360 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a wideband sigma delta ADC

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    Abstract. High-speed and wideband ADCs have become increasingly important in response to the growing demand for high-speed wireless communication services. Continuous time sigma delta modulators (CTƩ∆M), well-known for their oversampling and noise shaping properties, offer a promising solution for low-power and high-speed design in wireless applications. The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a wideband CTƩ∆M for a global navigation satellite system(GNSS) receiver. The targeted modulator architecture is a 3rdorder single-bit CTƩ∆M, specifically designed to operate within a 15 MHz signal bandwidth. With an oversampling ratio of 25, the ADC’s sampling frequency is set at 768 MHz. The design goal is to achieve a theoretical signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 55 dB. This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of the CTƩ∆M, building upon the principles of a discrete time Ʃ∆ modulator, and leveraging system-level simulation and formulations. A detailed explanation of the coefficient calculation procedure specific to CTƩ∆ modulators is provided, along with a "top-down" design approach that ensures the specified requirements are met. MATLAB scripts for coefficient calculation are also included. To overcome the challenges associated with the implementation of CTƩ∆ modulators, particularly excess loop delay and clock jitter sensitivity, this thesis explores two key strategies: the introduction of a delay compensation path and the utilization of a finite impulse response (FIR) feedback DAC. By incorporating a delay compensation path, the stability of the modulator can be ensured and its noise transfer function (NTF) can be restored. Additionally, the integration of an FIR feedback DAC addresses the issue of clock jitter sensitivity, enhancing the overall performance and robustness of the CTƩ∆M. The CTƩ∆Ms employ the cascade of integrators with feed forward (CIFF) and cascade of integrators with feedforward and feedback (CIFF-B) topologies, with a particular emphasis on the CIFF-B configuration using 22nm CMOS technology node and a supply voltage of 0.8 V. Various simulations are performed to validate the modulator’s performance. The simulation results demonstrate an achievable SNR of 55 dB with a power consumption of 1.36 mW. Furthermore, the adoption of NTF zero optimization techniques enhances the SNR to 62 dB.Laajakaistaisen jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta-AD-muuntimen suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Nopeat ja laajakaistaiset AD-muuntimet ovat tulleet entistä tärkeämmiksi nopeiden langattomien kommunikaatiopalvelujen kysynnän kasvaessa. Jatkuva-aikaiset sigma delta -modulaattorit (CTƩ∆M), joissa käytetään ylinäytteistystä ja kohinanmuokkausta, tarjoavat lupaavan ratkaisun matalan tehonkulutuksen ja nopeiden langattomien sovellusten suunnitteluun. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on suunnitella ja toteuttaa laajakaistainen jatkuva -aikainen sigma delta -modulaattori satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmien (GNSS) vastaanottimeen. Arkkitehtuuriltaan modulaattori on kolmannen asteen 1-bittinen CTƩ∆M, jolla on 15MHz:n signaalikaistanleveys. Ylinäytteistyssuhde on 25 ja AD muuntimen näytteistystaajuus 768 MHz. Tavoitteena on saavuttaa teoreettinen 55 dB signaalikohinasuhde (SNR). Tämä työ keskittyy jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen, perustuen diskreettiaikaisen Ʃ∆-modulaattorin periaatteisiin ja systeemitason simulointiin ja mallitukseen. Jatkuva-aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kertoimien laskentamenetelmä esitetään yksityiskohtaisesti, ja vaatimusten täyttyminen varmistetaan “top-down” -suunnitteluperiaatteella. Liitteenä on kertoimien laskemiseen käytetty MATLAB-koodi. Jatkuva-aikaisten sigma delta -modulaattoreiden erityishaasteiden, liian pitkän silmukkaviiveen ja kellojitterin herkkyyden, voittamiseksi tutkitaan kahta strategiaa, viiveen kompensointipolkua ja FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA muunninta. Viivekompensointipolkua käyttämällä modulaattorin stabiilisuus ja kohinansuodatusfunktio saadaan varmistettua ja korjattua. Lisäksi FIR takaisinkytkentä -DA-muuntimen käyttö pienentää kellojitteriherkkyyttä, parantaen jatkuva aikaisen sigma delta -modulaattorin kokonaissuorituskykyä ja luotettavuutta. Toteutetuissa jatkuva-aikaisissa sigma delta -modulaattoreissa on kytketty peräkkäin integraattoreita myötäkytkentärakenteella (CIFF) ja toisessa sekä myötä- että takaisinkytkentärakenteella (CIFF-B). Päähuomio on CIFF-B rakenteessa, joka toteutetaan 22nm CMOS prosessissa käyttäen 0.8 voltin käyttöjännitettä. Suorityskyky varmistetaan erilaisilla simuloinneilla, joiden perusteella 55 dB SNR saavutetaan 1.36 mW tehonkulutuksella. Lisäksi kohinanmuokkausfunktion optimoinnilla SNR saadaan nostettua 62 desibeliin

