10,552 research outputs found

    Overview of Remaining Useful Life prediction techniques in Through-life Engineering Services

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    Through-life Engineering Services (TES) are essential in the manufacture and servicing of complex engineering products. TES improves support services by providing prognosis of run-to-failure and time-to-failure on-demand data for better decision making. The concept of Remaining Useful Life (RUL) is utilised to predict life-span of components (of a service system) with the purpose of minimising catastrophic failure events in both manufacturing and service sectors. The purpose of this paper is to identify failure mechanisms and emphasise the failure events prediction approaches that can effectively reduce uncertainties. It will demonstrate the classification of techniques used in RUL prediction for optimisation of products’ future use based on current products in-service with regards to predictability, availability and reliability. It presents a mapping of degradation mechanisms against techniques for knowledge acquisition with the objective of presenting to designers and manufacturers ways to improve the life-span of components

    Adaptive Signal Processing Strategy for a Wind Farm System Fault Accommodation

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    In order to improve the availability of offshore wind farms, thus avoiding unplanned operation and maintenance costs, which can be high for offshore installations, the accommodation of faults in their earlier occurrence is fundamental. This paper addresses the design of an active fault tolerant control scheme that is applied to a wind park benchmark of nine wind turbines, based on their nonlinear models, as well as the wind and interactions between the wind turbines in the wind farm. Note that, due to the structure of the system and its control strategy, it can be considered as a fault tolerant cooperative control problem of an autonomous plant. The controller accommodation scheme provides the on-line estimate of the fault signals generated by nonlinear filters exploiting the nonlinear geometric approach to obtain estimates decoupled from both model uncertainty and the interactions among the turbines. This paper proposes also a data-driven approach to provide these disturbance terms in analytical forms, which are subsequently used for designing the nonlinear filters for fault estimation. This feature of the work, followed by the simpler solution relying on a data-driven approach, can represent the key point when on-line implementations are considered for a viable application of the proposed scheme

    Vibration fatigue reliability analysis of aircraft landing gear based on fuzzy theory under random vibration

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    The failure of aircraft landing gear (ALG) is major caused by vibration fatigue. And its main failure mode is fatigue fracture. Currently the reliability of ALG is usually calculated by the stress strength interference (SSI) model, which is based on the binary state assumption. While in reality, the strength is degraded with time and the boundary of the failure and success is blur, so the binary state assumption is deviated from the fact. To overcome this problem, this paper uses the membership function (MF) to represent fuzzy safe state which caused by the strength degradation under the failure mode of vibration fatigue. Moreover, a fuzzy reliability model (FRM) of ALG is proposed based on fuzzy failure domain (FFD). Finally, the feasibility of method is tested through a simulation example. By comparing the simulation results (SRs) of the FRM with SRs of the static SSI model and the dynamic SSI model, the rationality of the method is verified. The FRM can calculate the reliability without the gradual degradation processes, thus it is used more widely

    Application of Probabilistic and Nonprobabilistic Hybrid Reliability Analysis Based on Dynamic Substructural Extremum Response Surface Decoupling Method for a Blisk of the Aeroengine

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    For the nondeterministic factors of an aeroengine blisk, including both factors with sufficient and insufficient statistical data, based on the dynamic substructural method of determinate analysis, the extremum response surface method of probabilistic analysis, and the interval method of nonprobabilistic analysis, a methodology called the probabilistic and nonprobabilistic hybrid reliability analysis based on dynamic substructural extremum response surface decoupling method (P-NP-HRA-DS-ERSDM) is proposed. The model includes random variables and interval variables to determine the interval failure probability and the interval reliability index. The extremum response surface function and its flow chart of mixed reliability analysis are given. The interval analysis is embedded in the most likely failure point in the iterative process. The probabilistic analysis and nonprobabilistic analysis are investigated alternately. Tuned and mistuned blisks are studied in a complicated environment, and the results are compared with the Monte Carlo method (MCM) and the multilevel nested algorithm (MLNA) to verify that the hybrid model can better handle reliability problems concurrently containing random variables and interval variables; meanwhile, it manifests that the computational efficiency of this method is superior and more reasonable for analysing and designing a mistuned blisk. Therefore, this methodology has very important practical significance

