10,453 research outputs found

    Data transport over optical fibre for ska using advanced modulation flexible spectrum technology

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    Flexible Spectrum Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed (DWDM) optical fibre networks are next-generation technology for handling extremely high data rates of the kind produced by MeerKAT and SKA.We optimise the flexible spectrum for real-time dynamic channel wavelength assignment, to ensure optimum network performance. We needed to identify and develop novel hardware and dynamic algorithms for these networks to function optimally to perform critical tasks. Such tasks include wavelength assignment, signal routing, network restoration and network protection. The antennas of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) network connect to the correlator and data processor in a simple point-to-point fixed configuration. The connection of the astronomer users to the data processor, however, requires a more complex network architecture. This is because the network has users scattered around South Africa, Africa and the whole world. This calls for upgrade of the classical fixed wavelength spectrum grids, to flexible spectrum grid that has improved capacity, reliable, simple and cost-effectiveness through sharing of network infrastructure. The exponential growth of data traffic in current optical communication networks requires higher capacity for the bandwidth demands at a reduced cost per bit. All-optical signal processing is a promising technique to improve network resource utilisation and resolve wavelength contention associated with the flexible spectrum. Flexible Spectrum Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed (DWDM) optical fibre networks are next-generation technology for handling extremely high data rates of the kind produced by MeerKAT and SKA. Each DWDM channel is capable of 10 Gbps transmission rate, which is sliceable into finer flexible grid 12.5 GHz granularity to offer the network elastic spectrum and channel spacing capable of signal routing and wavelength switching for the scalability of aggregate bandwidth. The variable-sized portions of the flexible spectrum assignment to end users at different speeds depend on bandwidth demand, allowing efficient utilisation of the spectrum resources. The entire bandwidth of dynamic optical connections must be contiguously allocated. However, there is an introduction of spectrum fragmentation due to spectrum contiguity related to the optical channels having different width. Thus large traffic demands are likely to experience blocking regardless of available bandwidth. To minimise the congestion and cost-effectively obtain high performance, the optical network must be reconfigurable, achievable by adding wavelength as an extra degree of freedom for effectiveness. This can introduce colourless, directionless and contentionless reconfigurability to route individual wavelengths from fibre to fibre across multiple nodes to avoid wavelength blocking/collisions, increasing the flexibility and capacity of a network. For these networks to function optimally, novel hardware and dynamic algorithms identification and development is a critical task. Such tasks include wavelength assignment, signal routing, network restoration and network protection. In this work, we for the first time to our knowledge proposed a spectrum defragmentation technique through reallocation of the central frequency of the optical transmitter, to increase the probability of finding a sufficient continuous spectrum. This is to improve network resource utilisation, capacity and resolve wavelength contention associated with a flexible spectrum in optical communication networks. The following chapter provides details on a flexible spectrum in optical fibre networks utilising DWDM, optimising transmitter-receivers, advanced modulation formats, coherent detection, reconfigurable optical add and drop multiplexer (ROADM) technology to implement hardware and middleware platforms which address growing bandwidth demands for scalability, flexibility and cost-efficiency. A major attribute is tunable lasers, an essential component for future flexible spectrum with application to wavelength switching, routing, wavelength conversion and ROADM for the multi-node optical network through spectrum flexibility and cost-effective sharing of fibre links, transmitters and receivers. Spectrum slicing into fine granular sub-carriers and assigning several frequency slots to accommodate diverse traffic demands is a viable approach. This work experimentally presents a spectral efficient technique for bandwidth variability, wavelength allocation, routing, defragmentation and wavelength selective switches in the nodes of a network, capable of removing the fixed grid spacing using low cost, high bandwidth, power-efficient and wavelength-tunable vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) transmitter directly modulated with 10 Gbps data. This to ensure that majority of the spectrum utilisation at finer channel spacing, wastage of the spectrum resource as caused by the wavelength continuity constraint reduction and it improves bandwidth utilisation. The technique is flexible in terms of modulation formats and accommodates various formats with spectrally continuous channels, fulfilling the future bandwidth demands with transmissions beyond 100 Gbps per channel while maintaining spectral efficiency

    Data transport over optical fibre for ska using advanced modulation flexible spectrum technology

