5 research outputs found

    UHF RFID Read Range Control Based on Visual Basic.NET for Automation Tool’s Crib

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    Asset maintenance is a preventive action from tool’s damage. Place for production tool’s usually called by tool’s crib, is a facility for field engineer on the production line. Generally, tool’s maintaining system that operate in industry checked and maintain in every month. Nevertheless, administration check and maintenance are unbalanced that delayed transactional and identification process. Automating tool’s crib applied to change transaction and administration activity on the system become automatic using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and database on Automation Tool’s Crib project. Used RFID on this project have a read range that far too wide on the identification process. So, controlling read range of a RFID on Automation tool’s Crib to reduce error on transaction and identification process. Controlling RFID based on Visual Basic.NET are able to reduce error of scanning process on Automation Tool’s Crib from 7.5% to 1.2%

    Design and implementation of a multi-modal sensor with on-chip security

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    With the advancement of technology, wearable devices for fitness tracking, patient monitoring, diagnosis, and disease prevention are finding ways to be woven into modern world reality. CMOS sensors are known to be compact, with low power consumption, making them an inseparable part of wireless medical applications and Internet of Things (IoT). Digital/semi-digital output, by the translation of transmitting data into the frequency domain, takes advantages of both the analog and digital world. However, one of the most critical measures of communication, security, is ignored and not considered for fabrication of an integrated chip. With the advancement of Moore\u27s law and the possibility of having a higher number of transistors and more complex circuits, the feasibility of having on-chip security measures is drawing more attention. One of the fundamental means of secure communication is real-time encryption. Encryption/ciphering occurs when we encode a signal or data, and prevents unauthorized parties from reading or understanding this information. Encryption is the process of transmitting sensitive data securely and with privacy. This measure of security is essential since in biomedical devices, the attacker/hacker can endanger users of IoT or wearable sensors (e.g. attacks at implanted biosensors can cause fatal harm to the user). This work develops 1) A low power and compact multi-modal sensor that can measure temperature and impedance with a quasi-digital output and 2) a low power on-chip signal cipher for real-time data transfer


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    Pengelolaan dan perawatan aset merupakan tindakan pencegahan dari kerusakan peralatan di industri. Tempat pengelolaan peralatan produksi atau yang biasa disebut tool’s crib merupakan fasilitas bagi field engineer di line produksi. Secara umum, sistem pengelolaan alat yang beroperasi di industri dilakukan pengecekan dan perawatan setiap bulan. Namun, aktivitas pengecekan administrasi dan perawatan yang tidak seimbang berakibat terganggunya proses transaksi dan identifikasi. Otomatisasi pada tool’s crib diterapkan untuk mengubah proses transaksi dan administrasi pada sistem menjadi otomatis menggunakan RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) dan database dalam proyek Automation Tool’s Crib. RFID yang digunakan memiliki jarak baca yang terlalu jauh pada proses identifikasi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengaturan jarak baca pada Automation Tool’s Crib untuk mengurangi eror pada saat transaksi dan identifikasi. Pengaturan RFID berbasis Visual Basic.NET mampu mengurangi kesalahan proses identifikasi peralatan pada Automation Tool’s Crib dari 7,5 % menjadi 1,2 %

    Dispositivo de detecção o alagamento da região do anular de dutos submarinos flexíveis não aderentes com uso de sensores com identificação por radiofrequência

