10,209 research outputs found

    Literature Study on Factors Influencing the Market Acceptance of PSS

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    AbstractProduct-Service Systems (PSS) as an integration of product and service elements in one market offer promise amongst others better fulfillment of customer demand, quicker innovation, differentiation from competitors and sustainability. However in the industrial practice there are major challenges in successfully offering these PSS. One of these challenges is to gain market acceptance for PSS. Whereas benefits for providers and customers have been widely discussed in literature, going beyond these statements and analyzing factors on the market acceptance of PSS is hardly discussed. The paper gives the theoretical foundations for a model explaining an integrated set of factors for and against the market acceptance of PSS in B2B environments

    Business and technological perspectives of Industry 4.0 A framework for thinking with case illustration = Az Ipar 4.0 üzleti és technológiai vetületei Gondolkodási keret esettanulmánnyal illusztrálva

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    In the last couple of years, we have witnessed an exponentially increasing interest of academia and professionals towards Industry 4.0 (I4.0). By focusing on the firm level of I4.0, the authors propose a framework highlighting several technical (technologies and applications, design principles) and business (vision, impact on competitiveness, integration, types of innovation, maturity) perspectives of the phenomenon. Their goal is to clarify the most frequent perspectives and by using them build a thinking framework, making readers understand what I4.0 is about. While frameworks are usually elaborated on a conceptual basis, this paper illustrates the selected perspectives and their links by an in-depth case study. A factory’s digital transformation interpreted in the framework emphasizes the importance of research design and context. ------ Az elmúlt néhány évben a tudományos élet és a vállalati szakemberek exponenciálisan növekvő érdeklődését tapasztaljuk az Ipar 4.0 (I4.0) iránt. Az I4.0 vállalati szintjére összpontosítva olyan keretrendszert javasolnak a szerzők, amely kiemeli a jelenség számos technikai (technológiák és alkalmazások, tervezési alapelvek) és üzleti (vízió, versenyképesség, integráció, innováció típusai, érettség) vetületét. Céljuk, hogy a szakmai diskurzusban leggyakrabban előkerülő vetületek tartalmának tisztázása után azokból egy gondolkodási keretet építsenek. Míg a keretrendszerek általában elvi megfontolások alapján születnek, a cikk egy feldolgozóipari cég I4.0 transzformációját bemutató esettanulmány segítségével szemlélteti az egyes vetületeket és azok összekapcsolódását. A vizsgált gyár gondolkodási keretben értelmezett digitális átalakulása rámutat a kutatások tervezésének és kontextusának fontosságára

    Growth through servitization:drivers, enablers, processes and impact (SSC2014)

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    Proceedings of the Spring Servitization Conference (SSC 2013):servitization in the multi-organisation enterprise

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    The increased data complexity and task interdependency associated with servitization represent significant barriers to its adoption. The outline of a business game is presented which demonstrates the increasing complexity of the management problem when moving through Base, Intermediate and Advanced levels of servitization. Linked data is proposed as an agile set of technologies, based on well established standards, for data exchange both in the game and more generally in supply chains


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    This study examines how the transitioning process towards a more service-oriented logic has been carried out in four publicly-listed manufacturing companies based on their annual reporting; Kone, KoneCranes, Metso and Wärtsilä. The qualitative comparative case method is applied to analyze these companies in order to find out how far the com-panies are in the processes of service implementation and how they have reached this point. In this respect, a four-stage model is created to divide the service-implementation process into four distinctive phases; 1.) Product supplier, 2.) Add-on service provider, 3.) Solution supplier and 4.) Performance supplier. This model is further applied to de-termine how the servitization process has proceeded in case companies during the re-search period from 2001 to 2011. Study results suggest that case companies have gone through relatively different service development processes in terms of both chronological lengths and contents of each de-velopment stage. Case companies were located in different phases in 2001 as Metso represented a Product Supplier, whereas Wärtsilä and Kone were situated in the Add-on service provider -stage. Only KoneCranes had advanced into the Solution Supplier -phase. All the case companies have ended up to the Solution Supplier -phase in 2011. However, some of the companies seem to share better premises to progress into the last service development phase in the future. This paper complements the service-related research of manufacturing companies by paying attention especially on the comparative case study method with annual reports as the key source and by establishing the Four-stage service development model that can be further used to assess how companies have progressed in their servitization processes.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Modern Perspectives in Business Applications

