205 research outputs found

    Multistable Phase Regulation for Robust Steady and Transitional Legged Gaits

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    We develop robust methods that allow speciïŹcation, control, and transition of a multi-legged robot’s stepping pattern—its gait—during active locomotion over natural terrain. Resulting gaits emerge through the introduction of controllers that impose appropriately-placed repellors within the space of gaits, the torus of relative leg phases, thereby mitigating against dangerous patterns of leg timing. Moreover, these repellors are organized with respect to a natural cellular decomposition of gait space and result in limit cycles with associated basins that are well characterized by these cells, thus conferring a symbolic character upon the overall behavioral repertoire. These ideas are particularly applicable to four- and six-legged robots, for which a large variety of interesting and useful (and, in many cases, familiar) gaits exist, and whose tradeoïŹ€s between speed and reliability motivate the desire for transitioning between them during active locomotion. We provide an empirical instance of this gait regulation scheme by application to a climbing hexapod, whose “physical layer” sensor-feedback control requires adequate grasp of a climbing surface but whose closed loop control perturbs the robot from its desired gait. We document how the regulation scheme secures the desired gait and permits operator selection of diïŹ€erent gaits as required during active climbing on challenging surfaces

    Biologically Inspired Robots

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    Bridging Vision and Dynamic Legged Locomotion

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    Legged robots have demonstrated remarkable advances regarding robustness and versatility in the past decades. The questions that need to be addressed in this field are increasingly focusing on reasoning about the environment and autonomy rather than locomotion only. To answer some of these questions visual information is essential. If a robot has information about the terrain it can plan and take preventive actions against potential risks. However, building a model of the terrain is often computationally costly, mainly because of the dense nature of visual data. On top of the mapping problem, robots need feasible body trajectories and contact sequences to traverse the terrain safely, which may also require heavy computations. This computational cost has limited the use of visual feedback to contexts that guarantee (quasi-) static stability, or resort to planning schemes where contact sequences and body trajectories are computed before starting to execute motions. In this thesis we propose a set of algorithms that reduces the gap between visual processing and dynamic locomotion. We use machine learning to speed up visual data processing and model predictive control to achieve locomotion robustness. In particular, we devise a novel foothold adaptation strategy that uses a map of the terrain built from on-board vision sensors. This map is sent to a foothold classifier based on a convolutional neural network that allows the robot to adjust the landing position of the feet in a fast and continuous fashion. We then use the convolutional neural network-based classifier to provide safe future contact sequences to a model predictive controller that optimizes target ground reaction forces in order to track a desired center of mass trajectory. We perform simulations and experiments on the hydraulic quadruped robots HyQ and HyQReal. For all experiments the contact sequences, the foothold adaptations, the control inputs and the map are computed and processed entirely on-board. The various tests show that the robot is able to leverage the visual terrain information to handle complex scenarios in a safe, robust and reliable manner

    Climbing and Walking Robots

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    Nowadays robotics is one of the most dynamic fields of scientific researches. The shift of robotics researches from manufacturing to services applications is clear. During the last decades interest in studying climbing and walking robots has been increased. This increasing interest has been in many areas that most important ones of them are: mechanics, electronics, medical engineering, cybernetics, controls, and computers. Today’s climbing and walking robots are a combination of manipulative, perceptive, communicative, and cognitive abilities and they are capable of performing many tasks in industrial and non- industrial environments. Surveillance, planetary exploration, emergence rescue operations, reconnaissance, petrochemical applications, construction, entertainment, personal services, intervention in severe environments, transportation, medical and etc are some applications from a very diverse application fields of climbing and walking robots. By great progress in this area of robotics it is anticipated that next generation climbing and walking robots will enhance lives and will change the way the human works, thinks and makes decisions. This book presents the state of the art achievments, recent developments, applications and future challenges of climbing and walking robots. These are presented in 24 chapters by authors throughtot the world The book serves as a reference especially for the researchers who are interested in mobile robots. It also is useful for industrial engineers and graduate students in advanced study

    Evolving the behavior of machines: from micro to macroevolution

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    International audienceEvolution gave rise to creatures that are arguably more sophisticated than the greatest human-designed systems. This feat has inspired computer scientists since the advent of computing and led to optimization tools that can evolve complex neural networks for machines-an approach known as "neuroevolution". After a few successes in designing evolvable representations for high-dimensional artifacts, the field has been recently revitalized by going beyond optimization: to many, the wonder of evolution is less in the perfect optimization of each species than in the creativity of such a simple iterative process, that is, in the diversity of species. This modern view of artificial evolution is moving the field away from microevolution, following a fitness gradient in a niche, to macroevolution, filling many niches with highly different species. It already opened promising applications, like evolving gait repertoires, video game levels for different tastes, and diverse designs for aerodynamic bikes

