1,702 research outputs found

    Performance of TCP with multiple Priority Classes

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    We consider the dimensioning problem for Internet access links carrying TCP traffic with two priority classes. To this end, we study the behaviour of TCP at the flow level described by a multiple-server Processor Sharing (PS) queueing model with two customer classes, where the customers represent flows generated by downloading Internet objects; the sojourn times represent the object transfer times. We present closed-form expressions for the mean sojourn times for high-priority customers and approximate expressions for the mean sojourn times of low-priority customers. The accuracy of the model is demonstrated by comparing results based on the PS model with "real" TCP simulation results obtained by the well-known Network Simulator. The experimental results demonstrate that the model-based results are highly accurate when the mean object size is at least 10 IP-packets, and the loss rate is negligible

    Building a Strong Undergraduate Research Culture in African Universities

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    Africa had a late start in the race to setting up and obtaining universities with research quality fundamentals. According to Mamdani [5], the first colonial universities were few and far between: Makerere in East Africa, Ibadan and Legon in West Africa. This last place in the race, compared to other continents, has had tremendous implications in the development plans for the continent. For Africa, the race has been difficult from a late start to an insurmountable litany of problems that include difficulty in equipment acquisition, lack of capacity, limited research and development resources and lack of investments in local universities. In fact most of these universities are very recent with many less than 50 years in business except a few. To help reduce the labor costs incurred by the colonial masters of shipping Europeans to Africa to do mere clerical jobs, they started training ―workshops‖ calling them technical or business colleges. According to Mamdani, meeting colonial needs was to be achieved while avoiding the ―Indian disease‖ in Africa -- that is, the development of an educated middle class, a group most likely to carry the virus of nationalism. Upon independence, most of these ―workshops‖ were turned into national ―universities‖, but with no clear role in national development. These national ―universities‖ were catering for children of the new African political elites. Through the seventies and eighties, most African universities were still without development agendas and were still doing business as usual. Meanwhile, governments strapped with lack of money saw no need of putting more scarce resources into big white elephants. By mid-eighties, even the UN and IMF were calling for a limit on funding African universities. In today‘s African university, the traditional curiosity driven research model has been replaced by a market-driven model dominated by a consultancy culture according to Mamdani (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). The prevailing research culture as intellectual life in universities has been reduced to bare-bones classroom activity, seminars and workshops have migrated to hotels and workshop attendance going with transport allowances and per diems (Mamdani, Mail and Guardian Online). There is need to remedy this situation and that is the focus of this paper

    Measuring And Improving Internet Video Quality Of Experience

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    Streaming multimedia content over the IP-network is poised to be the dominant Internet traffic for the coming decade, predicted to account for more than 91% of all consumer traffic in the coming years. Streaming multimedia content ranges from Internet television (IPTV), video on demand (VoD), peer-to-peer streaming, and 3D television over IP to name a few. Widespread acceptance, growth, and subscriber retention are contingent upon network providers assuring superior Quality of Experience (QoE) on top of todays Internet. This work presents the first empirical understanding of Internet’s video-QoE capabilities, and tools and protocols to efficiently infer and improve them. To infer video-QoE at arbitrary nodes in the Internet, we design and implement MintMOS: a lightweight, real-time, noreference framework for capturing perceptual quality. We demonstrate that MintMOS’s projections closely match with subjective surveys in accessing perceptual quality. We use MintMOS to characterize Internet video-QoE both at the link level and end-to-end path level. As an input to our study, we use extensive measurements from a large number of Internet paths obtained from various measurement overlays deployed using PlanetLab. Link level degradations of intra– and inter–ISP Internet links are studied to create an empirical understanding of their shortcomings and ways to overcome them. Our studies show that intra–ISP links are often poorly engineered compared to peering links, and that iii degradations are induced due to transient network load imbalance within an ISP. Initial results also indicate that overlay networks could be a promising way to avoid such ISPs in times of degradations. A large number of end-to-end Internet paths are probed and we measure delay, jitter, and loss rates. The measurement data is analyzed offline to identify ways to enable a source to select alternate paths in an overlay network to improve video-QoE, without the need for background monitoring or apriori knowledge of path characteristics. We establish that for any unstructured overlay of N nodes, it is sufficient to reroute key frames using a random subset of k nodes in the overlay, where k is bounded by O(lnN). We analyze various properties of such random subsets to derive simple, scalable, and an efficient path selection strategy that results in a k-fold increase in path options for any source-destination pair; options that consistently outperform Internet path selection. Finally, we design a prototype called source initiated frame restoration (SIFR) that employs random subsets to derive alternate paths and demonstrate its effectiveness in improving Internet video-QoE

