11 research outputs found

    An optimized TOPS+ comparison method for enhanced TOPS models

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background Although methods based on highly abstract descriptions of protein structures, such as VAST and TOPS, can perform very fast protein structure comparison, the results can lack a high degree of biological significance. Previously we have discussed the basic mechanisms of our novel method for structure comparison based on our TOPS+ model (Topological descriptions of Protein Structures Enhanced with Ligand Information). In this paper we show how these results can be significantly improved using parameter optimization, and we call the resulting optimised TOPS+ method as advanced TOPS+ comparison method i.e. advTOPS+. Results We have developed a TOPS+ string model as an improvement to the TOPS [1-3] graph model by considering loops as secondary structure elements (SSEs) in addition to helices and strands, representing ligands as first class objects, and describing interactions between SSEs, and SSEs and ligands, by incoming and outgoing arcs, annotating SSEs with the interaction direction and type. Benchmarking results of an all-against-all pairwise comparison using a large dataset of 2,620 non-redundant structures from the PDB40 dataset [4] demonstrate the biological significance, in terms of SCOP classification at the superfamily level, of our TOPS+ comparison method. Conclusions Our advanced TOPS+ comparison shows better performance on the PDB40 dataset [4] compared to our basic TOPS+ method, giving 90 percent accuracy for SCOP alpha+beta; a 6 percent increase in accuracy compared to the TOPS and basic TOPS+ methods. It also outperforms the TOPS, basic TOPS+ and SSAP comparison methods on the Chew-Kedem dataset [5], achieving 98 percent accuracy. Software Availability: The TOPS+ comparison server is available at http://balabio.dcs.gla.ac.uk/mallika/WebTOPS/.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fun

    An enhanced partial order curve comparison algorithm and its application to analyzing protein folding trajectories

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Understanding how proteins fold is essential to our quest in discovering how life works at the molecular level. Current computation power enables researchers to produce a huge amount of folding simulation data. Hence there is a pressing need to be able to interpret and identify novel folding features from them.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we model each folding trajectory as a multi-dimensional curve. We then develop an effective multiple curve comparison (MCC) algorithm, called the <it>enhanced partial order (EPO) </it>algorithm, to extract features from a set of diverse folding trajectories, including both successful and unsuccessful simulation runs. The EPO algorithm addresses several new challenges presented by comparing high dimensional curves coming from folding trajectories. A detailed case study on miniprotein Trp-cage <abbrgrp><abbr bid="B1">1</abbr></abbrgrp> demonstrates that our algorithm can detect similarities at rather low level, and extract biologically meaningful folding events.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The EPO algorithm is general and applicable to a wide range of applications. We demonstrate its generality and effectiveness by applying it to aligning multiple protein structures with low similarities. For user's convenience, we provide a web server for the algorithm at <url>http://db.cse.ohio-state.edu/EPO</url>.</p

    Compression-based classification of biological sequences and structures via the Universal Similarity Metric: experimental assessment

