6,828 research outputs found

    Data-driven Soft Sensors in the Process Industry

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    In the last two decades Soft Sensors established themselves as a valuable alternative to the traditional means for the acquisition of critical process variables, process monitoring and other tasks which are related to process control. This paper discusses characteristics of the process industry data which are critical for the development of data-driven Soft Sensors. These characteristics are common to a large number of process industry fields, like the chemical industry, bioprocess industry, steel industry, etc. The focus of this work is put on the data-driven Soft Sensors because of their growing popularity, already demonstrated usefulness and huge, though yet not completely realised, potential. A comprehensive selection of case studies covering the three most important Soft Sensor application fields, a general introduction to the most popular Soft Sensor modelling techniques as well as a discussion of some open issues in the Soft Sensor development and maintenance and their possible solutions are the main contributions of this work

    Seleção de variáveis aplicada ao controle estatístico multivariado de processos em bateladas

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    A presente tese apresenta proposições para o uso da seleção de variáveis no aprimoramento do controle estatístico de processos multivariados (MSPC) em bateladas, a fim de contribuir com a melhoria da qualidade de processos industriais. Dessa forma, os objetivos desta tese são: (i) identificar as limitações encontradas pelos métodos MSPC no monitoramento de processos industriais; (ii) entender como métodos de seleção de variáveis são integrados para promover a melhoria do monitoramento de processos de elevada dimensionalidade; (iii) discutir sobre métodos para alinhamento e sincronização de bateladas aplicados a processos com diferentes durações; (iv) definir o método de alinhamento e sincronização mais adequado para o tratamento de dados de bateladas, visando aprimorar a construção do modelo de monitoramento na Fase I do controle estatístico de processo; (v) propor a seleção de variáveis, com propósito de classificação, prévia à construção das cartas de controle multivariadas (CCM) baseadas na análise de componentes principais (PCA) para monitorar um processo em bateladas; e (vi) validar o desempenho de detecção de falhas da carta de controle multivariada proposta em comparação às cartas tradicionais e baseadas em PCA. O desempenho do método proposto foi avaliado mediante aplicação em um estudo de caso com dados reais de um processo industrial alimentício. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a realização de uma seleção de variáveis prévia à construção das CCM contribuiu para reduzir eficientemente o número de variáveis a serem analisadas e superar as limitações encontradas na detecção de falhas quando bancos de elevada dimensionalidade são monitorados. Conclui-se que, ao possibilitar que CCM, amplamente utilizadas no meio industrial, sejam adequadas para banco de dados reais de elevada dimensionalidade, o método proposto agrega inovação à área de monitoramento de processos em bateladas e contribui para a geração de produtos de elevado padrão de qualidade.This dissertation presents propositions for the use of variable selection in the improvement of multivariate statistical process control (MSPC) of batch processes, in order to contribute to the enhacement of industrial processes’ quality. There are six objectives: (i) identify MSPC limitations in industrial processes monitoring; (ii) understand how methods of variable selection are used to improve high dimensional processes monitoring; (iii) discuss about methods for alignment and synchronization of batches with different durations; (iv) define the most adequate alignment and synchronization method for batch data treatment, aiming to improve Phase I of process monitoring; (v) propose variable selection for classification prior to establishing multivariate control charts (MCC) based on principal component analysis (PCA) to monitor a batch process; and (vi) validate fault detection performance of the proposed MCC in comparison with traditional PCA-based and charts. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated in a case study using real data from an industrial food process. Results showed that performing variable selection prior to establishing MCC contributed to efficiently reduce the number of variables and overcome limitations found in fault detection when high dimensional datasets are monitored. We conclude that by improving control charts widely used in industry to accomodate high dimensional datasets the proposed method adds innovation to the area of batch process monitoring and contributes to the generation of high quality standard products

    Fault Detection via Occupation Kernel Principal Component Analysis

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    The reliable operation of automatic systems is heavily dependent on the ability to detect faults in the underlying dynamical system. While traditional model-based methods have been widely used for fault detection, data-driven approaches have garnered increasing attention due to their ease of deployment and minimal need for expert knowledge. In this paper, we present a novel principal component analysis (PCA) method that uses occupation kernels. Occupation kernels result in feature maps that are tailored to the measured data, have inherent noise-robustness due to the use of integration, and can utilize irregularly sampled system trajectories of variable lengths for PCA. The occupation kernel PCA method is used to develop a reconstruction error approach to fault detection and its efficacy is validated using numerical simulations


