27 research outputs found

    Foundations of Security Analysis and Design III, FOSAD 2004/2005- Tutorial Lectures

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    he increasing relevance of security to real-life applications, such as electronic commerce and Internet banking, is attested by the fast-growing number of research groups, events, conferences, and summer schools that address the study of foundations for the analysis and the design of security aspects. This book presents thoroughly revised versions of eight tutorial lectures given by leading researchers during two International Schools on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design, FOSAD 2004/2005, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in September 2004 and September 2005. The lectures are devoted to: Justifying a Dolev-Yao Model under Active Attacks, Model-based Security Engineering with UML, Physical Security and Side-Channel Attacks, Static Analysis of Authentication, Formal Methods for Smartcard Security, Privacy-Preserving Database Systems, Intrusion Detection, Security and Trust Requirements Engineering

    Deniable Key Exchanges for Secure Messaging

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    Despite our increasing reliance on digital communication, much of our online discourse lacks any security or privacy protections. Almost no email messages sent today provide end-to-end security, despite privacy-enhancing technologies being available for decades. Recent revelations by Edward Snowden of government surveillance have highlighted this disconnect between the importance of our digital communications and the lack of available secure messaging tools. In response to increased public awareness and demand, the market has recently been flooded with new applications claiming to provide security and privacy guarantees. Unfortunately, the urgency with which these tools are being developed and marketed has led to inferior or insecure products, grandiose claims of unobtainable features, and widespread confusion about which schemes can be trusted. Meanwhile, there remains disagreement in the academic community over the definitions and desirability of secure messaging features. This incoherent vision is due in part to the lack of a broad perspective of the literature. One of the most contested properties is deniability—the plausible assertion that a user did not send a message or participate in a conversation. There are several subtly different definitions of deniability in the literature, and no available secure messaging scheme meets all definitions simultaneously. Deniable authenticated key exchanges (DAKEs), the primary cryptographic tool responsible for deniability in a secure messaging scheme, are also often unsuitable for use in emerging applications such as smartphone communications due to unreasonable resource or network requirements. In this thesis, we provide a guide for a practitioner seeking to implement deniable secure messaging systems. We examine dozens of existing secure messaging protocols, both proposed and implemented, and find that they achieve mixed results in terms of security. This systematization of knowledge serves as a resource for understanding the current state-of-the-art approaches. We survey formalizations of deniability in the secure messaging context, as well as the properties of existing DAKEs. We construct several new practical DAKEs with the intention of providing deniability in modern secure messaging environments. Notably, we introduce Spawn, the first non-interactive DAKE that offers forward secrecy and achieves deniability against both offline and online judges; Spawn can be used to improve the deniability properties of the popular TextSecure secure messaging application. We prove the security of our new constructions in the generalized universal composability (GUC) framework. To demonstrate the practicality of our protocols, we develop and compare open-source instantiations that remain secure without random oracles

    Private Federated Analytics At Scale

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    Collecting distributed data from millions of individuals for the purpose of analytics is a common scenario – from Apple collecting typed words and emojis to improve its keyboard suggestions, to Google collecting location data to see how busy restaurants and businesses are. This data is often sensitive, and can be overly revealing about the individuals and communities whose data is being analyzed en masse. Differential privacy has become the gold-standard method to give strong individual privacy guarantees while releasing aggregate statistics about sensitive data. However, the process of computing such statistics can itself be a privacy risk. For instance, a simple approach would be to collect all the raw data at a single central entity, which then computes and releases the statistics. This entity then has to be trusted to not abuse the raw data; in practice, it can be difficult to find an entity with the requisite level of trust. In this thesis, we describe a new approach that uses cryptographic techniques to collect data privately and safely, without placing trust in any party. Although the natural candidates, such as secure multiparty computation (MPC) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) do not scale to millions of parties on their own, our key insight is that there are ways to refactor computations in such a way that they can be done using simpler techniques that do scale, such as additively homomorphic encryption. Our solution restructures centralized computations into distributed protocols that can be executed efficiently at scale. The systems we design based on this approach can support billions of participants and can handle a variety of real queries from the literature, including machine learning tasks, Pregel-style graph queries, and queries over large categorical data. We automate the distributed refactoring so that analysts can write the query as if the data were centralized without understanding how the rewriting works, and we protect against malicious parties who aim to poison or bias the results

    Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2002, nr 4

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    Towards Applying Cryptographic Security Models to Real-World Systems

