1,154 research outputs found

    Spectral and spatial methods for the classification of urban remote sensing data

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    Lors de ces travaux, nous nous sommes intéressés au problème de la classification supervisée d'images satellitaires de zones urbaines. Les données traitées sont des images optiques à très hautes résolutions spatiales: données panchromatiques à très haute résolution spatiale (IKONOS, QUICKBIRD, simulations PLEIADES) et des images hyperspectrales (DAIS, ROSIS). Deux stratégies ont été proposées. La première stratégie consiste en une phase d'extraction de caractéristiques spatiales et spectrales suivie d'une phase de classification. Ces caractéristiques sont extraites par filtrages morphologiques : ouvertures et fermetures géodésiques et filtrages surfaciques auto-complémentaires. La classification est réalisée avec les machines à vecteurs supports (SVM) non linéaires. Nous proposons la définition d'un noyau spatio-spectral utilisant de manière conjointe l'information spatiale et l'information spectrale extraites lors de la première phase. La seconde stratégie consiste en une phase de fusion de données pre- ou post-classification. Lors de la fusion postclassification, divers classifieurs sont appliqués, éventuellement sur plusieurs données issues d'une même scène (image panchromat ique, image multi-spectrale). Pour chaque pixel, l'appartenance à chaque classe est estimée à l'aide des classifieurs. Un schéma de fusion adaptatif permettant d'utiliser l'information sur la fiabilité locale de chaque classifieur, mais aussi l'information globale disponible a priori sur les performances de chaque algorithme pour les différentes classes, est proposé. Les différents résultats sont fusionnés à l'aide d'opérateurs flous. Les méthodes ont été validées sur des images réelles. Des améliorations significatives sont obtenues par rapport aux méthodes publiées dans la litterature

    Uncertainty Analysis for the Classification of Multispectral Satellite Images Using SVMs and SOMs

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    Abstract: Classification of multispectral remotely sensed data with textural features is investigated with a special focus on uncertainty analysis in the produced land-cover maps. Much effort has already been directed into the research of satisfactory accuracy-assessment techniques in image classification, but a common approach is not yet universally adopted. We look at the relationship between hard accuracy and the uncertainty on the produced answers, introducing two measures based on maximum probability and a quadratic entropy. Their impact differs depending on the type of classifier. In this paper, we deal with two different classification strategies, based on support vector machines (SVMs) and Kohonen's self-organizingmaps (SOMs), both suitably modified to give soft answers. Once the multiclass probability answer vector is available for each pixel in the image, we studied the behavior of the overall classification accuracy as a function of the uncertainty associated with each vector, given a hard-labeled test set. The experimental results show that the SVM with one-versus-one architecture and linear kernel clearly outperforms the other supervised approaches in terms of overall accuracy. On the other hand, our analysis reveals that the proposed SOM-based classifier, despite its unsupervised learning procedure, is able to provide soft answers which are the best candidates for a fusion with supervised results

    Context-dependent fusion with application to landmine detection.

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    Traditional machine learning and pattern recognition systems use a feature descriptor to describe the sensor data and a particular classifier (also called expert or learner ) to determine the true class of a given pattern. However, for complex detection and classification problems, involving data with large intra-class variations and noisy inputs, no single source of information can provide a satisfactory solution. As a result, combination of multiple classifiers is playing an increasing role in solving these complex pattern recognition problems, and has proven to be viable alternative to using a single classifier. In this thesis we introduce a new Context-Dependent Fusion (CDF) approach, We use this method to fuse multiple algorithms which use different types of features and different classification methods on multiple sensor data. The proposed approach is motivated by the observation that there is no single algorithm that can consistently outperform all other algorithms. In fact, the relative performance of different algorithms can vary significantly depending on several factions such as extracted features, and characteristics of the target class. The CDF method is a local approach that adapts the fusion method to different regions of the feature space. The goal is to take advantages of the strengths of few algorithms in different regions of the feature space without being affected by the weaknesses of the other algorithms and also avoiding the loss of potentially valuable information provided by few weak classifiers by considering their output as well. The proposed fusion has three main interacting components. The first component, called Context Extraction, partitions the composite feature space into groups of similar signatures, or contexts. Then, the second component assigns an aggregation weight to each detector\u27s decision in each context based on its relative performance within the context. The third component combines the multiple decisions, using the learned weights, to make a final decision. For Context Extraction component, a novel algorithm that performs clustering and feature discrimination is used to cluster the composite feature space and identify the relevant features for each cluster. For the fusion component, six different methods were proposed and investigated. The proposed approached were applied to the problem of landmine detection. Detection and removal of landmines is a serious problem affecting civilians and soldiers worldwide. Several detection algorithms on landmine have been proposed. Extensive testing of these methods has shown that the relative performance of different detectors can vary significantly depending on the mine type, geographical site, soil and weather conditions, and burial depth, etc. Therefore, multi-algorithm, and multi-sensor fusion is a critical component in land mine detection. Results on large and diverse real data collections show that the proposed method can identify meaningful and coherent clusters and that different expert algorithms can be identified for the different contexts. Our experiments have also indicated that the context-dependent fusion outperforms all individual detectors and several global fusion methods