    A 8 mW 72 dB Sigma Delta-modulator ADC with 2.4 MHz BW in 130 nm CMOS

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    A double-sampling sigma delta-ADC with bilinear integrators and a 7-level quantizer is presented. It achieves third order noise shaping with a second order modulator through quantization noise-coupling. The modulator is integrated in a 130 nm CMOS technology. For a clock frequency of 48 MHz and an oversampling ratio of 20 (2.4 MHz signal bandwidth), it achieves 72 dB DR and 68 dB SNR. The prototype consumes 8 mW from a 1.2 V voltage supply

    Robust sigma delta converters : and their application in low-power highly-digitized flexible receivers

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    In wireless communication industry, the convergence of stand-alone, single application transceiver IC’s into scalable, programmable and platform based transceiver ICs, has led to the possibility to create sophisticated mobile devices within a limited volume. These multi-standard (multi-mode), MIMO, SDR and cognitive radios, ask for more adaptability and flexibility on every abstraction level of the transceiver. The adaptability and flexibility of the receive paths require a digitized receiver architecture in which most of the adaptability and flexibility is shifted in the digital domain. This trend to ask for more adaptability and flexibility, but also more performance, higher efficiency and an increasing functionality per volume, has a major impact on the IP blocks such systems are built with. At the same time the increasing requirement for more digital processing in the same volume and for the same power has led to mainstream CMOS feature size scaling, leading to smaller, faster and more efficient transistors, optimized to increase processing efficiency per volume (smaller area, lower power consumption, faster digital processing). As wireless receivers is a comparably small market compared to digital processors, the receivers also have to be designed in a digitally optimized technology, as the processor and transceiver are on the same chip to reduce device volume. This asks for a generalized approach, which maps application requirements of complex systems (such as wireless receivers) on the advantages these digitally optimized technologies bring. First, the application trends are gathered in five quality indicators being: (algorithmic) accuracy, robustness, flexibility, efficiency, and emission, of which the last one is not further analyzed in this thesis. Secondly, using the quality indicators, it is identified that by introducing (or increasing) digitization at every abstraction level of a system, the advantages of modern digitally optimized technologies can be exploited. For a system on a chip, these abstraction levels are: system/application level, analog IP architecture level, circuit topology level and layout level. In this thesis, the quality indicators together with the digitization at different abstraction levels are applied to S¿ modulators. S¿ modulator performance properties are categorized into the proposed quality indicators. Next, it is identified what determines the accuracy, robustness, flexibility and efficiency of a S¿ modulator. Important modulator performance parameters, design parameter relations, and performance-cost relations are derived. Finally, several implementations are presented, which are designed using the found relations. At least one implementation example is shown for each level of digitization. At system level, a flexible (N)ZIF receiver architecture is digitized by shifting the ADC closer to the antenna, reducing the amount of analog signal conditioning required in front of the ADC, and shifting the re-configurability of such a receiver into the digital domain as much as possible. Being closer to the antenna, and because of the increased receiver flexibility, a high performance, multi-mode ADC is required. In this thesis, it is proven that such multi-mode ADCs can be made at low area and power consumption. At analog IP architecture level, a smarter S¿ modulator architecture is found, which combines the advantages of 1-bit and multi-bit modulators. The analog loop filter is partly digitized, and analog circuit blocks are replaced by a digital filter, leading to an area and power efficient design, which above all is very portable, and has the potential to become a good candidate for the ADC in multimode receivers. At circuit and layout level, analog circuits are designed in the same way as digital circuits are. Analog IP blocks are split up in analog unit cells, which are put in a library. For each analog unit cell, a p-cell layout view is created. Once such a library is available, different IP blocks can be created using the same unit cells and using the automatic routing tools normally used for digital circuits. The library of unit cells can be ported to a next technology very quickly, as the unit cells are very simple circuits, increasing portability of IP blocks made with these unit cells. In this thesis, several modulators are presented that are designed using this digital design methodology. A high clock frequency in the giga-hertz range is used to test technology speed. The presented modulators have a small area and low power consumption. A modulator is ported from a 65nm to a 45nm technology in one month without making changes to the unit cells, or IP architecture, proving that this design methodology leads to very portable designs. The generalized system property categorization in quality indicators, and the digitization at different levels of system design, is named the digital design methodology. In this thesis this methodology is successfully applied to S¿ modulators, leading to high quality, mixed-signal S¿ modulator IP, which is more accurate, more robust, more flexible and/or more efficient

