7 research outputs found


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    The autonomous vehicles, such as wheeled robots and drones, efficiently contribute in the search and rescue operations. Specially for indoor environments, these autonomous vehicles rely on simultaneous localization and mapping approach (SLAM) to construct a map for the unknown environment and simultaneously to estimate the vehicle’s position inside this map. The result of the scan matching process, which is a key step in many of SLAM approaches, has a fundamental role of the accuracy of the map construction. Typically, local and global scan matching approaches, that utilize laser scan rangefinder, suffer from accumulated errors as both approaches are sensitive to previous history. The reference key frame (RKF) algorithm reduces errors accumulation as it decreases the dependency on the accuracy of the previous history. However, the RKF algorithm still suffers; as most of the SLAM approaches, from scale shrinking problem during scanning corridors that exceed the maximum detection range of the laser scan rangefinder. The shrinking in long corridors comes from the unsuccessful estimation of the longitudinal movement from the implemented RKF algorithm and the unavailability of this information from external source as well. This paper proposes an improvement for the RKF algorithm. This is achieved by integrating the outcomes of the optical flow with the RKF algorithm using extended Kalman filter (EKF) to overcome the shrinking problem. The performance of the proposed algorithm is compared with the RKF, iterative closest point (ICP), and Hector SLAM in corridors that exceed the maximum detection range of the laser scan rangefinder

    An Online Solution of LiDAR Scan Matching Aided Inertial Navigation System for Indoor Mobile Mapping

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    Implementación de algoritmo de scan-matching basado en PSO

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    Uno de los campos en los que se está centrando la robótica los últimos años es el desarrollo de nuevos algoritmos que permitan localizar el robot en un entorno con el objetivo de mejorar su autonomía. Este problema ha llevado al desarrollo de algoritmos de SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) que buscan localizar al robot mientras se construye un mapa de su entorno y a la vez se explora el mismo usando este mapa. Un aspecto relativo a esta tarea en particular es el problema de scan matching, que es el objeto principal de este trabajo. El problema de scan matching cosiste en estimar la relación métrica (en posición y orientación) entre pares de escaneos, utilizando la información proporcionada por estos. Este es un problema muy común en robots móviles debido a que a menudo la información nos es dada por sensores extereoceptivos con información de profundidad. En este caso ha desarrollado una solución al Scan Matching o correlación de escaneos basada en algoritmo del PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization). Se utilizará además, las propiedades del color para optimizar el proceso. La utilización del color permitirá un ahorro en coste computacional. Este nuevo algoritmo se ha probado en un entorno real tridimensional con escaneos proporcionados por el sensor Kinect y se ha conseguido resolver el problema de scan matching.One of the aspects on which robotics has been focused in the last years is the development of new algorithms that allow the localization of a mobile robot in order to improve its autonomy. This problem has caused the development of new SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) algorithms that try to track the robot’s pose while building a map of the environment and exploring it at the same time using this map. A particular aspect of this task is the scan matching problem, which is the main topic of this work. The scan matching problem consists of estimating the metric relation (position and orientation) between a pair of scans using the information provided by these scans. This is a very common problem in mobile robotics because the information about the environment that is going to be represented is often given by an extereoceptive sensor with depth information. A solution for the Scan Matching problem based on PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) has been implemented. It also uses colour features in order to improve the algorithm performance. Using colour proprieties the computational cost will be reduced. This new algorithm has been tested in a 3D real environment with scans given by the Kinect sensor and it can solve the scan matching problem.Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial y Automátic

