moreover, the causal network relationship of the finalised factors was analysed by a novel hybrid spherical fuzzy approach, including a decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL) and the analytic network process (ANP). Later, the unexpected events that occurred after 2000 were investigated. The SLR deeply investigated 51 of the top relevant articles. As a result, 12 factors and 22 subfactors that affect transportation systems resiliency were extracted. Notably, the rest of the findings primarily apply to the Iranian context. By implementing the SFD, ten factors were screened for Iran’s international maritime transportation system and then analysed by SF-DEMATEL. After, the analysed factors were weighted by SFANP, where “recoverability” was selected as the most critical factor, and the “technological and communicational” factor was chosen as the least critical factor. Furthermore, the results provide a critical analysis of the policies adopted by Iran’s international maritime transportation system to enhance resiliency under disruptive events

    Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Utilization in Government Projects : A Systematic Review of Implementation Processes

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    Uncertain assessments challenge the aggregation of expert knowledge in the field of decision-making. Valuable, yet sometimes hesitant, insight of expert decision makers needs to be converted into numerically comparative form in the age of information management. . Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) enables the comparison of decision elements through expert judgements, even when the information at hand is uncertain. The present study explores Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) implementation in government projects in a systematic literature review. Theoretical framework for Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) and their combination, namely Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) is provided. The systematic literature review categorizes research results under three categories and examines each paper by utilizing review questions. Three main application purposes rise from the literature review; policy planning and assessment, project selection and project and performance evaluation. Overall implementation processes of the three application areas are discussed. The conclusion provides comprehensive evaluation of the approach and considerations for practitioners.AsiantuntijanÀkemysten epÀvarmuus vaikeuttaa tiedon kerÀÀmistÀ pÀÀtöksenteossa. PÀÀtöksentekoprosessin kannalta arvokkaat, vaikkakin joskus epÀvarmat, asiantuntijanÀkemykset tulee voida muuttaa numerollisesti vertailtavaan muotoon tietojohtamisen aikakautena. Sumea Analyyttinen Hierarkiaprosessi mahdollistaa pÀÀtöksenteossa kÀytettÀvien elementtien vertailun asiantuntija-arviointien avulla, jopa silloin kun kÀytettÀvissÀ oleva tieto on epÀvarmaa. OpinnÀytetyössÀ tutkitaan systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), implementointia julkishallinnon hankkeissa. Tutkimus sisÀltÀÀ teoreettisen viitekehyksen Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, Sumean joukko-opin, eng. Fuzzy Set Theory (FST) ja niiden yhdistelmÀn, Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin, eng. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP), ymmÀrtÀmisen tueksi. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen myötÀ valittu aineisto luokitellaan kolmeen kategoriaan ja jokaista tutkimusta tarkastellaan ennalta mÀÀrÀttyjen kysymysten avulla. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsaukseen myötÀ valittujen tutkimusten kolme olennaisinta kÀyttötarkoitusta ovat; kÀytÀnnön suunnittelu ja arviointi, hankevalinta sekÀ hankkeiden ja suoritusten arviointi. Aineiston luokittelun jÀlkeen tutkimus etenee tarkastelemaan erilaisiin kÀyttötarkoituksiin suunnattujen Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessi -metodin implementointiprosesseja. JohtopÀÀtös -osio tarjoaa pohdintaa ja huomioita siitÀ, miten pÀÀtöksentekijÀt voivat suhtautua Sumean Analyyttisen Hierarkiaprosessin hyödyntÀmiseen julkishankkeiden yhteydessÀ

    Multi-criteria analysis: a manual

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    State-of-the-Art Report on Systems Analysis Methods for Resolution of Conflicts in Water Resources Management

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    Water is an important factor in conflicts among stakeholders at the local, regional, and even international level. Water conflicts have taken many forms, but they almost always arise from the fact that the freshwater resources of the world are not partitioned to match the political borders, nor are they evenly distributed in space and time. Two or more countries share the watersheds of 261 major rivers and nearly half of the land area of the wo rld is in international river basins. Water has been used as a military and political goal. Water has been a weapon of war. Water systems have been targets during the war. A role of systems approach has been investigated in this report as an approach for resolution of conflicts over water. A review of systems approach provides some basic knowledge of tools and techniques as they apply to water management and conflict resolution. Report provides a classification and description of water conflicts by addressing issues of scale, integrated water management and the role of stakeholders. Four large-scale examples are selected to illustrate the application of systems approach to water conflicts: (a) hydropower development in Canada; (b) multipurpose use of Danube river in Europe; (c) international water conflict between USA and Canada; and (d) Aral See in Asia. Water conflict resolution process involves various sources of uncertainty. One section of the report provides some examples of systems tools that can be used to address objective and subjective uncertainties with special emphasis on the utility of the fuzzy set theory. Systems analysis is known to be driven by the development of computer technology. Last section of the report provides one view of the future and systems tools that will be used for water resources management. Role of the virtual databases, computer and communication networks is investigated in the context of water conflicts and their resolution.https://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wrrr/1005/thumbnail.jp

    Quantitative maritime security assessment: a 2020 vision

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    Maritime security assessment is moving towards a proactive risk-based regime. This opens the way for security analysts and managers to explore and exploit flexible and advanced risk modelling and decision-making approaches in maritime transport. In this article, following a review of maritime security risk assessment, a generic quantitative security assessment methodology is developed. Novel mathematical models for security risk analysis and management are outlined and integrated to demonstrate their use in the developed framework. Such approaches may be used to facilitate security risk modelling and decision making in situations where conventional quantitative risk analysis techniques cannot be appropriately applied. Finally, recommendations on further exploitation of advances in risk and uncertainty modelling technology are suggested with respect to maritime security risk quantification and management
