1,181 research outputs found

    Niedocenieni myśliciele - zapomniane historie filozofii

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    The book constitutes a presentation of the views of thinkers who, for no readily apparent reasons, have been forgotten, sidelined in some way. This is particularly incomprehensible since each of them is an author of an extremely interesting history of philosophy which constitutes an attempt at capturing its events through the perspective of their given aspect event. Each aims at a different view of philosophy, accentuating a different facet. Each is interested in a typology of philosophy, but understands it in a different way. Karl Groos is a thinker known not only for the history of philosophy analysed in this book, but also for being interested in the theory of play, understood as “exercising out” (Einübung). Published in 1924, Groos’s history of philosophy is entitled Der Aufbau der Systeme and its main intention is to introduce order into the multiplicity of philosophical doctrines. Groos is primarily interested in the mystery of the logical architecture of systems, the formal aspect of their structure. Hans Leisegang is a thinker who deserves special attention and who twice in his life experienced the power of totalitarianism. For the first time it happens when he does not acknowledge Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany, and for the second time when he refuses to submit to the Soviet power. The first time, his insubordination is punished by prison and the loss of his professorship in Jena. The second time, he is forced to leave Jena and move to Berlin to the newly-found Freie Universität Berlin. Leisegang, differently to Groos, but similarly to Moog, writes several histories of philosophy, three of which are intended to popularize the field. It is the fourth one which sparks particular interest. The book Denkformen is published for the first time in 1928 and for the second in 1951. The work is built on an assumption that human thought employs a limited number of thought structures which recur/repeat themselves in history of philosophy and, at the same time, usurp the absolute rule — which is connected with accepting Dilthey’s stance. Leisegang reduces all kinds of thinking in the history of philosophy to four thought forms which are: (1) the form of thought-circles (Denkform des Gedankenkreises), (2) the form of circle of circles (Denkform der Kreis von Kreisen), (3) the form of conceptual pyramid (die Begriffspyramide), and (4) The Euklidean-mathematical thought-form (die euklidisch-mathematische Denkform). The last philosopher to be analysed in the book is Willy Moog, Karl Groos’s student. Out of all the thinkers discussed here, his contribution to the study of German philosophical thought is the greatest, and its material expression is embodied in three important books from the field of German philosophy. The first constitutes an in-depth study of psychologism and was compiled out of parts of the author’s habilitation thesis (Logik, Psychologie und Psychologismus. Wissenschaftssystematische Untersuchungen. Halle a. S. 1919). The second book is the history of the newest German philosophy Die deutsche Philosophie des 20. Jahrhunderts in ihren Hauptrichtungen und Grundproblemen. Stuttgart 1922), while the third one analyses philosophy of Hegel and the followers who draw upon his thought – Hegel und die Hegelsche Schule (München 1930). In 1932, Moog publishes a book which constitutes a perspective of the history of philosophy which is alternative to the ones proposed by his teacher Karl Groos and Hans Leisegang. The work is entitled Das Leben der Philosophen (Berlin 1932), and its subject are the philosophers’ lives, where the author tries to show the connection between a thinker’s biography and the views which he voiced. The work does not intent to relativise the views of a given philosopher, but it attempts to demonstrate that a philosophical system constitutes an expression of the most inner nature of its creator, and in this sense, what is individual is captured in its objective meaning and transposed onto the plane of that which is above the individual

    Miquel Kohlhaas, de Heinrich von Kleist, en traducció d'Ernest Martínez Ferrando

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    El present article descriu la naturalesa de la primera recepció de l'obra de Heinrich von Kleist a Catalunya a partir de l'anàlisi de la traducció que Ernest Martínez Ferrando féu de la narració Michael Kohlhaas, apareguda l'any 1921 a la «Biblioteca Literària», col·lecció vinculada al Noucentisme i dirigida aleshores per Josep Carner. L'article ressegueix també la connexió d'aquesta primera recepció amb la segona, que s'esdevé a finals del segle xx i té una naturalesa molt diferent, i finalment constitueix una reflexió sobre el caràcter històric i ideològic de la traducció literàriaThis paper describes the nature of the first reception of the literary work by Heinrich von Kleist in Catalonia. It is based for this purpose on the analysis of the translation into Catalan of the short novel Michael Kohlhaas, by Ernest Martínez Ferrando, published in 1921 within the «Biblioteca Literària», a collection linked to the Noucentisme and led by Josep Carner. The article tries to illustrate as well the connection with the second reception process of the author, at the end of the 20th century, and it is finally a reflection on the historical and ideological nature of literary translatio

    Geografia, educação libertária e escola pública: um programa de emancipação através do saber

