152 research outputs found

    Reconstructing triangulated surfaces from unorganized points through local skeletal stars

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    Surface reconstruction from unorganized points arises in a variety of practical situations such as range scanning an object from multiple view points, recovery of biological shapes from twodimensional slices, and interactive surface sketching. [...]Reconstrução da superfície de pontos desorganizados surge em uma variedade de situações práticas, tais como rastreamento de um objeto a partir de vários pontos de vista, a recuperação de formas biológicas de fatias bi-dimensionais, e esboçar superfícies interativas. [...

    Fast B-spline Curve Fitting by L-BFGS

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    We propose a novel method for fitting planar B-spline curves to unorganized data points. In traditional methods, optimization of control points and foot points are performed in two very time-consuming steps in each iteration: 1) control points are updated by setting up and solving a linear system of equations; and 2) foot points are computed by projecting each data point onto a B-spline curve. Our method uses the L-BFGS optimization method to optimize control points and foot points simultaneously and therefore it does not need to perform either matrix computation or foot point projection in every iteration. As a result, our method is much faster than existing methods

    3D Reconstruction Using High Resolution Implicit Surface Representations and Memory Management Strategies

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    La disponibilité de capteurs de numérisation 3D rapides et précis a permis de capturer de très grands ensembles de points à la surface de différents objets qui véhiculent la géométrie des objets. La métrologie appliquée consiste en l'application de mesures dans différents domaines tels que le contrôle qualité, l'inspection, la conception de produits et la rétroingénierie. Une fois que le nuage de points 3D non organisés couvrant toute la surface de l'objet a été capturé, un modèle de la surface doit être construit si des mesures métrologiques doivent être effectuées sur l'objet. Dans la reconstruction 3D en temps réel, à l'aide de scanners 3D portables, une représentation de surface implicite très efficace est le cadre de champ vectoriel, qui suppose que la surface est approchée par un plan dans chaque voxel. Le champ vectoriel contient la normale à la surface et la matrice de covariance des points tombant à l'intérieur d'un voxel. L'approche globale proposée dans ce projet est basée sur le cadre Vector Field. Le principal problème abordé dans ce projet est la résolution de l'incrément de consommation de mémoire et la précision du modèle reconstruit dans le champ vectoriel. Ce tte approche effectue une sélection objective de la taille optimale des voxels dans le cadre de champ vectoriel pour maintenir la consommation de mémoire aussi faible que possible et toujours obtenir un modèle précis de la surface. De plus, un ajustement d e surface d'ordre élevé est utilisé pour augmenter la précision du modèle. Étant donné que notre approche ne nécessite aucune paramétrisation ni calcul complexe, et qu'au lieu de travailler avec chaque point, nous travaillons avec des voxels dans le champ vectoriel, cela réduit la complexité du calcul.The availability of fast and accurate 3D scanning sensors has made it possible to capture very large sets of points at the surface of different objects that convey the geometry of the objects. A pplied metrology consists in the application of measurements in different fields such as quality control, inspection, product design and reverse engineering. Once the cloud of unorganized 3D points covering the entire surface of the object has been capture d, a model of the surface must be built if metrologic measurements are to be performed on the object. In realtime 3D reconstruction, using handheld 3D scanners a very efficient implicit surface representation is the Vector Field framework, which assumes that the surface is approximated by a plane in each voxel. The vector field contains the normal to the surface and the covariance matrix of the points falling inside a voxel. The proposed global approach in this project is based on the Vector Field framew ork. The main problem addressed in this project is solving the memory consumption increment and the accuracy of the reconstructed model in the vector field. This approach performs an objective selection of the optimal voxels size in the vector field frame work to keep the memory consumption as low as possible and still achieve an accurate model of the surface. Moreover, a highorder surface fitting is used to increase the accuracy of the model. Since our approach do not require any parametrization and compl ex calculation, and instead of working with each point we are working with voxels in the vector field, then it reduces the computational complexity

    Hybrid Functional-Neural Approach for Surface Reconstruction

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    ABSTRACT. This paper introduces a new hybrid functional-neural approach for surface reconstruction. Our approach is based on the combination of two powerful artificial intelligence paradigms: on one hand, we apply the popular Kohonen neural network to address the data parameterization problem. On the other hand, we introduce a new functional network, called NURBS functional network, whose topology is aimed at reproducing faithfully the functional structure of the NURBS surfaces. These neural and functional networks are applied in an iterative fashion for further surface refinement. The hybridization of these two networks provides us with a powerful computational approach to obtain a NURBS fitting surface to a set of irregularly sampled noisy data points within a prescribed error threshold. The method has been applied to two illustrative examples. The experimental results confirm the good performance of our approach.This research has been kindly supported by the Computer Science National Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Project ref. no. TIN2012-30768, Toho University (Funabashi, Japan), and the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain)

    A framework for hull form reverse engineering and geometry integration into numerical simulations

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    The thesis presents a ship hull form specific reverse engineering and CAD integration framework. The reverse engineering part proposes three alternative suitable reconstruction approaches namely curves network, direct surface fitting, and triangulated surface reconstruction. The CAD integration part includes surface healing, region identification, and domain preparation strategies which used to adapt the CAD model to downstream application requirements. In general, the developed framework bridges a point cloud and a CAD model obtained from IGES and STL file into downstream applications

    Shape Reconstruction from Point Clouds Using Closed Form Solution of a Fourth-Order Partial Differential Equation

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    Partial differential equation (PDE) based geometric modelling has a number of advantages such as fewer design variables, avoidance of stitching adjacent patches together to achieve required continuities, and physics-based nature. Although a lot of papers have investigated PDE-based shape creation, shape manipulation, surface blending and volume blending as well as surface reconstruction using implicit PDE surfaces, there is little work of investigating PDE-based shape reconstruction using explicit PDE surfaces, specially satisfying the constraints on four boundaries of a PDE surface patch. In this paper, we propose a new method of using an accurate closed form solution to a fourth-order partial differential equation to reconstruct 3D surfaces from point clouds. It includes selecting a fourth-order partial differential equation, obtaining the closed form solutions of the equation, investigating the errors of using one of the obtained closed form solutions to reconstruct PDE surfaces from differential number of 3D points

    Adapted Delaunay triangulation method for free-form surface generation from random point clouds for stochastic optimization applications

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    Free-form surfaces are defined with NURBS (non-uniform rational basis spline) for most computer-aided engineering (CAE) applications. The NURBS method requires the definition of parameters such as weights, knot vectors and degree of the curves which make the configuration of the surface computationally expensive and complex. When the control points are randomly spaced in the point cloud and the topology of the desired surface is unknown, surface configuration with NURBS method becomes a challenging task. Optimization attempts for such surfaces create enormous amounts of computing data when coupled with physics solvers such as finite element analysis (FEA) tools and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) tools. In this paper, an adapted Delaunay triangulation (ADT) method for surface generation from the random points cloud is proposed and compared with widely used implicit functions based NURBS fitting method. The surface generated from ADT method can be simultaneously used with stochastic optimization algorithms (SOA) and CFD applications to search for the optimal results with minimum computational costs. It was observed while comparing ADT with NURBS-based geometry configuration that the computation time can be reduced by 3 folds. The corresponding deviation between both geometry configuration methods has been observed as low as 5% for all optimisation scenarios during the comparison. In addition, ADT method can provide light weight CFD approach as any instance of design iteration has at least half storage footprint as compared to corresponding NURBS surface. The proposed approach provides novel methodology towards establishing light weight CFD geometry, absence of which currently isolates methodologies for optimization and CFD analysis

    Implicit B-Spline Surface Reconstruction

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