199 research outputs found

    Model-Free 3D Shape Control of Deformable Objects Using Novel Features Based on Modal Analysis

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    Shape control of deformable objects is a challenging and important robotic problem. This paper proposes a model-free controller using novel 3D global deformation features based on modal analysis. Unlike most existing controllers using geometric features, our controller employs a physically-based deformation feature by decoupling 3D global deformation into low-frequency mode shapes. Although modal analysis is widely adopted in computer vision and simulation, it has not been used in robotic deformation control. We develop a new model-free framework for modal-based deformation control under robot manipulation. Physical interpretation of mode shapes enables us to formulate an analytical deformation Jacobian matrix mapping the robot manipulation onto changes of the modal features. In the Jacobian matrix, unknown geometry and physical properties of the object are treated as low-dimensional modal parameters which can be used to linearly parameterize the closed-loop system. Thus, an adaptive controller with proven stability can be designed to deform the object while online estimating the modal parameters. Simulations and experiments are conducted using linear, planar, and solid objects under different settings. The results not only confirm the superior performance of our controller but also demonstrate its advantages over the baseline method.Comment: Accepted by the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. The paper will appear in the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. IEEE copyrigh

    Image Analysis via Applied Harmonic Analysis : Perceptual Image Quality Assessment, Visual Servoing, and Feature Detection

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    Certain systems of analyzing functions developed in the field of applied harmonic analysis are specifically designed to yield efficient representations of structures which are characteristic of common classes of two-dimensional signals, like images. In particular, functions in these systems are typically sensitive to features that define the geometry of a signal, like edges and curves in the case of images. These properties make them ideal candidates for a wide variety of tasks in image processing and image analysis. This thesis discusses three recently developed approaches to utilizing systems of wavelets, shearlets, and alpha-molecules in specific image analysis tasks. First, a perceptual image similarity measure is introduced that is solely based on the coefficients obtained from six discrete Haar wavelet filters but yields state of the art correlations with human opinion scores on large benchmark databases. The second application concerns visual servoing, which is a technique for controlling the motion of a robot by using feedback from a visual sensor. In particular, it will be investigated how the coefficients yielded by discrete wavelet and shearlet transforms can be used as the visual features that control the motion of a robot with six degrees of freedom. Finally, a novel framework for the detection and characterization of features such as edges, ridges, and blobs in two-dimensional images is presented and evaluated in extensive numerical experiments. Here, versatile and robust feature detectors are obtained by exploiting the special symmetry properties of directionally sensitive analyzing functions in systems created within the recently introduced alpha-molecule framework

    3D reconstruction, classification and mechanical characterization of microstructures

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    Modeling and classifying 3D microstructures are important steps in precise micro-manipulation. This thesis explores some of the visual reconstruction and classification algorithms for 3D microstructures used in micromanipulation. Mechanical characterization of microstructures has also been considered. In particular, visual reconstruction algorithm (shape from focus - SFF) uses 2D image sequence of a microscopic object captured at different focusing levels to create a 3D range image. Then, the visual classification algorithm takes the range image as an input and applies a curvature-based segmentation method, HK segmentation, which is based on differential geometry. The object is segmented into surface patches according to the curvature of its surface. It is shown that the visual reconstruction algorithm works successfully for synthetic and real image data. The range images are used to classify the surfaces of the micro objects according to their curvatures in the HK segmentation algorithm. Also, a mechanical property characterization technique for cell and embryo is presented. A zebrafish embryo chorion is mechanically characterized using cell boundary deformation. Elastic modulus and developmental stage of the embryo are obtained successfully using visual information. In addition to these, calibrated image based visual servoing algorithm is experimentally evaluated for various tasks in micro domain. Experimental results on optical system calibration and image-based visual servoing in micropositioning and trajectory following tasks are presented

    Image Analysis via Applied Harmonic Analysis : Perceptual Image Quality Assessment, Visual Servoing, and Feature Detection

