258 research outputs found

    Real power loss reduction by Rock Dove optimization and Fuligo Septica optimization algorithms

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    This paper aims to use the Rock Dove (RD) optimization algorithm and the Fuligo Septica optimization (FSO) algorithm for power loss reduction. Rock Dove towards a particular place is based on the familiar (sight) objects on the traveling directions. In the formulation of the RD algorithm, atlas and range operator, and familiar sight operators have been defined and modeled. Every generation number of Rock Dove is reduced to half in the familiar sight operator and Rock Dove segment, which hold the low fitness value that occupying the lower half of the generation will be discarded. Because it is implicit that individual’s Rock Dove is unknown with familiar sights and very far from the destination place, a few Rock Doves will be at the center of the iteration. Each Rock Dove can fly towards the final target place. Then in this work, the FSO algorithm is designed for real power loss reduction. The natural vacillation mode of Fuligo Septica has been imitated to develop the algorithm. Fuligo Septica connects the food through swinging action and possesses exploration and exploitation capabilities. Fuligo Septica naturally lives in chilly and moist conditions. Mainly the organic matter in the Fuligo Septica will search for the food and enzymes formed will digest the food. In the movement of Fuligo Septica it will spread like a venous network, and cytoplasm will flow inside the Fuligo Septica in all ends. THE proposed RD optimization algorithm and FSO algorithm have been tested in IEEE 14, 30, 57, 118 and 300 bus test systems and simulation results show the projected RD and FSO algorithm reduced the real power loss

    Nuevos registros de los mixomicetos de Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico

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    Seven species of myxomycetes are reported as new records for the Mona Island Commonwealth Reserve, Puerto Rico. They are Ceratiomyxa, fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera and Tubifera ferruginosa.Siete especies de mixomicetos son informados oomo nuevos registros para la Reserva Estatal Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico. Estos son Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa, Cribaria intricata, Dictydium cancellatum, Fuligo septica, Lycogala sp., Stemonitis axifera y Tubifera ferruginosa

    Spore Germination Time in Fuligo Septica

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    Author Institution: Biology Department, North High School, Springfield, OhioFuligo septica spores were selected randomly from six different aethalia collected within fifty feet of one another, on The Ohio State University campus. In each case the specimens were found growing on Paygro, a shredded hardwood-bark mulch used around most of the plantings of the O.S.U. campus. Germination time was determined for the spores of each individual aethalium and comparisons made. The number of spores per cubic millimeter, the pH, and the temperature were also recorded. Germination occurred in from 35 to 92 minutes in spores from all but two of the aethalia, where no germination had occurred as of two hours. The germination times for all spores taken from a single aethalium were found to vary by an average of about +/- 10 min. Spore viability seems to be related not so much to the age of the aethalium as to some condition or set of conditions during the formation of the fructification

    Identifikasi Jamur Makroskopis di Hutan Lindung Haunobenak Kecamatan Kolbano Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis jamur makroskopis di Hutan Lindung Haunobenak dan mengetahui karakter morfologi jenis-jenis jamur makroskopis di Hutan Lindung Haunobenak. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus 2019 di Hutan Lindung Haunobenak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dengan teknik purpossive sampling, yang berdasarkan  banyaknya ditemukan jenis-jenis jamur makroskopis di lokasi penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan cara menjelajah, dokumentasi dan pengamatan langsung di lokasi penelitian. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan di Kawasan  Hutan Lindung Haunobenak, diperoleh jamur sebanyak 14 jenis, yang termasuk ke dalam 2 divisi yaitu 13 jenis divisi Basidiomycota dan 1 jenis divisi Myxomycota. 14 jenis jamur tersebut antara lain: Microphorus xanthopus, Pseudotrametes sp, Trametes sp 1, Trametes sp 2, Trametes versicolour, Trametes gibbosa, Pleurotus  pulmonarius, Ganoderma sp, Phellinus  pomaceus, Spongipelis sp, Hexagonia  papyraceae, Datronia  mollis, Hymenochaete  rubiginossa dan Fuligo  septica. Jamur yang ditemukan umumnya hidup pada substrat berupa ranting atau batang pohon

