136 research outputs found

    A goal-driven unsupervised image segmentation method combining graph-based processing and Markov random fields

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    Image segmentation is the process of partitioning a digital image into a set of homogeneous regions (according to some homogeneity criterion) to facilitate a subsequent higher-level analysis. In this context, the present paper proposes an unsupervised and graph-based method of image segmentation, which is driven by an application goal, namely, the generation of image segments associated with a user-defined and application-specific goal. A graph, together with a random grid of source elements, is defined on top of the input image. From each source satisfying a goal-driven predicate, called seed, a propagation algorithm assigns a cost to each pixel on the basis of similarity and topological connectivity, measuring the degree of association with the reference seed. Then, the set of most significant regions is automatically extracted and used to estimate a statistical model for each region. Finally, the segmentation problem is expressed in a Bayesian framework in terms of probabilistic Markov random field (MRF) graphical modeling. An ad hoc energy function is defined based on parametric models, a seed-specific spatial feature, a background-specific potential, and local-contextual information. This energy function is minimized through graph cuts and, more specifically, the alpha-beta swap algorithm, yielding the final goal-driven segmentation based on the maximum a posteriori (MAP) decision rule. The proposed method does not require deep a priori knowledge (e.g., labelled datasets), as it only requires the choice of a goal-driven predicate and a suited parametric model for the data. In the experimental validation with both magnetic resonance (MR) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, the method demonstrates robustness, versatility, and applicability to different domains, thus allowing for further analyses guided by the generated product

    Model-based learning of local image features for unsupervised texture segmentation

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    Features that capture well the textural patterns of a certain class of images are crucial for the performance of texture segmentation methods. The manual selection of features or designing new ones can be a tedious task. Therefore, it is desirable to automatically adapt the features to a certain image or class of images. Typically, this requires a large set of training images with similar textures and ground truth segmentation. In this work, we propose a framework to learn features for texture segmentation when no such training data is available. The cost function for our learning process is constructed to match a commonly used segmentation model, the piecewise constant Mumford-Shah model. This means that the features are learned such that they provide an approximately piecewise constant feature image with a small jump set. Based on this idea, we develop a two-stage algorithm which first learns suitable convolutional features and then performs a segmentation. We note that the features can be learned from a small set of images, from a single image, or even from image patches. The proposed method achieves a competitive rank in the Prague texture segmentation benchmark, and it is effective for segmenting histological images

    Approximate Lesion Localization in Dermoscopy Images

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    Background: Dermoscopy is one of the major imaging modalities used in the diagnosis of melanoma and other pigmented skin lesions. Due to the difficulty and subjectivity of human interpretation, automated analysis of dermoscopy images has become an important research area. Border detection is often the first step in this analysis. Methods: In this article, we present an approximate lesion localization method that serves as a preprocessing step for detecting borders in dermoscopy images. In this method, first the black frame around the image is removed using an iterative algorithm. The approximate location of the lesion is then determined using an ensemble of thresholding algorithms. Results: The method is tested on a set of 428 dermoscopy images. The localization error is quantified by a metric that uses dermatologist determined borders as the ground truth. Conclusion: The results demonstrate that the method presented here achieves both fast and accurate localization of lesions in dermoscopy images

    Two and three dimensional segmentation of multimodal imagery

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    The role of segmentation in the realms of image understanding/analysis, computer vision, pattern recognition, remote sensing and medical imaging in recent years has been significantly augmented due to accelerated scientific advances made in the acquisition of image data. This low-level analysis protocol is critical to numerous applications, with the primary goal of expediting and improving the effectiveness of subsequent high-level operations by providing a condensed and pertinent representation of image information. In this research, we propose a novel unsupervised segmentation framework for facilitating meaningful segregation of 2-D/3-D image data across multiple modalities (color, remote-sensing and biomedical imaging) into non-overlapping partitions using several spatial-spectral attributes. Initially, our framework exploits the information obtained from detecting edges inherent in the data. To this effect, by using a vector gradient detection technique, pixels without edges are grouped and individually labeled to partition some initial portion of the input image content. Pixels that contain higher gradient densities are included by the dynamic generation of segments as the algorithm progresses to generate an initial region map. Subsequently, texture modeling is performed and the obtained gradient, texture and intensity information along with the aforementioned initial partition map are used to perform a multivariate refinement procedure, to fuse groups with similar characteristics yielding the final output segmentation. Experimental results obtained in comparison to published/state-of the-art segmentation techniques for color as well as multi/hyperspectral imagery, demonstrate the advantages of the proposed method. Furthermore, for the purpose of achieving improved computational efficiency we propose an extension of the aforestated methodology in a multi-resolution framework, demonstrated on color images. Finally, this research also encompasses a 3-D extension of the aforementioned algorithm demonstrated on medical (Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Computed Tomography) volumes

    SuRVoS: Super-Region Volume Segmentation workbench

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    Segmentation of biological volumes is a crucial step needed to fully analyse their scientific content. Not having access to convenient tools with which to segment or annotate the data means many biological volumes remain under-utilised. Automatic segmentation of biological volumes is still a very challenging research field, and current methods usually require a large amount of manually-produced training data to deliver a high-quality segmentation. However, the complex appearance of cellular features and the high variance from one sample to another, along with the time-consuming work of manually labelling complete volumes, makes the required training data very scarce or non-existent. Thus, fully automatic approaches are often infeasible for many practical applications. With the aim of unifying the segmentation power of automatic approaches with the user expertise and ability to manually annotate biological samples, we present a new workbench named SuRVoS (Super-Region Volume Segmentation). Within this software, a volume to be segmented is first partitioned into hierarchical segmentation layers (named Super-Regions) and is then interactively segmented with the user's knowledge input in the form of training annotations. SuRVoS first learns from and then extends user inputs to the rest of the volume, while using Super-Regions for quicker and easier segmentation than when using a voxel grid. These benefits are especially noticeable on noisy, low-dose, biological datasets

    A review of algorithms for medical image segmentation and their applications to the female pelvic cavity

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    This paper aims to make a review on the current segmentation algorithms used for medical images. Algorithms are classified according to their principal methodologies, namely the ones based on thresholds, the ones based on clustering techniques and the ones based on deformable models. The last type is focused on due to the intensive investigations into the deformable models that have been done in the last few decades. Typical algorithms of each type are discussed and the main ideas, application fields, advantages and disadvantages of each type are summarised. Experiments that apply these algorithms to segment the organs and tissues of the female pelvic cavity are presented to further illustrate their distinct characteristics. In the end, the main guidelines that should be considered for designing the segmentation algorithms of the pelvic cavity are proposed