    Image-Based Airborne Sensors: A Combined Approach for Spectral Signatures Classification through Deterministic Simulated Annealing

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    The increasing technology of high-resolution image airborne sensors, including those on board Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, demands automatic solutions for processing, either on-line or off-line, the huge amountds of image data sensed during the flights. The classification of natural spectral signatures in images is one potential application. The actual tendency in classification is oriented towards the combination of simple classifiers. In this paper we propose a combined strategy based on the Deterministic Simulated Annealing (DSA) framework. The simple classifiers used are the well tested supervised parametric Bayesian estimator and the Fuzzy Clustering. The DSA is an optimization approach, which minimizes an energy function. The main contribution of DSA is its ability to avoid local minima during the optimization process thanks to the annealing scheme. It outperforms simple classifiers used for the combination and some combined strategies, including a scheme based on the fuzzy cognitive maps and an optimization approach based on the Hopfield neural network paradigm

    Incorporating Multiresolution Analysis With Multiclassifiers And Decision Fusion For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    The ongoing development and increased affordability of hyperspectral sensors are increasing their utilization in a variety of applications, such as agricultural monitoring and decision making. Hyperspectral Automated Target Recognition (ATR) systems typically rely heavily on dimensionality reduction methods, and particularly intelligent reduction methods referred to as feature extraction techniques. This dissertation reports on the development, implementation, and testing of new hyperspectral analysis techniques for ATR systems, including their use in agricultural applications where ground truthed observations available for training the ATR system are typically very limited. This dissertation reports the design of effective methods for grouping and down-selecting Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients and the design of automated Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) filter tree pruning methods for use within the framework of a Multiclassifiers and Decision Fusion (MCDF) ATR system. The efficacy of the DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF systems are compared to existing ATR methods commonly used in hyperspectral remote sensing applications. The newly developed methods’ sensitivity to operating conditions, such as mother wavelet selection, decomposition level, and quantity and quality of available training data are also investigated. The newly developed ATR systems are applied to the problem of hyperspectral remote sensing of agricultural food crop contaminations either by airborne chemical application, specifically Glufosinate herbicide at varying concentrations applied to corn crops, or by biological infestation, specifically soybean rust disease in soybean crops. The DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF methods significantly outperform conventional hyperspectral ATR methods. For example, when detecting and classifying varying levels of soybean rust infestation, stepwise linear discriminant analysis, results in accuracies of approximately 30%-40%, but WPD MCDF methods result in accuracies of approximately 70%-80%

    Incorporating Multiresolution Analysis With Multiclassifiers And Decision Fusion For Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

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    The ongoing development and increased affordability of hyperspectral sensors are increasing their utilization in a variety of applications, such as agricultural monitoring and decision making. Hyperspectral Automated Target Recognition (ATR) systems typically rely heavily on dimensionality reduction methods, and particularly intelligent reduction methods referred to as feature extraction techniques. This dissertation reports on the development, implementation, and testing of new hyperspectral analysis techniques for ATR systems, including their use in agricultural applications where ground truthed observations available for training the ATR system are typically very limited. This dissertation reports the design of effective methods for grouping and down-selecting Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) coefficients and the design of automated Wavelet Packet Decomposition (WPD) filter tree pruning methods for use within the framework of a Multiclassifiers and Decision Fusion (MCDF) ATR system. The efficacy of the DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF systems are compared to existing ATR methods commonly used in hyperspectral remote sensing applications. The newly developed methods’ sensitivity to operating conditions, such as mother wavelet selection, decomposition level, and quantity and quality of available training data are also investigated. The newly developed ATR systems are applied to the problem of hyperspectral remote sensing of agricultural food crop contaminations either by airborne chemical application, specifically Glufosinate herbicide at varying concentrations applied to corn crops, or by biological infestation, specifically soybean rust disease in soybean crops. The DWT MCDF and WPD MCDF methods significantly outperform conventional hyperspectral ATR methods. For example, when detecting and classifying varying levels of soybean rust infestation, stepwise linear discriminant analysis, results in accuracies of approximately 30%-40%, but WPD MCDF methods result in accuracies of approximately 70%-80%

    Land cover classification using fuzzy rules and aggregation of contextual information through evidence theory

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    Land cover classification using multispectral satellite image is a very challenging task with numerous practical applications. We propose a multi-stage classifier that involves fuzzy rule extraction from the training data and then generation of a possibilistic label vector for each pixel using the fuzzy rule base. To exploit the spatial correlation of land cover types we propose four different information aggregation methods which use the possibilistic class label of a pixel and those of its eight spatial neighbors for making the final classification decision. Three of the aggregation methods use Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence while the remaining one is modeled after the fuzzy k-NN rule. The proposed methods are tested with two benchmark seven channel satellite images and the results are found to be quite satisfactory. They are also compared with a Markov random field (MRF) model-based contextual classification method and found to perform consistently better.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure