20 research outputs found

    Systematic support for continuous optimization of lean-based manufacturing systems

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    Due to the organizational complexity that goes along with the introduction and application of a lean production system, companies cannot lift the full potential of lean production. Problems, such as specific company conditions, lack of expertise in the implementation and continuous development as well as financial and personnel constraints inhibit the introduction and in particular the use and sustainable development of methods of lean production. As part of the continuous improvement process the constant questioning of existing structures is of particular importance. However, companies are missing tools that support automatically the development of lean production systems so that their full potential can be exploited. Against the background of the described problem, the author developed a tool in the form of an optimization system for lean production systems and validated it in an automotive supplier, which allows a comprehensive analysis of the current state of the application of lean methods and the proposal of relevant suggestions taking into consideration the diverse interrelations in the network of interdependent lean methods. An extensive record of existing basic and method parameters paired with a comprehensive assignment of optimization measures allows a consistent display of improvement proposals which can be applied within the continuous improvement process. The target group of this system is goods manufacturing industry

    Framework for a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Lean Production Systems

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    Although lean production and its advantages are discussed for over 20 years, the detailed identification of the contribution of individual lean methods is still hardly possible. Due to the lack of efficiency analysis frameworks the benefits and costs of a lean production system remain vague in literature. This paper presents a framework to analyze the benefits and costs of the implementation of lean methods. A specific decomposition methodology is used which starts with a high-level performance indicator to break it down to operational indicators which individual lean methods can be assigned. The framework assists companies to track the contribution of individual lean methods to a key performance indicator

    Implementation of lean tools and techniques in an ethical papers production industry

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    Lean manufacturing (LM) is established as a best practice to improve the performance of manufacturing industries. Not all the manufacturing industries realize the benefits of LM practices specifically continuous process industries. The present research work is intended to study the advantages of implementing LM practices in an ethical paper industry which is a continuous production industry. Presently, the industry suffers with the problems such as lack of productivity, raw material wastes, underutilized resources, and lack of standard practices in the production. Gemba technique is adapted to record the information related to the present manufacturing environment. Based on the current state analysis, the feasible lean tools are selected and implemented such as 5S, Kaizen, and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The improvements have been noted as reduced tool change over time, reduced material wastes, effective utilization of resources and provide safety guidelines to workers and operations. The implications of these improvements increased the productivity also


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    Nowadays companies live in a constant changing world where customers demand better products, higher quality and shorter delivery times. To achieve these customers requirements companies look for strategies, methodologies and/or philosophies that may help them to increase their productivity, and Lean Manufacturing (or Toyota Production System) has been one of the most popular in the last decades. But in the eagerness of being more productive managers mainly focus on the technical part of Lean and forget about the second and equally important principle “Respect for People”. In this paper this “Respect for the People “principle is discussed, and its meaning is explained based on the explanation of several experts in the field. At the end, a small field research (based in semi-structure interviews) of the topic is explained. The present paper is a qualitative research with the purpose to explore and get a deep knowledge about the “Respect for People”, and how department managers perceive and work this principle in their job


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    Nowadays companies live in a constant changing world where customers demand better products, higher quality and shorter delivery times. To achieve these customers requirements companies look for strategies, methodologies and/or philosophies that may help them to increase their productivity, and Lean Manufacturing (or Toyota Production System) has been one of the most popular in the last decades. But in the eagerness of being more productive managers mainly focus on the technical part of Lean and forget about the second and equally important principle “Respect for People”. In this paper this “Respect for the People “principle is discussed, and its meaning is explained based on the explanation of several experts in the field. At the end, a small field research (based in semi-structure interviews) of the topic is explained. The present paper is a qualitative research with the purpose to explore and get a deep knowledge about the “Respect for People”, and how department managers perceive and work this principle in their job