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    Flexible Spectrum Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed (DWDM) optical fibre networks are next-generation technology for handling extremely high data rates of the kind produced by MeerKAT and SKA.We optimise the flexible spectrum for real-time dynamic channel wavelength assignment, to ensure optimum network performance. We needed to identify and develop novel hardware and dynamic algorithms for these networks to function optimally to perform critical tasks. Such tasks include wavelength assignment, signal routing, network restoration and network protection. The antennas of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) network connect to the correlator and data processor in a simple point-to-point fixed configuration. The connection of the astronomer users to the data processor, however, requires a more complex network architecture. This is because the network has users scattered around South Africa, Africa and the whole world. This calls for upgrade of the classical fixed wavelength spectrum grids, to flexible spectrum grid that has improved capacity, reliable, simple and cost-effectiveness through sharing of network infrastructure. The exponential growth of data traffic in current optical communication networks requires higher capacity for the bandwidth demands at a reduced cost per bit. All-optical signal processing is a promising technique to improve network resource utilisation and resolve wavelength contention associated with the flexible spectrum. Flexible Spectrum Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexed (DWDM) optical fibre networks are next-generation technology for handling extremely high data rates of the kind produced by MeerKAT and SKA. Each DWDM channel is capable of 10 Gbps transmission rate, which is sliceable into finer flexible grid 12.5 GHz granularity to offer the network elastic spectrum and channel spacing capable of signal routing and wavelength switching for the scalability of aggregate bandwidth. The variable-sized portions of the flexible spectrum assignment to end users at different speeds depend on bandwidth demand, allowing efficient utilisation of the spectrum resources. The entire bandwidth of dynamic optical connections must be contiguously allocated. However, there is an introduction of spectrum fragmentation due to spectrum contiguity related to the optical channels having different width. Thus large traffic demands are likely to experience blocking regardless of available bandwidth. To minimise the congestion and cost-effectively obtain high performance, the optical network must be reconfigurable, achievable by adding wavelength as an extra degree of freedom for effectiveness. This can introduce colourless, directionless and contentionless reconfigurability to route individual wavelengths from fibre to fibre across multiple nodes to avoid wavelength blocking/collisions, increasing the flexibility and capacity of a network. For these networks to function optimally, novel hardware and dynamic algorithms identification and development is a critical task. Such tasks include wavelength assignment, signal routing, network restoration and network protection. In this work, we for the first time to our knowledge proposed a spectrum defragmentation technique through reallocation of the central frequency of the optical transmitter, to increase the probability of finding a sufficient continuous spectrum. This is to improve network resource utilisation, capacity and resolve wavelength contention associated with a flexible spectrum in optical communication networks. The following chapter provides details on a flexible spectrum in optical fibre networks utilising DWDM, optimising transmitter-receivers, advanced modulation formats, coherent detection, reconfigurable optical add and drop multiplexer (ROADM) technology to implement hardware and middleware platforms which address growing bandwidth demands for scalability, flexibility and cost-efficiency. A major attribute is tunable lasers, an essential component for future flexible spectrum with application to wavelength switching, routing, wavelength conversion and ROADM for the multi-node optical network through spectrum flexibility and cost-effective sharing of fibre links, transmitters and receivers. Spectrum slicing into fine granular sub-carriers and assigning several frequency slots to accommodate diverse traffic demands is a viable approach. This work experimentally presents a spectral efficient technique for bandwidth variability, wavelength allocation, routing, defragmentation and wavelength selective switches in the nodes of a network, capable of removing the fixed grid spacing using low cost, high bandwidth, power-efficient and wavelength-tunable vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) transmitter directly modulated with 10 Gbps data. This to ensure that majority of the spectrum utilisation at finer channel spacing, wastage of the spectrum resource as caused by the wavelength continuity constraint reduction and it improves bandwidth utilisation. The technique is flexible in terms of modulation formats and accommodates various formats with spectrally continuous channels, fulfilling the future bandwidth demands with transmissions beyond 100 Gbps per channel while maintaining spectral efficiency

