93 research outputs found

    Airborne broad-beam emitter from a capacitive transducer and a cylindrical structure

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    Beamwidth broadening of an ultrasonic air-coupled transducer is performed by an emitter constituted of an electrostatic transducer and of a cylinder with an opening at the top covering the surface of the transducer. The acoustic emission is thus forced through a hole smaller than the diameter of the transducerā€™s surface. In particular, a cylinder with an upper diameter of 10mm and a height of 5mm ensures the beam pattern of the final emitter is broad across a wide frequency range. Sound attenuation is reduced and lobes in the transducerā€™s beam pattern are cancelled. Beam broadening can improve range estimation techniques and ultrasonic sonar as a wider area can be inspected with one emission with no need for scanning

    The fusion and integration of virtual sensors

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    There are numerous sensors from which to choose when designing a mobile robot: ultrasonic, infrared, radar, or laser range finders, video, collision detectors, or beacon based systems such as the Global Positioning System. In order to meet the need for reliability, accuracy, and fault tolerance, mobile robot designers often place multiple sensors on the same platform, or combine sensor data from multiple platforms. The combination of the data from multiple sensors to improve reliability, accuracy, and fault tolerance is termed Sensor Fusion.;The types of robotic sensors are as varied as the properties of the environment that need to be sensed. to reduce the complexity of system software, Roboticists have found it highly desirable to adopt a common interface between each type of sensor and the system responsible for fusing the information. The process of abstracting the essential properties of a sensor is called Sensor Virtualization.;Sensor virtualization to date has focused on abstracting the properties shared by sensors of the same type. The approach taken by T. Henderson is simply to expose to the fusion system only the data from the sensor, along with a textual label describing the sensor. We extend Henderson\u27s work in the following manner. First, we encapsulate both the fusion algorithm and the interface layer in the virtual sensor. This allows us to build multi-tiered virtual sensor hierarchies. Secondly, we show how common fusion algorithms can be encapsulated in the virtual sensor, facilitating the integration and replacement of both physical and virtual sensors. Finally, we provide a physical proof of concept using monostatic sonars, vector sonars, and a laser range-finder

    A Mobile Robot Project

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    We are building a mobile robot which will roam around the AI lab observing and later perhaps doing. Our approach to building the robot and its controlling software differs from that used in many other projects in a number of ways. (1) We model the world as three dimensional rather than two. (2) We build no special environment for our robot and insist that it must operate in the same real world that we inhabit. (3) In order to adequately deal with uncertainty of perception and control we build relational maps rather than maps embedded in a coordinate system, and we maintain explicit models of all uncertainties. (4) We explicitly monitor the computational performance of the components of the control system, in order to refine the design of a real time control system for mobile robots based on a special purpose distributed computation engine. (5) We use vision as our primary sense and relegate acoustic sensors to local obstacle detection. (6) We use a new architecture for an intelligent system designed to provide integration of many early vision processes, and robust real-time performance even in cases of sensory overload, failure of certain early vision processes to deliver much information in particular situations, and computation module failure.MIT Artificial Intelligence Laborator

    The design and intelligent control of an autonomous mobile robot

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    This thesis presents an investigation into the problems of exploration, map building and collision free navigation for intelligent autonomous mobile robots. The project began with an extensive review of currently available literature in the field of mobile robot research, which included intelligent control techniques and their application. It became clear that there was scope for further development with regard to map building and exploration in new and unstructured environments. Animals have an innate propensity to exhibit such abilities, and so the analogous use of artificial neural networks instead of actual neural systems was examined for use as a method of robot mapping. A simulated behaviour based mobile robot was used in conjunction with a growing cell structure neural network to map out new environments. When using the direct application of this algorithm, topological irregularities were observed to be the direct result of correlations within the input data stream. A modification to this basic system was shown to correct the problem, but further developments would be required to produce a generic solution. The mapping algorithms gained through this approach, although more similar to biological systems, are computationally inefficient in comparison to the methods which were subsequently developed. A novel mapping method was proposed based on the robot creating new location vectors, or nodes, when it exceeded a distance threshold from its mapped area. Network parameters were developed to monitor the state of growth of the network and aid the robot search process. In simulation, the combination of the novel mapping and search process were shown to be able to construct maps which could be subsequently used for collision free navigation. To develop greater insights into the control problem and to validate the simulation work the control structures were ported to a prototype mobile robot. The mobile robot was of circular construction, with a synchro-drive wheel configuration, and was equipped with eight ultrasonic distance sensors and an odometric positioning system. It was self-sufficient, incorporating all its power and computational resources. The experiments observed the effects of odometric drift and demonstrated methods of re-correction which were shown to be effective. Both the novel mapping method, and a new algorithm based on an exhaustive mesh search, were shown to be able to explore different environments and subsequently achieve collision free navigation. This was shown in all cases by monitoring the estimates in the positional error which remained within fixed bounds

    An Incremental Navigation Localization Methodology for Application to Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platforms to Assist Individuals Having Severe Motor Disabilities.

