7 research outputs found

    Characterizing and Subsetting Big Data Workloads

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    Big data benchmark suites must include a diversity of data and workloads to be useful in fairly evaluating big data systems and architectures. However, using truly comprehensive benchmarks poses great challenges for the architecture community. First, we need to thoroughly understand the behaviors of a variety of workloads. Second, our usual simulation-based research methods become prohibitively expensive for big data. As big data is an emerging field, more and more software stacks are being proposed to facilitate the development of big data applications, which aggravates hese challenges. In this paper, we first use Principle Component Analysis (PCA) to identify the most important characteristics from 45 metrics to characterize big data workloads from BigDataBench, a comprehensive big data benchmark suite. Second, we apply a clustering technique to the principle components obtained from the PCA to investigate the similarity among big data workloads, and we verify the importance of including different software stacks for big data benchmarking. Third, we select seven representative big data workloads by removing redundant ones and release the BigDataBench simulation version, which is publicly available from http://prof.ict.ac.cn/BigDataBench/simulatorversion/.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterizatio

    Modeling multi-threaded programs execution time in the many-core era

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    Multi-core have become ubiquitous and industry is already moving towards the many-core era. Many open-ended questions remain unanswered for the upcoming many-core era. From the software perspective, it is unclear which applications will benefit from many cores. From the hardware perspective, the tradeoff between implementing many simple cores, fewer medium aggressive cores or even only a moderate number of aggressive cores is still to debate. Estimating the potential performance of future parallel applications on the yet-to-be-designed future many cores is very speculative. The simple models proposed by Amdahl's law or Gustafson's law are not sufficient and may lead to overly optimistic conclusions. In this paper, we propose a more refined but still tractable execution time model for parallel applications, the SNAS model. % (\textbf{ManyCore Performance model (MCP model????)}). As previous models, the SNAS model evaluates the execution time of both the serial part and the parallel part of the application, but takes into account the scaling of both these execution times with the input problem size and the number of processors. For a given application, a few parameters are collected on the effective execution of the application with a few threads and small input sets. SNAS allows to extrapolate the behavior of a future application exhibiting similar scaling characteristics on a manycore and/or a large input set. Our study shows that the execution time of the serial part of many parallel applications tends to increase along with the problem size, and in some cases with the number of processors. It also shows that the efficiency of the execution of the parallel part decreases dramatically with the number of processors for some applications. Our model also indicates that since several different application scaling trends will be encountered, heterogeneous architectures featuring a few aggressive cores and many simple cores should be privileged

    Graph Processing on GPUs:A Survey

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    Characterization of interconnection networks in CMPs using full-system simulation

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    Los computadores más recientes incluyen complejos chips compuestos de varios procesadores y una cantidad significativa de memoria cache. La tendencia actual consiste en conectar varios nodos, cada uno de ellos con un procesador y uno o más niveles de cache privada y/o compartida, utilizando una red de interconexión. La importancia de esta red está aumentando a medida que crece el número de nodos que se integran en un chip, ya que pueden aparecer cuellos de botella en la comunicación que reduzcan las prestaciones. Además, la red contribuye en gran medida al consumo de energía y área del chip. En este proyecto, comparamos el comportamiento de tres topologías: el anillo bidireccional, la malla y el toro. El anillo es una topología mínima con bajo coste en energía pero peor rendimiento debido a la mayor latencia de comunicación entre nodos. Por otro lado, el toro tiene mayor número de enlaces entre nodos y ofrece mejores prestaciones. La malla ha sido incluida como una opción intermedia altamente popular. Analizaremos también dos topologías de anillo adicionales que aprovechan la reducida área y complejidad del mismo: una con mayor ancho de banda y otra con routers de menor número de ciclos. Modelamos cuidadosamente todos los componentes del sistema (procesadores, jerarquía de memoria y red de interconexión) utilizando simulación de sistema completo. Ejecutamos aplicaciones reales en arquitecturas con 16 y 64 nodos, incluyendo tanto cargas paralelas como multiprogramadas (ejecución de varias aplicaciones independientes). Demostramos que la topología de la red afecta en gran medida al rendimiento en sistemas con 64 nodos. Con las topologías de anillo, los tiempos de ejecución son mucho mayores debido al aumento del número de saltos que le cuesta a un mensaje atravesar la red. El toro es la topología que ofrece mejor rendimiento, pero la elección más óptima sería la malla si tenemos en cuenta también energía y área. Por otro lado, para chips con 16 nodos, las diferencias en rendimiento son menores y un anillo con routers de 3 cyclos ofrece un tiempo de ejecución aceptable con el menor coste en área y energía. Nuestra aportación más significativa está relacionada con la distribución del tráfico en la red. Vemos que el tráfico no está distribuido uniformemente y que los nodos con mayores tasas de inyección varían con la aplicación. Hasta donde nosotros sabemos, no hay ningún trabajo de investigación previo que destaque este comportamiento

