33 research outputs found

    Synchronization of spatiotemporal patterns and modeling disease spreading using excitable media

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    Studies of the photosensitive Belousov-Zhabotinsky (BZ) reaction are reviewed and the essential features of excitable media are described. The synchronization of two distributed Belousov-Zhabotinsky systems is experimentally and theoretically investigated. Symmetric local coupling of the systems is made possible with the use of a video camera-projector scheme. The spatial disorder of the coupled systems, with random initial configurations of spirals, gradually decreases until a final state is attained, which corresponds to a synchronized state with a single spiral in each system. The experimental observations are compared with numerical simulations of two identical Oregonator models with symmetric local coupling, and a systematic study reveals generalized synchronization of spiral waves. Modeling studies on disease spreading have been reviewed. The excitable medium of the photosensitive BZ reaction is used to model disease spreading, with static networks, dynamic networks, and a domain model. The spatiotemporal dynamics of disease spreading in these complex networks with diffusive and non-diffusive connections is characterized. The experimental and numerical studies reveal that disease spreading in these model systems is highly dependent on the non-diffusive connections

    International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – Book of Extended Abstracts

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    The present volume on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering - Book of Extended Abstracts of the ICMASC’2022 collects the extended abstracts of the talks presented at the International Conference on Mathematical Analysis and Applications in Science and Engineering – ICMA2SC'22 that took place at the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal, in June 27th-June 29th 2022 (3 days). Its aim was to bring together researchers in every discipline of applied mathematics, science, engineering, industry, and technology, to discuss the development of new mathematical models, theories, and applications that contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge and practice. Authors proposed research in topics including partial and ordinary differential equations, integer and fractional order equations, linear algebra, numerical analysis, operations research, discrete mathematics, optimization, control, probability, computational mathematics, amongst others. The conference was designed to maximize the involvement of all participants and will present the state-of- the-art research and the latest achievements.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Primer

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    An thorough introduction is given at an introductory level to the field of quantitative complex system science, with special emphasis on emergence in dynamical systems based on network topologies. Subjects treated include graph theory and small-world networks, a generic introduction to the concepts of dynamical system theory, random Boolean networks, cellular automata and self-organized criticality, the statistical modeling of Darwinian evolution, synchronization phenomena and an introduction to the theory of cognitive systems. It inludes chapter on Graph Theory and Small-World Networks, Chaos, Bifurcations and Diffusion, Complexity and Information Theory, Random Boolean Networks, Cellular Automata and Self-Organized Criticality, Darwinian evolution, Hypercycles and Game Theory, Synchronization Phenomena and Elements of Cognitive System Theory.Comment: unformatted version of the textbook; published in Springer, Complexity Series (2008, second edition 2010

    Statistical physics approaches to the complex Earth system

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    Global climate change, extreme climate events, earthquakes and their accompanying natural disasters pose significant risks to humanity. Yet due to the nonlinear feedbacks, strategic interactions and complex structure of the Earth system, the understanding and in particular the predicting of such disruptive events represent formidable challenges for both scientific and policy communities. During the past years, the emergence and evolution of Earth system science has attracted much attention and produced new concepts and frameworks. Especially, novel statistical physics and complex networks-based techniques have been developed and implemented to substantially advance our knowledge for a better understanding of the Earth system, including climate extreme events, earthquakes and Earth geometric relief features, leading to substantially improved predictive performances. We present here a comprehensive review on the recent scientific progress in the development and application of how combined statistical physics and complex systems science approaches such as, critical phenomena, network theory, percolation, tipping points analysis, as well as entropy can be applied to complex Earth systems (climate, earthquakes, etc.). Notably, these integrating tools and approaches provide new insights and perspectives for understanding the dynamics of the Earth systems. The overall aim of this review is to offer readers the knowledge on how statistical physics approaches can be useful in the field of Earth system science

    New Challenges Arising in Engineering Problems with Fractional and Integer Order

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    Mathematical models have been frequently studied in recent decades, in order to obtain the deeper properties of real-world problems. In particular, if these problems, such as finance, soliton theory and health problems, as well as problems arising in applied science and so on, affect humans from all over the world, studying such problems is inevitable. In this sense, the first step in understanding such problems is the mathematical forms. This comes from modeling events observed in various fields of science, such as physics, chemistry, mechanics, electricity, biology, economy, mathematical applications, and control theory. Moreover, research done involving fractional ordinary or partial differential equations and other relevant topics relating to integer order have attracted the attention of experts from all over the world. Various methods have been presented and developed to solve such models numerically and analytically. Extracted results are generally in the form of numerical solutions, analytical solutions, approximate solutions and periodic properties. With the help of newly developed computational systems, experts have investigated and modeled such problems. Moreover, their graphical simulations have also been presented in the literature. Their graphical simulations, such as 2D, 3D and contour figures, have also been investigated to obtain more and deeper properties of the real world problem

