10 research outputs found

    AlSub: Fully Parallel and Modular Subdivision

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    In recent years, mesh subdivision---the process of forging smooth free-form surfaces from coarse polygonal meshes---has become an indispensable production instrument. Although subdivision performance is crucial during simulation, animation and rendering, state-of-the-art approaches still rely on serial implementations for complex parts of the subdivision process. Therefore, they often fail to harness the power of modern parallel devices, like the graphics processing unit (GPU), for large parts of the algorithm and must resort to time-consuming serial preprocessing. In this paper, we show that a complete parallelization of the subdivision process for modern architectures is possible. Building on sparse matrix linear algebra, we show how to structure the complete subdivision process into a sequence of algebra operations. By restructuring and grouping these operations, we adapt the process for different use cases, such as regular subdivision of dynamic meshes, uniform subdivision for immutable topology, and feature-adaptive subdivision for efficient rendering of animated models. As the same machinery is used for all use cases, identical subdivision results are achieved in all parts of the production pipeline. As a second contribution, we show how these linear algebra formulations can effectively be translated into efficient GPU kernels. Applying our strategies to 3\sqrt{3}, Loop and Catmull-Clark subdivision shows significant speedups of our approach compared to state-of-the-art solutions, while we completely avoid serial preprocessing.Comment: Changed structure Added content Improved description

    Multi-Resolution Meshes for Feature-Aware Hardware Tessellation

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    International audienceHardware tessellation is de facto the preferred mechanism to adaptively control mesh resolution with maximal performances. However, owing to its fixed and uniform pattern, leveraging tessellation for feature-aware LOD rendering remains a challenging problem. We relax this fundamental constraint by introducing a new spatial and temporal blending mechanism of tessellation levels, which is built on top of a novel hierarchical representation of multi-resolution meshes. This mechanism allows to finely control topological changes so that vertices can be removed or added at the most appropriate location to preserve geometric features in a continuous and artifact-free manner. We then show how to extend edge-collapse based decimation methods to build feature-aware multi-resolution meshes that match the tessellation patterns. Our approach is fully compatible with current hardware tessellators and only adds a small overhead on memory consumption and tessellation cost

    Feature Adaptive Ray Tracing of Subdivision Surfaces

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    abstract: Subdivision surfaces have gained more and more traction since it became the standard surface representation in the movie industry for many years. And Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme is the most popular one for handling polygonal meshes. After its introduction, Catmull-Clark surfaces have been extended to several eminent ways, including the handling of boundaries, infinitely sharp creases, semi-sharp creases, and hierarchically defined detail. For ray tracing of subdivision surfaces, a common way is to construct spatial bounding volume hierarchies on top of input control mesh. However, a high-level refined subdivision surface not only requires a substantial amount of memory storage, but also causes slow and inefficient ray tracing. In this thesis, it presents a new way to improve the efficiency of ray tracing of subdivision surfaces, while the quality is not as good as general methods.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    Local and Hierarchical Refinement for Subdivision Gradient Meshes

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    Gradient mesh design tools allow users to create detailed scalable images, traditionally through the creation and manipulation of a (dense) mesh with regular rectangular topology. Through recent advances it is now possible to allow gradient meshes to have arbitrary manifold topology, using a modified Catmull-Clark subdivision scheme to define the resultant geometry and colour [LKSD17]. We present two novel methods to allow local and hierarchical refinement of both colour and geometry for such subdivision gradient meshes. Our methods leverage the mesh properties that the particular subdivision scheme ensures. In both methods, the artists enjoy all the standard capabilities of manipulating the mesh and the associated colour gradients at the coarsest level as well as locally at refined levels. Further novel features include interpolation of both position and colour of the vertices of the input meshes, local detail follows coarser-level edits, and support for sharp colour transitions, all at any level in the hierarchy offered by subdivision

    Feature-adaptive GPU rendering of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces

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    Feature Adaptive GPU Rendering of Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces

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    We present a novel method for high-performance GPU based rendering of Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. Unlike previous methods, our algorithm computes the true limit surface up to machine precision, and is capable of rendering surfaces that conform to the full RenderMan specification for Catmull-Clark surfaces. Specifically, our algorithm can accommodate base meshes consisting of arbitrary valence vertices and faces, and the surface can contain any number and arrangement of semi-sharp creases and hierarchically defined detail. We also present a variant of the algorithm which guarantees watertight positions and normals, meaning that even displaced surfaces can be rendered in a crack-free manner. Finally, we describe a view dependent level-of-detail scheme which adapts to both the depth of subdivision and the patch tessellation density. Though considerably more general, the performance of our algorithm is comparable to the best approximating method, and is considerably faster than Stam’s exact method