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    Certain systems of analyzing functions developed in the field of applied harmonic analysis are specifically designed to yield efficient representations of structures which are characteristic of common classes of two-dimensional signals, like images. In particular, functions in these systems are typically sensitive to features that define the geometry of a signal, like edges and curves in the case of images. These properties make them ideal candidates for a wide variety of tasks in image processing and image analysis. This thesis discusses three recently developed approaches to utilizing systems of wavelets, shearlets, and alpha-molecules in specific image analysis tasks. First, a perceptual image similarity measure is introduced that is solely based on the coefficients obtained from six discrete Haar wavelet filters but yields state of the art correlations with human opinion scores on large benchmark databases. The second application concerns visual servoing, which is a technique for controlling the motion of a robot by using feedback from a visual sensor. In particular, it will be investigated how the coefficients yielded by discrete wavelet and shearlet transforms can be used as the visual features that control the motion of a robot with six degrees of freedom. Finally, a novel framework for the detection and characterization of features such as edges, ridges, and blobs in two-dimensional images is presented and evaluated in extensive numerical experiments. Here, versatile and robust feature detectors are obtained by exploiting the special symmetry properties of directionally sensitive analyzing functions in systems created within the recently introduced alpha-molecule framework

    Computer Vision and Kinematic Sensing in Robotics

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    To use vision in a robotic setting it is important to achieve realtime performance. Real-time vision may be used to directly steer robots using for instance visual servoing techniques. In this thesis, an experimental vision setup using a stereo rig mounted on an industrial robot (ABB Irb-6) was built from ground up and then used to perform two experiments; visual servoing and collection of data for calibration of stereo rig and positioning of second robot (ABB Irb-2000) using visual feedback. The system is currently capable of achieving a ~15Hz visual feedback rate which could be easily extended into the 20Hz domain


