9 research outputs found

    Decoupled DC-Link capacitor voltage control of DC-AC multilevel multileg converters

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    © 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper studies the coupling between the capacitor voltage control loops of diode-clamped (or functionally equivalent) multilevel multileg (multiphase) dc-ac converters. From a complete model of the plant revealing the coupling, a simple approach consisting in multiplying the vector of control commands by a constant matrix is proposed to decouple the control problem and achieve a better controller performance. Simulation and experimental results are presented to prove the superior performance of the proposed decoupled control.Postprint (author's final draft

    A Coupled-Inductor-Based Buck–Boost AC–DC Converter With Balanced DC Output Voltages

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    A novel fault-detection methodology of proposed reduced switch MLI fed induction motor drive using discrete wavelet transforms

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    Induction motors are typically promoted in industrial applications by adopting energy-efficient power-electronic drive technology. Multilevel inverters (MLI) have been widely recognized in recent days for high-power, medium-voltage-efficient drives. There has been vital interest in forming novel multilevel inverters with reduced switching elements. The newly proposed reduced-switch five-level inverter topology extends with fewer switches, low dv/dt stress, high efficiency, and so on, over the formal multilevel inverter topologies. The multilevel inverter's reputation is greatly affected due to several faults on switching elements and complex switching sequences. In this paper, a novel fault identification process is evaluated in both healthy and faulty conditions using discrete-wavelet transform analysis. The discrete wavelet transform utilizes the multi-resolution analysis with a feature extraction methodology acquired for fault identification over the classical methods. A novel fault identification scheme is implemented on reduced-switch five-level MLI topology using the Matlab/Simulink platform to increase the drive system's reliability. The effectiveness of simulation outcomes is illustrated with proper comparisons. The pro posed topology's hardware model is implemented using a dSPACE DS1103 real-time digital controller and the results of the experiment are presented

    Five-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter With Three-Level Boost Converter

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    This paper proposes an active front-end solution to balance the dc-link capacitor voltage of the five-level diode clamped inverter. Capacitor voltage balancing is performed by a three-level boost converter connected to the two inner capacitors of a five-level diode-clamped inverter and additional balancing circuits at the other two outer capacitors. The proposed configuration is tested through simulation and experiment for various load power factor conditions at a high modulation index. The result demonstrates the reliability of the proposed configuration to balance the dc-link capacitor voltage at the desired level

    A Three-Input Central Capacitor Converter for a High-Voltage PV System

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    High-voltage photovoltaic (PV) techniques have their own advantages in PV plants for reducing the construction cost and improving the operational efficiency. However, the high input PV voltage increases the mismatch losses of PV arrays, which is also a key factor that influences the energy yield of PV plants. This paper proposes a three-input central capacitor (TICC) dc/dc converter for a high-voltage PV system, where four low-rating cascaded buck-boost converters connect to the series-connected three low-voltage PV arrays and two capacitors and realize the maximum power point tracking independently. Meanwhile, there is a neutral point in the proposed converter, enabling it to be connected with the rear-end three-level inverter directly. It can also help balance the three-level dc-link voltage by properly regulating the transferred energy among three input sources. Compared with other transformer-less dc-dc converters, the proposed converter is able to reduce the semiconductor voltage/current stress and therefore achieve the high efficiency. Simulation and experimental results verified the performance of the proposed TICC converter

    A Photovoltaic-Fed DC-Bus Islanded Electric Vehicles Charging System Based on a Hybrid Control Scheme

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    Electric vehicle (EV) charging stations fed by photovoltaic (PV) panels allow integration of various low-carbon technologies, and are gaining increasing attention as a mean to locally manage power generation and demand. This paper presents novel control schemes to improve coordination of an islanded PV-fed DC bus EV charging system during various disturbances, including rapid changes of irradiance, EV connection and disconnection, or energy storage unit (ESU) charging and discharging. A new hybrid control scheme combining the advantages of both master–slave control and droop control is proposed for a charging station supplying 20 EVs for a total power of 890 kW. In addition, a three-level (3L) boost converter with capacitor voltage balance control is designed for PV generation, with the aim to provide high voltage gain while employing a small inductor. The control techniques are implemented in a simulation environment. Various case studies are presented and analysed, confirming the effectiveness and stability of the control strategies proposed for the islanded charging system. For all tested conditions, the operating voltage is maintained within 5% of the rated value

    Power quality improvements of single-phase grid-connected photovoltaic systems

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    PhD ThesisThe number of distributed power generation systems (DPGSs), mostly based on photovoltaic (PV) energy sources is increasing exponentially. These systems must conform to grid codes to ensure appropriate power quality and to contribute to grid stability. A robust and reliable synchronization to the grid is an important consideration in such systems. This is due to the fact that, fast and accurate detection of the grid voltage parameters is essential in order to implement stable control strategies under a broad range of grid conditions. The second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) based phase-locked loop (PLL) is widely used for grid synchronization of single-phase power converters. This is because it offers a simple, robust and flexible solution for grid synchronization. However, the SOGI-PLL is affected by the presence of a dc offset in the measured grid voltage. This dc voltage offset is typically introduced by the measurements and data conversion process, and causes fundamental-frequency ripple in the estimated parameters of the grid voltage (i.e. voltage amplitude, phase angle and frequency). In addition to this ripple, the unit amplitude sine and cosine signals of the estimated phase angle (i.e. unit vectors), that are used to generate reference signals in the closed-loop control of grid-connected PV converters will contain dc offset. This is highly undesirable since it can cause dc current injection to the grid, and as a consequence, the quality of the power provided by the DPGSs can be degraded. To overcome this drawback, a modified SOGI-PLL with dc offset rejection capability is proposed. The steady-state, transient and harmonic attenuation performance of the proposed PLL scheme are validated through simulation and experimental tests. The overall performance demonstrates the capability of the proposed PLL to fully reject such dc current injection as well as to provide a superior harmonic attenuation when compared with the SOGIPLL and two other existing offset rejection approaches. It is shown that, the proposed PLL scheme can enhance the overall total harmonic distortion (THD%) of the injected power by 15% when compared to the conventional SOGI-PLL. In addition to the synchronization, grid-connected PV systems require a current control scheme to regulate the output current. Due to the simple implementation, proportional-integral (PI) controllers in the stationary reference frame are commonly used for current controlled inverters. However, these PI-controllers exhibit a major drawback of failure to track a sinusoidal reference Abstract ii without steady-state error, which may result in low-order harmonics. This drawback can be overcome if the PI-controllers are implemented in direct-quadrature (dq) rotating reference frame. In single-phase systems, the common approach is to create a synthesized phase signal orthogonal to the fundamental of the real single-phase system so as to obtain dc quantities by means of a stationary-to-rotating reference frame. The orthogonal synthesized signal in conventional approaches is obtained by phase shifting the real signal by a quarter of the fundamental period. The introduction of such delay in the system deteriorates the dynamic response, which becomes slower and oscillatory. This thesis proposes an alternative way of implementing such PI-controllers in the dq reference frame without the need of creating such orthogonal signals. The proposed approach, effectively improves the poor dynamic of the conventional approaches while not adding excessive complexity to the controller structure. The results show that, in addition to its ability to regulate the current and achieve zero steady-state error, the proposed approach shows superior dynamic response when compared with that of conventional delay-based approach.Libyan Governmen