782 research outputs found

    An Integrated Approach to Performance Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Nuclear Power Systems

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    In this dissertation an integrated framework of process performance monitoring and fault diagnosis was developed for nuclear power systems using robust data driven model based methods, which comprises thermal hydraulic simulation, data driven modeling, identification of model uncertainty, and robust residual generator design for fault detection and isolation. In the applications to nuclear power systems, on the one hand, historical data are often not able to characterize the relationships among process variables because operating setpoints may change and thermal fluid components such as steam generators and heat exchangers may experience degradation. On the other hand, first-principle models always have uncertainty and are often too complicated in terms of model structure to design residual generators for fault diagnosis. Therefore, a realistic fault diagnosis method needs to combine the strength of first principle models in modeling a wide range of anticipated operation conditions and the strength of data driven modeling in feature extraction. In the developed robust data driven model-based approach, the changes in operation conditions are simulated using the first principle models and the model uncertainty is extracted from plant operation data such that the fault effects on process variables can be decoupled from model uncertainty and normal operation changes. It was found that the developed robust fault diagnosis method was able to eliminate false alarms due to model uncertainty and deal with changes in operating conditions throughout the lifetime of nuclear power systems. Multiple methods of robust data driven model based fault diagnosis were developed in this dissertation. A complete procedure based on causal graph theory and data reconciliation method was developed to investigate the causal relationships and the quantitative sensitivities among variables so that sensor placement could be optimized for fault diagnosis in the design phase. Reconstruction based Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was applied to deal with both simple faults and complex faults for steady state diagnosis in the context of operation scheduling and maintenance management. A robust PCA model-based method was developed to distinguish the differences between fault effects and model uncertainties. In order to improve the sensitivity of fault detection, a hybrid PCA model based approach was developed to incorporate system knowledge into data driven modeling. Subspace identification was proposed to extract state space models from thermal hydraulic simulations and a robust dynamic residual generator design algorithm was developed for fault diagnosis for the purpose of fault tolerant control and extension to reactor startup and load following operation conditions. The developed robust dynamic residual generator design algorithm is unique in that explicit identification of model uncertainty is not necessary. Finally, it was demonstrated that the developed new methods for the IRIS Helical Coil Steam Generator (HCSG) system. A simulation model was first developed for this system. It was revealed through steady state simulation that the primary coolant temperature profile could be used to indicate the water inventory inside the HCSG tubes. The performance monitoring and fault diagnosis module was then developed to monitor sensor faults, flow distribution abnormality, and heat performance degradation for both steady state and dynamic operation conditions. This dissertation bridges the gap between the theoretical research on computational intelligence and the engineering design in performance monitoring and fault diagnosis for nuclear power systems. The new algorithms have the potential of being integrated into the Generation III and Generation IV nuclear reactor I&C design after they are tested on current nuclear power plants or Generation IV prototype reactors

    Fault Detection and Diagnosis in Air Conditioners and Refrigerators

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    A fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) method was used to detect and diagnose faults on both a refrigerator and an air conditioner during normal cycling operation. The objective of the method is to identify a set of sensors that can detect faults reliably before they severely hinder system performance. Unlike other methods, this one depends on the accuracy of a number of small, on-line linear models, each of which is valid over a limited range of operating conditions. To detect N faults, N sensors are needed. Using M>N sensors can further reduce the risk of false positives. For both the refrigerator and air conditioner systems, about 1000 combinations of candidate sensor locations were examined. Through inspection of matrix condition numbers and each sensor's contribution to fault detection calculation, the highest quality sets of sensors were identified. The issue of detecting simultaneous multiple faults was also addressed, with varying success. Fault detection was verified using both model simulations and experimental data. The results were similar, although in practice only one of the two would probably be used. Both load-type faults (such as door gasket leaks) and system faults were simulated on the refrigerator. It was found that system faults were generally more easily detectable than load faults. Refrigerator experiments were performed on a typical household refrigerator because it was readily available in a laboratory, but the results of this project may be more immediately useful on larger commercial, industrial or transport refrigeration systems. Air conditioner experiments were performed on a 3-ton split system. Again, the economic benefits of this type of fault detection scheme may also be more feasible for larger field-assembled systems.Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Project 8