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    In the present work, the author explores the issues surrounding the design and development of an intelligent wheelchair platform incorporating the semi-autonomous system paradigm, to meet the needs of individuals with severe motor disabilities. The author presents a discussion of the problems of navigation that must be solved before any system of this type can be instantiated, and enumerates the general design issues that must be addressed by the designers of systems of this type. This discussion includes reviews of various methodologies that have been proposed as solutions to the problems considered. Next, the author introduces a new navigation method, called Incremental Signature Recognition (ISR), for use by semi-autonomous systems in structured environments. This method is based on the recognition, recording, and tracking of environmental discontinuities: sensor reported anomalies in measured environmental parameters. The author then proposes a robust, redundant, dynamic, self-diagnosing sensing methodology for detecting and compensating for hidden failures of single sensors and sensor idiosyncrasies. This technique is optimized for the detection of spatial discontinuity anomalies. Finally, the author gives details of an effort to realize a prototype ISR based system, along with insights into the various implementation choices made

    PEIS stol: autonomni robotski stol za kućanstva

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    There are two main trends in the area of home and service robotics. The classical one aims at the development of a single skilled servant robot, able to perform complex tasks in a passive environment. The second, more recent trend aims at the achievement of complex tasks through the cooperation of a network of simpler robotic devices pervasively embedded in the domestic environment. This paper contributes to the latter trend by describing the PEIS Table, an autonomous robotic table that can be embedded in a smart environment. The robotic table can operate alone, performing simple point-to-point navigation, or it can collaborate with other devices in the environment to perform more complex tasks. Collaboration follows the PEIS Ecology model. The hardware and software design of the PEIS Table are guided by a set of requirements for robotic domestic furniture that differ, to some extent, from the requirements usually considered for service robots.U uslužnoj robotici i robotici za kućanstva postoje dva glavna trenda. Klasičan pristup teži razvoju jednog složenog uslužnog robota koji je sposoban izvrÅ”avati složene zadatke u pasivnom okruženju. Dok drugi, neÅ”to noviji pristup, teži rjeÅ”avanju složenih zadataka kroz suradnju umreženih neÅ”to jednostavnijih robota prožetih kroz cijelo kućanstvo. Ovaj članak svoj doprinos daje drugom pristupu opisujući PEIS stol, autonomni robotski stol koji se može postaviti u inteligentnom okruženju. Robotski stol može djelovati samostalno, navigirajući od točke do točke ili može surađivati s ostalim uređajima u okruženju radi izvrÅ”avanja složenijih zadataka. Ta suradnja prati PEIS ekoloÅ”ki model. Dizajn sklopovlja i programske podrÅ”ke PEIS stola prati zahtjeve za robotsko pokućstvo koji se donekle razlikuju od zahtjeva koji se inače postavljaju za uslužne robote

    Advances in Sonar Technology

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    The demand to explore the largest and also one of the richest parts of our planet, the advances in signal processing promoted by an exponential growth in computation power and a thorough study of sound propagation in the underwater realm, have lead to remarkable advances in sonar technology in the last years.The work on hand is a sum of knowledge of several authors who contributed in various aspects of sonar technology. This book intends to give a broad overview of the advances in sonar technology of the last years that resulted from the research effort of the authors in both sonar systems and their applications. It is intended for scientist and engineers from a variety of backgrounds and even those that never had contact with sonar technology before will find an easy introduction with the topics and principles exposed here

    One Tone, Two Ears, Three Dimensions: An investigation of qualitative echolocation strategies in synthetic bats and real robots