    Robust navigation for industrial service robots

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    Pla de Doctorats Industrials de la Generalitat de CatalunyaRobust, reliable and safe navigation is one of the fundamental problems of robotics. Throughout the present thesis, we tackle the problem of navigation for robotic industrial mobile-bases. We identify its components and analyze their respective challenges in order to address them. The research work presented here ultimately aims at improving the overall quality of the navigation stack of a commercially available industrial mobile-base. To introduce and survey the overall problem we first break down the navigation framework into clearly identified smaller problems. We examine the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) problem, recalling its mathematical grounding and exploring the state of the art. We then review the problem of planning the trajectory of a mobile-base toward a desired goal in the generated environment representation. Finally we investigate and clarify the use of the subset of the Lie theory that is useful in robotics. The first problem tackled is the recognition of place for closing loops in SLAM. Loop closure refers to the ability of a robot to recognize a previously visited location and infer geometrical information between its current and past locations. Using only a 2D laser range finder sensor, we address the problem using a technique borrowed from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) which has been successfully applied to image-based place recognition, namely the Bag-of-Words. We further improve the method with two proposals inspired from NLP. Firstly, the comparison of places is strengthened by considering the natural relative order of features in each individual sensor reading. Secondly, topological correspondences between places in a corpus of visited places are established in order to promote together instances that are ‘close’ to one another. We then tackle the problem of motion model calibration for odometry estimation. Given a mobile-base embedding an exteroceptive sensor able to observe ego-motion, we propose a novel formulation for estimating the intrinsic parameters of an odometry motion model. Resorting to an adaptation of the pre-integration theory initially developed for inertial motion sensors, we employ iterative nonlinear on-manifold optimization to estimate the wheel radii and wheel separation. The method is further extended to jointly estimate both the intrinsic parameters of the odometry model together with the extrinsic parameters of the embedded sensor. The method is shown to accommodate to variation in model parameters quickly when the vehicle is subject to physical changes during operation. Following the generation of a map in which the robot is localized, we address the problem of estimating trajectories for motion planning. We devise a new method for estimating a sequence of robot poses forming a smooth trajectory. Regardless of the Lie group considered, the trajectory is seen as a collection of states lying on a spline with non-vanishing n-th derivatives at each point. Formulated as a multi-objective nonlinear optimization problem, it allows for the addition of cost functions such as velocity and acceleration limits, collision avoidance and more. The proposed method is evaluated for two different motion planning tasks, the planning of trajectories for a mobile-base evolving in the SE(2) manifold, and the planning of the motion of a multi-link robotic arm whose end-effector evolves in the SE(3) manifold. From our study of Lie theory, we developed a new, ready to use, programming library called `manif’. The library is open source, publicly available and is developed following good software programming practices. It is designed so that it is easy to integrate and manipulate, and allows for flexible use while facilitating the possibility to extend it beyond the already implemented Lie groups.La navegación autónoma es uno de los problemas fundamentales de la robótica, y sus diferentes desafíos se han estudiado durante décadas. El desarrollo de métodos de navegación robusta, confiable y segura es un factor clave para la creación de funcionalidades de nivel superior en robots diseñados para operar en entornos con humanos. A lo largo de la presente tesis, abordamos el problema de navegación para bases robóticas móviles industriales; identificamos los elementos de un sistema de navegación; y analizamos y tratamos sus desafíos. El trabajo de investigación presentado aquí tiene como último objetivo mejorar la calidad general del sistema completo de navegación de una base móvil industrial disponible comercialmente. Para estudiar el problema de navegación, primero lo desglosamos en problemas menores claramente identificados. Examinamos el subproblema de mapeo del entorno y localización del robot simultáneamente (SLAM por sus siglas en ingles) y estudiamos el estado del arte del mismo. Al hacerlo, recordamos y detallamos la base matemática del problema de SLAM. Luego revisamos el subproblema de planificación de trayectorias hacia una meta deseada en la representación del entorno generada. Además, como una herramienta para las soluciones que se presentarán más adelante en el desarrollo de la tesis, investigamos y aclaramos el uso de teoría de Lie, centrándonos en el subconjunto de la teoría que es útil para la estimación de estados en robótica. Como primer elemento identificado para mejoras, abordamos el problema de reconocimiento de lugares para cerrar lazos en SLAM. El cierre de lazos se refiere a la capacidad de un robot para reconocer una ubicación visitada previamente e inferí información geométrica entre la ubicación actual del robot y aquellas reconocidas. Usando solo un sensor láser 2D, la tarea es desafiante ya que la percepción del entorno que proporciona el sensor es escasa y limitada. Abordamos el problema utilizando 'bolsas de palabras', una técnica prestada del campo de procesamiento del lenguaje natural (NLP) que se ha aplicado con éxito anteriormente al reconocimiento de lugares basado en imágenes. Nuestro método incluye dos nuevas propuestas inspiradas también en NLP. Primero, la comparación entre lugares candidatos se fortalece teniendo en cuenta el orden relativo natural de las características en cada lectura individual del sensor; y segundo, se establece un corpus de lugares visitados para promover juntos instancias que están "cerca" la una de la otra desde un punto de vista topológico. Evaluamos nuestras propuestas por separado y conjuntamente en varios conjuntos de datos, con y sin ruido, demostrando mejora en la detección de cierres de lazo para sensores láser 2D, con respecto al estado del arte. Luego abordamos el problema de la calibración del modelo de movimiento para la estimación de la edometría. Dado que nuestra base móvil incluye un sensor exteroceptivo capaz de observar el movimiento de la plataforma, proponemos una nueva formulación que permite estimar los parámetros intrínsecos del modelo cinemático de la plataforma durante el cómputo de la edometría del vehículo. Hemos recurrido a una adaptación de la teoría de reintegración inicialmente desarrollado para unidades inerciales de medida, y aplicado la técnica a nuestro modelo cinemático. El método nos permite, mediante optimización iterativa no lineal, la estimación del valor del radio de las ruedas de forma independiente y de la separación entre las mismas. El método se amplía posteriormente par idéntica de forma simultánea, estos parámetros intrínsecos junto con los parámetros extrínsecos que ubican el sensor láser con respecto al sistema de referencia de la base móvil. El método se valida en simulación y en un entorno real y se muestra que converge hacia los verdaderos valores de los parámetros. El método permite la adaptación de los parámetros intrínsecos del modelo cinemático de la plataforma derivados de cambios físicos durante la operación, tales como el impacto que el cambio de carga sobre la plataforma tiene sobre el diámetro de las ruedas. Como tercer subproblema de navegación, abordamos el reto de planificar trayectorias de movimiento de forma suave. Desarrollamos un método para planificar la trayectoria como una secuencia de configuraciones sobre una spline con n-ésimas derivadas en todos los puntos, independientemente del grupo de Lie considerado. Al ser formulado como un problema de optimización no lineal con múltiples objetivos, es posible agregar funciones de coste al problema de optimización que permitan añadir límites de velocidad o aceleración, evasión de colisiones, etc. El método propuesto es evaluado en dos tareas de planificación de movimiento diferentes, la planificación de trayectorias para una base móvil que evoluciona en la variedad SE(2), y la planificación del movimiento de un brazo robótico cuyo efector final evoluciona en la variedad SE(3). Además, cada tarea se evalúa en escenarios con complejidad de forma incremental, y se muestra un rendimiento comparable o mejor que el estado del arte mientras produce resultados más consistentes. Desde nuestro estudio de la teoría de Lie, desarrollamos una nueva biblioteca de programación llamada “manif”. La biblioteca es de código abierto, está disponible públicamente y se desarrolla siguiendo las buenas prácticas de programación de software. Esta diseñado para que sea fácil de integrar y manipular, y permite flexibilidad de uso mientras se facilita la posibilidad de extenderla más allá de los grupos de Lie inicialmente implementados. Además, la biblioteca se muestra eficiente en comparación con otras soluciones existentes. Por fin, llegamos a la conclusión del estudio de doctorado. Examinamos el trabajo de investigación y trazamos líneas para futuras investigaciones. También echamos un vistazo en los últimos años y compartimos una visión personal y experiencia del desarrollo de un doctorado industrial.Postprint (published version