    Locomotion and pose estimation in compliant, torque-controlled hexapedal robots

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    Several scenarios, such as disaster response or terrestrial and extra-terrestrial exploration, comprise environments that are dangerous or even inaccessible for humans. In those cases, autonomous robots pose a promising alternative to render such endeavours possible. While most of today’s robotic explorers are wheeled or tracked vehicles, legged systems gained increased attention in recent years. With their unique combination of omnidirectional mobility and intrinsic manipulation capabilities, they are envisioned to serve as the rough terrain specialists in scouting or sample and return missions. Especially, small to mid-size hexapods are of great interest for those scenarios. Providing static stability across a wide range of walking speeds, they offer an attractive trade-off between versatility and complexity. Another important advantage is their redundancy, allowing them to tolerate the loss of single legs. However, due to their small size, the computational on-board resources are limited. Thus, the use of smart and efficient algorithms is of utmost importance in order to enable autonomous operation within a priori unknown rough environments. Working towards such autonomous robotic scouts, this thesis contributes with the development, implementation, and test of a self-contained walking layer as well as a 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) leg odometry for compliant, torque-controlled, hexapedal robots. Herein, the important property of all presented algorithms is the sole use of proprioceptive measurements provided by the legs, i. e. joint angles and joint torques. Especially the joint torque sensors improve the walking process by enabling the use of sensitive compliance controllers and distributed collision detection. Comprising a set of algorithms, the walking layer organises and structures the walking process in order to generate robust, adaptive, and leg loss tolerant locomotion in uneven terrain. Furthermore, it encapsulates the walking process, and thus hides its complexity from higher-level algorithms such as navigation. Its three main functional components are a flexible, biologically-inspired gait coordination algorithm, single leg reflexes, and active joint compliance control. Thereof, the gait coordination algorithm realises temporal adaptation of the step sequence while reflexes adjust the leg trajectories to the local terrain. The joint compliance control reduces internal forces and allows for situation dependent stiffness adjustments. An algorithmic extensions to the basic gait coordination enables the immediate adaptation to leg loss. In combination with stiffness and pose adjustments, this allows the hexapod to retain stable locomotion on five legs. In order to account for the emerging gait, the leg odometry algorithm employs an optimisation approach to obtain a kinematics-based pose estimate from joint angle measurements. Fusing the resulting pitch and roll angle estimates with joint-torque-measurement-based attitude data, reduces the associated drift, and thus stabilises the overall pose estimate. Various simulations and experiments with the six-legged, torque-controlled DLR Crawler demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed walking layer as well as the 6-DOF leg odometry.FĂŒr die planetare Exploration sowie den Einsatz in Katastrophengebieten sind autonome Laufroboter zunehmend von Interesse. In diesen Szenarien sollen sie den Menschen an gefĂ€hrlichen oder schwer zugĂ€nglichen Orten ersetzen und dort ErkundungseinsĂ€tze sowie Probenahmen in schwierigem GelĂ€nde durchfĂŒhren. Unter der Vielzahl an möglichen Systemen bieten im Besonderen kleinere Sechsbeiner einen sehr guten Kompromiss zwischen StabilitĂ€t, hoher Beweglichkeit, Vielseitigkeit und einer vertretbaren KomplexitĂ€t der Regelung. Ein weiterer Vorteil ist ihre Redundanz, die es ihnen erlaubt, den Ausfall einzelner Beine mit geringem Aufwand zu kompensieren. Dementgegen ist die beschrĂ€nkte RechenkapazitĂ€t ein Nachteil der reduzierten GrĂ¶ĂŸe. Um diesen auszugleichen und das autonome Agieren in einer unbekannten Umgebung zu ermöglichen, werden daher einfache und effiziente Algorithmen benötigt, die im Zusammenspiel jedoch ein komplexes Verhalten erzeugen. Auf dem Weg zum autonom explorierenden Laufroboter entwickelt diese Arbeit einen robusten, adaptiven und fehlertoleranten Laufalgorithmus sowie eine 6D EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung fĂŒr nachgiebige, drehmomentgeregelte Sechsbeiner. Besonders herauszustellen ist, dass alle in der Arbeit vorgestellten Algorithmen ausschließlich die propriozeptive Sensorik der Beine verwenden. Durch diesen Ansatz kann der Laufprozess von anderen Prozessen, wie der Navigation, getrennt und somit der Datenaustausch effizient gestaltet werden. FĂŒr die Fortbewegung in unebenem GelĂ€nde kombiniert der vorgestellte Laufalgorithmus eine flexible, biologisch inspirierte Gangkoordination mit verschiedenen Einzelbeinreflexen und einer nachgiebigen Gelenkregelung. Hierbei ĂŒbernimmt die Gangkoordination die zeitliche Steuerung der Schrittfolge, wĂ€hrend die Einzelbeinreflexe fĂŒr eine rĂ€umliche Variation der Fußtrajektorien zustĂ€ndig sind. Die nachgiebige Gelenkregelung reduziert interne KrĂ€fte und erlaubt eine Anpassung der Gelenksteifigkeiten an die lokalen Umgebungsbedingungen sowie den aktuellen Zustand des Roboters. Eine wichtige Eigenschaft des Laufalgorithmus ist seine FĂ€higkeit, den Ausfall einzelner Beine zu kompensieren. In diesem Fall erfolgt eine Adaption der Gangkoordination ĂŒber die Erneuerung der Nachbarschaftsbeziehungen der Beine. ZusĂ€tzlich verbessern eine VerĂ€nderung der Pose und eine Erhöhung der Gelenksteifigkeiten die StabilitĂ€t des durch den Beinverlust beeintrĂ€chtigten Roboters. Gleich dem Laufalgorithmus verwendet die 6D EigenbewegungsschĂ€tzung nur die Messungen der propriozeptiven Sensoren der Beine. Hierbei arbeitet der Algorithmus in einem dreistufigen Verfahren. Zuerst berechnet er mit Hilfe der Beinkinematik und einer Optimierung die Pose des Roboters. Nachfolgend bestimmt er aus den Gelenkmomentmessungen den Gravitationsvektor und berechnet daraus die Neigungswinkel des Systems. Eine Fusion dieser Werte mit den Nick- und Rollwinkeln der ersten Stufe stabilisiert daraufhin die gesamte Odometrie und reduziert deren Drift. Alle in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Algorithmen wurden mit Hilfe von Simulationen sowie Experimenten mit dem drehmomentgeregelten DLR Krabbler erfolgreich validiert

