357 research outputs found

    From data acquisition to data fusion : a comprehensive review and a roadmap for the identification of activities of daily living using mobile devices

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    This paper focuses on the research on the state of the art for sensor fusion techniques, applied to the sensors embedded in mobile devices, as a means to help identify the mobile device user’s daily activities. Sensor data fusion techniques are used to consolidate the data collected from several sensors, increasing the reliability of the algorithms for the identification of the different activities. However, mobile devices have several constraints, e.g., low memory, low battery life and low processing power, and some data fusion techniques are not suited to this scenario. The main purpose of this paper is to present an overview of the state of the art to identify examples of sensor data fusion techniques that can be applied to the sensors available in mobile devices aiming to identify activities of daily living (ADLs)

    Enhancing Usability, Security, and Performance in Mobile Computing

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    We have witnessed the prevalence of smart devices in every aspect of human life. However, the ever-growing smart devices present significant challenges in terms of usability, security, and performance. First, we need to design new interfaces to improve the device usability which has been neglected during the rapid shift from hand-held mobile devices to wearables. Second, we need to protect smart devices with abundant private data against unauthorized users. Last, new applications with compute-intensive tasks demand the integration of emerging mobile backend infrastructure. This dissertation focuses on addressing these challenges. First, we present GlassGesture, a system that improves the usability of Google Glass through a head gesture user interface with gesture recognition and authentication. We accelerate the recognition by employing a novel similarity search scheme, and improve the authentication performance by applying new features of head movements in an ensemble learning method. as a result, GlassGesture achieves 96% gesture recognition accuracy. Furthermore, GlassGesture accepts authorized users in nearly 92% of trials, and rejects attackers in nearly 99% of trials. Next, we investigate the authentication between a smartphone and a paired smartwatch. We design and implement WearLock, a system that utilizes one\u27s smartwatch to unlock one\u27s smartphone via acoustic tones. We build an acoustic modem with sub-channel selection and adaptive modulation, which generates modulated acoustic signals to maximize the unlocking success rate against ambient noise. We leverage the motion similarities of the devices to eliminate unnecessary unlocking. We also offload heavy computation tasks from the smartwatch to the smartphone to shorten response time and save energy. The acoustic modem achieves a low bit error rate (BER) of 8%. Compared to traditional manual personal identification numbers (PINs) entry, WearLock not only automates the unlocking but also speeds it up by at least 18%. Last, we consider low-latency video analytics on mobile devices, leveraging emerging mobile backend infrastructure. We design and implement LAVEA, a system which offloads computation from mobile clients to edge nodes, to accomplish tasks with intensive computation at places closer to users in a timely manner. We formulate an optimization problem for offloading task selection and prioritize offloading requests received at the edge node to minimize the response time. We design and compare various task placement schemes for inter-edge collaboration to further improve the overall response time. Our results show that the client-edge configuration has a speedup ranging from 1.3x to 4x against running solely by the client and 1.2x to 1.7x against the client-cloud configuration

    Comparing Sampling Strategies for Tackling Imbalanced Data in Human Activity Recognition

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    Human activity recognition (HAR) using wearable sensors is an increasingly active research topic in machine learning, aided in part by the ready availability of detailed motion capture data from smartphones, fitness trackers, and smartwatches. The goal of HAR is to use such devices to assist users in their daily lives in application areas such as healthcare, physical therapy, and fitness. One of the main challenges for HAR, particularly when using supervised learning methods, is obtaining balanced data for algorithm optimisation and testing. As people perform some activities more than others (e.g., walk more than run), HAR datasets are typically imbalanced. The lack of dataset representation from minority classes hinders the ability of HAR classifiers to sufficiently capture new instances of those activities. We introduce three novel hybrid sampling strategies to generate more diverse synthetic samples to overcome the class imbalance problem. The first strategy, which we call the distance-based method (DBM), combines Synthetic Minority Oversampling Techniques (SMOTE) with Random_SMOTE, both of which are built around the k-nearest neighbors (KNN). The second technique, referred to as the noise detection-based method (NDBM), combines SMOTE Tomek links (SMOTE_Tomeklinks) and the modified synthetic minority oversampling technique (MSMOTE). The third approach, which we call the cluster-based method (CBM), combines Cluster-Based Synthetic Oversampling (CBSO) and Proximity Weighted Synthetic Oversampling Technique (ProWSyn). We compare the performance of the proposed hybrid methods to the individual constituent methods and baseline using accelerometer data from three commonly used benchmark datasets. We show that DBM, NDBM, and CBM reduce the impact of class imbalance and enhance F1 scores by a range of 9–20 percentage point compared to their constituent sampling methods. CBM performs significantly better than the others under a Friedman test, however, DBM has lower computational requirements

    Automatic Assessment of the Type and Intensity of Agitated Hand Movements

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    With increasing numbers of people living with dementia, there is growing interest in the automatic monitoring of agitation. Current assessments rely on carer observations within a framework of behavioural scales. Automatic monitoring of agitation can supplement existing assessments, providing carers and clinicians with a greater understanding of the causes and extent of agitation. Despite agitation frequently manifesting in repetitive hand movements, the automatic assessment of repetitive hand movements remains a sparsely researched field. Monitoring hand movements is problematic due to the subtle differences between different types of hand movements and variations in how they can be carried out; the lack of training data creates additional challenges. This paper proposes a novel approach to assess the type and intensity of repetitive hand movements using skeletal model data derived from video. We introduce a video-based dataset of five repetitive hand movements symptomatic of agitation. Using skeletal keypoint locations extracted from video, we demonstrate a system to recognise repetitive hand movements using discriminative poses. By first learning characteristics of the movement, our system can accurately identify changes in the intensity of repetitive movements. Wide inter-subject variation in agitated behaviours suggests the benefit of personalising the recognition model with some end-user information. Our results suggest that data captured using a single conventional RGB video camera can be used to automatically monitor agitated hand movements of sedentary patients

    One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques

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    One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.Comment: 24 pages + 11 pages of references, 8 figure
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