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    The cryptographic methodology of formal security analysis usually works in three steps: choosing a security model, describing a system and its intended security properties, and creating a formal proof of security. For basic cryptographic primitives and simple protocols this is a well understood process and is performed regularly. For more complex systems, as they are in use in real-world settings it is rarely applied, however. In practice, this often leads to missing or incomplete descriptions of the security properties and requirements of such systems, which in turn can lead to insecure implementations and consequent security breaches. One of the main reasons for the lack of application of formal models in practice is that they are particularly difficult to use and to adapt to new use cases. With this work, we therefore aim to investigate how cryptographic security models can be used to argue about the security of real-world systems. To this end, we perform case studies of three important types of real-world systems: data outsourcing, computer networks and electronic payment. First, we give a unified framework to express and analyze the security of data outsourcing schemes. Within this framework, we define three privacy objectives: \emph{data privacy}, \emph{query privacy}, and \emph{result privacy}. We show that data privacy and query privacy are independent concepts, while result privacy is consequential to them. We then extend our framework to allow the modeling of \emph{integrity} for the specific use case of file systems. To validate our model, we show that existing security notions can be expressed within our framework and we prove the security of CryFS---a cryptographic cloud file system. Second, we introduce a model, based on the Universal Composability (UC) framework, in which computer networks and their security properties can be described We extend it to incorporate time, which cannot be expressed in the basic UC framework, and give formal tools to facilitate its application. For validation, we use this model to argue about the security of architectures of multiple firewalls in the presence of an active adversary. We show that a parallel composition of firewalls exhibits strictly better security properties than other variants. Finally, we introduce a formal model for the security of electronic payment protocols within the UC framework. Using this model, we prove a set of necessary requirements for secure electronic payment. Based on these findings, we discuss the security of current payment protocols and find that most are insecure. We then give a simple payment protocol inspired by chipTAN and photoTAN and prove its security within our model. We conclude that cryptographic security models can indeed be used to describe the security of real-world systems. They are, however, difficult to apply and always need to be adapted to the specific use case

    Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005)

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    The present report contains the pre-proceedings of the third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005), held in Newcastle upon Tyne, 18-19 July 2005. FAST is an event affliated with the Formal Methods 2005 Congress (FM05). The third international Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST2005) aims at continuing the successful effort of the previous two FAST workshop editions for fostering the cooperation among researchers in the areas of security and trust. The new challenges offered by the so-called ambient intelligence space, as a future paradigm in the information society, demand for a coherent and rigorous framework of concepts, tools and methodologies to provide user\u27s trust&confidence on the underlying communication/interaction infrastructure. It is necessary to address issues relating to both guaranteeing security of the infrastructure and the perception of the infrastructure being secure. In addition, user confidence on what is happening must be enhanced by developing trust models effective but also easily comprehensible and manageable by users

    AnoA: A Framework For Analyzing Anonymous Communication Protocols

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    Anonymous communication (AC) protocols such as the widely used Tor network have been designed to provide anonymity over the Internet to their participating users. While AC protocols have been the subject of several security and anonymity analyses in the last years, there still does not exist a framework for analyzing complex systems, such as Tor, and their different anonymity properties in a unified manner. In this work we present AnoA: a generic framework for defining, analyzing, and quantifying anonymity properties for AC protocols. In addition to quantifying the (additive) advantage of an adversary in an indistinguishability-based definition, AnoA uses a multiplicative factor, inspired from differential privacy. AnoA enables a unified quantitative analysis of well-established anonymity properties, such as sender anonymity, sender unlinkability, and relationship anonymity. AnoA modularly specifies adversarial capabilities by a simple wrapper-construction, called adversary classes. We examine the structure of these adversary classes and identify conditions under which it suffices to establish anonymity guarantees for single messages in order to derive guarantees for arbitrarily many messages. We coin this condition single-challenge reducability. This then leads us to the definition of Plug\u27n\u27Play adversary classes (PAC), which are easy to use, expressive, and single-challenge reducable. Additionally, we show that our framework is compatible with the universal composability (UC) framework. Leveraging a recent security proof about Tor, we illustrate how to apply AnoA to a simplified version of Tor against passive adversaries

    Principles of Security and Trust: 7th International Conference, POST 2018, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2018, Thessaloniki, Greece, April 14-20, 2018, Proceedings

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    authentication; computer science; computer software selection and evaluation; cryptography; data privacy; formal logic; formal methods; formal specification; internet; privacy; program compilers; programming languages; security analysis; security systems; semantics; separation logic; software engineering; specifications; verification; world wide we