    Development and characterisation of error functions in design

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    As simulation is increasingly used in product development, there is a need to better characterise the errors inherent in simulation techniques by comparing such techniques with evidence from experiment, test and inservice. This is necessary to allow judgement of the adequacy of simulations in place of physical tests and to identify situations where further data collection and experimentation need to be expended. This paper discusses a framework for uncertainty characterisation based on the management of design knowledge leading to the development and characterisation of error functions. A classification is devised in the framework to identify the most appropriate method for the representation of error, including probability theory, interval analysis and Fuzzy set theory. The development is demonstrated with two case studies to justify rationale of the framework. Such formal knowledge management of design simulation processes can facilitate utilisation of cumulated design knowledge as companies migrate from testing to simulation-based design

    Modeling the Effects of Maintenance on the degradation of a Water-feeding Turbo-pump of a Nuclear Power Plant

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    International audienceThis work addresses the modelling of the effects of maintenance on the degradation of an electric power plant component. This is done within a modelling framework previously proposed by the authors, of which the distinguishing feature is the characterization of the component living conditions by influencing factors (IFs), i.e. conditioning aspects of the component life that influence its degradation. The original fuzzy logic-based modelling framework includes maintenance as an IF; this requires one to jointly model its effects on the component degradation together with those of the other influencing factors. This may not come natural to the experts who are requested to provide the if-then linguistic rules at the basis of the fuzzy model linking the IFs with the component degradation state. An alternative modelling approach is proposed in this work, which does not consider maintenance as an IF that directly impacts on the degradation but as an external action that affects the state of the other IFs. By way of an example regarding the propagation of a crack in a water-feeding turbo-pump of a nuclear power plant, the approach is shown to properly model the maintenance actions based on information that can be more easily elicited from experts

    Beurteilung der Resttragfähigkeit von Bauwerken mit Hilfe der Fuzzy-Logik und Entscheidungstheorie