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    O ingresso de água do mar na região anular de dutos flexíveis pode ocorrer devido à ruptura da camada externa isolante ou pela permeação de vapor d’água a partir do interior do duto. Este evento causa significativa redução no tempo de operação do duto, principalmente pelo ambiente corrosivo que é formado. Associado a isso, a permeação de gases provindos do produto de exploração, em conjunto com a condição de anular alagado, leva à geração de mecanismos de falha como corrosão fadiga e fragilização induzida pelo hidrogênio. Uma vez que o espaço do anular dos dutos flexíveis é alagado, diversos modos de falha assistidos por corrosão podem se desenvolver e, assim, um dispositivo capaz de detectar com segurança a presença da água na estrutura é altamente desejável. Este trabalho tem por objetivo desenvolver um dispositivo capaz de detectar o alagamento do anular de dutos flexíveis com o uso de sensores com identificação por radiofrequência. Foram produzidos sensores, especialmente para a aplicação entre as camadas de dutos flexíveis e com frequência de ressonância específica. O mecanismo de detecção da alteração da condição do anular é baseado na variação de frequência de ressonância do sensor. Foram projetados e validados um conjunto de sensores e um leitor, por meio do método dos elementos finitos e de uma etapa experimental. Na etapa experimental os sensores foram instalados interior das camadas de um segmento de duto flexível, bem como foi realizada a simulação das condições de alagamento com água do mar sintética. A influência de parâmetros externos na frequência de ressonância foi mensurada, tais como a variação da temperatura do meio, a inclinação e a excentricidade entre a bobina leitora e o sensor. Os resultados comprovaram a capacidade de o dispositivo detectar o alagamento de dutos flexíveis. Reduções de valores de frequência de ressonância de até 1,25 MHz foram verificadas. Os efeitos do aumento da temperatura do meio, da inclinação e da excentricidade das bobinas podem ser negligenciados.The ingress of seawater into the annular region of flexible pipes can occur due to the rupture of the external insulating layer or by the permeation of water vapor from the interior of the pipe. This event causes a significant reduction in the pipeline's operating time, mainly due to the corrosive environment that is formed. Associated with this, the permeation of gases coming from the exploration product, together with the annular flooded condition, leads to the generation of failure mechanisms such as fatigue corrosion and hydrogen-induced embrittlement. Since the annular space of flexible pipes is flooded, several corrosion assisted failure modes can develop and thus a device capable of reliably detecting the presence of water in the structure is highly desirable. This work aims to develop a device capable of detecting the flooding of the annular of flexible pipes using sensors with radio frequency identification. Sensors were produced, especially for application between layers of flexible pipes and with a specific resonance frequency. The mechanism for detecting the change in the condition of the ring is based on the resonant frequency variation of the sensor. A set of sensors and a reader were designed and validated using the finite element method and an experimental stage. In the experimental stage, the sensors were installed inside the layers of a flexible pipeline segment, and the flood conditions were simulated with synthetic seawater. The influence of external parameters on the resonance frequency was measured, such as the variation in the temperature of the medium, the inclination and the eccentricity between the reader coil and the sensor. The results proved the device's ability to detect flooding in flexible pipes. Reductions of resonant frequency values of up to 1.25 MHz were verified. The effects of increasing the temperature of the medium, inclination and eccentricity of the coils can be neglected