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    open1noEste artigo pretende abordar o papel dos geógrafos anarquistas, em particular Elisée Reclus e Pëtr Kropotkin, na fundação do movimento das escolas libertárias, universidades populares e extensões universitárias na Europa entre os séculos XIX e XX, ainda relativamente desconhecido nos debates historiográficos sobre a pedagogia libertária. No mesmo tempo, destacamos o papel de intelectuais libertários próximos de Reclus e Kropotkin, como James Guillaume, na construção do sistema da educação publica e laica na França da Terceira Republica, para esclarecer qual foi o papel da educação libertaria, e da geografia, no estabelecimento dos princípios da educação popular, pública e laica.openFederico FerrettiFederico Ferrett

    Cumulated Bibliography of Biographies of Ocean Scientists

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    This bibliography attempts to list all substantial autobiographies, biographies, festschrifts and obituaries of prominent oceanographers, marine biologists, fisheries scientists, and other scientists who worked in the marine environment published in journals and books after 1922, the publication date of Herdman’s Founders of Oceanography. The bibliography does not include newspaper obituaries, government documents, or citations to brief entries in general biographical sources.Last revised December 3, 200

    L'arte del libro in Germania fra Otto e Novecento

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    This book addresses a subject of great interest for German culture, and that of Europe in general: the emergence and development in Germany, indicatively between 1890 and 1930, of an eclectic pan-artistic movement aimed at renewal of the art of printing and the circulation of artistic books. The author takes his cue from an analysis of the decline in the quality of the book as object, degraded to a serial product and deprived of its artistic specificity by the modern book industry, in order to offer a complete overview of the different expressions of the Buchkunstbewegung. Prominent figures of illustrators and publishers are the subject of in-depth study, as are the printing works and the journals that had the greatest cultural influence at the time, from the original viewpoint of their bibliophilic production

    Notes bibliogràfiques

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    Escrever histórias para convencer os outros: memórias, diários e cartas de imigrantes

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    Escrever histórias, narrar e narrar-se são estratégias humanas de significação da relação com a realidade vivida e imaginada. Em memórias, diários e cartas de imigrantes, com vasto conteúdo biográfico e autobiográfico, encontram-se inúmeras referências à construção humana de si mesmo como um outro (RICOUER, 1991), para convencer familiares, amigos e até desconhecidos, da terra natal, a fazerem o mesmo, ainda que a realidade imigrante, no país de destino, seja insatisfatória ou, não raro, desastrosa. Os exemplos de narrativas de imigrantes – memórias, diários e cartas –, que se estabeleceram no Brasil, nos séculos XIX e XX, foram interpretadas a partir de princípios hermenêuticos. Os efeitos desta postura metodológica opõem-se de forma evidente ao influxo cartesiano, na pesquisa, no ensino e na cultura, e ultrapassam a eventual deficiência interpretativa das narrativas, não raro, associadas somente a técnicas ou métodos, como a semiótica, a análise de conteúdo, a análise do discurso. Como resultado, percebe-se uma importante e complexa relação das narrativas biográficas e autobiográficas aos contextos da realidade do país de origem e do país escolhido, neste caso, o Brasil, identificando a inscrição da existência pessoal significada em uma narrativa do mundo que dá sua forma e seu sentido à história de cada testemunho migrante

    Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe: A Performance History of Henrik Ibsen's Plays on the Romanian Stages, 1894-1947

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    While Ibsen's plays were seldom performed in Romania in the first half of the 20th century, historical sources highlight his strong impact on the national theatre practice. To address this contradiction, Gianina Druta approaches the reception of Ibsen in the Romanian theatre in the period 1894-1947, combining Digital Humanities and theatre historiography. This investigation of the European theatre culture and the way in which the foreign acting and staging traditions influenced the Romanian Ibsenites provides new insights into mechanisms of aesthetic transmission. Thus, this study presents a European theatre landscape whose unpredictability and uniqueness cannot be confined to essentialist interpretations