    Architectural Alternatives to Implement High-Performance Delta-Sigma Modulators

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    RÉSUMÉ Le besoin d’appareils portatifs, de téléphones intelligents et de systèmes microélectroniques implantables médicaux s’accroît remarquablement. Cependant, l’optimisation de l’alimentation de tous ces appareils électroniques portables est l’un des principaux défis en raison du manque de piles à grande capacité utilisées pour les alimenter. C’est un fait bien établi que le convertisseur analogique-numérique (CAN) est l’un des blocs les plus critiques de ces appareils et qu’il doit convertir efficacement les signaux analogiques au monde numérique pour effectuer un post-traitement tel que l’extraction de caractéristiques. Parmi les différents types de CAN, les modulateurs Delta Sigma (��M) ont été utilisés dans ces appareils en raison des fonctionnalités alléchantes qu’ils offrent. En raison du suréchantillonnage et pour éloigner le bruit de la bande d’intérêt, un CAN haute résolution peut être obtenu avec les architectures ��. Il offre également un compromis entre la fréquence d’échantillonnage et la résolution, tout en offrant une architecture programmable pour réaliser un CAN flexible. Ces CAN peuvent être implémentés avec des blocs analogiques de faible précision. De plus, ils peuvent être efficacement optimisés au niveau de l’architecture et circuits correspondants. Cette dernière caractéristique a été une motivation pour proposer différentes architectures au fil des ans. Cette thèse contribue à ce sujet en explorant de nouvelles architectures pour optimiser la structure ��M en termes de résolution, de consommation d’énergie et de surface de silicium. Des soucis particuliers doivent également être pris en compte pour faciliter la mise en œuvre du ��M. D’autre part, les nouveaux procédés CMOS de conception et fabrication apportent des améliorations remarquables en termes de vitesse, de taille et de consommation d’énergie lors de la mise en œuvre de circuits numériques. Une telle mise à l’échelle agressive des procédés, rend la conception de blocs analogiques tel que un amplificateur de transconductance opérationnel (OTA), difficile. Par conséquent, des soins spéciaux sont également pris en compte dans cette thèse pour surmonter les problèmes énumérés. Ayant mentionné ci-dessus que cette thèse est principalement composée de deux parties principales. La première concerne les nouvelles architectures implémentées en mode de tension et la seconde partie contient une nouvelle architecture réalisée en mode hybride tension et temps.----------ABSTRACT The need for hand-held devices, smart-phones and medical implantable microelectronic sys-tems, is remarkably growing up. However, keeping all these electronic devices power optimized is one of the main challenges due to the lack of long life-time batteries utilized to power them up. It is a well-established fact that analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most critical building blocks of such devices and it needs to efficiently convert analog signals to the digital world to perform post processing such as channelizing, feature extraction, etc. Among various type of ADCs, Delta Sigma Modulators (��Ms) have been widely used in those devices due to the tempting features they offer. In fact, due to oversampling and noise-shaping technique a high-resolution ADC can be achieved with �� architectures. It also offers a compromise between sampling frequency and resolution while providing a highly-programmable approach to realize an ADC. Moreover, such ADCs can be implemented with low-precision analog blocks. Last but not the least, they are capable of being effectively power optimized at both architectural and circuit levels. The latter has been a motivation to proposed different architectures over the years.This thesis contributes to this topic by exploring new architectures to effectively optimize the ��M structure in terms of resolution, power consumption and chip area. Special cares must also be taken into account to ease the implementation of the ��M. On the other hand, advanced node CMOS processes bring remarkable improvements in terms of speed, size and power consumption while implementing digital circuits. Such an aggressive process scaling, however, make the design of analog blocks, e.g. operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs), cumbersome. Therefore, special cares are also taken into account in this thesis to overcome the mentioned issues. Having had above mentioned discussion, this thesis is mainly split in two main categories. First category addresses new architectures implemented in a pure voltage domain and the second category contains new architecture realized in a hybrid voltage and time domain. In doing so, the thesis first focuses on a switched-capacitor implementation of a ��M while presenting an architectural solution to overcome the limitations of the previous approaches. This limitations include a power hungry adder in a conventional feed-forward topology as well as power hungry OTAs