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Similarity of sequences is a key mathematical notion for Classification and Phylogenetic studies in Biology. It is currently primarily handled using alignments. However, the alignment methods seem inadequate for post-genomic studies since they do not scale well with data set size and they seem to be confined only to genomic and proteomic sequences. Therefore, alignment-free similarity measures are actively pursued. Among those, USM (Universal Similarity Metric) has gained prominence. It is based on the deep theory of Kolmogorov Complexity and <it>universality </it>is its most novel striking feature. Since it can only be approximated via data compression, USM is a methodology rather than a formula quantifying the similarity of two strings. Three approximations of USM are available, namely UCD (Universal Compression Dissimilarity), NCD (Normalized Compression Dissimilarity) and CD (Compression Dissimilarity). Their applicability and robustness is tested on various data sets yielding a first massive quantitative estimate that the USM methodology and its approximations are of value. Despite the rich theory developed around USM, its experimental assessment has limitations: only a few data compressors have been tested in conjunction with USM and mostly at a qualitative level, no comparison among UCD, NCD and CD is available and no comparison of USM with existing methods, both based on alignments and not, seems to be available.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We experimentally test the USM methodology by using 25 compressors, all three of its known approximations and six data sets of relevance to Molecular Biology. This offers the first systematic and quantitative experimental assessment of this methodology, that naturally complements the many theoretical and the preliminary experimental results available. Moreover, we compare the USM methodology both with methods based on alignments and not. We may group our experiments into two sets. The first one, performed via ROC (Receiver Operating Curve) analysis, aims at assessing the <it>intrinsic </it>ability of the methodology to discriminate and classify biological sequences and structures. A second set of experiments aims at assessing how well two commonly available classification algorithms, UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) and NJ (Neighbor Joining), can use the methodology to perform their task, their performance being evaluated against gold standards and with the use of well known statistical indexes, i.e., the F-measure and the partition distance. Based on the experiments, several conclusions can be drawn and, from them, novel valuable guidelines for the use of USM on biological data. The main ones are reported next.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>UCD and NCD are indistinguishable, i.e., they yield nearly the same values of the statistical indexes we have used, accross experiments and data sets, while CD is almost always worse than both. UPGMA seems to yield better classification results with respect to NJ, i.e., better values of the statistical indexes (10% difference or above), on a substantial fraction of experiments, compressors and USM approximation choices. The compression program PPMd, based on PPM (Prediction by Partial Matching), for generic data and Gencompress for DNA, are the best performers among the compression algorithms we have used, although the difference in performance, as measured by statistical indexes, between them and the other algorithms depends critically on the data set and may not be as large as expected. PPMd used with UCD or NCD and UPGMA, on sequence data is very close, although worse, in performance with the alignment methods (less than 2% difference on the F-measure). Yet, it scales well with data set size and it can work on data other than sequences. In summary, our quantitative analysis naturally complements the rich theory behind USM and supports the conclusion that the methodology is worth using because of its robustness, flexibility, scalability, and competitiveness with existing techniques. In particular, the methodology applies to all biological data in textual format. The software and data sets are available under the GNU GPL at the supplementary material web page.</p

    Comparison study on k-word statistical measures for protein: From sequence to 'sequence space'

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many proposed statistical measures can efficiently compare protein sequence to further infer protein structure, function and evolutionary information. They share the same idea of using <it>k</it>-word frequencies of protein sequences. Given a protein sequence, the information on its related protein sequences hasn't been used for protein sequence comparison until now. This paper proposed a scheme to construct protein 'sequence space' which was associated with protein sequences related to the given protein, and the performances of statistical measures were compared when they explored the information on protein 'sequence space' or not. This paper also presented two statistical measures for protein: <it>gre.k </it>(generalized relative entropy) and <it>gsm.k </it>(gapped similarity measure).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We tested statistical measures based on protein 'sequence space' or not with three data sets. This not only offers the systematic and quantitative experimental assessment of these statistical measures, but also naturally complements the available comparison of statistical measures based on protein sequence. Moreover, we compared our statistical measures with alignment-based measures and the existing statistical measures. The experiments were grouped into two sets. The first one, performed via ROC (Receiver Operating Curve) analysis, aims at assessing the intrinsic ability of the statistical measures to discriminate and classify protein sequences. The second set of the experiments aims at assessing how well our measure does in phylogenetic analysis. Based on the experiments, several conclusions can be drawn and, from them, novel valuable guidelines for the use of protein 'sequence space' and statistical measures were obtained.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Alignment-based measures have a clear advantage when the data is high redundant. The more efficient statistical measure is the novel <it>gsm.k </it>introduced by this article, the <it>cos.k </it>followed. When the data becomes less redundant, <it>gre.k </it>proposed by us achieves a better performance, but all the other measures perform poorly on classification tasks. Almost all the statistical measures achieve improvement by exploring the information on 'sequence space' as word's length increases, especially for less redundant data. The reasonable results of phylogenetic analysis confirm that <it>Gdis.k </it>based on 'sequence space' is a reliable measure for phylogenetic analysis. In summary, our quantitative analysis verifies that exploring the information on 'sequence space' is a promising way to improve the abilities of statistical measures for protein comparison.</p