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    Whereas the design of new structures is almost completely regulated by codes, there are no objective ways for the evaluation of existing facilities. Experts often are not familiar with the new tasks in system identification and try to retrieve at least some information from available documents. They therefore make compromises which, for many stakeholders, are not satisfying. Consequently, this publication presents a more objective and more realistic method for condition assessment. Necessary basics for this task are fracture mechanics combined with computational analysis, methods and techniques for geometry recording and material investigation, ductility and energy dissipation, risk analysis and uncertainty consideration. Present tools for evaluation perform research on how to analytically conceptualize a structure directly from given loads and measured response. Since defects are not necessarily visible or in a direct way detectable, several damage indices are combined and integrated in a model of the real system. Fuzzy-sets are ideally suited to illustrate parametric/data uncertainty and system- or model uncertainty. Trapezoidal membership functions may very well represent the condition state of structural components as function of damage extent or performance. Tthe residual load-bearing capacity can be determined by successively performing analyses in three steps. The "Screening assessment" shall eliminate a large majority of structures from detailed consideration and advise on immediate precautions to save lives and high economic values. Here, the defects have to be explicitly defined and located. If this is impossible, an "approximate evaluation" should follow describing system geometry, material properties and failure modes in detail. Here, a fault-tree helps investigate defaults in a systematic way avoiding random search or negligence of important features or damage indices. In order to inform about the structural system it is deemed essential not only due to its conceptual clarity, but also due to its applicational simplicity. It therefore represents an important prerequisite in condition assessment though special circumstances might require "fur-ther investigations" to consider the actual material parameters and unaccounted reserves due to spatial or other secondary contributions. Here, uncertainties with respect to geometry, material, loading or modeling should in no case be neglected, but explicitly quantified. Postulating a limited set of expected failure modes is not always sufficient, since detectable signature changes are seldom directly attributable and every defect might -together with other unforeseen situations- become decisive. So, a determination of all possible scenarios to consider every imaginable influence would be required. Risk is produced by a combination of various and ill-defined failure modes. Due to the interaction of many variables there is no simple and reliable way to predict which failure mode is dominant. Risk evaluation therefore comprises the estimation of the prognostic factor with respect to undesir-able events, component importance and the expected damage extent.Während die Bemessung von Tragwerken im allgemeinen durch Vorschriften geregelt ist, gibt es für die Zustandsbewertung bestehender Bauwerken noch keine objektiven Richtlinien. Viele Experten sind mit der neuen Problematik (Systemidentifikation anhand von Belastung und daraus entstehender Strukturantwort) noch nicht vertraut und begnügen sich daher mit Kompromißlösungen. Für viele Bauherren ist dies unbefriedigend, weshalb hier eine objektivere und wirklichkeitsnähere Zustandsbewertung vorgestellt wird. Wichtig hierfür sind theoretische Grundlagen der Schadensanalyse, Methoden und Techniken zur Geometrie- und Materialerkundung, Duktilität und Energieabsorption, Risikoanalyse und Beschreibung von Unsicherheiten. Da nicht alle Schäden offensichtlich sind, kombiniert man zur Zeit mehrere Zustandsindikatoren, bereitet die registrierten Daten gezielt auf, und integriert sie vor einer endgültigen Bewertung in ein validiertes Modell. Werden deterministische Nachweismethoden mit probabilstischen kombiniert, lassen sich nur zufällige Fehler problemlos minimieren. Systematische Fehler durch ungenaue Modellierung oder vagem Wissen bleiben jedoch bestehen. Daß Entscheidungsträger mit unsicheren, oft sogar widersprüchlichen Angaben subjektiv urteilen, ist also nicht zu vermeiden. In dieser Arbeit wird gezeigt, wie mit Hilfe eines dreistufigen Bewertungsverfahrens Tragglieder in Qualitätsklassen eingestuft werden können. Abhängig von ihrem mittleren Schadensausmaß, ihrer Strukturbedeutung I (wiederum von ihrem Stellenwert bzw. den Konsequenzen ihrer Schädigung abhängig) und ihrem Prognosefaktor L ergibt sich ihr Versagensrisiko mit. Das Risiko für eine Versagen der Gesamtstruktur wird aus der Topologie ermittelt. Wenn das mittlere Schadensausmaß nicht eindeutig festgelegt werden kann, oder wenn die Material-, Geometrie- oder Lastangaben vage sind, wird im Rahmen "Weitergehender Untersuchungen" ein mathematisches Verfahren basierend auf der Fuzzy-Logik vorgeschlagen. Es filtert auch bei komplexen Ursache-Wirkungsbeziehungen die dominierende Schadensursache heraus und vermeidet, daß mit Unsicherheiten behaftete Parameter für zuverlässige Absolutwerte gehalten werden. Um den mittleren Schadensindex und daraus das Risiko zu berechnen, werden die einzelnen Schadensindizes (je nach Fehlermodus) abhängig von ihrer Bedeutung mit Wichtungsfaktoren belegt,und zusätzlich je nach Art, Bedeutung und Zuverlässigkeit der erhaltenen Information durch Gamma dividiert. Hiermit wurde ein neues Verfahren zur Analyse komplexer Versagensmechanismen vorgestellt, welches nachvollziehbare Schlußfolgerungen ermöglicht