    Integration of Si/Si-Ge nanostructures in micro-thermoelectric generators

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    [eng] Silicon and silicon-germanium nanostructures were grown, integrated, optimized and characterized for their application in thermoelectric generation. Specifically two kinds of nanostructures were worked: silicon and silicon-germanium nanowire arrays (Si/Si-Ge NW) and polycrystalline silicon nanotube fabrics (pSi NT). The results are dived in four chapters. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 deal with Si/Si-Ge NWs, while chapter 6 presents the pSi NT fabrics. In Chapter 3 the growth and integration of Si/Si-Ge NWs was studied, in order to optimize their properties for thermoelectric application in micro-thermoelectric generators (µTEG). First, the methods for depositing gold nanoparticles prior to NW growth were studied. Second, the growth of NWs from the gold nanoparticles in a Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) process was comprehensively studied and optimized for subsequent integration of NWs in µTEGs, both of Si and Si-Ge. All important properties – NW length, diameter, density, doping and alignment – could be controlled by tuning the seeding gold nanoparticles and the process conditions, namely temperature, pressure, flows of reactants and growth time. Finally, integration was demonstrated in micro-structures for thermoelectric generation and characterization. The optimization process yielded to fully integrated thermoelectric Si/Si-Ge NW arrays with diameters and densities of ~100 nm and 5 NW/µm2 respectively. In Chapter 4 the Si NWs were thermoelectrically characterized. The Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of arrays and single Si-NWs were measured in microstructures devoted to characterization comprising NWs integrated as in final µTEG application. Additionally a novel atomic force microscope based method for determination of thermal conductivity was explored. Then the results were discussed comparing them with existing literature. A ZT of 0.022 was found at room temperature, revealing an improvement of factor 2-3 with respect to bulk. In Chapter 5 The harvesting capabilities of µTEGs with integrated Si/Si-Ge NWs was assessed. The thermal gradient and the power of the µTEGs was assessed for two generation of devices and for two thermoelectric materials, namely Si and Si-Ge NWs, which were integrated for the first time in functional generators. Also a study on heat sinking and convection effects was conducted adding insight towards further device improvement. Finally, the results were discussed and compared with literature. The maximum power densities attained were 4.5 µW/cm2 for the Si NWs and 4.9 µW/cm2 for the Si-Ge NWs while harvesting over surfaces at 350 ºC. Chapter 6 deals with pSi NT fibers. First this new material concept and the growth route are presented, showing the fabrication steps and the control of the resulting properties by CVD method. Then the material is thermoelectrically characterized, by measuring its Seebeck coefficient and electrical and thermal conductivities up to 450 ºC. A ZT of 0.12 was found, doubling the optimally doped bulk at this temperature. Finally a proof of concept was demonstrated by assessing the thermal harvesting capabilities of the material on top of hot surfaces. A maximum of 3.5 mW/cm2 was attained at 650 ºC.[spa] Los materiales termoeléctricos permiten la conversión de calor a electricidad y viceversa. Esto permite explotar el efecto termoeléctrico en generadores termoeléctricos, capaces de extraer energía térmica de fuentes calientes y convertirla a electricidad útil. Estos generadores presentan grandes ventajas, como su falta de piezas móviles – y por ende necesidad de mantenimiento alguna – y su total escalabilidad, que permite cambiar su tamaño sin afectar su rendimiento. Esto los hace obvios candidatos para la alimentación y carga de dispositivos portátiles y situados lugares de difícil acceso. A pesar de ello, su uso no está muy extendido debido a que su relación eficiencia-coste es baja en comparación a otros métodos capaces de suplir las funciones de alimentación – como la sustitución periódica de baterías – o de conversión térmica-eléctrica – como las turbinas de vapor. Los materiales termoeléctricos suelen ser o eficientes y caros (como el Bi2Te3 usado en los módulos comerciales) o ineficientes y de bajo coste (como el silicio, barato por su abundancia ya que supone un 28% de la corteza terrestre). En este trabajo se han crecido nanostructuras de silicio y silicio-germano, con dimensiones en el orden de los 100 nm. Los nanomateriales presentan propiedades termoeléctricas mejoradas respecto a sus contrapartes macroscópicas. Gracias a la nanoestructuración pues, se ha abordado del problema de eficiencia-coste por dos vertientes: • En el caso del silicio – normalmente un mal termoeléctrico debido a su alta conductividad térmica – se ha habilitado su uso como termoeléctrico al crecerlo en forma de nanohilos cristalinos y nanotubos de silicio policristalino. • En el caso de silicio-germano – que ya es un buen termoeléctrico para uso en altas temperaturas – se ha aumentado su eficiencia aún más, creciéndolo en forma de nanohilos. Yendo más allá de la síntesis, los nanohilos de silicio/silicio-germano se han optimizado, caracterizado en integrado en gran número micro-generadores termoeléctricos de 1 mm2 de superficie, pensados para la alimentación de pequeños dispositivos y circuitos integrados. Respecto a los nanotubos de Si, estos se han obtenido en densas fibras macroscópicas aptas para su aplicación directa como generadores termoeléctricos de gran área. Cabe mencionar que ambos nanomateriales – así como los microgeneradores basados en nanohilos – fueron obtenidos mediante técnicas actualmente utilizadas para la fabricación de circuitos integrados, pensando en la escalabilidad del proceso para su aplicación. El trabajo presentado en esta tesis consiste en el crecimiento, optimización, estudio e integración de nanostructuras de Si/Si-Ge para su aplicación en generación termoeléctrica. En los Capítulos 1 y 2 se pone un marco a los materiales tratados y su aplicación y se describen los métodos utilizados, respectivamente. Los resultados se han dividido en cuatro capítulos. En los Capítulos 3, 4 y 5 se tratan los nanohilos abordando su crecimiento, caracterización y aplicación en microgeneradores, respectivamente. En el Capítulo 6 se tratan las fibras de nanotubos, integrando todo el estudio en el mismo capítulo. Finalmente en el Capítulo 7 se muestran las conclusiones, resumiendo los resultados e indicando la relevancia del trabajo