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    [EN] This thesis deals with two characteristic problems in visual feedback robot control: 1) sensor latency; 2) providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image. All the approaches presented in this work are analyzed and implemented on a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator or/and a wheeled robot. Focusing on the sensor latency problem, this thesis proposes the use of dual-rate high order holds within the control loop of robots. In this sense, the main contributions are: - Dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions for robot control (Chapter 3): analysis of the system performance with and without the use of this multi-rate technique from non-conventional control. In addition, as consequence of the use of dual-rate holds, this work obtains and validates multi-rate controllers, especially dual-rate PIDs. - Asynchronous dual-rate high order holds based on primitive functions with time delay compensation (Chapter 3): generalization of asynchronous dual-rate high order holds incorporating an input signal time delay compensation component, improving thus the inter-sampling estimations computed by the hold. It is provided an analysis of the properties of such dual-rate holds with time delay compensation, comparing them with estimations obtained by the equivalent dual-rate holds without this compensation, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of a 6 DOF industrial robot manipulator. - Multi-rate nonlinear high order holds (Chapter 4): generalization of the concept of dual-rate high order holds with nonlinear estimation models, which include information about the plant to be controlled, the controller(s) and sensor(s) used, obtained from machine learning techniques. Thus, in order to obtain such a nonlinear hold, it is described a methodology non dependent of the machine technique used, although validated using artificial neural networks. Finally, an analysis of the properties of these new holds is carried out, comparing them with their equivalents based on primitive functions, as well as their implementation and validation within the control loop of an industrial robot manipulator and a wheeled robot. With respect to the problem of providing suitable trajectories for the robot and for the measurement in the image, this thesis presents the novel reference features filtering control strategy and its generalization from a multi-rate point of view. The main contributions in this regard are: - Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a new control strategy is proposed to enlarge significantly the solution task reachability of robot visual feedback control. The main idea is to use optimal trajectories proposed by a non-linear EKF predictor-smoother (ERTS), based on Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) algorithm, as new feature references for an underlying visual feedback controller. In this work it is provided both the description of the implementation algorithm and its implementation and validation utilizing an industrial robot manipulator. - Dual-rate Reference features filtering control strategy (Chapter 5): a generalization of the reference features filtering approach from a multi-rate point of view, and a dual Kalman-smoother step based on the relation of the sensor and controller frequencies of the reference filtering control strategy is provided, reducing the computational cost of the former algorithm, as well as addressing the problem of the sensor latency. The implementation algorithms, as well as its analysis, are described.[ES] La presente tesis propone soluciones para dos problemas característicos de los sistemas robóticos cuyo bucle de control se cierra únicamente empleando sensores de visión artificial: 1) la latencia del sensor; 2) la obtención de trayectorias factibles tanto para el robot así como para las medidas obtenidas en la imagen. Todos los métodos propuestos en este trabajo son analizados, validados e implementados utilizando brazo robot industrial de 6 grados de libertad y/o en un robot con ruedas. Atendiendo al problema de la latencia del sensor, esta tesis propone el uso de retenedores bi-frequencia de orden alto dentro de los lazos de control de robots. En este aspecto las principales contribuciones son: -Retenedores bi-frecuencia de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas dentro de lazos de control de robots (Capítulo 3): análisis del comportamiento del sistema con y sin el uso de esta técnica de control no convencional. Además, como consecuencia del empleo de los retenedores, obtención y validación de controladores multi-frequencia, concretamente de PIDs bi-frecuencia. -Retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto basados en funciones primitivas con compensación de retardos (Capítulo 3): generalización de los retenedores bi-frecuencia asíncronos de orden alto incluyendo una componente de compensación del retardo en la señal de entrada, mejorando así las estimaciones inter-muestreo calculadas por el retenedor. Se proporciona un análisis de las propiedades de los retenedores con compensación del retardo, comparándolas con las obtenidas por sus predecesores sin compensación, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad. -Retenedores multi-frecuencia no lineales de orden alto (Capítulo 4): generalización del concepto de retenedor bi-frecuencia de orden alto con modelos de estimación no lineales, los cuales incluyen información tanto de la planta a controlar, como del controlador(es) y sensor(es) empleado(s), obtenida a partir de técnicas de aprendizaje. Así pues, para obtener dicho retenedor no lineal, se describe una metodología independiente de la herramienta de aprendizaje utilizada, aunque validada con el uso de redes neuronales artificiales. Finalmente se realiza un análisis de las propiedades de estos nuevos retenedores, comparándolos con sus predecesores basados en funciones primitivas, así como su implementación y validación en un brazo robot de 6 grados de libertad y en un robot móvil con ruedas. Por lo que respecta al problema de generación de trayectorias factibles para el robot y para la medida en la imagen, esta tesis propone la nueva estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia y su generalización desde el punto de vista multi-frecuencial. -Estrategia de control basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): una nueva estrategia de control se propone para ampliar significativamente el espacio de soluciones de los sistemas robóticos realimentados con sensores de visión artificial. La principal idea es utilizar las trayectorias óptimas obtenidas por una trayectoria predicha por un filtro de Kalman seguido de un suavizado basado en el algoritmo Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) como nuevas referencias para un controlador dado. En este trabajo se proporciona tanto la descripción del algoritmo como su implementación y validación empleando un brazo robótico industrial. -Estrategia de control bi-frecuencia basada en el filtrado de la referencia (Capítulo 5): generalización de la estrategia de control basada en filtrado de la referencia desde un punto de vista multi-frecuencial, con un filtro de Kalman multi-frecuencia y un Kalman-smoother dual basado en la relación existente entre las frecuencias del sensor y del controlador, reduciendo así el coste computacional del algoritmo y, al mismo tiempo, dando solución al problema de la latencia del sensor. La validación se realiza utilizando un barzo robot industria asi[CA] La present tesis proposa solucions per a dos problemes característics dels sistemes robòtics el els que el bucle de control es tanca únicament utilitzant sensors de visió artificial: 1) la latència del sensor; 2) l'obtenció de trajectòries factibles tant per al robot com per les mesures en la imatge. Tots els mètodes proposats en aquest treball son analitzats, validats e implementats utilitzant un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat i/o un robot amb rodes. Atenent al problema de la latència del sensor, esta tesis proposa l'ús de retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt a dins del llaços de control de robots. Al respecte, les principals contribucions son: - Retenidors bi-freqüència d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives a dintre dels llaços de control de robots (Capítol 3): anàlisis del comportament del sistema amb i sense l'ús d'aquesta tècnica de control no convencional. A més a més, com a conseqüència de l'ús dels retenidors, obtenció i validació de controladors multi-freqüència, concretament de PIDs bi-freqüència. - Retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt basats en funcions primitives amb compensació de retards (Capítol 3): generalització dels retenidors bi-freqüència asíncrons d'ordre alt inclouen una component de compensació del retràs en la senyal d'entrada al retenidor, millorant així les estimacions inter-mostreig calculades per el retenidor. Es proporciona un anàlisis de les propietats dels retenidors amb compensació del retràs, comparant-les amb les obtingudes per el seus predecessors sense la compensació, així com la seua implementació i validació en un braç robot industrial de 6 graus de llibertat. - Retenidors multi-freqüència no-lineals d'ordre alt (Capítol 4): generalització del concepte de retenidor bi-freqüència d'ordre alt amb models d'estimació no lineals, incloent informació tant de la planta a controlar, com del controlador(s) i sensor(s) utilitzat(s), obtenint-la a partir de tècniques d'aprenentatge. Així doncs, per obtindre el retenidor no lineal, es descriu una metodologia independent de la ferramenta d'aprenentatge utilitzada, però validada amb l'ús de rets neuronals artificials. Finalment es realitza un anàlisis de les propietats d'aquestos nous retenidors, comparant-los amb els seus predecessors basats amb funcions primitives, així com la seua implementació i validació amb un braç robot de 6 graus de llibertat i amb un robot mòbil de rodes. Per el que respecta al problema de generació de trajectòries factibles per al robot i per la mesura en la imatge, aquesta tesis proposa la nova estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència i la seua generalització des de el punt de vista multi-freqüència. - Estratègia de control basada amb el filtrat de la referència (Capítol 5): una nova estratègia de control es proposada per ampliar significativament l'espai de solucions dels sistemes robòtics realimentats amb sensors de visió artificial. La principal idea es la d'utilitzar les trajectòries optimes obtingudes per una trajectòria predita per un filtre de Kalman seguit d'un suavitzat basat en l'algoritme Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) com noves referències per a un control donat. En aquest treball es proporciona tant la descripció del algoritme així com la seua implementació i validació utilitzant un braç robòtic industrial de 6 graus de llibertat. - Estratègia de control bi-freqüència basada en el filtrat (Capítol 5): generalització de l'estratègia de control basada am filtrat de la referència des de un punt de vista multi freqüència, amb un filtre de Kalman multi freqüència i un Kalman-Smoother dual basat amb la relació existent entre les freqüències del sensor i del controlador, reduint així el cost computacional de l'algoritme i, al mateix temps, donant solució al problema de la latència del sensor. L'algoritme d'implementació d'aquesta tècnica, així com la seua validaciSolanes Galbis, JE. (2015). MULTI-RATE VISUAL FEEDBACK ROBOT CONTROL [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/57951TESI