    Caracterización del comportamiento de la suite PARSEC en la jerarquía de memoria del procesador

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    La simulación es un recurso fundamental para el diseño de nuevas arquitecturas de computadores, pero resulta muy costosa en tiempo. Esto nos lleva a sacrificar la precisión del simulador o a utilizar cargas de trabajo demasiado ligeras que resultan poco representativas. En este proyecto, se ha realizado un estudio del propio simulador y las cargas de trabajo con el objetivo de conseguir simulaciones representativas de una ejecución realista en un tiempo razonable. Se ha analizado el tiempo de simulación con el simulador Simics y el módulo GEMS buscando cuellos de botella que pudieran ser optimizados. Hemos observado que el tiempo está distribuido de manera muy dispersa en los diferentes módulos del simulador, dificultando la optimización. Se ha realizado también un estudio del impacto del tamaño de la entrada para las aplicaciones de la suite PARSEC en la jerarquía de memoria del procesador, en el cual desmentimos la creencia popular de que las entradas de mayor tamaño presionan más la jerarquía de memoria. Hemos descubierto que no necesariamente las entradas más grandes presentan mayores tasas de fallos en cache y que la entrada nativa no genera un número de fallos notablemente más elevado que el resto. Como resultado final del proyecto, presentamos una selección de las entradas más representativas de una ejecución nativa para las aplicaciones de PARSEC que permitirá obtener resultados fiables manteniendo un tiempo de simulación razonable

    Predicting Application Performance for Chip Multiprocessors

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    Today's computers have processors with multiple cores that allow several applications to execute simultaneously. The way resources are allocated to an application affects whether performance objectives, such as quality of service (QoS), are satisfied. To ensure objectives are met, resources must be carefully but quickly allocated in response to changing runtime conditions. Traditional approaches to resource allocation take place either purely online or offline. Online methods do not scale to large, multiple core systems because there are too many allocations to evaluate at runtime. Offline methods cannot handle unanticipated workloads or changes. A hybrid approach could combine the lower runtime overhead of offline approaches with the flexibility of online approaches. This thesis introduces AUTO, a hybrid solution to perform resource allocation. AUTO dynamically adjusts thread count, core count, and core type. It does so in accordance with a user-provided policy to meet performance objectives. AUTO's capabilities come from four prediction techniques. The first technique builds and uses models that consider CPU contention and application scalability in order to select co-running applications' thread counts. The second technique predicts applications' preferred thread-to-core mappings. The predictions are thread count independent and are translated into concrete thread-to-core mappings based on resource availability. The third technique predicts application performance under thread-to-core mappings. The final technique selects thread count and core count for applications on a system with cores of different capabilities. AUTO was tested in several scenarios. In each scenario, it was shown to be an effective, efficient solution to resource allocation. First, it was used to select the thread count of one or more co-running applications. Second, it was used to select application thread-to-core mappings. Third, it was used to make predictions about application performance under thread-to-core mappings. Finally, it was used to select both thread count and core type for applications on a computer with cores of different capabilities. AUTO's resource allocation and models allow for more effective and more efficient policies. By using hybrid online and offline techniques, AUTO solves the problem of allocating threads and cores to meet performance objectives

    DeNovo: rethinking the memory hierarchy for disciplined parallelism

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    As multicore systems become widespread, both software and hardware face a major challenge in efficiently exploiting and implementing parallelism. While shared–memory remains a popular programming model due to its global address space, it is plagued with undisciplined programming practices that allow implicit communication and unstructured non-determinism. Such “wild” shared-memory behavior not only makes it difficult to test and maintain software but also complicates hardware, preventing it from scaling in a power-efficient manner. Recent research has proposed replacing the wild shared-memory programming models with a more disciplined approach. The DeNovo project asks the following question: if software is more disciplined, can we build more power-, performance-, and complexity-efficient shared-memory hardware? Focusing on deterministic programs as a discipline to drive DeNovo, we first show that coherence and communication can be made much simpler and more efficient than the current state of the art. The resulting protocol is without transient states, invalidation traffic, directory sharer–lists, or false sharing - all significant sources of inefficiencies in existing protocols. Widening the software space further, we then show how DeNovo can support software with disciplined non-determinism without giving up its benefits for deterministic programs. The remaining challenge is supporting synchronization accesses that are inherently “racy” on DeNovo without writer-initiated invalidation. We show that arbitrary synchronization can be supported on DeNovo with a simple yet efficient hardware mechanism, a big step toward our eventual goal of supporting legacy programs. Finally, we explore the potential for a comprehensive coherence solution that merges all previous DeNovo coherence mechanisms and adaptively switches between them depending on the level of “discipline” of software. In summary, DeNovo shows the potential for commercially viable software-driven shared-memory systems with higher complexity-, performance-, and energy-efficiency than today’s software-oblivious hardware