    Classification Algorithms based on Generalized Polynomial Chaos

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    Classification is one of the most important tasks in process system engineering. Since most of the classification algorithms are generally based on mathematical models, they inseparably involve the quantification and propagation of model uncertainty onto the variables used for classification. Such uncertainty may originate from either a lack of knowledge of the underlying process or from the intrinsic time varying phenomena such as unmeasured disturbances and noise. Often, model uncertainty has been modeled in a probabilistic way and Monte Carlo (MC) type sampling methods have been the method of choice for quantifying the effects of uncertainty. However, MC methods may be computationally prohibitive especially for nonlinear complex systems and systems involving many variables. Alternatively, stochastic spectral methods such as the generalized polynomial chaos (gPC) expansion have emerged as a promising technique that can be used for uncertainty quantification and propagation. Such methods can approximate the stochastic variables by a truncated gPC series where the coefficients of these series can be calculated by Galerkin projection with the mathematical models describing the process. Following these steps, the gPC expansion based methods can converge much faster to a solution than MC type sampling based methods. Using the gPC based uncertainty quantification and propagation method, this current project focuses on the following three problems: (i) fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) in the presence of stochastic faults entering the system; (ii) simultaneous optimal tuning of a FDD algorithm and a feedback controller to enhance the detectability of faults while mitigating the closed loop process variability; (iii) classification of apoptotic cells versus normal cells using morphological features identified from a stochastic image segmentation algorithm in combination with machine learning techniques. The algorithms developed in this work are shown to be highly efficient in terms of computational time, improved fault diagnosis and accurate classification of apoptotic versus normal cells

    Nuclear Power

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    At the onset of the 21st century, we are searching for reliable and sustainable energy sources that have a potential to support growing economies developing at accelerated growth rates, technology advances improving quality of life and becoming available to larger and larger populations. The quest for robust sustainable energy supplies meeting the above constraints leads us to the nuclear power technology. Today's nuclear reactors are safe and highly efficient energy systems that offer electricity and a multitude of co-generation energy products ranging from potable water to heat for industrial applications. Catastrophic earthquake and tsunami events in Japan resulted in the nuclear accident that forced us to rethink our approach to nuclear safety, requirements and facilitated growing interests in designs, which can withstand natural disasters and avoid catastrophic consequences. This book is one in a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of ten chapters on system simulations and operational aspects. Our book does not aim at a complete coverage or a broad range. Instead, the included chapters shine light at existing challenges, solutions and approaches. Authors hope to share ideas and findings so that new ideas and directions can potentially be developed focusing on operational characteristics of nuclear power plants. The consistent thread throughout all chapters is the "system-thinking" approach synthesizing provided information and ideas. The book targets everyone with interests in system simulations and nuclear power operational aspects as its potential readership groups - students, researchers and practitioners

    Nuclear Power - System Simulations and Operation

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    At the onset of the 21st century, we are searching for reliable and sustainable energy sources that have a potential to support growing economies developing at accelerated growth rates, technology advances improving quality of life and becoming available to larger and larger populations. The quest for robust sustainable energy supplies meeting the above constraints leads us to the nuclear power technology. Today's nuclear reactors are safe and highly efficient energy systems that offer electricity and a multitude of co-generation energy products ranging from potable water to heat for industrial applications. Catastrophic earthquake and tsunami events in Japan resulted in the nuclear accident that forced us to rethink our approach to nuclear safety, requirements and facilitated growing interests in designs, which can withstand natural disasters and avoid catastrophic consequences. This book is one in a series of books on nuclear power published by InTech. It consists of ten chapters on system simulations and operational aspects. Our book does not aim at a complete coverage or a broad range. Instead, the included chapters shine light at existing challenges, solutions and approaches. Authors hope to share ideas and findings so that new ideas and directions can potentially be developed focusing on operational characteristics of nuclear power plants. The consistent thread throughout all chapters is the system-thinking approach synthesizing provided information and ideas. The book targets everyone with interests in system simulations and nuclear power operational aspects as its potential readership groups - students, researchers and practitioners

    A Novel Diagnostic and Prognostic Framework for Incipient Fault Detection and Remaining Service Life Prediction with Application to Industrial Rotating Machines

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Data-driven machine health monitoring systems (MHMS) have been widely investigated and applied in the field of machine diagnostics and prognostics with the aim of realizing predictive maintenance. It involves using data to identify early warnings that indicate potential system malfunctioning, predict when system failure might occur, and pre-emptively service equipment to avoid unscheduled downtime. One of the most critical aspects of data-driven MHMS is the provision of incipient fault diagnosis and prognosis regarding the system’s future working conditions. In this work, a novel diagnostic and prognostic framework is proposed to detect incipient faults and estimate remaining service life (RSL) of rotating machinery. In the proposed framework, a novel canonical variate analysis (CVA)-based monitoring index, which takes into account the distinctions between past and future canonical variables, is employed for carrying out incipient fault diagnosis. By incorporating the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) technique, a novel fault identification approach based on Pearson correlation analysis is presented and utilized to identify the influential variables that are most likely associated with the fault. Moreover, an enhanced metabolism grey forecasting model (MGFM) approach is developed for RSL prediction. Particle filter (PF) is employed to modify the traditional grey forecasting model for improving its prediction performance. The enhanced MGFM approach is designed to address two generic issues namely dealing with scarce data and quantifying the uncertainty of RSL in a probabilistic form, which are often encountered in the prognostics of safety-critical and complex assets. The proposed CVA-based index is validated on slowly evolving faults in a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system, and the effectiveness of the proposed integrated diagnostic and prognostic method for the monitoring of rotating machinery is demonstrated for slow involving faults in two case studies of an operational industrial centrifugal pump and one case study of an operational centrifugal compressor