    Meshless Animation Framework

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    This report details the implementation of a meshless animation framework for blending surfaces. The framework is meshless in the sense that only the control points are handled on the CPU, and the surface evaluation is delegated to the GPU using the tessellation shader steps. The framework handles regular grids and some forms of irregular grids. Different ways of handling the evaluation of the local surfaces are investigated. Directly evaluating them on the GPU or pre-evaluating them and only sampling the data on the GPU. Four different methods for pre-evaluation are presented, and the surface accuracy of each one is tested. The framework contains two methods for adaptively setting the level of detail on the GPU depending on position of the camera, using a view-based metric and a pixel-accurate rendering method. For both methods the pixel-accuracy and triangle size is tested and compared with static tessellation. Benchmarking results from the framework are presented. With and without animation, with different local surface types, and different resolution on the pre-evaluated data

    Représentation hybride pour la modélisation géométrique interactive

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    De nos jours, les objets virtuels sont devenus omniprésents. On les trouve dans de nombreux domaines comme le divertissement (cinéma, jeux vidéo, etc.), la conception assistée par ordinateur ou encore la réalité virtuelle. Nous nous intéressons en particulier à la modélisation d'objets 3D dans le domaine de la création artistique. Ici, la création d'images riches nécessite de faire appel à des modèles très détaillés et donc extrêmement complexes. Les surfaces de subdivision, traditionnellement utilisées dans ces domaines, voient leur complexité croître rapidement lorsqu'on ajoute des détails, et la gestion de la connectivité du maillage de contrôle devient trop contraignante. Une approche standard pour gérer la complexité de tels modèles est d'utiliser des représentations différentes pour la forme générale de la surface et les détails. Cependant, ces détails sont représentés par des cartes matricielles qui ne possèdent pas la plupart des avantages des représentations vectorielles, et cela complexifie certaines tâches, comme par exemple l'animation. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux nouvelles représentations vectorielles, la première pour les surfaces de base, la deuxième pour les détails. Nous utilisons pour cette dernière une représentation vectorielle appelée images de diffusion permettant de créer des variations lisses à l'aide d'un ensemble réduit de contraintes. Cela nous permet de représenter aussi bien la géométrie que la couleur ou d'autres paramètres nécessaires au rendu de façon purement vectoriel, en conservant des contrôles de haut niveau.Notre première contribution est une représentation de surfaces, baptisée LS3, issue de la combinaison entre surfaces de subdivision et -point set surfaces. Cette approche réduit notablement les artefacts des surfaces de subdivision aux alentours de sommets dits extraordinaires, qui sont connus pour poser problème. Nous présentons une analyse numérique des propriétés de ces surfaces, qui tend à montrer que du point de vue de la continuité elles se comportent au moins aussi bien que les schémas de subdivision linéaires traditionnels. Notre deuxième contribution est un solveur pour les images de diffusion dont le principal avantage est de produire en sortie une autre représentation vectorielle légère et très rapide à évaluer. Nous illustrons la force de note solveur sur de nombreux exemples difficiles ou impossibles à réaliser avec les méthodes précédentes. Pour conclure, nous montrons comment combiner nos deux contributions pour obtenir une représentation de surface entièrement vectorielle capable de représenter des détails sans avoir à manipuler la connectivité d'un maillage.Nowadays, virtual objects have become omnipresent. We can find them in various domains such as entertainment (movies, video games, etc.), computer-aided design or virtual reality. Our main focus in this document is the modeling of 3D objects in the domain of artistic creation, where rich images creation requires highly detailed and complex models.Subdivision surfaces, the most used surface representation in this domain, quickly become very dense as the user add details, and manual handling of the connectivity becomes too cumbersome. A standard approach to handle the complexity of such models is to separate the overall shape of the surface and the details. Although, these detail maps are often stored in bitmap images that does not provide the advantages of vectorial representation, which complicate some tasks, like animation.In this document, we present two new vectorial representations: the first one for the base surface, the second one for the detail maps. For the later, we use a vectorial representation called diffusion images that allow to create smooth or sharp variations from a small set of constraints. This enables us to represent geometry as well as color or any other parameter required for rendering, while keeping high-level controls.Our first contribution is a surface representation, called LS3, based on the combination of subdivision surfaces and point set surfaces. This approach reduces notably artifacts that subdivision surfaces produce around so called extraordinary vertices. We also present a numerical analysis of the mathematical properties of these surfaces, that show that they behave at least as well as classical subdivision schemes.Our second contribution is a solver for diffusion images that has the particularity to produce as output a denser vectorial representation which is light and fast to evaluate. We show the advantages of this approach on several examples that would be hard or impossible to produce with former methods.To conclude, we show how these two contributions can be used together to obtain a fully vectorial surface representation able to produce detailed surfaces without needing to deal with complex connectivity.BORDEAUX1-Bib.electronique (335229901) / SudocSudocFranceF