18 research outputs found

    Formal Verification of Autonomous Vehicle Platooning

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    The coordination of multiple autonomous vehicles into convoys or platoons is expected on our highways in the near future. However, before such platoons can be deployed, the new autonomous behaviors of the vehicles in these platoons must be certified. An appropriate representation for vehicle platooning is as a multi-agent system in which each agent captures the "autonomous decisions" carried out by each vehicle. In order to ensure that these autonomous decision-making agents in vehicle platoons never violate safety requirements, we use formal verification. However, as the formal verification technique used to verify the agent code does not scale to the full system and as the global verification technique does not capture the essential verification of autonomous behavior, we use a combination of the two approaches. This mixed strategy allows us to verify safety requirements not only of a model of the system, but of the actual agent code used to program the autonomous vehicles

    A Planning Pipeline for Large Multi-Agent Missions

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    In complex multi-agent applications, human operators are often tasked with planning and managing large heterogeneous teams of humans and autonomous vehicles. Although the use of these autonomous vehicles broadens the scope of meaningful applications, many of their systems remain unintuitive and difficult to master for human operators whose expertise lies in the application domain and not at the platform level. Current research focuses on the development of individual capabilities necessary to plan multi-agent missions of this scope, placing little emphasis on the integration of these components in to a full pipeline. The work presented in this paper presents a complete and user-agnostic planning pipeline for large multiagent missions known as the HOLII GRAILLE. The system takes a holistic approach to mission planning by integrating capabilities in human machine interaction, flight path generation, and validation and verification. Components modules of the pipeline are explored on an individual level, as well as their integration into a whole system. Lastly, implications for future mission planning are discussed

    Changes in air pollutant emissions from road vehicles due to autonomous driving technology: A conceptual modeling approach

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    The autonomous vehicles (AVs) could make a positive or negative impact on reducing mobile emissions. This study investigated the changes of mobile emissions that could be caused by large-scale adoption of AVs. The factors of road capacity increase and speed limit increase impacts were simulated using a conceptual modeling approach that combines a hypothetical speed-emission function and a traffic demand model using a virtual transportation network. The simulation results show that road capacity increase impact is significant in decreasing mobile emissions until the market share of AVs is less than 80%. If the road capacity increases by 100%, the mobile emissions will decrease by about 30%. On the other hand, driving speed limit increase impact is significant in increasing mobile emissions, and the environmentally desirable speed limit was found at around 95 km/h. If the speed limit increases to 140 km/h, the mobile emissions will increase by about 25%. This is because some vehicles begin to bypass the congested routes at high speeds as speed limit increases. Based on the simulation results, it is clear that the vehicle platooning technology implemented at reasonable speed limit is one of the AV technologies that are encouraging from the environmental point of view

    Automatic Generation of Road Geometries to Create Challenging Scenarios for Automated Vehicles Based on the Sensor Setup

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    For the offline safety assessment of automated vehicles, the most challenging and critical scenarios must be identified efficiently. Therefore, we present a new approach to define challenging scenarios based on a sensor setup model of the ego-vehicle. First, a static optimal approaching path of a road user to the ego-vehicle is calculated using an A* algorithm. We consider a poor perception of the road user by the automated vehicle as optimal, because we want to define scenarios that are as critical as possible. The path is then transferred to a dynamic scenario, where the trajectory of the road user and the road layout are determined. The result is an optimal road geometry, so that the ego-vehicle can perceive an approaching object as poorly as possible. The focus of our work is on the highway as the Operational Design Domain (ODD).Comment: Accepted at the 2020 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), October 20-23, 202

    Assessing the Safety and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles from Road Testing

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    There is an urgent societal need to assess whether autonomous vehicles (AVs) are safe enough. From published quantitative safety and reliability assessments of AVs, we know that, given the goal of predicting very low rates of accidents, road testing alone requires infeasible numbers of miles to be driven. However, previous analyses do not consider any knowledge prior to road testing – knowledge which could bring substantial advantages if the AV design allows strong expectations of safety before road testing. We present the advantages of a new variant of Conservative Bayesian Inference (CBI), which uses prior knowledge while avoiding optimistic biases. We then study the trend of disengagements (take-overs by human drivers) by applying Software Reliability Growth Models (SRGMs) to data from Waymo’s public road testing over 51 months, in view of the practice of software updates during this testing. Our approach is to not trust any specific SRGM, but to assess forecast accuracy and then improve forecasts. We show that, coupled with accuracy assessment and recalibration techniques, SRGMs could be a valuable test planning aid

    Microsimulation of connected automated vehicles in platooning conditions in highways

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    The perspective of autonomous vehicles running on our roads has come closer and closer to reality over the last decades, and this technology might be implemented during the upcoming years. However, this will only be achievable through constant investigation and efforts in all the fields of science covered by the Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV). The present study focuses on the behaviour of CAV platoons in highways, and more precisely experiments an algorithm to get rid of propagating perturbations, such as the bullwhip effect, that affects the proper functioning of the platoon. This algorithm manages to simulate a sequential acceleration where each vehicle is given an individual pattern to follow before it even performs its manoeuvre, thanks to the current and objective parameters that its disposes of. These individual patterns are coordinated and prevent therefore any bullwhip effect. Nevertheless, a misconception in the theoretical model elaborated prevents the vehicles to reach their objective Desired Space Gap (DSG), and modifications must still be made to obtain an operational algorithm in regular driving conditions. Some ideas are mentioned to improve the model in this sense, as well as an alternative method to look into, based on dynamic equations

    Designing AI for Explainability and Verifiability: A Value Sensitive Design Approach to Avoid Artificial Stupidity in Autonomous Vehicles

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    One of the primary, if not most critical, difficulties in the design and implementation of autonomous systems is the black-boxed nature of the decision-making structures and logical pathways. How human values are embodied and actualised in situ may ultimately prove to be harmful if not outright recalcitrant. For this reason, the values of stakeholders become of particular significance given the risks posed by opaque structures of intelligent agents (IAs). This paper explores how decision matrix algorithms, via the belief-desire-intention model for autonomous vehicles, can be designed to minimize the risks of opaque architectures. Primarily through an explicit orientation towards designing for the values of explainability and verifiability. In doing so, this research adopts the Value Sensitive Design (VSD) approach as a principled framework for the incorporation of such values within design. VSD is recognized as a potential starting point that offers a systematic way for engineering teams to formally incorporate existing technical solutions within ethical design, while simultaneously remaining pliable to emerging issues and needs. It is concluded that the VSD methodology offers at least a strong enough foundation from which designers can begin to anticipate design needs and formulate salient design flows that can be adapted to the changing ethical landscapes required for utilisation in autonomous vehicles

    Agents and Robots for Reliable Engineered Autonomy

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    This book contains the contributions of the Special Issue entitled "Agents and Robots for Reliable Engineered Autonomy". The Special Issue was based on the successful first edition of the "Workshop on Agents and Robots for reliable Engineered Autonomy" (AREA 2020), co-located with the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2020). The aim was to bring together researchers from autonomous agents, as well as software engineering and robotics communities, as combining knowledge from these three research areas may lead to innovative approaches that solve complex problems related to the verification and validation of autonomous robotic systems