86 research outputs found

    A Global Perspective of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations

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    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas affected by human activity. About half of the CO2 emitted from fossil fuel combustion remains in the atmosphere, contributing to rising temperatures, while the other half is absorbed by natural land and ocean carbon reservoirs. Despite the importance of CO2, many questions remain regarding the processes that control these fluxes and how they may change in response to a changing climate. The Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2), launched on July 2, 2014, is NASA's first satellite mission designed to provide the global view of atmospheric CO2 needed to better understand both human emissions and natural fluxes. This visualization shows how column CO2 mixing ratio, the quantity observed by OCO-2, varies throughout the year. By observing spatial and temporal gradients in CO2 like those shown, OCO-2 data will improve our understanding of carbon flux estimates. But, CO2 observations can't do that alone. This visualization also shows that column CO2 mixing ratios are strongly affected by large-scale weather systems. In order to fully understand carbon flux processes, OCO-2 observations and atmospheric models will work closely together to determine when and where observed CO2 came from. Together, the combination of high-resolution data and models will guide climate models towards more reliable predictions of future conditions

    Synergistic and Collaborative Development Strategies for FV3 Powered Next Generation Unified Global Modeling System

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    The GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Finite-Volume Cubed-Sphere Dynamical Core (FV3) is a scalable and flexible dynamical core capable of both hydrostatic and non-hydrostatic atmospheric simulations. FV3 has been chosen as the dynamical core for the Next Generation Global Prediction System project (NGGPS), designed to upgrade the current NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction, NOAA) operational Global Forecast System (GFS) to run as a unified, fully-coupled system in NOAA's Environmental Modeling System infrastructure. FV3 dynamic core has a long history of serving as the main engine for global atmospheric models at various Government and Academic Research Laboratories including NOAA: GFDL Climate Modeling Suite (AM4 (Atmosphere Modeling 4), CM4 (Climate Model 4) ESM4 (Earth System Model 4), Hiram (HIgh Resolution Atmospheric Model)); NASA: GMAO (Global Modeling and Assimilation Office) Goddard Earth Observing System Model (GEOS); and NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Community Earth System Model (CESM). The three primary stakeholders in FV3 (GFDL, GMAO, EMC (Environmental Modeling Center - NOAA)) have embarked on synergistic and collaborative strategies with focus on the advancement of non-hydrostratic dynamic core, physics, chemistry, and data assimilation efforts, leveraging collective strengths of each of the partnering agencies. This talk presents the ongoing plans for model advancements at GFDL, GMAO and EMC, with special emphasis on contributions towards developing community based unified global modeling system for operational and research applications at respective organizations. Future plans include extending the collaborations to the development of earth system components including GMAO's aerosol chemistry models (GOCART/MAM (Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport / Modal Aerosol Model)), Land Information System (LIS), and advanced data assimilation techniques; and GFDL's Modular Ocean Model (MOM) and Sea Ice Simulator (SIS) for transition to operations at NCEP

    Spiral tessellation on the sphere

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    In this paper we describe a tessellation of the unit sphere in the 3-dimensional space realized using a spiral joining the north and the south poles. This tiling yields to a one dimensional labeling of the tiles covering the whole sphere and to a 1-dimensional natural ordering on the set of tiles of the tessellation. The correspondence between a point on the sphere and the tile containing it is derived as an analytical function, allowing the direct computation of the tile. This tessellation exhibits some intrinsic features useful for general applications: absence of singular points and efficient tiles computation. Moreover, this tessellation can be parametrized to obtain additional features especially useful for spherical coordinate indexing: tiles with equal area and good shape uniformity of tiles. An application to spherical indexing of a database is presented, it shows an assessment of our spiral tiling for practical uses

    Spiral Tessellation on the Sphere

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    In this paper we describe a tessellation of the unit sphere in the 3-dimensional space realized using a spiral joining the north and the south poles. This tiling yields to a one dimensional labeling of the tiles covering the whole sphere and to a 1-dimensional natural ordering on the set of tiles of the tessellation. The correspondence between a point on the sphere and the tile containing it is derived as an analytical function, allowing the direct computation of the tile. This tessellation exhibits some intrinsic features useful for general applications: absence of singular points and efficient tiles computation. Moreover, this tessellation can be parametrized to obtain additional features especially useful for spherical coordinate indexing: tiles with equal area and good shape uniformity of tiles. An application to spherical indexing of a database is presented, it shows an assessment of our spiral tiling for practical use