    Ultrasound and Photoacoustic Techniques for Surgical Guidance Inside and Around the Spine

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    Technological advances in image-guidance have made a significant impact in surgical standards, allowing for safer and less invasive procedures. Ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging are promising options for surgical guidance given their real-time capabilities without the use of ionizing radiation. However, challenges to improve the feasibility of ultrasound- and photoacoustic-based surgical guidance persists in the presence of bone. In this thesis, we address four challenges surrounding the implementation of ultrasound- and photoacoustic-based surgical guidance in clinical scenarios inside and around the spine. First, we introduce a novel regularized implementation of short-lag spatial coherence (SLSC) beamforming, named locally-weighted short-lag spatial coherence (LW-SLSC). LW-SLSC improves the segmentation of bony structures in ultrasound images, thus reducing the hardware and software cost of registering pre and intra-operative volumes. Second, we describe a contour analysis framework to characterize and differentiate photoacoustic signals originating from cancellous and cortical bone, which is critical for a safety navigation of surgical tools through small bony cavities such as the pedicle. This analysis is also useful for localizing tool tips within the pedicle. Third, we developed a GPU approach to SLSC beamforming to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of photoacoustic targets using low laser energies, thus improving the performance of robotic visual servoing of tooltips and enabling miniaturization of laser systems in the operating room. Finally, we developed a novel acoustic-based atlas method to identify photoacoustic contrast agents and discriminate them from tissue using only two laser wavelengths. This approach significantly reduces acquisition times in comparison to conventional spectral unmixing techniques. These four contributions are beneficial for the transition of a combined ultrasound and photoacoustic-based image-guidance system towards more challenging scenarios of surgical navigation. Focusing on bone structures inside and surrounding the spine, the newly combined systems and techniques demonstrated herein feature robust, accurate, and real-time capabilities to register to preoperative images, localize surgical tool tips, and characterize biomarkers. These contributions strengthen the range of possibilities for spinous and transthoracic ultrasound and photoacoustic navigation, broaden the scope of this field, and shorten the road to clinical implementation in the operating room

    Suivi Multi-Locuteurs avec des Informations Audio-Visuelles pour la Perception des Robots