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    [EN] An accurate fault diagnosis of both, faults sensors and real process faults have become more and more important for process monitoring (minimize downtime, increase safety of plant operation and reduce the manufacturing cost). Quick and correct fault diagnosis is required in order to put back on track our processes or products before safety or quality can be compromised. In the study and comparison of the fault diagnosis methodologies, this thesis distinguishes between two different scenarios, methods for multivariate statistical quality control (MSQC) and methods for latent-based multivariate statistical process control: (Lb-MSPC). In the first part of the thesis the state of the art on fault diagnosis and identification (FDI) is introduced. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the fault diagnosis in multivariate statistical quality control (MSQC). The rationale of the most extended methods for fault diagnosis in supervised scenarios, the requirements for their implementation, their strong points and their drawbacks and relationships are discussed. The performance of the methods is compared using different performance indices in two different process data sets and simulations. New variants and methods to improve the diagnosis performance in MSQC are also proposed. The third part of the thesis is devoted to the fault diagnosis in latent-based multivariate statistical process control (Lb-MSPC). The rationale of the most extended methods for fault diagnosis in supervised Lb-MSPC is described and one of our proposals, the Fingerprints contribution plots (FCP) is introduced. Finally the thesis presents and compare the performance results of these diagnosis methods in Lb-MSPC. The diagnosis results in two process data sets are compared using a new strategy based in the use of the overall sensitivity and specificity[ES] La realización de un diagnóstico preciso de los fallos, tanto si se trata de fallos de sensores como si se trata de fallos de procesos, ha llegado a ser algo de vital importancia en la monitorización de procesos (reduce las paradas de planta, incrementa la seguridad de la operación en planta y reduce los costes de producción). Se requieren diagnósticos rápidos y correctos si se quiere poder recuperar los procesos o productos antes de que la seguridad o la calidad de los mismos se pueda ver comprometida. En el estudio de las diferentes metodologías para el diagnóstico de fallos esta tesis distingue dos escenarios diferentes, métodos para el control de estadístico multivariante de la calidad (MSQC) y métodos para el control estadístico de procesos basados en el uso de variables latentes (Lb-MSPC). En la primera parte de esta tesis se introduce el estado del arte sobre el diagnóstico e identificación de fallos (FDI). La segunda parte de la tesis está centrada en el estudio del diagnóstico de fallos en control estadístico multivariante de la calidad. Se describen los fundamentos de los métodos más extendidos para el diagnóstico en escenarios supervisados, sus requerimientos para su implementación sus puntos fuertes y débiles y sus posibles relaciones. Los resultados de diagnóstico de los métodos es comparado usando diferentes índices sobre los datos procedentes de dos procesos reales y de diferentes simulaciones. En la tesis se proponen nuevas variantes que tratan de mejorar los resultados obtenidos en MSQC. La tercera parte de la tesis está dedicada al diagnóstico de fallos en control estadístico multivariante de procesos basados en el uso de modelos de variables latentes (Lb-MSPC). Se describe los fundamentos de los métodos mas extendidos en el diagnóstico de fallos en Lb-MSPC supervisado y se introduce una de nuestras propuestas, el fingerprint contribution plot (FCP). Finalmente la tesis presenta y compara los resultados de diagnóstico de los métodos propuestos en Lb-MSPC. Los resultados son comparados sobre los datos de dos procesos usando una nueva estrategia basada en el uso de la sensitividad y especificidad promedia.[CA] La realització d'un diagnòstic precís de les fallades, tant si es tracta de fallades de sensors com si es tracta de fallades de processos, ha arribat a ser de vital importància en la monitorització de processos (reduïx les parades de planta, incrementa la seguretat de l'operació en planta i reduïx els costos de producció) . Es requerixen diagnòstics ràpids i correctes si es vol poder recuperar els processos o productes abans de que la seguretat o la qualitat dels mateixos es puga veure compromesa. En l'estudi de les diferents metodologies per al diagnòstic de fallades esta tesi distingix dos escenaris diferents, mètodes per al control estadístic multivariant de la qualitat (MSQC) i l mètodes per al control estadístic de processos basats en l'ús de variables latents (Lb-MSPC). En la primera part d'esta tesi s'introduïx l'estat de l'art sobre el diagnòstic i identificació de fallades (FDI). La segona part de la tesi està centrada en l'estudi del diagnòstic de fallades en control estadístic multivariant de la qualitat. Es descriuen els fonaments dels mètodes més estesos per al diagnòstic en escenaris supervisats, els seus requeriments per a la seua implementació els seus punts forts i febles i les seues possibles relacions. Els resultats de diagnòstic dels mètodes és comparat utilitzant diferents índexs sobre les dades procedents de dos processos reals i de diferents simulacions. En la tesi es proposen noves variants que tracten de millorar els resultats obtinguts en MSQC. La tercera part de la tesi està dedicada al diagnòstic de fallades en control estadístic multivariant de processos basat en l'ús de models de variables latents (Lb-MSPC). Es descriu els fonaments dels mètodes més estesos en el diagnòstic de fallades en MSPC supervisat i s'introdueix una nova proposta, el fingerprint contribution plot (FCP). Finalment la tesi presenta i compara els resultats de diagnòstic dels mètodes proposats en MSPC. Els resultats són comparats sobre les dades de dos processos utilitzant una nova estratègia basada en l'ús de la sensibilitat i especificitat mitjana.Vidal Puig, S. (2016). FAULT DIAGNOSIS TOOLS IN MULTIVARIATE STATISTICAL PROCESS AND QUALITY CONTROL [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61292TESI

    Deviation contribution plots of multivariate statistics

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    As data analytic techniques evolve and the accessibility of process measurements improves, data-driven process monitoring has enjoyed a quick development in both theoretical and application perspectives recently. Although abundant process measurements will facilitate data-driven process monitoring and lead to better monitoring indices, it becomes difficult to identify the underlying variables that are responsible for a fault directly with the monitoring indices as the scope of measured variables is getting broader. To restrain the scope and identify the source of fault, contribution plots are commonly used in fault diagnosis in order to quantify the influence of process variables in presence of fault. Nevertheless, as sophisticated monitoring techniques become more and more complicated, deriving corresponding contribution plots is challenging. The concept of deviation contribution plots is proposed to address this issue. By extending the original definition of contribution for linear processes, the deviation contribution is defined to quantify the contribution of deviations in originally measured variables to the deviation of monitoring indices. The ability of proposed deviation contribution plots to identify influential variables in monitoring algorithms based on nonlinear feature extractions is verified by both numerical simulation and the Tennessee Eastman Process benchmark case study

    Application of Statistical Methods for Gas Turbine Plant Operation Monitoring

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