    Dynamic Modeling, Sensor Placement Design, and Fault Diagnosis of Nuclear Desalination Systems

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    Fault diagnosis of sensors, devices, and equipment is an important topic in the nuclear industry for effective and continuous operation of nuclear power plants. All the fault diagnostic approaches depend critically on the sensors that measure important process variables. Whenever a process encounters a fault, the effect of the fault is propagated to some or all the process variables. The ability of the sensor network to detect and isolate failure modes and anomalous conditions is crucial for the effectiveness of a fault detection and isolation (FDI) system. However, the emphasis of most fault diagnostic approaches found in the literature is primarily on the procedures for performing FDI using a given set of sensors. Little attention has been given to actual sensor allocation for achieving the efficient FDI performance. This dissertation presents a graph-based approach that serves as a solution for the optimization of sensor placement to ensure the observability of faults, as well as the fault resolution to a maximum possible extent. This would potentially facilitate an automated sensor allocation procedure. Principal component analysis (PCA), a multivariate data-driven technique, is used to capture the relationships in the data, and to fit a hyper-plane to the data. The fault directions for different fault scenarios are obtained from the prediction errors, and fault isolation is then accomplished using new projections on these fault directions. The effectiveness of the use of an optimal sensor set versus a reduced set for fault detection and isolation is demonstrated using this technique. Among a variety of desalination technologies, the multi-stage flash (MSF) processes contribute substantially to the desalinating capacity in the world. In this dissertation, both steady-state and dynamic simulation models of a MSF desalination plant are developed. The dynamic MSF model is coupled with a previously developed International Reactor Innovative and Secure (IRIS) model in the SIMULINK environment. The developed sensor placement design and fault diagnostic methods are illustrated with application to the coupled nuclear desalination system. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the newly developed integrated approach to performance monitoring and fault diagnosis with optimized sensor placement for large industrial systems

    Fault detection in nonlinear systems: an observer-based approach

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    An un-permitted deviation of at least one characteristic property or parameter of a system from standard condition is referred as a fault. Faults result in reduced efficiency of the system, reduced quality of the product, and sometimes complete breakdown of the process. This not only causes economic losses but may also result in fatalities. An early detection of faults can assist to avert these losses. Therefore, fault detection and process monitoring is becoming an essential part of modern control systems. Fault detection in linear dynamical systems has been extensively studied and well established techniques exist in the literature. However, fault detection for nonlinear dynamical systems is yet an active field of research. This work is motivated by the fact that most of real systems are nonlinear in nature and there is a need to develop fault detection techniques for nonlinear systems. Observer-based methods for fault detection have proven to be among the most capable approaches, therefore, this research is focused towards these methods. The first step in observer-based fault detection is to generate a symptom signal, called the residual signal, which carries the information of faults. This is done by comparing the measurements from the process to their estimates generated by an observer (filter). It is desired that the residual signal is sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. This research presents new methods for designing observer (filter) to generate residual signal which is sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. Three types of filters are proposed in this dissertation; these include a fault sensitive filter, disturbance attenuating filter, and a filter to achieve simultaneous attenuation of disturbances and amplification of faults. Despite the disturbance attenuation property of the proposed filters, the residual signal is not completely decoupled from the effect of disturbances and uncertainties. Therefore, a threshold is needed to care for the effect of disturbances and uncertainties. Selection of threshold plays an important role in the performance of the fault detection system. If it is selected too high, some faults will not be detected. Conversely, if it is selected too low, disturbances and uncertainties will result in false alarms. This research presents a new method to determine the threshold to avoid false-alarms and to minimize missed-detections. A threshold generator is proposed which is itself a dynamic system and produces a variable threshold. This threshold changes with the effects of uncertainties and disturbances and fits more tightly to the fault-free residual signal and, hence, the performance of fault detection system is improved. In addition to the residual generation stage, the efficiency of a fault detection system can also be optimized by post-filtering. A further contribution of this research is in proposing a post-filter which operates on the residual signal to generate a modified residual signal. This modified residual signal is simultaneously sensitive to faults and robust against disturbances. Together with this post-filter, a strategy is adopted to select a threshold which maximizes the fault detectability and minimizes the number of false-alarms
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