    ProCKSI: a decision support system for Protein (Structure) Comparison, Knowledge, Similarity and Information

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    Background: We introduce the decision support system for Protein (Structure) Comparison, Knowledge, Similarity and Information (ProCKSI). ProCKSI integrates various protein similarity measures through an easy to use interface that allows the comparison of multiple proteins simultaneously. It employs the Universal Similarity Metric (USM), the Maximum Contact Map Overlap (MaxCMO) of protein structures and other external methods such as the DaliLite and the TM-align methods, the Combinatorial Extension (CE) of the optimal path, and the FAST Align and Search Tool (FAST). Additionally, ProCKSI allows the user to upload a user-defined similarity matrix supplementing the methods mentioned, and computes a similarity consensus in order to provide a rich, integrated, multicriteria view of large datasets of protein structures. Results: We present ProCKSI's architecture and workflow describing its intuitive user interface, and show its potential on three distinct test-cases. In the first case, ProCKSI is used to evaluate the results of a previous CASP competition, assessing the similarity of proposed models for given targets where the structures could have a large deviation from one another. To perform this type of comparison reliably, we introduce a new consensus method. The second study deals with the verification of a classification scheme for protein kinases, originally derived by sequence comparison by Hanks and Hunter, but here we use a consensus similarity measure based on structures. In the third experiment using the Rost and Sander dataset (RS126), we investigate how a combination of different sets of similarity measures influences the quality and performance of ProCKSI's new consensus measure. ProCKSI performs well with all three datasets, showing its potential for complex, simultaneous multi-method assessment of structural similarity in large protein datasets. Furthermore, combining different similarity measures is usually more robust than relying on one single, unique measure. Conclusion: Based on a diverse set of similarity measures, ProCKSI computes a consensus similarity profile for the entire protein set. All results can be clustered, visualised, analysed and easily compared with each other through a simple and intuitive interface

    Efficient Multicriteria Protein Structure Comparison on Modern Processor Architectures

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    Graph theory-based sequence descriptors as remote homology predictors

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    Indexación: Scopus.Alignment-free (AF) methodologies have increased in popularity in the last decades as alternative tools to alignment-based (AB) algorithms for performing comparative sequence analyses. They have been especially useful to detect remote homologs within the twilight zone of highly diverse gene/protein families and superfamilies. The most popular alignment-free methodologies, as well as their applications to classification problems, have been described in previous reviews. Despite a new set of graph theory-derived sequence/structural descriptors that have been gaining relevance in the detection of remote homology, they have been omitted as AF predictors when the topic is addressed. Here, we first go over the most popular AF approaches used for detecting homology signals within the twilight zone and then bring out the state-of-the-art tools encoding graph theory-derived sequence/structure descriptors and their success for identifying remote homologs. We also highlight the tendency of integrating AF features/measures with the AB ones, either into the same prediction model or by assembling the predictions from different algorithms using voting/weighting strategies, for improving the detection of remote signals. Lastly, we briefly discuss the efforts made to scale up AB and AF features/measures for the comparison of multiple genomes and proteomes. Alongside the achieved experiences in remote homology detection by both the most popular AF tools and other less known ones, we provide our own using the graphical–numerical methodologies, MARCH-INSIDE, TI2BioP, and ProtDCal. We also present a new Python-based tool (SeqDivA) with a friendly graphical user interface (GUI) for delimiting the twilight zone by using several similar criteria.https://www.mdpi.com/2218-273X/10/1/2