    A K-Chart based implementation framework to attain lean & agile manufacturing

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    [EN] Lean manufacturing has always ensured production optimization by eliminating wastes, and its implementation has helped in improving the operational performance of the organization since it eliminates the bottlenecks from the processes, thus making them efficient. In lean scenarios, the focus is on “waste” elimination, but in agile manufacturing, the focus is on the ability of comprehension of changing market dynamics and the resilience. One of the major factors in the combined implementation of lean and agile approaches is inadequate planning, monitoring and lack of awareness regarding changing market trends, and this can be countered by utilizing the effective tool of K-Chart. Through a systematic literature review, the authors establish the requirement of effective planning and monitoring in the implementation of integrated lean and agile approach, concluding that K-Chart is a handy tool to adopt for their effective implementation. The result provides a new vision of lean implementation through K-Chart, whereas it provides clarity to practitioners by presenting a K-chart based implementation framework for achieving favourable results. Being a literature review the research work can be validated through a case study approach in future through a comparative analysis between various implementation techniques and K-Chart.Zaheer, S.; Amjad, M.; Rafique, M.; Khan, M. (2020). A K-Chart based implementation framework to attain lean & agile manufacturing. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 8(2):123-135. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.12935OJS12313582Abdullah, M. K., Mohd Suradi, N., Jamaluddin, N., Mokhtar, A. S., Abu Talib, A., & Zainuddin, M. F. (2006). K-chart: a tool for research planning and monitoring. J. of Quality Management And Analysis, 2(1), 123-130.Abdullah, M. K., Suradi, N. R. M., Jamaluddin, N., Mokhtar, S., Talib, A. R. A., & Zainuddin, M. F. K-chart: a tool for research planning and monitoring, 7.Abdulmalek, F. A., & Rajgopal, J. (2007). Analyzing the benefits of lean manufacturing and value stream mapping via simulation: A process sector case study. International Journal of Production Economics, 107(1), 223-236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpe.2006.09.009Abu, F., Gholami, H., Saman, M. Z. M., Zakuan, N., & Streimikiene, D. (2019). The implementation of lean manufacturing in the furniture industry: A review and analysis on the motives, barriers, challenges, and the applications. Journal of Cleaner Production, 234, 660-680. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2019.06.279Alfaris, M., Edikuncoro, G., Savitri, A., Yogiari, D., & Sulistio, J. (2019). A Literature Review of Sustain Enterprise Resource Planning. Paper presented at the IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/598/1/012128Anand, G., & Kodali, R. (2010). Development of a framework for implementation of lean manufacturing systems. International Journal of Management Practice, 4(1), 95. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJMP.2010.029705Anvari, A., Ismail, Y., & Hojjati, S. M. H. (2011). A Study on Total Quality Management and Lean Manufacturing: Through Lean Thinking Approach. World applied sciences journal, 12(9), 1585-1596.Baker, P. (2006). Designing distribution centres for agile supply chains. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, 9(3), 207-221. https://doi.org/10.1080/13675560600859136Baramichai, M., Zimmers, E. W., & Marangos, C. A. (2007). Agile supply chain transformation matrix: an integrated tool for creating an agile enterprise. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12(5), 334-348. https://doi.org/10.1108/13598540710776917Bhamu, J., & Singh Sangwan, K. (2014). Lean manufacturing: literature review and research issues. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(7), 876-940. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJOPM-08-2012-0315Bhasin, S., & Burcher, P. (2006). Lean viewed as a philosophy. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 17(1), 56-72. https://doi.org/10.1108/17410380610639506Botti, L., Mora, C., & Regattieri, A. (2017). Integrating ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles in a hybrid assembly line. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 111, 481-491. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2017.05.011Carvalho, H., Azevedo, S. G., & Cruz-Machado, V. (2012). Agile and resilient approaches to supply chain management: influence on performance and competitiveness. Logistics Research, 4(1-2), 49-62. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12159-012-0064-2Chen, J. C., Li, Y., & Shady, B. D. (2010). From value stream mapping toward a lean/sigma continuous improvement process: an industrial case study. 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    Batch cycle time reduction analysis in a small vaccine development facility

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    Master of AgribusinessDepartment of Agricultural EconomicsVincent R Amanor-BoaduBatch cycle time is an important component of a vaccine development company. In a mature economy, pharmaceutical manufacturing companies aren’t coming up with new and novel ideas but being first to market and making sure that store shelves are stocked are the most important strategies for success. If a company has long batch cycle times this could delay them getting product to market and risk an increase in backorders. This research involves exploring sources of batch cycle time challenges at Trivax, a startup vaccine development company that, interestingly, enough started operations a couple of years before the Covid-19 pandemic. The study will analyze their data for vaccine production units and individual vaccines to identify the cause of the longer batch cycle days occurring in some of their production lines. It will also evaluate the effect of implementation of mitigation strategies the batch cycle days. Data was collected using the Tableau software program. Averages of batch cycle days were collected for vaccine production units for a series of months over two years. Further breaking down the data collecting to five individual vaccines within the lowest percent change vaccine unit from the year 2020 to 2021. The data collected shows that the vaccine units all have higher than theoretical batch cycle days and even with the implementation of mitigation strategies, continue to be high. Trivax identified two areas of focus for further research and have started that research to try and uncover the issues behind the high number of batch cycle days

    Visual Management in production management: a literature synthesis

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    Purpose- The purpose of this paper is to holistically discuss, explore and synthesise the key literature on Visual Management, an important, yet highly fragmented subject that is frequently referred in lean production accounts. Research Methodology - An extensive literature review was conducted to classify the current literature, to explore the different aspects and limitations of the current discussions on the subject, to clarify in what ways Visual Management benefits manifest themselves in a workplace and to identify the future research focus. Findings- Visual Management is an important close-range communication strategy based on cognitively effective information conveyance. This strategy has been frequently discussed in the production management literature. However, (a) the literature is fragmented as to the roles of Visual Management in a production setting, (b) the body of literature lacks integrated focus and cohesion with an abundance of related terminology from scholarly works and consultant books, (c) a practical VM tools taxonomy and a visual workplace implementation framework were presented (d) there is poor clarity with regards to the functions (benefits) that Visual Management may provide within organisations; nine conceptual Visual Management functions were proposed (e) a wide array of future research directions related to Visual Management was identified. Originality/Value- This paper synthesises the key literature related to Visual Management, providing a conceptual picture of the current knowledge