    Nonlinear Systems

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    Open Mathematics is a challenging notion for theoretical modeling, technical analysis, and numerical simulation in physics and mathematics, as well as in many other fields, as highly correlated nonlinear phenomena, evolving over a large range of time scales and length scales, control the underlying systems and processes in their spatiotemporal evolution. Indeed, available data, be they physical, biological, or financial, and technologically complex systems and stochastic systems, such as mechanical or electronic devices, can be managed from the same conceptual approach, both analytically and through computer simulation, using effective nonlinear dynamics methods. The aim of this Special Issue is to highlight papers that show the dynamics, control, optimization and applications of nonlinear systems. This has recently become an increasingly popular subject, with impressive growth concerning applications in engineering, economics, biology, and medicine, and can be considered a veritable contribution to the literature. Original papers relating to the objective presented above are especially welcome subjects. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: Stability analysis of discrete and continuous dynamical systems; Nonlinear dynamics in biological complex systems; Stability and stabilization of stochastic systems; Mathematical models in statistics and probability; Synchronization of oscillators and chaotic systems; Optimization methods of complex systems; Reliability modeling and system optimization; Computation and control over networked systems

    Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Epidemiological and Chemical Systems

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    This dissertation focuses on three interdisciplinary areas of applied mathematics, mathematical biology/epidemiology, economic epidemiology and mathematical physics, interconnected by the concepts and applications of dynamical systems.;In mathematical biology/epidemiology, a new deterministic SIS modeling framework for the dynamics of malaria transmission in which the malaria vector population is accounted for at each of its developmental stages is proposed. Rigorous qualitative and quantitative techniques are applied to acquire insights into the dynamics of the model and to identify and study two epidemiological threshold parameters reals* and R0 that characterize disease transmission and prevalence, and that can be used for disease control. It is shown that nontrivial disease-free and endemic equilibrium solutions, which can become unstable via a Hopf bifurcation exist. By incorporating vector demography; that is, by interpreting an aspect of the life cycle of the malaria vector, natural fluctuations known to exist in malaria prevalence are captured without recourse to external seasonal forcing and delays. Hence, an understanding of vector demography is necessary to explain the observed patterns in malaria prevalence. Additionally, the model exhibits a backward bifurcation. This implies that simply reducing R0 below unity may not be enough to eradicate the malaria disease. Since, only the female adult mosquitoes involved in disease transmission are identified and fully accounted for, the basic reproduction number (R0) for this model is smaller than that for previous SIS models for malaria. This, and the occurrence of both oscillatory dynamics and a backward bifurcation provide a novel and plausible framework for developing and implementing optimal malaria control strategies, especially those strategies that are associated with vector control.;In economic epidemiology, a deterministic and a stochastic model are used to investigate the effects of determinism, stochasticity, and safety nets on disease-driven poverty traps; that is, traps of low per capita income and high infectious disease prevalence. It is shown that economic development in deterministic models require significant external changes to the initial economic and health care conditions or a change in the parametric structure of the system. Therefore, poverty traps arising from deterministic models lead to more limited policy options. In contrast, there is always some probability that a population will escape or fall into a poverty trap in stochastic models. It is demonstrated that in stochastic models, a safety net can guarantee ultimate escape from the poverty trap, even when it is set within the basin of attraction of the poverty trap or when it is implemented only as an economic or health care intervention. It is also shown that the benefits of safety nets for populations that are close to the poverty trap equilibrium are highest for the stochastic model and lowest for the deterministic model. Based on the analysis of the stochastic model, the following optimal economic development and public health intervention questions are answered: (i) Is it preferable to provide health care, income/income generating resources, or both health care and income/income generating resources to enable populations to break cycles of poverty and disease; that is, escape from poverty traps? (ii) How long will it take a population that is caught in a poverty trap to attain economic development when the initial health and economic conditions are reinforced by safety nets?;In mathematical physics, an unusual form of multistability involving the coexistence of an infinite number of attractors that is exhibited by specially coupled chaotic systems is explored. It is shown that this behavior is associated with generalized synchronization and the emergence of a conserved quantity. The robustness of the phenomenon in relation to a mismatch of parameters of the coupled systems is studied, and it is shown that the special coupling scheme yields a new class of dynamical systems that manifests characteristics of dissipative and conservative systems

