164 research outputs found

    Labeling Points of Interest in Dynamic Maps using Disk Labels

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    Dynamic maps which support panning, rotating and zooming are available on every smartphone today. To label geographic features on these maps such that the user is presented with a consistent map view even on map interaction is a challenge. We are presenting a map labeling scheme, which allows to label maps at an interactive speed. For any possible map rotation the computed labeling remains free of intersections between labels. It is not required to remove labels from the map view to ensure this. The labeling scheme supports map panning and continuous zooming. During zooming a label appears and disappears only once. When zooming out of the map a label disappears only if it may overlap an equally or more important label in an arbitrary map rotation. This guarantees that more important labels are preferred to less important labels on small scale maps. We are presenting some extensions to the labeling that could be used for more sophisticated labeling features such as area labels turning into point labels at smaller map scales. The proposed labeling scheme relies on a preprocessing phase. In this phase for each label the map scale where it is removed from the map view is computed. During the phase of map presentation the precomputed label set must only be filtered, what can be done very fast. We are presenting some hints that allow to efficiently compute the labeling in the preprocessing phase. Using these a labeling of about 11 million labels can be computed in less than 20 minutes. We are also presenting a datastructure to efficiently filter the precomputed label set in the interaction phase

    Agglomerative Clustering of Growing Squares

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    We study an agglomerative clustering problem motivated by interactive glyphs in geo-visualization. Consider a set of disjoint square glyphs on an interactive map. When the user zooms out, the glyphs grow in size relative to the map, possibly with different speeds. When two glyphs intersect, we wish to replace them by a new glyph that captures the information of the intersecting glyphs. We present a fully dynamic kinetic data structure that maintains a set of nn disjoint growing squares. Our data structure uses O(n(lognloglogn)2)O(n (\log n \log\log n)^2) space, supports queries in worst case O(log3n)O(\log^3 n) time, and updates in O(log7n)O(\log^7 n) amortized time. This leads to an O(nα(n)log7n)O(n\alpha(n)\log^7 n) time algorithm to solve the agglomerative clustering problem. This is a significant improvement over the current best O(n2)O(n^2) time algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    6 Access Methods and Query Processing Techniques

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    The performance of a database management system (DBMS) is fundamentally dependent on the access methods and query processing techniques available to the system. Traditionally, relational DBMSs have relied on well-known access methods, such as the ubiquitous B +-tree, hashing with chaining, and, in som

    Algorithms and Data Structures for Geometric Intersection Query Problems

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. September 2017. Major: Computer Science. Advisor: Ravi Janardan. 1 computer file (PDF); xi, 126 pages.The focus of this thesis is the topic of geometric intersection queries (GIQ) which has been very well studied by the computational geometry community and the database community. In a GIQ problem, the user is not interested in the entire input geometric dataset, but only in a small subset of it and requests an informative summary of that small subset of data. Formally, the goal is to preprocess a set A of n geometric objects into a data structure so that given a query geometric object q, a certain aggregation function can be applied efficiently on the objects of A intersecting q. The classical aggregation functions studied in the literature are reporting or counting the objects of A intersecting q. In many applications, the same set A is queried several times, in which case one would like to answer a query faster by preprocessing A into a data structure. The goal is to organize the data into a data structure which occupies a small amount of space and yet responds to any user query in real-time. In this thesis the study of the GIQ problems was conducted from the point-of-view of a computational geometry researcher. Given a model of computation and a GIQ problem, what are the best possible upper bounds (resp., lower bounds) on the space and the query time that can be achieved by a data structure? Also, what is the relative hardness of various GIQ problems and aggregate functions. Here relative hardness means that given two GIQ problems A and B (or, two aggregate functions f(A, q) and g(A, q)), which of them can be answered faster by a computer (assuming data structures for both of them occupy asymptotically the same amount of space)? This thesis presents results which increase our understanding of the above questions. For many GIQ problems, data structures with optimal (or near-optimal) space and query time bounds have been achieved. The geometric settings studied are primarily orthogonal range searching where the input is points and the query is an axes-aligned rectangle, and the dual setting of rectangle stabbing where the input is a set of axes-aligned rectangles and the query is a point. The aggregation functions studied are primarily reporting, top-k, and approximate counting. Most of the data structures are built for the internal memory model (word-RAM or pointer machine model), but in some settings they are generic enough to be efficient in the I/O-model as well

