1,996 research outputs found

    Flexible Control of Composite Parameters in Max/MSP

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    Fundamental to the development of musical or artistic creative work is the ability to transform raw materials. This ability implies the facility to master many facets of the material, and to shape it with plasticity. Computer music environments typically provide points of control to manipulate material by supplying parameters with controllable values. This capability to control the values of parameters is inadequate for many artistic endeavors, and does not reflect the analogous tools and methods of artists working with physical materials. Rather than viewing parameters in computer-based systems as single points of control, the authors posit that parameters must become more multifaceted and dynamic in order to serve the needs of artists. The authors propose an expanded notion of how to work with parameters in computer-centric environments for time-based art. A proposed partial solution to this problem is to give parameters additional properties that define their behavior. An example implementation of these ideas is presented in Jamoma

    Design of a scientific probe for obtaining Mars surface material

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    The objective is to return a 1 Kg Martian soil sample from the surface of Mars to a mothership in a 60 km Mars orbit. Given here is information on the mission profile, the structural design and component placement, thermal control and guidance, propulsion systems, orbital mechanics, and specialized structures

    Developing a flexible and expressive realtime polyphonic wave terrain synthesis instrument based on a visual and multidimensional methodology

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    The Jitter extended library for Max/MSP is distributed with a gamut of tools for the generation, processing, storage, and visual display of multidimensional data structures. With additional support for a wide range of media types, and the interaction between these mediums, the environment presents a perfect working ground for Wave Terrain Synthesis. This research details the practical development of a realtime Wave Terrain Synthesis instrument within the Max/MSP programming environment utilizing the Jitter extended library. Various graphical processing routines are explored in relation to their potential use for Wave Terrain Synthesis

    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    Design of a wearable sensor system for neonatal seizure monitoring

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    A multi-point 2D interface: Audio-rate signals for controlling complex multi-parametric sound synthesis

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    This paper documents a method of controlling complex sound synthesis processes such as granular synthesis, additive synthesis, timbre morphology, swarm-based spatialisation, spectral spatialisation, and timbre spatialisation via a multi-parametric 2D interface. This paper evaluates the use of audio-rate control signals for sound synthesis, and discussing approaches to de-interleaving, synchronization, and mapping. The paper also outlines a number of ways of extending the expressivity of such a control interface by coupling this with another 2D multi-parametric nodes interface and audio-rate 2D table lookup. The paper proceeds to review methods of navigating multi-parameter sets via interpolation and transformation. Some case studies are finally discussed in the paper. The author has used this method to control complex sound synthesis processes that require control data for more that a thousand parameters

    PnP Maxtools: Autonomous Parameter Control in MaxMSP Utilizing MIR Algorithms

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    This research presents a new approach to computer automation through the implementation of novel real-time music information retrieval algorithms developed for this project. It documents the development of the PnP.Maxtools package, a set of open source objects designed within the popular programming environment MaxMSP. The package is a set of pre/post processing filters, objective and subjective timbral descriptors, audio effects, and other objects that are designed to be used together to compose music or improvise without the use of external controllers or hardware. The PnP.Maxtools package objects are designed to be used quickly and easily using a `plug and play\u27 style with as few initial arguments needed as possible. The PnP.Maxtools package is designed to take incoming audio from a microphone, analyze it, and use the analysis to control an audio effect on the incoming signal in real-time. In this way, the audio content has a real musical and analogous relationship with the resulting musical transformations while the control parameters become more multifaceted and better able to serve the needs of artists. The term Reflexive Automation is presented that describes this unsupervised relationship between the content of the sound being analyzed and the analogous and automatic control over a specific musical parameter. A set of compositions are also presented that demonstrate ideal usage of the object categories for creating reflexive systems and achieving fully autonomous control over musical parameters