    Volume 2, Chapter 3-1: Slime Molds: Biology and Diversity

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    Volume 2, Chapter 3-2: Slime Molds: Bryophyte Associations

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    Importance of Myxomycetes in Biological Research and Teaching

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    Myxomycetes, the true slime molds, are highlighted in research and teaching that emphasizes various stages of the life cycle as experimental models. Past and current phylogenetic classifications of Myxomycetes on the tree of life are presented. Life cycle stages are illustrated, described, and discussed. Simple laboratory demonstrations and experiments are described that include spore germination, spore release, and moist chamber cultures utilizing organic matter from various microhabitats. Novel compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and plasmodia of 22 myxomycete species are tabulated, some of which exhibit biological activity that function as antibiotics, antimicrobials, and are cytotoxic to cancer cells. Aeroallergens include myxomycete spores, especially Fuligo septica. The plasmodial stage of Physarum polycephalum has been used as a model research system to study responses to gravity in outer space, solve the shortest pathway through a maze exhibiting “primitive intelligence,” develop a biologically controlled robot, discover what controls synchronous nuclear division, and the development of a new drug Polycefin that shows promise in the treatment of breast and brain cancerous tumors. Life span and senescence experiments showed that aging and longevity were under nuclear control. Environmental ground pollution may be remediated by myxomycete fruiting bodies and plasmodia of Fuligo septica that hyper-accumulate and concentrate highly toxic levels of zinc several thousand fold greater than site vegetation and lesser significant amounts of barium, cadmium, iron, manganese, and strontium. Tree canopy research has shown that aerial pollution results in the decrease of myxomycete species richness at higher elevations for Abies fraseri in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. At lower elevations and locations in the United States of America living Juniperus virginiana tree canopies have the highest species richness (54). Myxomycetes that occur mostly on the bark surface of living trees, shrubs, woody vines, prairie and desert plants fall into five pH groups: low pH (3.5– 4.5), mid-range pH (4.6–6.0) and pH (6.1–7.5), high pH values (7.6–10.0), and a broad spectrum of pH (3.5–7.5). When more environmental parameters are better known myxomycetes may one day serve as the basis for evaluating the impact of pollutants on living trees

    Importance of Myxomycetes in Biological Research and Teaching

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    Myxomycetes, the true slime molds, are highlighted in research and teaching that emphasizes various stages of the life cycle as experimental models. Past and current phylogenetic classifications of Myxomycetes on the tree of life are presented. Life cycle stages are illustrated, described, and discussed. Simple laboratory demonstrations and experiments are described that include spore germination, spore release, and moist chamber cultures utilizing organic matter from various microhabitats. Novel compounds isolated from fruiting bodies and plasmodia of 22 myxomycete species are tabulated, some of which exhibit biological activity that function as antibiotics, antimicrobials, and are cytotoxic to cancer cells. Aeroallergens include myxomycete spores, especially Fuligo septica. The plasmodial stage of Physarum polycephalum has been used as a model research system to study responses to gravity in outer space, solve the shortest pathway through a maze exhibiting “primitive intelligence,” develop a biologically controlled robot, discover what controls synchronous nuclear division, and the development of a new drug Polycefin that shows promise in the treatment of breast and brain cancerous tumors. Life span and senescence experiments showed that aging and longevity were under nuclear control. Environmental ground pollution may be remediated by myxomycete fruiting bodies and plasmodia of Fuligo septica that hyper-accumulate and concentrate highly toxic levels of zinc several thousand fold greater than site vegetation and lesser significant amounts of barium, cadmium, iron, manganese, and strontium. Tree canopy research has shown that aerial pollution results in the decrease of myxomycete species richness at higher elevations for Abies fraseri in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. At lower elevations and locations in the United States of America living Juniperus virginiana tree canopies have the highest species richness (54). Myxomycetes that occur mostly on the bark surface of living trees, shrubs, woody vines, prairie and desert plants fall into five pH groups: low pH (3.5– 4.5), mid-range pH (4.6–6.0) and pH (6.1–7.5), high pH values (7.6–10.0), and a broad spectrum of pH (3.5–7.5). When more environmental parameters are better known myxomycetes may one day serve as the basis for evaluating the impact of pollutants on living trees