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    Robot perception plays a crucial role in human-robot interaction (HRI). Perception system provides the robot information of the surroundings and enables the robot to give feedbacks. In a conversational scenario, a group of people may chat in front of the robot and move freely. In such situations, robots are expected to understand where are the people, who are speaking, or what are they talking about. This thesis concentrates on answering the first two questions, namely speaker tracking and diarization. We use different modalities of the robot’s perception system to achieve the goal. Like seeing and hearing for a human-being, audio and visual information are the critical cues for a robot in a conversational scenario. The advancement of computer vision and audio processing of the last decade has revolutionized the robot perception abilities. In this thesis, we have the following contributions: we first develop a variational Bayesian framework for tracking multiple objects. The variational Bayesian framework gives closed-form tractable problem solutions, which makes the tracking process efficient. The framework is first applied to visual multiple-person tracking. Birth and death process are built jointly with the framework to deal with the varying number of the people in the scene. Furthermore, we exploit the complementarity of vision and robot motorinformation. On the one hand, the robot’s active motion can be integrated into the visual tracking system to stabilize the tracking. On the other hand, visual information can be used to perform motor servoing. Moreover, audio and visual information are then combined in the variational framework, to estimate the smooth trajectories of speaking people, and to infer the acoustic status of a person- speaking or silent. In addition, we employ the model to acoustic-only speaker localization and tracking. Online dereverberation techniques are first applied then followed by the tracking system. Finally, a variant of the acoustic speaker tracking model based on von-Mises distribution is proposed, which is specifically adapted to directional data. All the proposed methods are validated on datasets according to applications.La perception des robots joue un rôle crucial dans l’interaction homme-robot (HRI). Le système de perception fournit les informations au robot sur l’environnement, ce qui permet au robot de réagir en consequence. Dans un scénario de conversation, un groupe de personnes peut discuter devant le robot et se déplacer librement. Dans de telles situations, les robots sont censés comprendre où sont les gens, ceux qui parlent et de quoi ils parlent. Cette thèse se concentre sur les deux premières questions, à savoir le suivi et la diarisation des locuteurs. Nous utilisons différentes modalités du système de perception du robot pour remplir cet objectif. Comme pour l’humain, l’ouie et la vue sont essentielles pour un robot dans un scénario de conversation. Les progrès de la vision par ordinateur et du traitement audio de la dernière décennie ont révolutionné les capacités de perception des robots. Dans cette thèse, nous développons les contributions suivantes : nous développons d’abord un cadre variationnel bayésien pour suivre plusieurs objets. Le cadre bayésien variationnel fournit des solutions explicites, rendant le processus de suivi très efficace. Cette approche est d’abord appliqué au suivi visuel de plusieurs personnes. Les processus de créations et de destructions sont en adéquation avecle modèle probabiliste proposé pour traiter un nombre variable de personnes. De plus, nous exploitons la complémentarité de la vision et des informations du moteur du robot : d’une part, le mouvement actif du robot peut être intégré au système de suivi visuel pour le stabiliser ; d’autre part, les informations visuelles peuvent être utilisées pour effectuer l’asservissement du moteur. Par la suite, les informations audio et visuelles sont combinées dans le modèle variationnel, pour lisser les trajectoires et déduire le statut acoustique d’une personne : parlant ou silencieux. Pour experimenter un scenario où l’informationvisuelle est absente, nous essayons le modèle pour la localisation et le suivi des locuteurs basé sur l’information acoustique uniquement. Les techniques de déréverbération sont d’abord appliquées, dont le résultat est fourni au système de suivi. Enfin, une variante du modèle de suivi des locuteurs basée sur la distribution de von-Mises est proposée, celle-ci étant plus adaptée aux données directionnelles. Toutes les méthodes proposées sont validées sur des bases de données specifiques à chaque application

    Novel estimation and control techniques in micromanipulation using vision and force feedback

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    With the recent advances in the fields of micro and nanotechnology, there has been growing interest for complex micromanipulation and microassembly strategies. Despite the fact that many commercially available micro devices such as the key components in automobile airbags, ink-jet printers and projection display systems are currently produced in a batch technique with little assembly, many other products such as read/write heads for hard disks and fiber optics assemblies require flexible precision assemblies. Furthermore, many biological micromanipulations such as invitro-fertilization, cell characterization and treatment rely on the ability of human operators. Requirement of high-precision, repeatable and financially viable operations in these tasks has given rise to the elimination of direct human involvement, and autonomy in micromanipulation and microassembly. In this thesis, a fully automated dexterous micromanipulation strategy based on vision and force feedback is developed. More specifically, a robust vision based control architecture is proposed and implemented to compensate errors due to the uncertainties about the position, behavior and shape of the microobjects to be manipulated. Moreover, novel estimators are designed to identify the system and to characterize the mechanical properties of the biological structures through a synthesis of concepts from the computer vision, estimation and control theory. Estimated mechanical parameters are utilized to reconstruct the imposed force on a biomembrane and to provide the adequate information to control the position, velocity and acceleration of the probe without damaging the cell/tissue during an injection task