27 research outputs found

    Timely Near-Optimal Path Generation for an Unmanned Aerial System in a Highly Constrained Environment

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    A current challenge in path planning is the ability to efficiently calculate a near-optimum path solution through a highly-constrained environment in near-real time. In addition, computing performance on a small unmanned aerial vehicle is typically limited due to size and weight restrictions. The proposed method determines a solution quickly by first mapping a highly constrained three-dimensional environment to a two-dimensional weighted node surface in which the weighting accounts for both the terrain gradient and the vehicle\u27s performance. The 2D surface is then discretized into triangles which are sized based upon the vehicle maneuverability and terrain gradient. The shortest feasible path between the nodes of the two-dimensional triangulated surface is determined using an A* algorithm. An optimal path is then chosen through the unconstrained corridor to yield a quick near-optimal path solution in three-dimensional space. This technique requires prior knowledge of the terrain map and vehicle performance. The cost to traverse each segment of the map is independent of the starting position on the map and can be pre-calculated once the goal position is known. The proposed method allows for a rapid path solution from any start position to a goal position while satisfying all constraints. It was shown that employing the methodology herein resulted in near-optimal solutions in less than a couple seconds for the scenarios tested. The future work section proposes methods for improving the algorithms efficiency even further

    Study and Development of Hierarchical Path Finding to Speed Up Crowd Simulation

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    We propose a new hierarchical path finding solution for large environments. We use a navigation mesh as abstract data structure to partition the 3D world. Then, we build a hierarchy of graphs that allow us to perform faster path finding calculations than a common A*

    Simplex Control Methods for Robust Convergence of Small Unmanned Aircraft Flight Trajectories in the Constrained Urban Environment

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    Constrained optimal control problems for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) have long suffered from excessive computation times caused by a combination of constraint modeling techniques, the quality of the initial path solution provided to the optimal control solver, and improperly defining the bounds on system state variables, ultimately preventing implementation into real-time, on-board systems. In this research, a new hybrid approach is examined for real-time path planning of SUAS. During autonomous flight, a SUAS is tasked to traverse from one target region to a second target region while avoiding hard constraints consisting of building structures of an urban environment. Feasible path solutions are determined through highly constrained spaces, investigating narrow corridors, visiting multiple waypoints, and minimizing incursions to keep-out regions. These issues are addressed herein with a new approach by triangulating the search space in two-dimensions, or using a tetrahedron discretization in three-dimensions to define a polygonal search corridor free of constraints while alleviating the dependency of problem specific parameters by translating the problem to barycentric coordinates. Within this connected simplex construct, trajectories are solved using direct orthogonal collocation methods while leveraging navigation mesh techniques developed for fast geometric path planning solutions. To illustrate two-dimensional flight trajectories, sample results are applied to flight through downtown Chicago at an altitude of 600 feet above ground level. The three-dimensional problem is examined for feasibility by applying the methodology to a small scale problem. Computation and objective times are reported to illustrate the design implications for real-time optimal control systems, with results showing 86% reduction in computation time over traditional methods

    Constraint-based navigation for safe, shared control of ground vehicles

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2013.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 138-147).Human error in machine operation is common and costly. This thesis introduces, develops, and experimentally demonstrates a new paradigm for shared-adaptive control of human-machine systems that mitigates the effects of human error without removing humans from the control loop. Motivated by observed human proclivity toward navigation in fields of safe travel rather than along specific trajectories, the planning and control framework developed in this thesis is rooted in the design and enforcement of constraints rather than the more traditional use of reference paths. Two constraint-planning methods are introduced. The first uses a constrained Delaunay triangulation of the environment to identify, cumulatively evaluate, and succinctly circumscribe the paths belonging to a particular homotopy with a set of semi autonomously enforceable constraints on the vehicle's position. The second identifies a desired homotopy by planning - and then laterally expanding - the optimal path that traverses it. Simulated results show both of these constraint-planning methods capable of improving the performance of one or multiple agents traversing an environment with obstacles. A method for predicting the threat posed to the vehicle given the current driver action, present state of the environment, and modeled vehicle dynamics is also presented. This threat assessment method, and the shared control approach it facilitates, are shown in simulation to prevent constraint violation or vehicular loss of control with minimal control intervention. Visual and haptic driver feedback mechanisms facilitated by this constraint-based control and threat-based intervention are also introduced. Finally, a large-scale, repeated measures study is presented to evaluate this control framework's effect on the performance, confidence, and cognitive workload of 20 drivers teleoperating an unmanned ground vehicle through an outdoor obstacle course. In 1,200 trials, the constraint-based framework developed in this thesis is shown to increase vehicle velocity by 26% while reducing the occurrence of collisions by 78%, improving driver reaction time to a secondary task by 8.7%, and increasing overall user confidence and sense of control by 44% and 12%, respectively. These performance improvements were realized with the autonomous controller usurping less than 43% of available vehicle control authority, on average.by Sterling J. Anderson.Ph.D