    A multifaceted formal analysis of end-to-end encrypted email protocols and cryptographic authentication enhancements

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    Largely owing to cryptography, modern messaging tools (e.g., Signal) have reached a considerable degree of sophistication, balancing advanced security features with high usability. This has not been the case for email, which however, remains the most pervasive and interoperable form of digital communication. As sensitive information (e.g., identification documents, bank statements, or the message in the email itself) is frequently exchanged by this means, protecting the privacy of email communications is a justified concern which has been emphasized in the last years. A great deal of effort has gone into the development of tools and techniques for providing email communications with privacy and security, requirements that were not originally considered. Yet, drawbacks across several dimensions hinder the development of a global solution that would strengthen security while maintaining the standard features that we expect from email clients. In this thesis, we present improvements to security in email communications. Relying on formal methods and cryptography, we design and assess security protocols and analysis techniques, and propose enhancements to implemented approaches for end-to-end secure email communication. In the first part, we propose a methodical process relying on code reverse engineering, which we use to abstract the specifications of two end-to-end security protocols from a secure email solution (called pEp); then, we apply symbolic verification techniques to analyze such protocols with respect to privacy and authentication properties. We also introduce a novel formal framework that enables a system's security analysis aimed at detecting flaws caused by possible discrepancies between the user's and the system's assessment of security. Security protocols, along with user perceptions and interaction traces, are modeled as transition systems; socio-technical security properties are defined as formulas in computation tree logic (CTL), which can then be verified by model checking. Finally, we propose a protocol that aims at securing a password-based authentication system designed to detect the leakage of a password database, from a code-corruption attack. In the second part, the insights gained by the analysis in Part I allow us to propose both, theoretical and practical solutions for improving security and usability aspects, primarily of email communication, but from which secure messaging solutions can benefit too. The first enhancement concerns the use of password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols for entity authentication in peer-to-peer decentralized settings, as a replacement for out-of-band channels; this brings provable security to the so far empirical process, and enables the implementation of further security and usability properties (e.g., forward secrecy, secure secret retrieval). A second idea refers to the protection of weak passwords at rest and in transit, for which we propose a scheme based on the use of a one-time-password; furthermore, we consider potential approaches for improving this scheme. The hereby presented research was conducted as part of an industrial partnership between SnT/University of Luxembourg and pEp Security S.A

    Distributed Key Generation and Its Applications

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    Numerous cryptographic applications require a trusted authority to hold a secret. With a plethora of malicious attacks over the Internet, however, it is difficult to establish and maintain such an authority in online systems. Secret-sharing schemes attempt to solve this problem by distributing the required trust to hold and use the secret over multiple servers; however, they still require a trusted {\em dealer} to choose and share the secret, and have problems related to single points of failure and key escrow. A distributed key generation (DKG) scheme overcomes these hurdles by removing the requirement of a dealer in secret sharing. A (threshold) DKG scheme achieves this using a complete distribution of the trust among a number of servers such that any subset of servers of size greater than a given threshold can reveal or use the shared secret, while any smaller subset cannot. In this thesis, we make contributions to DKG in the computational security setting and describe three applications of it. We first define a constant-size commitment scheme for univariate polynomials over finite fields and use it to reduce the size of broadcasts required for DKG protocols in the synchronous communication model by a linear factor. Further, we observe that the existing (synchronous) DKG protocols do not provide a liveness guarantee over the Internet and design the first DKG protocol for use over the Internet. Observing the necessity of long-term stability, we then present proactive security and group modification protocols for our DKG system. We also demonstrate the practicality of our DKG protocol over the Internet by testing our implementation over PlanetLab. For the applications, we use our DKG protocol to define IND-ID-CCA secure distributed private-key generators (PKGs) for three important identity-based encryption (IBE) schemes: Boneh and Franklin's BF-IBE, Sakai and Kasahara's SK-IBE, and Boneh and Boyen's BB1-IBE. These IBE schemes cover all three important IBE frameworks: full-domain-hash IBEs, exponent-inversion IBEs and commutative-blinding IBEs respectively, and our distributed PKG constructions can easily be modified for other IBE schemes in these frameworks. As the second application, we use our distributed PKG for BF-IBE to define an onion routing circuit construction mechanism in the identity-based setting, which solves the scalability problem in single-pass onion routing circuit construction without hampering forward secrecy. As the final application, we use our DKG implementation to design a threshold signature architecture for quorum-based distributed hash tables and use it to define two robust communication protocols in these peer-to-peer systems