    Exploring RNA and protein 3D structures by geometric algorithms

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    Many problems in RNA and protein structures are related with their specific geometric properties. Geometric algorithms can be used to explore the possible solutions of these problems. This dissertation investigates the geometric properties of RNA and protein structures and explores three different ways that geometric algorithms can help to the study of the structures. Determine accurate structures. Accurate details in RNA structures are important for understanding RNA function, but the backbone conformation is difficult to determine and most existing RNA structures show serious steric clashes (greater than or equal to 0.4 A overlap). I developed a program called RNABC (RNA Backbone Correction) that searches for alternative clash-free conformations with acceptable geometry. It rebuilds a suite (unit from sugar to sugar) by anchoring phosphorus and base positions, which are clearest in crystallographic electron density, and reconstructing other atoms using forward kinematics and conjugate gradient methods. Two tests show that RNABC improves backbone conformations for most problem suites in S-motifs and for many of the worst problem suites identified by members of the Richardson lab. Display structure commonalities. Structure alignment commonly uses root mean squared distance (RMSD) to measure the structural similarity. I first extend RMSD to weighted RMSD (wRMSD) for multiple structures and show that using wRMSD with multiplicative weights implies the average is a consensus structure. Although I show that finding the optimal translations and rotations for minimizing wRMSD cannot be decoupled for multiple structures, I develop a near-linear iterative algorithm to converge to a local minimum of wRMSD. Finally I propose a heuristic algorithm to iteratively reassign weights to reduce the effect of outliers and find well-aligned positions that determine structurally conserved regions. Distinguish local structural features. Identifying common motifs (fragments of structures common to a group of molecules) is one way to further our understanding of the structure and function of molecules. I apply a graph database mining technique to identify RNA tertiary motifs. I abstract RNA molecules as labeled graphs, use a frequent subgraph mining algorithm to derive tertiary motifs, and present an iterative structure alignment algorithm to classify tertiary motifs and generate consensus motifs. Tests on ribosomal and transfer RNA families show that this method can identify most known RNA tertiary motifs in these families and suggest candidates for novel tertiary motifs

    Efficient algorithms and architectures for protein 3-D structure comparison

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    Η σύγκριση δομών πρωτεϊνών είναι ανεπτυγμένος τομέας της υπολογιστικής πρωτεϊνωμικής που χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως στη δομική βιολογία και την ανακάλυψη φαρμάκων. Οι αυξανόμενες υπολογιστικές απαιτήσεις του είναι αποτέλεσμα τριών παραγόντων: ταχεία επέκταση των βάσεων δεδομένων με νέες δομές πρωτεϊνών, υψηλή υπολογιστική πολυπλοκότητα των αλγορίθμων σύγκρισης δομών πρωτεϊνών κατά ζεύγη (PSC), και τάση χρήσης πολλαπλών μεθόδων σύγκρισης και συνδυασμού των αποτελεσμάτων τους (multi criteria protein structure comparison-MCPSC-), μιας και δεν υπάρχει PSC μέθοδος κοινά αποδεκτή ως η καλύτερη. Αναπτύξαμε πλαίσιο λογισμικού που εκμεταλλεύεται επεξεργαστές πολλών πυρήνων για την υλοποίηση παράλληλων στρατηγικών MCPSC με βάση τρεις δημοφιλείς PSC μεθόδους, τις TMalign, CE και USM. Συγκρίνουμε την απόδοση και αποδοτικότητα δύο παράλληλων υλοποιήσεων MCPSC στον πειραματικό επεξεργαστή δικτύου σε ψηφίδα (Network on Chip)  Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer και τον δημοφιλή επεξεργαστή Intel Core i7. Επιπλέον, αναπτύξαμε εκτενές υπολογιστικό pipeline και υλοποίησή του με πρόγραμμα Python, που ονομάζεται pyMCPSC, που επιτρέπει στους χρήστες να εκτελούν MCPSC διεργασίες σε επεξεργαστές πολλαπλών πυρήνων. Το pyMCPSC, το οποίο συνδυάζει πέντε μεθόδους PSC και υποστηρίζει πέντε διαφορετικά σχήματα συναίνεσης MCPSC, υποστηρίζει τη συγκριτική ανάλυση μεγάλων συνόλων με δομές πρωτεϊνών και μπορεί να επεκταθεί ώστε να ενσωματώσει και νέες μεθόδους PSC στις βαθμολογίες συναίνεσης, καθώς αυτές καθίστανται διαθέσιμες.Protein Structure Comparison (PSC) is a well developed field of computational proteomics with active interest since it is widely used in structural biology and drug discovery. Fast increasing computational demand for all-to-all protein structures comparison is a result of mainly three factors: rapidly expanding structural proteomics databases, high computational complexity of pairwise PSC algorithms, and the trend towards using multiple criteria for comparison and combining their results (MCPSC). In this thesis we have developed a software framework that exploits many-core and multi-core CPUs to implement efficient parallel MCPSC schemes in modern processors based on three popular PSC methods, namely, TMalign, CE, and USM. We evaluate and compare the performance and efficiency of two parallel MCPSC implementations using Intel’s experimental many-core Single-Chip Cloud Computer (SCC) CPU as well as Intel’s Core i7 multi-core processor. Further, we have developed a dataset processing pipeline and implemented it in a Python utility, called pyMCPSC, allowing users to perform MCPSC efficiently on multi-core CPU. pyMCPSC, which combines five PSC methods and five different consensus scoring schemes, facilitates the analysis of similarities in protein domain datasets and can be easily extended to incorporate more PSC methods in the consensus scoring as they are becoming available