    Higher-order compatible finite element schemes for the nonlinear rotating shallow water equations on the sphere

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    We describe a compatible finite element discretisation for the shallow water equations on the rotating sphere, concentrating on integrating consistent upwind stabilisation into the framework. Although the prognostic variables are velocity and layer depth, the discretisation has a diagnostic potential vorticity that satisfies a stable upwinded advection equation through a Taylor-Galerkin scheme; this provides a mechanism for dissipating enstrophy at the gridscale whilst retaining optimal order consistency. We also use upwind discontinuous Galerkin schemes for the transport of layer depth. These transport schemes are incorporated into a semi-implicit formulation that is facilitated by a hybridisation method for solving the resulting mixed Helmholtz equation. We illustrate our discretisation with some standard rotating sphere test problems.Comment: accepted versio

    Mixed finite elements for numerical weather prediction

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    We show how two-dimensional mixed finite element methods that satisfy the conditions of finite element exterior calculus can be used for the horizontal discretisation of dynamical cores for numerical weather prediction on pseudo-uniform grids. This family of mixed finite element methods can be thought of in the numerical weather prediction context as a generalisation of the popular polygonal C-grid finite difference methods. There are a few major advantages: the mixed finite element methods do not require an orthogonal grid, and they allow a degree of flexibility that can be exploited to ensure an appropriate ratio between the velocity and pressure degrees of freedom so as to avoid spurious mode branches in the numerical dispersion relation. These methods preserve several properties of the C-grid method when applied to linear barotropic wave propagation, namely: a) energy conservation, b) mass conservation, c) no spurious pressure modes, and d) steady geostrophic modes on the ff-plane. We explain how these properties are preserved, and describe two examples that can be used on pseudo-uniform grids: the recently-developed modified RT0-Q0 element pair on quadrilaterals and the BDFM1-\pdg element pair on triangles. All of these mixed finite element methods have an exact 2:1 ratio of velocity degrees of freedom to pressure degrees of freedom. Finally we illustrate the properties with some numerical examples.Comment: Revision after referee comment

    A test case for the inviscid shallow-water equations on the sphere

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    Partial support for this work was provided through the National Science Foundation award AGS-1333029.A numerically converged solution to the inviscid global shallow-water equations for a predefined time interval is documented to provide a convenient benchmark for model validation. The solution is based on the same initial conditions as a previously documented solution for the viscous equations. The solution is computed using two independent numerical schemes, one a pseudospectral scheme based on an expansion in spherical harmonics and the other a finite-volume scheme on a cubed-sphere grid. Flow fields and various integral norms are documented to facilitate model comparison and validation. Attention is drawn to the utility of the potential vorticity supremum as a convenient and sensitive test of numerical convergence, in which the exact value is known a priori over the entire time interval.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Intercomparison of cloud properties in DYAMOND simulations over the Atlantic Ocean

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    We intercompared the cloud properties of the DYnamics of the Atmospheric general circulation Modeled On Non-hydrostatic Domains (DYAMOND) simulation output over the Atlantic Ocean. The domain averaged outgoing longwave radiation (OLR) is relatively similar across the models, but the net shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (NSR) shows large differences among the models. The models capture the triple modes of cloud systems corresponding to shallow, congestus, and high clouds, although their partition in these three categories is strongly model dependent. The simulated height of the shallow and congestus peaks is more robust than the peak of high clouds, whereas cloud water content exhibits larger intermodel differences than does cloud ice content. Furthermore, we investigated the resolution dependency of the vertical profiles of clouds for NICAM (Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model), ICON (Icosahedral Nonhydrostatic), and IFS (Integrated Forecasting System). We found that the averaged mixing ratio of ice clouds consistently increased with finer grid spacing. Such a consistent signal is not apparent for the mixing ratio of liquid clouds for shallow and congestus clouds. The impact of the grid spacing on OLR is smaller than on NSR and also much smaller than the intermodel differences
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