    Real-time motion planning, navigation, and behavior for large crowds of virtual humans

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    Simulating crowds in real time is a challenging problem that touches many different aspects of Computer Graphics: rendering, animation, path planning, behavior, etc. Our work has mainly focused on two particular aspects of real-time crowds: motion planning and behavior. Real-time crowd motion planning requires fast, realistic methods for path planning as well as obstacle avoidance. The difficulty to find a satisfying trade-off between efficiency and believability is particularly challenging, and prior techniques tend to focus on a single approach. We have developed two approaches to completely solve crowd motion planning in real time. The first one is a hybrid architecture able to handle the path planning of thousands of pedestrians in real time, while ensuring dynamic collision avoidance. The scalability of this architecture allows to interactively create and distribute regions of varied interest, where motion planning is ruled by different algorithms. Practically, regions of high interest are governed by a long-term potential field-based approach, while other zones exploit a graph of the environment and short-term avoidance techniques. Our architecture also ensures pedestrian motion continuity when switching between motion planning algorithms. Tests and comparisons show that our architecture is able to realistically plan motion for thousands of characters in real time, and in varied environments. Our second approach is based on the concept of motion patches [Lee et al., 2006], that we extend to densely populate large environments. We build a population from a set of blocks containing a pre-computed local crowd simulation. Each block is called a crowd patch. We address the problem of computing patches, assembling them to create virtual environments (VEs), and controlling their content to answer designers' needs. Our major contribution is to provide a drastic lowering of computation needs for simulating a virtual crowd at runtime. We can thus handle dense populations in large-scale environments with performances never reached so far. Our results illustrate the real-time population of a potentially infinite city with realistic and varied crowds interacting with each other and their environment. Enforcing intelligent autonomous behaviors in crowds is a difficult problem, for most algorithms are too computationally expensive to be exploited on large crowds. Our work has been focused on finding solutions that can simulate intelligent behaviors of characters, while remaining computationally inexpensive. We contribute to crowd behaviors by developing situation-based behaviors, i.e., behaviors triggered depending on the position of a pedestrian. We have also extended our crowd motion planning architecture with an algorithm able to simulate group behaviors, which much enhances the user perception of the watched scene

    From Constrained Delaunay Triangulations to Roadmap Graphs with Arbitrary Clearance

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    This work studies path planning in two-dimensional space, in the presence of polygonal obstacles. We specifically address the problem of building a roadmap graph, that is, an abstract representation of all the paths that can potentially be followed around a given set of obstacles. Our solution consists in an original refinement algorithm for constrained Delaunay triangulations, aimed at generating a roadmap graph suited for planning paths with arbitrary clearance. In other words, a minimum distance to the obstacles can be specified, and the graph does not have to be recomputed if this distance is modified. Compared to other solutions, our approach has the advantage of being simpler, as well as significantly more efficient

    Clustering-Based Robot Navigation and Control

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    In robotics, it is essential to model and understand the topologies of configuration spaces in order to design provably correct motion planners. The common practice in motion planning for modelling configuration spaces requires either a global, explicit representation of a configuration space in terms of standard geometric and topological models, or an asymptotically dense collection of sample configurations connected by simple paths, capturing the connectivity of the underlying space. This dissertation introduces the use of clustering for closing the gap between these two complementary approaches. Traditionally an unsupervised learning method, clustering offers automated tools to discover hidden intrinsic structures in generally complex-shaped and high-dimensional configuration spaces of robotic systems. We demonstrate some potential applications of such clustering tools to the problem of feedback motion planning and control. The first part of the dissertation presents the use of hierarchical clustering for relaxed, deterministic coordination and control of multiple robots. We reinterpret this classical method for unsupervised learning as an abstract formalism for identifying and representing spatially cohesive and segregated robot groups at different resolutions, by relating the continuous space of configurations to the combinatorial space of trees. Based on this new abstraction and a careful topological characterization of the associated hierarchical structure, a provably correct, computationally efficient hierarchical navigation framework is proposed for collision-free coordinated motion design towards a designated multirobot configuration via a sequence of hierarchy-preserving local controllers. The second part of the dissertation introduces a new, robot-centric application of Voronoi diagrams to identify a collision-free neighborhood of a robot configuration that captures the local geometric structure of a configuration space around the robot’s instantaneous position. Based on robot-centric Voronoi diagrams, a provably correct, collision-free coverage and congestion control algorithm is proposed for distributed mobile sensing applications of heterogeneous disk-shaped robots; and a sensor-based reactive navigation algorithm is proposed for exact navigation of a disk-shaped robot in forest-like cluttered environments. These results strongly suggest that clustering is, indeed, an effective approach for automatically extracting intrinsic structures in configuration spaces and that it might play a key role in the design of computationally efficient, provably correct motion planners in complex, high-dimensional configuration spaces