    Design of a wideband low-power continuous-time sigma-delta (ΣΔ) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in 90nm CMOS technology

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    The growing trend in VLSI systems is to shift more signal processing functionality from analog to digital domain to reduce manufacturing cost and improve reliability. It has resulted in the demand for wideband high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). There are many different techniques for doing analog-to-digital conversions. Oversampling ADC based on sigma-delta (ΣΔ) modulation is receiving a lot of attention due to its significantly relaxed matching requirements on analog components. Moreover, it does not need a steep roll-off anti-aliasing filter. A ΣΔ ADC can be implemented either as a discrete time system or a continuous time one. Nowadays growing interest is focused on the continuous-time ΣΔ ADC for its use in the wideband and low-power applications, such as medical imaging, portable ultrasound systems, wireless receivers, and test equipments. A continuous-time ΣΔ ADC offers some important advantages over its discrete-time counterpart, including higher sampling frequency, intrinsic anti-alias filtering, much relaxed sampling network requirements, and low-voltage implementation. Especially it has the potential in achieving low power consumption. This dissertation presents a novel fifth-order continuous-time ΣΔ ADC which is implemented in a 90nm CMOS technology with single 1.0-V power supply. To speed up design process, an improved direct design method is proposed and used to design the loop filter transfer function. To maximize the in-band gain provided by the loop filter, thus maximizing in-band noise suppression, the excess loop delay must be kept minimum. In this design, a very low latency 4-bit flash quantizer with digital-to-analog (DAC) trimming is utilized. DAC trimming technique is used to correct the quantizer offset error, which allows minimum-sized transistors to be used for fast and low-power operation. The modulator has sampling clock of 800MHz. It achieves a dynamic range (DR) of 75dB and a signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio (SNDR) of 70dB over 25MHz input signal bandwidth with 16.4mW power dissipation. Our work is among the most improved published to date. It uses the lowest supply voltage and has the highest input signal bandwidth while dissipating the lowest power among the bandwidths exceeding 15MHz

    High-Speed Delta-Sigma Data Converters for Next-Generation Wireless Communication

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    In recent years, Continuous-time Delta-Sigma(CT-ΔΣ) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) have been extensively investigated for their use in wireless receivers to achieve conversion bandwidths greater than 15 MHz and higher resolution of 10 to 14 bits. This dissertation investigates the current state-of-the-art high-speed single-bit and multi-bit Continuous-time Delta-Sigma modulator (CT-ΔΣM) designs and their limitations due to circuit non-idealities in achieving the performance required for next-generation wireless standards. Also, we presented complete architectural and circuit details of a high-speed single-bit and multi-bit CT-ΔΣM operating at a sampling rate of 1.25 GSps and 640 MSps respectively (the highest reported sampling rate in a 0.13 μm CMOS technology node) with measurement results. Further, we propose novel hybrid ΔΣ architecture with two-step quantizer to alleviate the bandwidth and resolution bottlenecks associated with the contemporary CT-ΔΣM topologies. To facilitate the design with the proposed architecture, a robust systematic design method is introduced to determine the loop-filter coefficients by taking into account the non-ideal integrator response, such as the finite opamp gain and the presence of multiple parasitic poles and zeros. Further, comprehensive system-level simulation is presented to analyze the effect of two-step quantizer non-idealities such as the offset and gain error in the sub-ADCs, and the current mismatch between the MSB and LSB elements in the feedback DAC. The proposed novel architecture is demonstrated by designing a high-speed wideband 4th order CT-ΔΣ modulator prototype, employing a two-step quantizer with 5-bits resolution. The proposed modulator takes advantage of the combination of a high-resolution two-step quantization technique and an excess-loop delay (ELD) compensation of more than one clock cycle to achieve lower-power consumption (28 mW), higher dynamic range (\u3e69 dB) with a wide conversion bandwidth (20 MHz), even at a lower sampling rate of 400 MHz. The proposed modulator achieves a Figure of Merit (FoM) of 340 fJ/level