    Guilherme Gaelzer Netto (1874-1959): o Kaiser dos trópicos

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História, Florianópolis, 2015.Esta pesquisa analisa a trajetória biográfica de Guilherme Gaelzer Netto (1874-1959), que foi membro do Partido Republicano Rio-Grandense (PRR), intendente municipal de São Leopoldo (1902-1916) e diretor do Escritório de Propaganda e Expansão Comercial Brasil-Alemanha (1936-1959). A administração de Gaelzer Neto marcou profundamente a região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos. Após abandonar a vida política, Gaelzer Netto dirigiu-se ao Rio de Janeiro, onde ocupou diversos cargos junto ao governo federal e se dedicou às relações internacionais. Elemento destacado junto às elites do grupo étnico alemão, Gaelzer Netto transitou com desenvoltura junto aos círculos do poder nacional e internacional. Políticos, empresários, intelectuais, comerciantes, fizeram parte de sua rede de sociabilidade. Seus contatos pessoais o projetaram internacionalmente levando-o à Europa, em especial à Alemanha, onde estimulou as relações políticas, sociais, econômicas e culturais Brasil-Alemanha. Gaelzer Netto destacou-se no recrutamento de imigrantes alemães e na propaganda de produtos brasileiros durante a República de Weimar, a Alemanha Nazista e o pós-guerra. Além disso, ajudou a construir a imagem do Brasil no exterior. A biografia de Gaelzer Netto analisa os vínculos que as elites imigrantistas no Brasil mantinham com a Alemanha, discute as estratégias utilizadas por Gaelzer Netto para se projetar em nível local, regional, nacional e internacional. A pesquisa explora diversas fontes documentais inéditas disponíveis em arquivos nacionais e no exterior, em especial, nos arquivos do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Alemanha e do Instituto Ibero-Americano em Berlim. Nesta biografia discutimos a intrigante trajetória deste descendente de imigrantes alemães que se destacou em meio aos diversos segmentos políticos, sociais, econômicos e culturais das sociedades brasileira e alemã para, desta forma, defender os interesses do governo brasileiro e alemão, do grupo étnico alemão e seus interesses privados. Na análise das fontes documentais burocráticas, diplomáticas e pessoais procuramos identificar suas estratégias de atuação, compreender sua identidade de homem público, descrever sua rede de sociabilidade e entender os exercícios de adequação necessários aos diferentes contextos nos quais viveu. A biografia de Gaelzer Netto nos fornece uma visão das relações diplomáticas Brasil-Alemanha, sobretudo no diálogo que mantinha com as autoridades públicas alemãs e brasileiras, bem como nos fornece diferentes perspectivas e interpretações acerca das relações Brasil-Alemanha na primeira metade do séc. XX.Abstract : This research analyzes the life histories of William Gaelzer Netto (1874-1959), who was a member of the Rio Grande-Republican Party (PRR), municipal mayor of São Leopoldo (1902-1916) and director of the Department of Propaganda and Commercial Expansion Brazil-Germany (1936-1959). The Gaelzer Neto administration deeply marked the region of Vale do Rio dos Sinos. After abandoning political life, Gaelzer Netto went to Rio de Janeiro, held several positions with the federal government and devoted himself to international relations. A prominent element with the elite of the German ethnic group, Gaelzer Netto moved with easy from the circles of national and international power. Politicians, businessmen, intellectuals, merchants, were part of his network of sociability. His personal relations provided him international projection, taking him to Europe, especially to Germany, where he stimulated the political, social, economic and cultural Brazil-Germany interchange. Gaelzer Netto stood out in the recruitment of German immigrants and advertising of Brazilian products during the Weimar Republic, Nazi Germany and the post-war. In addition, he helped build the image of Brazil abroad. The biography of Gaelzer Netto analyzes the links that immigrant elites in Brazil had with Germany, discusses the strategies used by Gaelzer Netto to project himself at local, regional, national and international levels. The research explores several unpublished documentary sources available in the National Archives and abroad, especially in the German Ministry of files of Foreign Affairs and the Ibero-American Institute in Berlin. In this biography we discuss the intriguing history of this descendant of German immigrants who stood out among the various political groups, social, economic and cultural rights of Brazilian and German companies to thus defend the interests of the Brazilian and German government, the German ethnic group and their private interests. In the analysis of bureaucratic, diplomatic and personal documentary sources we seek to identify his action strategies, understand his identity as a public man, describe his sociability network and understand the adequacy of exercise necessary for the different contexts in which he lived. The biography of Gaelzer Netto provides us with a vision of diplomatic relations Brazil-Germany, especially in the dialogue he had with the German and Brazilian public authorities and provides us with different perspectives and interpretations of the Brazil-Germany relations in the first half of the XX century

    Libri e Scienza nell’Università di Camerino tra ‘800 e ‘900

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    Nell’aprile 2003 fu emanato il decreto ministeriale n. 748, ad attuazione della legge 10.1.2000 n. 6, che regolamenta la presentazione delle richieste di contributi finalizzati alla diffusione della cultura scientifica. Il servizio di supporto alla ricerca diffuse il decreto all’interno dell’Ateneo, stimolando così la mia curiosità progettuale; sembrava infatti essere un’opportunità interessante per concentrare energie su collezioni e documenti poco visibili o del tutto trascurati nel corso degli anni, che certamente esistevano, ma che erano stati sempre relegati nell’ambito poco frequentato della “storia della scienza”: alcuni scritti sulle particolari vicende storiche dell’Università di Camerino, testimonianza esemplare dell’evoluzione tutta\ud italiana dell’istituzione universitaria dal Medioevo alle riforme post-unitarie, mi avevano infatti destato un notevole interesse su quanto l’Ateneo locale avesse influenzato la scienza nell’800 , così come era certamente avvenuto per il diritto.\ud L’esperienza del grande progetto inglese RSLP aveva dimostrato quanto sia ricco di stimoli e di sorprese dedicare energie alla creazione di strumenti di navigazione nelle risorse bibliografiche dedicate alla storia della scienza. Nel nostro contesto le iniziative organizzate dai\ud dipartimenti nell’ambito delle settimane dedicate alla diffusione della cultura scientifica avevano sempre prodotto mostre tematiche e conferenze dedicate alla scienza nella sua attualità, senza coinvolgere però le biblioteche ed il loro posseduto....