    Revisão sistemática de literatura sobre gestão de projetos Lean-Ágeis

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia IndustrialOs projetos são essenciais para o crescimento das empresas, porque são indispensáveis no desenvolvimento de novos produtos e na exploração de novas oportunidades ou na resolução de problemas existentes. E por isso, a gestão de projetos tem contribuído para a criação, gestão e distribuição de valor às empresas, através de métodos e princípios de gestão. Nas últimas décadas surgiram duas abordagens de gestão de projetos, denominadas de Lean e ágil. A gestão de projetos ágeis baseia-se em métodos de desenvolvimento adaptáveis e flexíveis. Sendo que, estes foram projetados para usarem a mínima documentação possível, de forma a facilitar a flexibilidade e a capacidade de resposta face às alterações do ambiente onde estão inseridos. Por sua vez, a gestão de projetos lean caracteriza-se por sistemas estruturados projetados para entregar o produto enquanto agregam valor e minimizam o desperdício. Estas duas abordagens têm vindo a propor caminhos para lidar com a gestão de projetos. Porém, ao que tudo indica, estas duas abordagens gestão de projetos Lean e gestão de projetos ágil, seguem caminhos semelhantes. Assim, o objetivo desta dissertação prende-se em identificar as principais características, semelhanças e diferenças, entre estas duas abordagens de gestão de projetos. Para alcançar este objetivo o método utilizado para a realização desta dissertação foi através de uma revisão sistemática de literatura. Este método é um meio de identificar, avaliar e interpretar estudos disponíveis e relevantes, por isso este método foi o escolhido, proporcionando uma visão geral sobre os trabalhos já executados. Assim, de acordo com este método e a pesquisa efetuada foram obtidos 35 artigos para analisar. Desta forma, através dos dados retirados foi efetuada uma análise bibliográfica, e rapidamente se chegou à conclusão que este é um tema em crescimento e que tem suscitado interesse. Isto é visível através do gráfico que apresenta uma relação entre o ano e o número de citações, onde se observam que estão registadas 196 citações em 2016, 285 em 2017 e por fim 388 citações em 2018. Foram efetuadas duas análises qualitativas, em que uma das análises consiste em classificar os artigos em dois tipos, se são Lean ou Ágil, e concluiu-se que 9 artigos são do tipo Lean, 25 artigos são do tipo ágil, e 1 artigo enquadra-se nas duas classificações. Contudo, a segunda análise efetuada refere-se a categorias e ferramentas de aplicação nos artigos. Assim, é possível observar que as áreas de construção e produção, têm 5 e 6 artigos respetivamente, e que todos pertencem ao tipo Lean. A área educação contem 3 artigos do tipo ágil, e a área software conta com 8 artigos dos dois tipos. Quanto às ferramentas, case study tem 29 artigos e framework tem 20 artigos distribuídos pelos dois tipos de classificação Lean e Ágil.Projects are essential for business growth because they are indispensable for developing new products and exploring new opportunities or solving existing problems. That is why project management has contributed to the creation, management and distribution of value to companies through management methods and principles. In recent decades, two project management approaches have emerged, called Lean and Agile. Agile project management is based on adaptable and flexible development methods. These are designed to use as little documentation as possible to facilitate flexibility and responsiveness to changes in the environment in which they operate. In turn, lean project management is characterized by structured systems designed to deliver the product while adding value and minimizing waste. These two approaches have been proposing ways to deal with project management. Thus, the objective of this dissertation is to identify the main characteristics, similarities and differences between these two project management approaches. To achieve this goal, the method used for this dissertation was through a systematic literature review. This method is a means of identifying, evaluating and interpreting available and relevant studies, so this method was chosen, providing an overview of the work already performed. Thus, according to this method and the research carried out 35 articles were obtained to analyze. Thus, through the data obtained was made a bibliographical analysis, and quickly came to the conclusion that this is a growing theme and that has aroused interest. This is visible through the graph showing a relationship between the year and the number of citations, which shows that 196 citations are recorded in 2016, 285 in 2017 and finally 388 citations in 2018. Two qualitative analyzes were performed, in which one of the analyzes consists in classifying the articles in two types, whether they are Lean or Agile, and it was concluded that 9 articles are Lean type, 25 articles are Agile type, and 1 article falls into both ratings. However, the second analysis carried out refers to categories and application tools in the articles. Thus, it can be observed that the areas of construction and production have 5 and 6 articles respectively, and all belong to the Lean type. The education area contains 3 agile type articles, and the software area has 8 articles of both types. As for tools, case study has 29 articles and framework has 20 articles distributed by both Lean and Agile classification types