106,382 research outputs found

    Technical Report on Deploying a highly secured OpenStack Cloud Infrastructure using BradStack as a Case Study

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    Cloud computing has emerged as a popular paradigm and an attractive model for providing a reliable distributed computing model.it is increasing attracting huge attention both in academic research and industrial initiatives. Cloud deployments are paramount for institution and organizations of all scales. The availability of a flexible, free open source cloud platform designed with no propriety software and the ability of its integration with legacy systems and third-party applications are fundamental. Open stack is a free and opensource software released under the terms of Apache license with a fragmented and distributed architecture making it highly flexible. This project was initiated and aimed at designing a secured cloud infrastructure called BradStack, which is built on OpenStack in the Computing Laboratory at the University of Bradford. In this report, we present and discuss the steps required in deploying a secured BradStack Multi-node cloud infrastructure and conducting Penetration testing on OpenStack Services to validate the effectiveness of the security controls on the BradStack platform. This report serves as a practical guideline, focusing on security and practical infrastructure related issues. It also serves as a reference for institutions looking at the possibilities of implementing a secured cloud solution.Comment: 38 pages, 19 figures

    Towards Synthetic Life: Establishing a Minimal Segrosome for the Rational Design of Biomimetic Systems

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    DNA segregation is a fundamental life process, crucial for renewal, reproduction and propagation of all forms of life. Hence, a dedicated segregation machinery, a segrosome, must function reliably also in the context of a minimal cell. Conceptionally, the development of such a minimal cell follows a minimalistic approach, aiming at engineering a synthetic entity only consisting of the essential key elements necessary for a cell to survive. In this thesis, various prokaryotic segregation systems were explored as possible candidates for a minimal segrosome. Such a minimal segrosome could be applied for the rational design of biomimetic systems including, but not limited to, a minimal cell. DNA segregation systems of type I (ParABS) and type II (ParMRC) were compared for ensuring genetic stabilities in vivo using vectors derived from the natural secondary chromosome of Vibrio cholerae. The type II segregation system R1-ParMRC was chosen as the most promising candidate for a minimal segrosome, and it was characterized and reconstituted in vitro. This segregation system was encapsulated into biomimetic micro-compartments and its lifetime prolonged by coupling to ATP-regenerating as well as oxygen-scavenging systems. The segregation process was coupled to in vitro DNA replication using DNA nanoparticles as a mimic of the condensed state of chromosomes. Furthermore, another type II segregation system originating from the pLS20 plasmid from Bacillus subtilis (Alp7ARC) was reconstituted in vitro as a secondary orthogonal segrosome. Finally, a chimeric RNA segregation system was engineered that could be applied for an RNA-based protocell. Overall, this work demonstrates successful bottom-up assemblies of functional molecular machines that could find applications in biomimetic systems and lead to a deeper understanding of living systems

    Towards an ecological network for the Carpathians

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    The Carpathian Biodiversity Information System (CBIS) and the proposal for an ecological network for the eastern part of the Carpathians are the two main outcomes of the project funded by the BBI Matra program of the Dutch government. This brochure presents information on how the CBIS was designed, and how the data stored can be retrieved and used. It also clarifies how the CBIS data were used to design the ecological network and, last but not least, it offers recommendations for the use of the proposed ecological network in supporting sustainable developmentin the Carpathians. Due to funding restrictions, the project focused on three east Carpathian countries: Romania, Serbia and Ukraine, which together host the largest area of the Carpathians (Fig. 2). Geographically, the Eastern Carpathians also include parts of the Carpathians located in Poland and Slovakia. Data collection in the Western Carpathians (Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia and Hungary) will be completed by 2010 and is funded by a parallel project

    CORSIKA 8 - Towards a modern framework for the simulation of extensive air showers

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    Current and future challenges in astroparticle physics require novel simulation tools to achieve higher precision and more flexibility. For three decades the FORTRAN version of CORSIKA served the community in an excellent way. However, the effort to maintain and further develop this complex package is getting increasingly difficult. To overcome existing limitations, and designed as a very open platform for all particle cascade simulations in astroparticle physics, we are developing CORSIKA 8 based on modern C++ and Python concepts. Here, we give a brief status report of the project.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; Proceedings of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays 201

