6,793 research outputs found

    Gate Delay Fault Test Generation for Non-Scan Circuits

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    This article presents a technique for the extension of delay fault test pattern generation to synchronous sequential circuits without making use of scan techniques. The technique relies on the coupling of TDgen, a robust combinational test pattern generator for delay faults, and SEMILET, a sequential test pattern generator for several static fault models. The approach uses a forward propagation-backward justification technique: The test pattern generation is started at the fault location, and after successful ÂżlocalÂż test generation fault effect propagation is performed and finally a synchronising sequence to the required state is computed. The algorithm is complete for a robust gate delay fault model, which means that for every testable fault a test will be generated, assuming sufficient time. Experimental results for the ISCAS'89 benchmarks are presented in this pape

    On testing VLSI chips for the big Viterbi decoder

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    A general technique that can be used in testing very large scale integrated (VLSI) chips for the Big Viterbi Decoder (BVD) system is described. The test technique is divided into functional testing and fault-coverage testing. The purpose of functional testing is to verify that the design works functionally. Functional test vectors are converted from outputs of software simulations which simulate the BVD functionally. Fault-coverage testing is used to detect and, in some cases, to locate faulty components caused by bad fabrication. This type of testing is useful in screening out bad chips. Finally, design for testability, which is included in the BVD VLSI chip design, is described in considerable detail. Both the observability and controllability of a VLSI chip are greatly enhanced by including the design for the testability feature

    Efficient Path Delay Test Generation with Boolean Satisfiability

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    This dissertation focuses on improving the accuracy and efficiency of path delay test generation using a Boolean satisfiability (SAT) solver. As part of this research, one of the most commonly used SAT solvers, MiniSat, was integrated into the path delay test generator CodGen. A mixed structural-functional approach was implemented in CodGen where longest paths were detected using the K Longest Path Per Gate (KLPG) algorithm and path justification and dynamic compaction were handled with the SAT solver. Advanced techniques were implemented in CodGen to further speed up the performance of SAT based path delay test generation using the knowledge of the circuit structure. SAT solvers are inherently circuit structure unaware, and significant speedup can be availed if structure information of the circuit is provided to the SAT solver. The advanced techniques explored include: Dynamic SAT Solving (DSS), Circuit Observability Don’t Care (Cir-ODC), SAT based static learning, dynamic learnt clause management and Approximate Observability Don’t Care (ACODC). Both ISCAS 89 and ITC 99 benchmarks as well as industrial circuits were used to demonstrate that the performance of CodGen was significantly improved with MiniSat and the use of circuit structure

    Design for testability of a latch-based design

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    Abstract. The purpose of this thesis was to decrease the area of digital logic in a power management integrated circuit (PMIC), by replacing selected flip-flops with latches. The thesis consists of a theory part, that provides background theory for the thesis, and a practical part, that presents a latch register design and design for testability (DFT) method for achieving an acceptable level of manufacturing fault coverage for it. The total area was decreased by replacing flip-flops of read-write and one-time programmable registers with latches. One set of negative level active primary latches were shared with all the positive level active latch registers in the same register bank. Clock gating was used to select which latch register the write data was loaded to from the primary latches. The latches were made transparent during the shift operation of partial scan testing. The observability of the latch register clock gating logic was improved by leaving the first bit of each latch register as a flip-flop. The controllability was improved by inserting control points. The latch register design, developed in this thesis, resulted in a total area decrease of 5% and a register bank area decrease of 15% compared to a flip-flop-based reference design. The latch register design manages to maintain the same stuck-at fault coverage as the reference design.Salpaperäisen piirin testattavuuden suunnittelu. Tiivistelmä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli pienentää digitaalisen logiikan pinta-alaa integroidussa tehonhallintapiirissä, korvaamalla valitut kiikut salpapiireillä. Opinnäytetyö koostuu teoriaosasta, joka antaa taustatietoa opinnäytetyölle, ja käytännön osuudesta, jossa esitellään salparekisteripiiri ja testattavuussuunnittelun menetelmä, jolla saavutettiin riittävän hyvä virhekattavuus salparekisteripiirille. Kokonaispinta-alaa pienennettiin korvaamalla luku-kirjoitusrekistereiden ja kerran ohjelmoitavien rekistereiden kiikut salpapiireillä. Yhdet negatiivisella tasolla aktiiviset isäntä-salpapiirit jaettiin kaikkien samassa rekisteripankissa olevien positiivisella tasolla aktiivisten salparekistereiden kanssa. Kellon portittamisella valittiin mihin salparekisteriin kirjoitusdata ladattiin yhteisistä isäntä-salpapireistä. Osittaisessa testipolkuihin perustuvassa testauksessa salpapiirit tehtiin läpinäkyviksi siirtooperaation aikana. Salparekisterin kellon portituslogiikan havaittavuutta parannettiin jättämällä jokaisen salparekisterin ensimmäinen bitti kiikuksi. Ohjattavuutta parannettiin lisäämällä ohjauspisteitä. Salparekisteripiiri, joka suunniteltiin tässä diplomityössä, pienensi kokonaispinta-alaa 5 % ja rekisteripankin pinta-alaa 15 % verrattuna kiikkuperäiseen vertailupiiriin. Salparekisteripiiri onnistuu pitämään saman juuttumisvikamallin virhekattavuuden kuin vertailupiiri

    Design-for-delay-testability techniques for high-speed digital circuits

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    The importance of delay faults is enhanced by the ever increasing clock rates and decreasing geometry sizes of nowadays' circuits. This thesis focuses on the development of Design-for-Delay-Testability (DfDT) techniques for high-speed circuits and embedded cores. The rising costs of IC testing and in particular the costs of Automatic Test Equipment are major concerns for the semiconductor industry. To reverse the trend of rising testing costs, DfDT is\ud getting more and more important

    Fsimac: a fault simulator for asynchronous sequential circuits

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    Journal ArticleAt very high frequencies, the major potential of asynchronous circuits is absence of clock skew and, through that, better exploitation of relative timing relations. This paper presents Fsimac, a gate-level fault simulator for stuck-at and gate-delay faults in asynchronous sequential circuits. Fsimac not only evaluates combinational logic and typical asynchronous gates such as Muller C-elements, but also complex domino gates, which are widely used in high-speed designs. Our algorithm for detecting feedback loops is designed so as to minimize the iterations for simulating the unfolded circuit. We use min-max timing analysis to compute the bounds on the signal delays. Stuck-at faults are detected by comparing logic values at the primary outputs against the corresponding values in the fault-free design. For delay faults, we additionally compare min-max time stamps for primary output signals. Fault coverage reported by Fsimac for pseudo-random tests generated by Cellular Automata show some very good results, but also indicate test holes for which more specific patterns are needed. We intend to deploy Fsimac for designing more effective CA-BIST

    On-Chip Generation of Functional Tests with Reduced Delay and Power

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    This paper describes different methods on-chip test generation method for functional tests. The hardware was based on application of primary input sequences in order to allow the circuit to produce reachable states. Random primary input sequences were modeled to avoid repeated synchronization and thus yields varied sets of reachable states by implementing a decoder in between circuit and LFSR. The on-chip generation of functional tests require simple hardware and achieved high transition fault coverage for testable circuits. Further, power and delay can be reduced by using Bit Swapping LFSR (BS-LFSR). This technique yields less number of transitions for all pattern generation. Bit-swapping (BS) technique is less complex and more reliable to hardware miscommunications
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