    Ant colony optimisation-based algorithms for optical burst switching networks

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    This research developed two novel distributed algorithms inspired by Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) for a solution to the problem of dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment (RWA) with wavelength continuity constraint in Optical Burst Switching (OBS) networks utilising both the traditional International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Fixed Grid Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Flexible Spectrum scenarios. The growing demand for more bandwidth in optical networks require more efficient utilisation of available optical resources. OBS is a promising optical switching technique for the improved utilisation of optical network resources over the current optical circuit switching technique. The development of newer technologies has introduced higher rate transmissions and various modulation formats, however, introducing these technologies into the traditional ITU Fixed Grid does not efficiently utilise the available bandwidth. Flexible Spectrum is a promising approach offering a solution to the problem of improving bandwidth utilisation, which comes with a potential cost. Transmissions have the potential for impairment with respect to the increased traffic and lack of large channel spacing. Proposed routing algorithms should be aware of the linear and non-linear Physical Layer Impairments (PLIs) in order to operate closer to optimum performance. The OBS resource reservation protocol does not cater for the loss of transmissions, Burst Control Packets (BCPs) included, due to physical layer impairments. The protocol was adapted for use in Flexible Spectrum. Investigation of the use of a route and wavelength combination, from source to destination node pair, for the RWA process was proposed for ACO-based approaches to enforce the establishment and use of complete paths for greedy exploitation in Flexible Spectrum was conducted. The routing tuple for the RWA process is the tight coupling of a route and wavelength in combination intended to promote the greedy exploitation of successful paths for transmission requests. The application of the routing tuples differs from traditional ACO-based approaches and prompted the investigation of new pheromone calculation equations. The two novel proposed approaches were tested and experiments conducted comparing with and against existing algorithms (a simple greedy and an ACO-based algorithm) in a traditional ITU Fixed Grid and Flexible Spectrum scenario on three different network topologies. The proposed Flexible Spectrum Ant Colony (FSAC) approach had a markably improved performance over the existing algorithms in the ITU Fixed Grid WDM and Flexible Spectrum scenarios, while Upper Confidence Bound Routing and Wavelength Assignment (UCBRWA) algorithm was able to perform well in the traditional ITU Fixed Grid WDM scenario, but underperformed in the Flexible Spectrum scenario. The results show that the distributed ACO-based FSAC algorithm significantly improved the burst transmission success probability, providing a good solution in the Flexible Spectrum network environment undergoing transmission impairments

    Multi-Granular Optical Cross-Connect: Design, Analysis, and Demonstration

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    A fundamental issue in all-optical switching is to offer efficient and cost-effective transport services for a wide range of bandwidth granularities. This paper presents multi-granular optical cross-connect (MG-OXC) architectures that combine slow (ms regime) and fast (ns regime) switch elements, in order to support optical circuit switching (OCS), optical burst switching (OBS), and even optical packet switching (OPS). The MG-OXC architectures are designed to provide a cost-effective approach, while offering the flexibility and reconfigurability to deal with dynamic requirements of different applications. All proposed MG-OXC designs are analyzed and compared in terms of dimensionality, flexibility/reconfigurability, and scalability. Furthermore, node level simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of MG-OXCs under different traffic regimes. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed architectures is demonstrated on an application-aware, multi-bit-rate (10 and 40 Gbps), end-to-end OBS testbed

    Optical Network Models and their Application to Software-Defined Network Management

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    Software-defined networking is finding its way into optical networks. Here, it promises a simplification and unification of network management for optical networks allowing automation of operational tasks despite the highly diverse and vendor-specific commercial systems and the complexity and analog nature of optical transmission. A fundamental component for software-defined optical networking are common abstractions and interfaces. Currently, a number of models for optical networks are available. They all claim to provide open and vendor agnostic management of optical equipment. In this work, we survey and compare the most important models and propose an intent interface for creating virtual topologies that is integrated in the existing model ecosystem.Comment: Parts of the presented work has received funding from the European Commission within the H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under grant agreeement n.645127, project ACIN

    Time Shared Optical Network (TSON): a novel metro architecture for flexible multi-granular services

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    This paper presents the Time Shared Optical Network (TSON) as metro mesh network architecture for guaranteed, statistically-multiplexed services. TSON proposes a flexible and tunable time-wavelength assignment along with one-way tree-based reservation and node architecture. It delivers guaranteed sub-wavelength and multi-granular network services without wavelength conversion, time-slice interchange and optical buffering. Simulation results demonstrate high network utilization, fast service delivery, and low end-to-end delay on a contention-free sub-wavelength optical transport network. In addition, implementation complexity in terms of Layer 2 aggregation, grooming and optical switching has been evaluated

    IDEALIST control and service management solutions for dynamic and adaptive flexi-grid DWDM networks

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    Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSON) were designed with the premise that all channels in a network have the same spectrum needs, based on the ITU-T DWDM grid. However, this rigid grid-based approach is not adapted to the spectrum requirements of the signals that are best candidates for long-reach transmission and high-speed data rates of 400Gbps and beyond. An innovative approach is to evolve the fixed DWDM grid to a flexible grid, in which the optical spectrum is partitioned into fixed-sized spectrum slices. This allows facilitating the required amount of optical bandwidth and spectrum for an elastic optical connection to be dynamically and adaptively allocated by assigning the necessary number of slices of spectrum. The ICT IDEALIST project will provide the architectural design, protocol specification, implementation, evaluation and standardization of a control plane and a network and service management system. This architecture and tools are necessary to introduce dynamicity, elasticity and adaptation in flexi-grid DWDM networks. This paper provides an overview of the objectives, framework, functional requirements and use cases of the elastic control plane and the adaptive network and service management system targeted in the ICT IDEALIST project
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