    KCDC - The KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre

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    KCDC, the KASCADE Cosmic-ray Data Centre, is a web portal, where data of astroparticle physics experiments will be made available for the interested public. The KASCADE experiment, financed by public money, was a large-area detector for the measurement of high-energy cosmic rays via the detection of air showers. KASCADE and its extension KASCADE-Grande stopped finally the active data acquisition of all its components including the radio EAS experiment LOPES end of 2012 after more than 20 years of data taking. In a first release, with KCDC we provide to the public the measured and reconstructed parameters of more than 160 million air showers. In addition, KCDC provides the conceptional design, how the data can be treated and processed so that they are also usable outside the community of experts in the research field. Detailed educational examples make a use also possible for high-school students and early stage researchers.Comment: 8 pages, accepted proceeding of the ECRS-symposium, Kiel, 201

    Participatory, Visible and Sustainable. Designing a Community Website for a Minority Group

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    This paper tackles three aspects of community-based technological initiatives aimed to support minority groups’ public expression and communication: participation, visibility and sustainability. Participation requires\ud the active involvement of the community members in various project phases (from design to evaluation), sharing decisional power with project leaders. Visibility\ud refers to the capacity of community messages to reach a relevant audience outside the boundaries of the community itself. Sustainability indicates the capacity of a project to continue, under the control and management of the local community, beyond its “supported” lifetime. The mutual influence of these three dimensions is examined in general and also in the light of a specific case study: an initiative involving a Romani community in rural Romania, having as main outcome the development of a community website (www.romanivoices.com/podoleni)

    Potential up-scaling of inkjet-printed devices for logical circuits in flexible electronics

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    Inkjet Technology is often mis-believed to be a deposition/patterning technology which is not meant for high fabrication throughput in the field of printed and flexible electronics. In this work, we report on the 1) printing, 2) fabrication yield and 3) characterization of exemplary simple devices e.g. capacitors, organic transistors etc. which are the basic building blocks for logical circuits. For this purpose, printing is performed first with a Proof of concept Inkjet printing system Dimatix Material Printer 2831 (DMP 2831) using 10 pL small print-heads and then with Dimatix Material Printer 3000 (DMP 3000) using 35 pL industrial print-heads (from Fujifilm Dimatix). Printing at DMP 3000 using industrial print-heads (in Sheet-to-sheet) paves the path towards industrialization which can be defined by printing in Roll-to-Roll format using industrial print-heads. This pavement can be termed as "Bridging Platform". This transfer to "Bridging Platform" from 10 pL small print-heads to 35 pL industrial print-heads help the inkjet-printed devices to evolve on the basis of functionality and also in form of up-scaled quantities. The high printed quantities and yield of inkjet-printed devices justify the deposition reliability and potential to print circuits. This reliability is very much desired when it comes to printing of circuits e.g. inverters, ring oscillator and any other planned complex logical circuits which require devices e.g. organic transistors which needs to get connected in different staged levels. Also, the up-scaled inkjet-printed devices are characterized and they reflect a domain under which they can work to their optimal status. This status is much wanted for predicting the real device functionality and integration of them into a planned circuit

    Intelligent composite layup by the application of low cost tracking and projection technologies

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    Hand layup is still the dominant forming process for the creation of the widest range of complex geometry and mixed material composite parts. However, this process is still poorly understood and informed, limiting productivity. This paper seeks to address this issue by proposing a novel and low cost system enabling a laminator to be guided in real-time, based on a predetermined instruction set, thus improving the standardisation of produced components. Within this paper the current methodologies are critiqued and future trends are predicted, prior to introducing the required input and outputs, and developing the implemented system. As a demonstrator a U-Shaped component typical of the complex geometry found in many difficult to manufacture composite parts was chosen, and its drapeability assessed by the use of a kinematic drape simulation tool. An experienced laminator's knowledgebase was then used to divide the tool into a finite number of features, with layup conducted by projecting and sequentially highlighting target features while tracking a laminator's hand movements across the ply. The system has been implemented with affordable hardware and demonstrates tangible benefits in comparison to currently employed laser-based systems. It has shown remarkable success to date, with rapid Technology Readiness Level advancement. This is a major stepping stone towards augmenting manual labour, with further benefits including more appropriate automation