    Health-aware predictive control schemes based on industrial processes

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 30 de desembre de 2021The research is motivated by real applications, such as pasteurization plant, water networks and autonomous system, which each of them require a specific control system to provide proper management able to take into account their particular features and operating limits in presence of uncertainties related to their operation and failures from component breakdowns. According to that most of the real systems have nonlinear behaviors, it can be approximated them by polytopic linear uncertain models such as Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) models. Therefore, a new economic Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach based on LPV/TS models is proposed and the stability of the proposed approach is certified by using a region constraint on the terminal state. Besides, the MPC-LPV strategy is extended based on the system with varying delays affecting states and inputs. The control approach allows the controller to accommodate the scheduling parameters and delay change. By computing the prediction of the state variables and delay along a prediction time horizon, the system model can be modified according to the evaluation of the estimated state and delay at each time instant. To increase the system reliability, anticipate the appearance of faults and reduce the operational costs, actuator health monitoring should be considered. Regarding several types of system failures, different strategies are studied for obtaining system failures. First, the damage is assessed with the rainflow-counting algorithm that allows estimating the component’s fatigue and control objective is modified by adding an extra criterion that takes into account the accumulated damage. Besides, two different health-aware economic predictive control strategies that aim to minimize the damage of components are presented. Then, economic health-aware MPC controller is developed to compute the components and system reliability in the MPC model using an LPV modeling approach and maximizes the availability of the system by estimating system reliability. Additionally, another improvement considers chance-constraint programming to compute an optimal list replenishment policy based on a desired risk acceptability level, managing to dynamically designate safety stocks in flowbased networks to satisfy non-stationary flow demands. Finally, an innovative health-aware control approach for autonomous racing vehicles to simultaneously control it to the driving limits and to follow the desired path based on maximization of the battery RUL. The proposed approach is formulated as an optimal on-line robust LMI based MPC driven from Lyapunov stability and controller gain synthesis solved by LPV-LQR problem in LMI formulation with integral action for tracking the trajectory.Esta tesis pretende proporcionar contribuciones teóricas y prácticas sobre seguridad y control de sistemas industriales, especialmente en la forma maten ática de sistemas inciertos. La investigación está motivada por aplicaciones reales, como la planta de pasteurización, las redes de agua y el sistema autónomo, cada uno de los cuales requiere un sistema de control específico para proporcionar una gestión adecuada capaz de tener en cuenta sus características particulares y limites o de operación en presencia de incertidumbres relacionadas con su operación y fallas de averías de componentes. De acuerdo con que la mayoría de los sistemas reales tienen comportamientos no lineales, puede aproximarse a ellos mediante modelos inciertos lineales politopicos como los modelos de Lineal Variación de Parámetros (LPV) y Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Por lo tanto, se propone un nuevo enfoque de Control Predictivo del Modelo (MPC) económico basado en modelos LPV/TS y la estabilidad del enfoque propuesto se certifica mediante el uso de una restricción de región en el estado terminal. Además, la estrategia MPC-LPV se extiende en función del sistema con diferentes demoras que afectan los estados y las entradas. El enfoque de control permite al controlador acomodar los parámetros de programación y retrasar el cambio. Al calcular la predicción de las variables de estado y el retraso a lo largo de un horizonte de tiempo de predicción, el modelo del sistema se puede modificar de acuerdo con la evaluación del estado estimado y el retraso en cada instante de tiempo. Para aumentar la confiabilidad del sistema, anticipar la aparición de fallas y reducir los costos operativos, se debe considerar el monitoreo del estado del actuador. Con respecto a varios tipos de fallas del sistema, se estudian diferentes estrategias para obtener fallas del sistema. Primero, el daño se evalúa con el algoritmo de conteo de flujo de lluvia que permite estimar la fatiga del componente y el objetivo de control se modifica agregando un criterio adicional que tiene en cuenta el daño acumulado. Además, se presentan dos estrategias diferentes de control predictivo económico que tienen en cuenta la salud y tienen como objetivo minimizar el daño de los componentes. Luego, se desarrolla un controlador MPC económico con conciencia de salud para calcular los componentes y la confiabilidad del sistema en el modelo MPC utilizando un enfoque de modelado LPV y maximiza la disponibilidad del sistema mediante la estimación de la confiabilidad del sistema. Además, otra mejora considera la programación de restricción de posibilidades para calcular una política ´optima de reposición de listas basada en un nivel de aceptabilidad de riesgo deseado, logrando designar dinámicamente existencias de seguridad en redes basadas en flujo para satisfacer demandas de flujo no estacionarias. Finalmente, un enfoque innovador de control consciente de la salud para vehículos de carreras autónomos para controlarlo simultáneamente hasta los límites de conducción y seguir el camino deseado basado en la maximización de la bacteria RUL. El diseño del control se divide en dos capas con diferentes escalas de tiempo, planificador de ruta y controlador. El enfoque propuesto está formulado como un MPC robusto en línea optimo basado en LMI impulsado por la estabilidad de Lyapunov y la síntesis de ganancia del controlador resuelta por el problema LPV-LQR en la formulación de LMI con acción integral para el seguimiento de la trayectoria.Postprint (published version