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    This book is unique! Until now, purchasing and supply management books have had a primarily domestic outlook. However in this book, important issues related to sales management and supply management are handled with a modern perspective. This book has global vision tied into management principles based on an understanding of the sales management and basic job of purchasing and supply management, as all authors have held high-level positions directing the effort. Distinguished researchers from prestigious universities have written chapters and case studies from real-world events that challenge the brightest minds

    Metodologi Manajemen Biaya Untuk Industrial Product-Service Systems

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    Persaingan global telah mendorong perusahaan manufaktur untuk merubah pola pikir mereka dari hanya menjual produk menjadi penyedia produk dan jasa yang terintegrasi. Strategi baru ini dikenal sebagai Product-Service System (PSS). Industrial Product-Service System (IPS2) merupakan kasus khusus dari PSS di mana konsumen utama dari perusahaan tersebut adalah perusahaan lain (business-to-business). Konsep IPS2 menjanjikan banyak keuntungan tetapi juga akan membawa tantangan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan perhitungan biaya. Biaya merupakan aspek yang sangat penting bagi perusahaan untuk merencanakan dan menjalankan bisnis. Tapi penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa sangat sedikit referensi yang tersedia yang membahas mengenai perhitungan biaya untuk perusahaan IPS2. Tesis ini ingin menentukan teknik perhitungan biaya apa yang paling sesuai untuk perusahaan IPS2 khususnya model bisnis function-oriented. Penelitian ini menggunakan kombinasi metodologi literature review dan analisis studi kasus. Pada tahap literature review, situasi terkini dari perusahaan IPS2 dan sistem biaya yang paling umum seperti Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Time- Driven Activity-Based Costing (TD-ABC), Process-Based Costing (PBC) dan Lean Accounting dipelajari untuk menentukan sistem biaya mana yang paling sesuai untuk dimodifikasi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan IPS2. Kerangka perhitungan biaya baru berdasarkan prisip lean akan diusulkan dan diverifikasi pada tahap studi kasus. Secara umum perusahaan IPS2 function-oriented masih mengunakan perhitungan biaya tradisional (standard costing). Padahal, sistem ini tidak lagi mampu menjawab kebutuhan perusahaan dan mendorong untuk melakukan perbaikan berkelanjutan dan transformasi menuju perjalanan servitization. Kerangka biaya yang diusulkan terdiri dari elemen biaya apa saja yang mungkin muncul di perusahaan IPS2 function-oriented dan tahap untuk menghitung biaya total dari penawaran terintegrasi. =================================================================================================== Increasing competition has encouraged manufacturing company to shift their mind-set from only selling product becoming an integrated products and services provider. This new strategy is called as Product-Service System (PSS). Industrial Product-Service System (IPS2) is specific case in PSS when the major customers are another industrial companies. IPS2 is promising some benefits but it will also bring challenges particularly in terms of cost assessment dimension. Cost is certainly one of important considerations for companies to plan and direct their businesses. But studies show that there is remain very limited researches for cost assessment in IPS2 companies. This research intends to analyze the present cost estimation in IPS2 company particularly function-oriented business model. The research is conducted by using the combination of intensive literature review and case study analysis. During the literature review stage, the current situation of IPS2 companies and the most common used costing system such as Activity-Based Costing (ABC), Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing (TD-ABC), Process-Based Costing (PBC) and Lean Accounting are studied to find the most suitable costing system to be adjusted to meet the needs of IPS2. A new cost assessment framework based on lean principle then being proposed and verified during the stage of case study analysis. Currently most of IPS2 function-oriented companies remain use the traditional costing (standard costing) whereas this costing system is not appropriate for IPS2 companies and particularly could not support company’s continuous improvement and transformation toward the long servitization journey. The new proposed cost assessment framework is developed to address all the IPS2 functionoriented characteristics. The framework consists of the cost structures occurred in IPS2 function-oriented company and the sequence steps to obtain the cost of total offering

    The role of digital servitization in mitigating the impacts of Covid-19 pandemic: the case of italian manufacturing companies.

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    A multimonthly research has been carried out in an attempt to demonstrate how services and digital technologies behaved during the pandemic. In particular, manufacturers who were ready under a digital and service perspectives, were those who reacted faster in the initial months of the pandemic. The research has also highlighted that further investments will be allocated to service and technologies
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