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    Institute of Perception, Action and BehaviourThe aim of the work reported in this thesis is to investigate a methodology for studying perception by building and testing robotic models of animal sensory mechanisms. Much of Artificial Intelligence studies agent perception by exploring architectures for linking (often abstract) sensors and motors so as to give rise to particular behaviour. By contrast, this work proposes that perceptual investigations should begin with a characterisation of the underlying physical laws which govern the specific interaction of a sensor (or actuator) with its environment throughout the execution of a task. Moreover, it demonstrates that, through an understanding of task-physics, problems for which architectural solutions or explanations are often proposed may be solved more simply at the sensory interface - thereby minimising subsequent computation. This approach is applied to an investigation of the acoustical cues that may be exploited by several species of tone emitting insectivorous bats (species in the families Rhinolophidae and Hipposideridae) which localise prey using systematic pinnae scanning movements. From consideration of aspects of the sound filtering performed by the external and inner ear or these bats, three target localisation mechanisms are hypothesised and tested aboard a 6 degree-of-freedom, binaural, robotic echolocation system.In the first case, it is supposed that echolocators with narrow-band call structures use pinna movement to alter the directional sensitivity of their perceptual systems in the same whay that broad-band emitting bats rely on pinnae morphology to alter acoustic directionality at different frequencies.Scanning receivers also create dynamic cues - in the form of frequency and amplitude modulations - which very systematically with target angle. The second hypothesis investigated involves the extraction of timing cues from amplitude modulated echo envelopes

    Towards a bionic bat: A biomimetic investigation of active sensing, Doppler-shift estimation, and ear morphology design for mobile robots.

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    Institute of Perception, Action and BehaviourSo-called CF-FM bats are highly mobile creatures who emit long calls in which much of the energy is concentrated in a single frequency. These bats face sensor interpretation problems very similar to those of mobile robots provided with ultrasonic sensors, while navigating in cluttered environments. This dissertation presents biologically inspired engineering on the use of narrowband Sonar in mobile robotics. It replicates, using robotics as a modelling medium, how CF-FM bats process and use the constant frequency part of their emitted call for several tasks, aiming to improve the design and use of narrowband ultrasonic sensors for mobile robot navigation. The experimental platform for the work is RoBat, the biomimetic sonarhead designed by Peremans and Hallam, mounted on a commercial mobile platform as part of the work reported in this dissertation. System integration, including signal processing capabilities inspired by the batā€™s auditory system and closed loop control of both sonarhead and mobile base movements, was designed and implemented. The result is a versatile tool for studying the relationship between environmental features, their acoustic correlates and the cues computable from them, in the context of both static, and dynamic real-time closed loop, behaviour. Two models of the signal processing performed by the batā€™s cochlea were implemented, based on sets of bandpass filters followed by full-wave rectification and low-pass filtering. One filterbank uses Butterworth filters whose centre frequencies vary linearly across the set. The alternative filterbank uses gammatone filters, with centre frequencies varying non-linearly across the set. Two methods of estimating Doppler-shift from the return echoes after cochlear signal processing were implemented. The first was a simple energy-weighted average of filter centre frequencies. The second was a novel neural network-based technique. Each method was tested with each of the cochlear models, and evaluated in the context of several dynamic tasks in which RoBat was moved at different velocities towards stationary echo sources such as walls and posts. Overall, the performance of the linear filterbank was more consistent than the gammatone. The same applies to the ANN, with consistently better noise performance than the weighted average. The effect of multiple reflectors contained in a single echo was also analysed in terms of error in Doppler-shift estimation assuming a single wider reflector. Inspired by the Doppler-shift compensation and obstacle avoidance behaviours found in CF-FM bats, a Doppler-based controller suitable for collision detection and convoy navigation in robots was devised and implemented in RoBat. The performance of the controller is satisfactory despite low Doppler-shift resolution caused by lower velocity of the robot when compared to real bats. Barshanā€™s and Kucā€™s 2D object localisation method was implemented and adapted to the geometry of RoBatā€™s sonarhead. Different TOF estimation methods were tested, the parabola fitting being the most accurate. Arc scanning, the ear movement technique to recover elevation cues proposed by Walker, and tested in simulation by her, Peremans and Hallam, was here implemented on RoBat, and integrated with Barshanā€™s and Kucā€™s method in a preliminary narrowband 3D tracker. Finally, joint work with Kim, KĀØampchen and Hallam on designing optimal reflector surfaces inspired by the CF-FM batā€™s large pinnae is presented. Genetic algorithms are used for improving the current echolocating capabilities of the sonarhead for both arc scanning and IID behaviours. Multiple reflectors around the transducer using a simple ray light-like model of sound propagation are evolved. Results show phase cancellation problems and the need of a more complete model of wave propagation. Inspired by a physical model of sound diffraction and reflections in the human concha a new model is devised and used to evolve pinnae surfaces made of finite elements. Some interesting paraboloid shapes are obtained, improving performance significantly with respect to the bare transducer
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