    Markov Chain Modeling for Multi-Server Clusters

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    Quality-of-service management in IP networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) in Internet Protocol (IF) Networks has been the subject of active research over the past two decades. Integrated Services (IntServ) and Differentiated Services (DiffServ) QoS architectures have emerged as proposed standards for resource allocation in IF Networks. These two QoS architectures support the need for multiple traffic queuing systems to allow for resource partitioning for heterogeneous applications making use of the networks. There have been a number of specifications or proposals for the number of traffic queuing classes (Class of Service (CoS)) that will support integrated services in IF Networks, but none has provided verification in the form of analytical or empirical investigation to prove that its specification or proposal will be optimum. Despite the existence of the two standard QoS architectures and the large volume of research work that has been carried out on IF QoS, its deployment still remains elusive in the Internet. This is not unconnected with the complexities associated with some aspects of the standard QoS architectures. [Continues.

    Modeling and Control of Server-based Systems

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    When deploying networked computing-based applications, proper resource management of the server-side resources is essential for maintaining quality of service and cost efficiency. The work presented in this thesis is based on six papers, all investigating problems that relate to resource management of server-based systems. Using a queueing system approach we model the performance of a database system being subjected to write-heavy traffic. We then evaluate the model using simulations and validate that it accurately mimics the behavior of a real test bed. In collaboration with Ericsson we model and design a per-request admission control scheme for a Mobile Service Support System (MSS). The model is then validated and the control scheme is evaluated in a test bed. Also, we investigate the feasibility to estimate the state of a server in an MSS using an event-based Extended Kalman Filter. In the brownout paradigm of server resource management, the amount of work required to serve a client is adjusted to compensate for temporary resource shortages. In this thesis we investigate how to perform load balancing over self-adaptive server instances. The load balancing schemes are evaluated in both simulations and test bed experiments. Further, we investigate how to employ delay-compensated feedback control to automatically adjust the amount of resources to deploy to a cloud application in the presence of a large, stochastic delay. The delay-compensated control scheme is evaluated in simulations and the conclusion is that it can be made fast and responsive compared to an industry-standard solution

    Inferring Network Usage from Passive Measurements in ISP Networks: Bringing Visibility of the Network to Internet Operators

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    The Internet is evolving with us along the time, nowadays people are more dependent of it, being used for most of the simple activities of their lives. It is not uncommon use the Internet for voice and video communications, social networking, banking and shopping. Current trends in Internet applications such as Web 2.0, cloud computing, and the internet of things are bound to bring higher traffic volume and more heterogeneous traffic. In addition, privacy concerns and network security traits have widely promoted the usage of encryption on the network communications. All these factors make network management an evolving environment that becomes every day more difficult. This thesis focuses on helping to keep track on some of these changes, observing the Internet from an ISP viewpoint and exploring several aspects of the visibility of a network, giving insights on what contents or services are retrieved by customers and how these contents are provided to them. Generally, inferring these information, it is done by means of characterization and analysis of data collected using passive traffic monitoring tools on operative networks. As said, analysis and characterization of traffic collected passively is challenging. Internet end-users are not controlled on the network traffic they generate. Moreover, this traffic in the network might be encrypted or coded in a way that is unfeasible to decode, creating the need for reverse engineering for providing a good picture to the Internet operator. In spite of the challenges, it is presented a characterization of P2P-TV usage of a commercial, proprietary and closed application, that encrypts or encodes its traffic, making quite difficult discerning what is going on by just observing the data carried by the protocol. Then it is presented DN-Hunter, which is an application for rendering visible a great part of the network traffic even when encryption or encoding is available. Finally, it is presented a case study of DNHunter for understanding Amazon Web Services, the most prominent cloud provider that offers computing, storage, and content delivery platforms. In this paper is unveiled the infrastructure, the pervasiveness of content and their traffic allocation policies. Findings reveal that most of the content residing on cloud computing and Internet storage infrastructures is served by one single Amazon datacenter located in Virginia despite it appears to be the worst performing one for Italian users. This causes traffic to take long and expensive paths in the network. Since no automatic migration and load-balancing policies are offered by AWS among different locations, content is exposed to outages, as it is observed in the datasets presented

    Design revolutions: IASDR 2019 Conference Proceedings. Volume 2: Living, Making, Value

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    In September 2019 Manchester School of Art at Manchester Metropolitan University was honoured to host the bi-annual conference of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR) under the unifying theme of DESIGN REVOLUTIONS. This was the first time the conference had been held in the UK. Through key research themes across nine conference tracks – Change, Learning, Living, Making, People, Technology, Thinking, Value and Voices – the conference opened up compelling, meaningful and radical dialogue of the role of design in addressing societal and organisational challenges. This Volume 2 includes papers from Living, Making and Value tracks of the conference
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