11,306 research outputs found


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    In this particular paper, we introduce a totally new fine-grained two-factor authentication (two-FA) access control system for web-based cloud-computing services. Particularly, inside our recommended two-FA access control system, a characteristic-based access control mechanism is implemented with involve both an individual secret key plus a lightweight security device. As being a user cannot connect somewhere after they don't hold both, the mechanism can enhance the reassurance within the machine, specifically in individual’s scenarios where plenty of users share the identical computer for web-based cloud services. There's two troubles for your standard account/password based system. First, the traditional account/password-based authentication is not privacy-preserving. Inside the signing or understanding formula, it requires the important thing factor coupled with SEM together. In addition, attribute-based control inside the system also enables the cloud server to limit using individual’s users utilizing the same quantity of attributes while preserving user privacy, i.e., the cloud server only recognizes that the customer fulfills the most effective predicate, but does not have idea inside the exact identity inside the user. Inside the signature verification or file encryption formula, it requires the customer public key coupled with corresponding identity. Finally, we perform simulation to demonstrate the practicability within our recommended two-FA system


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    Personally, introduce a totally new fine-grained two-factor authentication (two-fa) access control procedure for web-based cloud-computing services. particularly, within our offered two-fa access control rule, a characteristic-based access control mechanism is implemented with involve both a person secret key along with a lightweight security device. as being a user cannot connect somewhere once they don't hold both, electrifying mechanism can enhance tense peace of mind in sensational machine, particularly in individual’s scenarios where lots of users share exactly suspenseful same computer for web-based cloud services. there are 2 troubles for your standard account/password-based arrangement. first, electrifying traditional account/password-based authentication isn't privacy-preserving. within powerful signing or understanding formula, it takes histrionic key factor along with suspenseful seem together. in addition, attribute-based control within powerful organization also enables electrifying cloud server ending with limit using individual’s users sticking with melodramatic same quantity of attributes while preserving user privacy, i.e., melodramatic cloud server only understands that striking client fulfills histrionic right predicate but doesn't have idea across tense exact identity within impressive user. within sudden signature verification or file encryption formula, it takes startling client public key along with electrifying corresponding identity. finally, privately implement a reproduction so describe tense feasibility within our propounded two-fa structure

    Models of everywhere revisited: a technological perspective

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    The concept ‘models of everywhere’ was first introduced in the mid 2000s as a means of reasoning about the environmental science of a place, changing the nature of the underlying modelling process, from one in which general model structures are used to one in which modelling becomes a learning process about specific places, in particular capturing the idiosyncrasies of that place. At one level, this is a straightforward concept, but at another it is a rich multi-dimensional conceptual framework involving the following key dimensions: models of everywhere, models of everything and models at all times, being constantly re-evaluated against the most current evidence. This is a compelling approach with the potential to deal with epistemic uncertainties and nonlinearities. However, the approach has, as yet, not been fully utilised or explored. This paper examines the concept of models of everywhere in the light of recent advances in technology. The paper argues that, when first proposed, technology was a limiting factor but now, with advances in areas such as Internet of Things, cloud computing and data analytics, many of the barriers have been alleviated. Consequently, it is timely to look again at the concept of models of everywhere in practical conditions as part of a trans-disciplinary effort to tackle the remaining research questions. The paper concludes by identifying the key elements of a research agenda that should underpin such experimentation and deployment
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