    Регресійні моделі переходу елементів в міксоміцетах в залежності від параметрів навколишнього середовища

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    За допомогою програмного пакету Statistica проаналізовано репрезентативну вибірку що включає 52 зразки 28 видів міксоміцетів, зібраних у кардинально відмінних екотопах міських територій (м. Київ), гірських екосистем (Карпати і Альпи) та тропічних островів (Сейшели). Для з’ясування трансформації елементів міксоміцетами в навколишньому середовищі побудовано математичні моделі біоакумуляції елементів, в залежності від їх концентрації в міксоміцетах, субстратах, ґрунті та його рухомих формах, повітрі та дощовій воді. Встановлено, що на рівень Ca в досліджених зразках міксоміцетів впливають всі проаналізовані фактори. Концентрація Mn залежить від його вмісту у повітрі та рухомих формах ґрунту, Pb – в дощовій воді, ґрунті та його рухомих формах. Для As та Fe найкращими предикторами виявились субстрат та ґрунт, субстрат також відіграє вирішальну роль у зміні вмісту Al та Cd, а ґрунт вагомо впливає на концентрацію Ni в міксоміцетах. Отримані моделі дозволяють з’ясувати шляхи надходження токсичних елементів у біооб’єкти та прогнозувати довгострокові ефекти техногенного впливу на стан екологічної безпеки навколишнього середовища.С помощью программного пакета Statistica проанализировано репрезентативную выборку, включающую 52 образца 28 видов миксомицетов, собранных в кардинально отличных экотопах городских территорий (г. Киев), горных экосистем (Карпаты и Альпы) и тропических островов (Сейшелы). Для выяснения трансформации элементов миксомицетами в окружающей среде построены математические модели биоаккумуляции элементов, в зависимости от их концентрации в миксомицетах, субстратах, почве и ее подвижных формах, воздухе и дождевой воде. Установлено, что на уровень Ca в исследованных образцах миксомицетов влияют все проанализированые факторы. Концентрация Mn зависит от его содержания в воздухе и подвижных формах почвы, Pb – в дождевой воде, почве и ее подвижных формах. Для As и Fe лучшими предикторами оказались субстрат и почва, субстрат также играет решающую роль в изменении содержания Al и Cd, а почва весомо влияет на концентрацию Ni в миксомицетах. Полученные модели позволяют выяснить пути поступления токсичных элементов в биообъекты и прогнозировать долгосрочные эффекты техногенного воздействия на состояние экологической безопасности окружающей среды.With the Statistica software package the representative selection was analyzed. It is including 52 sample of myxomycetes 28 species collected in fundamentally different ecotypes, such as urban areas (Kiev), mountain ecosystems (Carpathian and Alps) and the tropical islands (Seychelles). The mathematical models bioaccumulation elements, depending on their concentration in Myxomycetes, substrates, soil and moving it forms the air and rain water were built for determination the way of elements transformation in the environment myxomycetes. It is found that Ca levels affecting all analyzing factors in the samples examined myxomycetes. Mn concentration depends on its content in the air and moving forms of soil, Pb – in rainwater, soil and its mobile forms. The best predictors for As and Fe were substrate and the soil, substrate also plays a crucial role in changing the contents of Al and Cd, and the soil weighty impact on the Ni concentration in the myxomycetes. These models allow find out the input way of toxic elements to biological objects and it predict long-term effects of anthropogenic impact on the ecological safety condition of the environment