    Sketching for Real-time Control of Crowd Simulations

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    Controlling the behaviour of a crowd simulation typically involves tuning of a system's parameters through trial and error, a time-consuming process relying on knowledge of a potentially complex parameter set. Numerous graphical control approaches have been proposed to allow the user to interact with a simulation intuitively. This research investigates the use of a real-time sketch-based approach for crowd simulation control. This is done by modifying the environment of the simulation. Users can create entrances/exits, barriers and flow lines in real-time on top of an environment. This process requires a data structure to represent the environment and navigate the crowd through it. Two alternatives are presented: grid and navigation mesh. A detailed comparison shows that the navigation mesh is a more scalable approach since it uses less memory, has a similar pathfinding time, and is a better structure to represent the environment than the grid. The thesis also presents extensions to the sketch-based approach in the form of novel control tools, including storyboards to define the journey of the crowd, a timeline interface to simulate events through the day, and a sketch-based group storyboard to link behaviours and paths to be followed by a group. These tools are used to create two complex scenarios to exemplify possible applications of the sketch-based approach. The work on timelines also raises a new problem for an approach that dynamically modifies an environment in real-time which is 'when does the crowd know about the change?' Some initial solutions to how this should be handled are presented. The sketch-based system is evaluated by comparing it to a validated commercial system called MassMotion. The comparison takes into account the plausibility of the simulation and usability of the user interface. A user study is carried out to evaluate the graphical user interface of both systems. Formal evaluation methods are used to make the comparison: the benchmark suite 'steersuite', an adapted version of the Keystroke-Level Model (KLM) and the System Usability Scale (SUS). The results show that the sketch-based approach is faster and easier to use than MassMotion, but with fewer control options. An implementation of the sketching interface in a Virtual Reality environment is also considered. However, when compared to the desktop interface using a proposed adaptation to KLM for VR, the results show that sketching in a VR environment is slower and less accurate than the desktop version

    Coverage Path Planning for Autonomous Robots

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    Coverage Path Planning (CPP) is a problem of path computation with minimal length that guarantees to scan the entire area of interest. CPP finds its application in diverse fields like cartography, inspection, precision agriculture, milling, and demining. However, this thesis is a prominent step to solve CPP for real-world problems where environment poses multiple challenges. At first, four significant and pressing challenges for CPP in extreme environment are identified. Each challenge is formulated as a problem and its solution has been presented as a dedicated chapter in this thesis. The first problem, Goal-Oriented Sensor based CPP, focuses on cumbersome tasks like Nuclear Decommissioning, where the robot covers an abandoned site in tandem with the goal to reach a static target in minimal time. To meet the grave speeding-up challenge, a novel offline-online strategy is proposed that efficiently models the site using floor plans and grid maps as a priori information. The proposed strategy outperforms the two baseline approaches with reduction in coverage time by 45%- 82%. The second problem explores CPP of distributed regions, applicable in post-disaster scenarios like Fukushima Daiichi. Experiments are conducted at radiation laboratory to identify the constraints robot would be subjected to. The thesis is successfully able to diagnose transient damage in the robot’s sensor after 3 Gy of gamma radiation exposure. Therefore, a region order travel constraint known as Precedence Provision is imposed for successful coverage. The region order constraint allows the coverage length to be minimised by 65% in comparison to state-of-the-art techniques. The third problem identifies the major bottleneck of limited on-board energy that inhibits complete coverage of distributed regions. The existing approaches allow robots to undertake multiple tours for complete coverage which is impractical in many scenarios. To this end, a novel algorithm is proposed that solves a variant of CPP where the robot aims to achieve near-optimal area coverage due to path length limitation caused by the energy constraint. The proposed algorithm covers 23% - 35% more area in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches. Finally, the last problem, an extension of the second and third problems, deals with the problem of CPP over a set of disjoint regions using a fleet of heterogeneous aerial robots. A heuristic is proposed to deliver solutions within acceptable time limits. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed heuristic solution reduces the energy cost by 15-40% in comparison to the state-of-the art solutions