    Design of Analog & Mixed Signal Circuits in Continuous-Time Sigma-Delta Modulators for System-on-Chip applications

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    Software-defined radio receivers (SDRs) have become popular to accommodate multi-standard wireless services using a single chip-set solution in mobile telecommunication systems. In SDRs, the signal is down-converted to an intermediate frequency and then digitalized. This approach relaxes the specifications for most of the analog front-end building blocks by performing most of the signal processing in the digital domain. However, since the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is located as close as possible to the antenna in SDR architectures, the ADC specification requirements are very stringent because a large amount of interference signals are present at the ADC input due to the removal of filtering blocks, which particularly affects the dynamic range (DR) specification. Sigma-delta (ΣΔ) ADCs have several benefits such as low implementation cost, especially when the architecture contains mostly digital circuits. Furthermore, continuous-time (CT) ΣΔ ADCs allow elimination of the anti‐aliasing filter because input signals are sampled after the integrator. The bandwidth requirements for the amplifiers in CT ΣΔ ADCs can be relaxed due to the continuous operation without stringing settling time requirements. Therefore, they are suitable for high‐speed and low‐power applications. In addition, CT ΣΔ ADCs achieve high resolution due to the ΣΔ modulator’s noise shaping property. However, the in-band quantization noise is shaped by the analog loop filter and the distortions of the analog loop filter directly affect the system output. Hence, highly linear low-noise loop filters are required for high-performance ΣΔ modulators. The first task in this research focused on using CMOS 90 nm technology to design and fabricate a 5^(TH)–order active-RC loop filter with a cutoff frequency of 20 MHz for a low pass (LP) CT ΣΔ modulator. The active-RC topology was selected because of the high DR requirement in SDR applications. The amplifiers in the first stage of the loop filter were implemented with linearization techniques employing anti-parallel cancellation and source degeneration in the second stage of the amplifiers. These techniques improve the third-order intermodulation (IM3) by approximately 10 dB; while noise, area, and power consumption do not increase by more than 10%. Second, a current-mode adder-flash ADC was also fabricated as part of a LP CT ΣΔ modulator. The new current-mode operation developed through this research makes possible a 53% power reduction. The new technology also lessens existing problems associated with voltage-mode flash ADCs, which are mainly related to voltage headroom restrictions, speed of operation, offsets, and power efficiency of the latches. The core of the current-mode adder-flash ADC was fabricated in CMOS 90 nm technology with 1.2 V supply; it dissipates 3.34 mW while operating at 1.48 GHz and consumes a die area of 0.0276 mm^(2). System-on chip (SoC) solutions are becoming more popular in mobile telecommunication systems to improve the portability and competitiveness of products. Since the analog/RF and digital blocks often share the same external power supply in SoC solutions, the on-chip generation of clean power supplies is necessary to avoid system performance degradation due to supply noises. Finally, the critical design issues for external capacitor-less low drop-out (LDO) regulators for SoC applications are addressed in this dissertation, especially the challenges related to power supply rejection at high frequencies as well as loop stability and transient response. The paths of the power supply noise to the LDO output were analyzed, and a power supply noise cancellation circuit was developed. The power supply rejection (PSR) performance was improved by using a replica circuit that tracks the main supply noise under process-voltage-temperature variations and all operating conditions. Fabricated in a 0.18 μm CMOS technology with 1.8 V supply, the entire proposed LDO consumes 55 μA of quiescent current while in standby operation, and it has a drop-out voltage of 200 mV when providing 50 mA to the load. Its active core chip area is 0.14 mm2. Compared to a conventional uncompensated LDO, the proposed architecture presents a PSR improvement of 34 dB and 25 dB at 1 MHz and 4 MHz, respectively