    Learning Multi-step Robotic Manipulation Tasks through Visual Planning

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    Multi-step manipulation tasks in unstructured environments are extremely challenging for a robot to learn. Such tasks interlace high-level reasoning that consists of the expected states that can be attained to achieve an overall task and low-level reasoning that decides what actions will yield these states. A model-free deep reinforcement learning method is proposed to learn multi-step manipulation tasks. This work introduces a novel Generative Residual Convolutional Neural Network (GR-ConvNet) model that can generate robust antipodal grasps from n-channel image input at real-time speeds (20ms). The proposed model architecture achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy on three standard grasping datasets. The adaptability of the proposed approach is demonstrated by directly transferring the trained model to a 7 DoF robotic manipulator with a grasp success rate of 95.4% and 93.0% on novel household and adversarial objects, respectively. A novel Robotic Manipulation Network (RoManNet) is introduced, which is a vision-based model architecture, to learn the action-value functions and predict manipulation action candidates. A Task Progress based Gaussian (TPG) reward function is defined to compute the reward based on actions that lead to successful motion primitives and progress towards the overall task goal. To balance the ratio of exploration/exploitation, this research introduces a Loss Adjusted Exploration (LAE) policy that determines actions from the action candidates according to the Boltzmann distribution of loss estimates. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated by training RoManNet to learn several challenging multi-step robotic manipulation tasks in both simulation and real-world. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms the existing methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of success rate and action efficiency. The ablation studies show that TPG and LAE are especially beneficial for tasks like multiple block stacking

    Proceedings of the Workshop on Change of Representation and Problem Reformulation

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    The proceedings of the third Workshop on Change of representation and Problem Reformulation is presented. In contrast to the first two workshops, this workshop was focused on analytic or knowledge-based approaches, as opposed to statistical or empirical approaches called 'constructive induction'. The organizing committee believes that there is a potential for combining analytic and inductive approaches at a future date. However, it became apparent at the previous two workshops that the communities pursuing these different approaches are currently interested in largely non-overlapping issues. The constructive induction community has been holding its own workshops, principally in conjunction with the machine learning conference. While this workshop is more focused on analytic approaches, the organizing committee has made an effort to include more application domains. We have greatly expanded from the origins in the machine learning community. Participants in this workshop come from the full spectrum of AI application domains including planning, qualitative physics, software engineering, knowledge representation, and machine learning

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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    Network Visualization: Algorithms, Applications, and Complexity

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    Enabling near-term prediction of status for intelligent transportation systems: Management techniques for data on mobile objects

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    Location Dependent Queries (LDQs) benefit from the rapid advances in communication and Global Positioning System (GPS) technologies to track moving objects\u27 locations, and improve the quality-of-life by providing location relevant services and information to end users. The enormity of the underlying data maintained by LDQ applications - a large quantity of mobile objects and their frequent mobility - is, however, a major obstacle in providing effective and efficient services. Motivated by this obstacle, this thesis sets out in the quest to find improved methods to efficiently index, access, retrieve, and update volatile LDQ related mobile object data and information. Challenges and research issues are discussed in detail, and solutions are presented and examined. --Abstract, page iii

    The decade of discovery in astronomy and astrophysics

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    A survey of astronomy and astrophysics in the 1990s is presented and a prioritized agenda is offered for space- and ground-based research into the 21st century. In addition to proposing new telescopes for ground and space, the research infrastructure is discussed. The urgent need is emphasized for increased support of individual investigators, for appropriate maintenance and refurbishment of existing facilities, and for a balanced program of space astronomy. The scientific and the technical opportunities of the 1990s are summarized and the technological development is described needed for instruments to be built in the first years of the next century. Also addressed is the suitability of the Moon as an observation site