    Design characteristics of a pipe crawling robot

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    This thesis deals with the design characteristics of a pipe crawling vehicle which utilises a unique, innovative and patented drive system. The principle of the drive system is simple. That is, if a brush is inserted into a pipe and its bristles are swept back at an angle, then, it is easier to push the brush forwards through the pipe than it is to pull it backwards. Thus, if two brushes are interconnected by a reciprocating cylinder, then, by cycling the cylinder, it is possible for the vehicle to "crawl" through the pipe. The drive mechanism has two main advantages. The first is the ability of the bristles to deflect over or around obstacles, thus, the vehicles can be used in severely damaged pipes. Secondly, the drive mechanism is able to generate extremely high "grip" forces, thus, the vehicle has a high payload to weight ratio. This "simple" traction mechanism has subsequently been proven to be extremely capable in significantly hostile environments, for example, nuclear plants and sewers. The development of the vehicle has resulted in brushes being considered as "engineering" components. This thesis considers the forces present when a brush moves forward through a pipe, further, it also considers the forces present if the brush is required to grip the walls of the pipe. A "simple" cantilever model has been developed which predicts the force required to push a brush forwards through the pipe. A second model has been developed which predicts the forward to reverse or "slip" to "grip" ratio of a brush, for given functional conditions. This model is deemed satisfactory up to the onset of bristle buckling. The experimental program determined three factors, they were, the force required to load a brush into a pipe, the force required to push a brush forward through a pipe and the reverse force a brush could support prior to failure. It can be concluded that this vehicle, through its tractive capability arid environmental compliance, is able to traverse irregularly shaped pipes. Ultimately, this allows tooling to be transported and used at previously unobtainable positions within such pipes

    From walking to running: robust and 3D humanoid gait generation via MPC

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    Humanoid robots are platforms that can succeed in tasks conceived for humans. From locomotion in unstructured environments, to driving cars, or working in industrial plants, these robots have a potential that is yet to be disclosed in systematic every-day-life applications. Such a perspective, however, is opposed by the need of solving complex engineering problems under the hardware and software point of view. In this thesis, we focus on the software side of the problem, and in particular on locomotion control. The operativity of a legged humanoid is subordinate to its capability of realizing a reliable locomotion. In many settings, perturbations may undermine the balance and make the robot fall. Moreover, complex and dynamic motions might be required by the context, as for instance it could be needed to start running or climbing stairs to achieve a certain location in the shortest time. We present gait generation schemes based on Model Predictive Control (MPC) that tackle both the problem of robustness and tridimensional dynamic motions. The proposed control schemes adopt the typical paradigm of centroidal MPC for reference motion generation, enforcing dynamic balance through the Zero Moment Point condition, plus a whole-body controller that maps the generated trajectories to joint commands. Each of the described predictive controllers also feature a so-called stability constraint, preventing the generation of diverging Center of Mass trajectories with respect to the Zero Moment Point. Robustness is addressed by modeling the humanoid as a Linear Inverted Pendulum and devising two types of strategies. For persistent perturbations, a way to use a disturbance observer and a technique for constraint tightening (to ensure robust constraint satisfaction) are presented. In the case of impulsive pushes instead, techniques for footstep and timing adaptation are introduced. The underlying approach is to interpret robustness as a MPC feasibility problem, thus aiming at ensuring the existence of a solution for the constrained optimization problem to be solved at each iteration in spite of the perturbations. This perspective allows to devise simple solutions to complex problems, favoring a reliable real-time implementation. For the tridimensional locomotion, on the other hand, the humanoid is modeled as a Variable Height Inverted Pendulum. Based on it, a two stage MPC is introduced with particular emphasis on the implementation of the stability constraint. The overall result is a gait generation scheme that allows the robot to overcome relatively complex environments constituted by a non-flat terrain, with also the capability of realizing running gaits. The proposed methods are validated in different settings: from conceptual simulations in Matlab to validations in the DART dynamic environment, up to experimental tests on the NAO and the OP3 platforms