    Robust Localization in 3D Prior Maps for Autonomous Driving.

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    In order to navigate autonomously, many self-driving vehicles require precise localization within an a priori known map that is annotated with exact lane locations, traffic signs, and additional metadata that govern the rules of the road. This approach transforms the extremely difficult and unpredictable task of online perception into a more structured localization problem—where exact localization in these maps provides the autonomous agent a wealth of knowledge for safe navigation. This thesis presents several novel localization algorithms that leverage a high-fidelity three-dimensional (3D) prior map that together provide a robust and reliable framework for vehicle localization. First, we present a generic probabilistic method for localizing an autonomous vehicle equipped with a 3D light detection and ranging (LIDAR) scanner. This proposed algorithm models the world as a mixture of several Gaussians, characterizing the z-height and reflectivity distribution of the environment—which we rasterize to facilitate fast and exact multiresolution inference. Second, we propose a visual localization strategy that replaces the expensive 3D LIDAR scanners with significantly cheaper, commodity cameras. In doing so, we exploit a graphics processing unit to generate synthetic views of our belief environment, resulting in a localization solution that achieves a similar order of magnitude error rate with a sensor that is several orders of magnitude cheaper. Finally, we propose a visual obstacle detection algorithm that leverages knowledge of our high-fidelity prior maps in its obstacle prediction model. This not only provides obstacle awareness at high rates for vehicle navigation, but also improves our visual localization quality as we are cognizant of static and non-static regions of the environment. All of these proposed algorithms are demonstrated to be real-time solutions for our self-driving car.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/133410/1/rwolcott_1.pd