    An order verification method for truncated asymptotic expansion solutions to initial value problems

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    The focus of this paper is to obtain explicit solutions to initial value problems, where numerical methods cannot provide one, and to verify the accuracy orders of the explicit solutions. One of available methods to obtain an explicit solution is the asymptotic (formal) expansion method. However, we must be sure with the accuracy order of the explicit solution. In this paper, an order verification method is proposed for truncated asymptotic formal expansion solutions to initial value problems. A least-squares fit of error data is used in the existing order verification method. The method that we propose does not involve any application of least-squares fit of error data, so is simpler, yet produces accurate expected accuracy orders of solutions of explicit truncated asymptotic formal expansions. With our proposed method, we are successful in verifying the accuracy orders of solutions of truncated asymptotic formal expansions to the linear and nonlinear initial value problems accurately

    A stochastic model of malaria transmission

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    Malaria models have evolved since Ross and Macdonald. By using an agent-based stochastic model we have looked into di erent aspects of disease transmission: 1. Gametocytemia phase transition between epidemic stability and disease elimination, and the potential bene t of combining gametocidal agents and ivermectin. 2. Heterogeneity promotes disease spreading. 3. Disease supression from the combined use of ivermectin and primaquine. 4. Utility of Hurst exponent and Shannon entropy in malaria forecasting. Results and conclusion: Malaria transmission was simulated with a computational agent-based model assuming a small African village. We have con rmed gametocytemia as a critical factor in disease transmission, revealing an abrupt phase transition between epidemic stability and disease elimination [326]. We have also found that synergism between gametocidal agents (primaquine) and ivermectin (a selective Anophelocide drug a ecting parasite maturation after mosquito infection) could e ectively suppress human-to-mosquito disease transmission [326]. We have found that heterogeneity ampli es disease transmission (roughly three times in our model). Different aspects of heterogeneity were analyzed such as human migration, mosquito density, and rainfall [327]. We have con rmed the potential bene t of suppressing heterogeneity-induced disease transmission with the use of gametocidal agents and ivermectin. Hurst exponent has been used in hydrology and in the stock market. No previous evidence of its application to infectious theory has been found. Yet, our data suggests that Hurst exponent and information entropy could be useful in malaria forecasting [328]. Our results support the combined use of gametocidal agents (primaquine or methylene blue) and ivermectin as part of an integrated approach to malaria.Os modelos de malária são úteis desde Ross e Macdonald. Através de um modelo estocástico de agente, foram analisados vários aspectos da transmissão da malária: 1. A existência de uma transição de fase entre estabilidade e eliminação da doença em função da gametocitemia. 2. O uso combinado de fármacos gametocidas e ivermectina na redução da transmissão. 3. O papel da heterogeneidadena propagação da malária. 4. A utilidade do expoente de Hurst e da entropia de Shannon na previão da malária. Resultados e conclusões: Foi utilizado um modelo computacional de agente com simulação da transmissão de malária numa pequena aldeia africana. Confirmámos a gametocitemia como um factor crítico na propagação da malária demonstrando uma transição abrupta de fase entre estabilidade epidémica e eliminação da doença. No nosso modelo foi demonstrado que na presença de heterogeneidade a transmissão de malária pode sofrer uma amplificação significativa, de aproximadamente três vezes. Foram analisados diferentes aspectos da heterogeneidade tais como a migração humana, a densidade vectorial e a precipitação sazonal. Foi confirmado o potencial benefício de supressão da transmissão da malária na presença de heterogeneidade com a utilização de fármacos gametocidas (primaquina) e ivermectina. O expoente de Hurst tem sido aplicado com sucesso nas áreas da hidrologia e do mercado bolsista. Não houve até agora evidência da sua aplicação à área da infecciologia. No entanto, os dados apresentados sugerem a sua utilidade, a par da entropia de Shannon, na previsão da incidência da malária. Foi demonstrado que o uso combinado de agentes gametocidas (primaquina ou azul de metileno) e ivermectina pode constituir uma abordagem eficaz na prevenção da malári