    Studies on distributed approaches for large scale multi-criteria protein structure comparison and analysis

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    Protein Structure Comparison (PSC) is at the core of many important structural biology problems. PSC is used to infer the evolutionary history of distantly related proteins; it can also help in the identification of the biological function of a new protein by comparing it with other proteins whose function has already been annotated; PSC is also a key step in protein structure prediction, because one needs to reliably and efficiently compare tens or hundreds of thousands of decoys (predicted structures) in evaluation of 'native-like' candidates (e.g. Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP) experiment). Each of these applications, as well as many others where molecular comparison plays an important role, requires a different notion of similarity, which naturally lead to the Multi-Criteria Protein Structure Comparison (MC-PSC) problem. ProCKSI (www.procksi.org), was the first publicly available server to provide algorithmic solutions for the MC-PSC problem by means of an enhanced structural comparison that relies on the principled application of information fusion to similarity assessments derived from multiple comparison methods (e.g. USM, FAST, MaxCMO, DaliLite, CE and TMAlign). Current MC-PSC works well for moderately sized data sets and it is time consuming as it provides public service to multiple users. Many of the structural bioinformatics applications mentioned above would benefit from the ability to perform, for a dedicated user, thousands or tens of thousands of comparisons through multiple methods in real-time, a capacity beyond our current technology. This research is aimed at the investigation of Grid-styled distributed computing strategies for the solution of the enormous computational challenge inherent in MC-PSC. To this aim a novel distributed algorithm has been designed, implemented and evaluated with different load balancing strategies and selection and configuration of a variety of software tools, services and technologies on different levels of infrastructures ranging from local testbeds to production level eScience infrastructures such as the National Grid Service (NGS). Empirical results of different experiments reporting on the scalability, speedup and efficiency of the overall system are presented and discussed along with the software engineering aspects behind the implementation of a distributed solution to the MC-PSC problem based on a local computer cluster as well as with a GRID implementation. The results lead us to conclude that the combination of better and faster parallel and distributed algorithms with more similarity comparison methods provides an unprecedented advance on protein structure comparison and analysis technology. These advances might facilitate both directed and fortuitous discovery of protein similarities, families, super-families, domains, etc, and also help pave the way to faster and better protein function inference, annotation and protein structure prediction and assessment thus empowering the structural biologist to do a science that he/she would not have done otherwise