    Sistema de modelização tridimensional de galerias subterrâneas

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    A presente dissertação apresenta uma solução para o problema de modelização tridimensional de galerias subterrâneas. O trabalho desenvolvido emprega técnicas provenientes da área da robótica móvel para obtenção um sistema autónomo móvel de modelização, capaz de operar em ambientes não estruturados sem acesso a sistemas de posicionamento global, designadamente GPS. Um sistema de modelização móvel e autónomo pode ser bastante vantajoso, pois constitui um método rápido e simples de monitorização das estruturas e criação de representações virtuais das galerias com um elevado nível de detalhe. O sistema de modelização desloca-se no interior dos túneis para recolher informações sensoriais sobre a geometria da estrutura. A tarefa de organização destes dados com vista _a construção de um modelo coerente, exige um conhecimento exacto do percurso praticado pelo sistema, logo o problema de localização da plataforma sensorial tem que ser resolvido. A formulação de um sistema de localização autónoma tem que superar obstáculos que se manifestam vincadamente nos ambientes underground, tais como a monotonia estrutural e a já referida ausência de sistemas de posicionamento global. Neste contexto, foi abordado o conceito de SLAM (Simultaneous Loacalization and Mapping) para determinação da localização da plataforma sensorial em seis graus de liberdade. Seguindo a abordagem tradicional, o núcleo do algoritmo de SLAM consiste no filtro de Kalman estendido (EKF { Extended Kalman Filter ). O sistema proposto incorpora métodos avançados do estado da arte, designadamente a parametrização em profundidade inversa (Inverse Depth Parametrization) e o método de rejeição de outliers 1-Point RANSAC. A contribuição mais importante do método por nós proposto para o avanço do estado da arte foi a fusão da informação visual com a informação inercial. O algoritmo de localização foi testado com base em dados reais, adquiridos no interior de um túnel rodoviário. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que, ao fundir medidas inerciais com informações visuais, conseguimos evitar o fenómeno de degeneração do factor de escala, comum nas aplicações de localização através de sistemas puramente monoculares. Provámos simultaneamente que a correcção de um sistema de localização inercial através da consideração de informações visuais é eficaz, pois permite suprimir os desvios de trajectória que caracterizam os sistemas de dead reckoning. O algoritmo de modelização, com base na localização estimada, organiza no espaço tridimensional os dados geométricos adquiridos, resultando deste processo um modelo em nuvem de pontos, que posteriormente _e convertido numa malha triangular, atingindo-se assim uma representação mais realista do cenário original.This thesis presents a solution to the problem of underground galleries' modelling. The developed work employs techniques from the mobile robotics eld to produce an autonomous mobile modelling system, able to operate in non-structured environments in which global positioning systems, such as GPS, are not available. Autonomous mobile modelling systems can become very useful to produce highly detailed virtual representations of the galleries, as well as for monitoring purposes. The proposed modelling system moves inside tunnels collecting geometric sensor data. Organizing the data, in order to build a consistent model, requires precise knowledge about the system's trajectory inside the gallery, therefore the sensors' localization must be determined. Formulating an autonomous localization system demands overcoming two main obstacles imposed by underground environments: structural monotony and the lack of global positioning systems. In this context, we adopted the SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) concept to determine the platform's localization in six degrees of freedom. Following the traditional approach, we used the EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) as the core algorithm to solve the SLAM problem. The system combines advanced state-of-the-art methods such as Inverse Depth Parametrization, and the 1-Point RANSAC algorithm for outlier rejection. Our most important contribution to the state-of-the-art consists on the fusion between visual and inertial measurements. The localization algorithm has been tested with real data acquired on a road tunnel. The results show that the scale factor degeneration, a common phenomenon associated with monocular localization applications, can be avoided by combining visual and inertial measurements. We also proved that the introduction of visual measurements is an e ective strategy to correct the trajectory drift that characterizes inertial localization applications. The modelling algorithm organizes the geometric data in the three-dimensional space based on the estimated localization. This process results in a point cloud model, that is then converted into a triangular mesh, reaching a more realistic representation of the original scene