99 research outputs found

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization

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    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of RSOA-based ONUs and ODN using a single-fibre/single-wavelength is deeply analysed. In this WDM/TDM PON relevant parameters are optimized. Special attention has been given at the main noise impairment in this type of networks: the Rayleigh Backscattering effect, which cannot be prevented. To understand its behaviour and mitigate its effects, a novel mathematical model for the Rayleigh Backscattering in burst mode transmission is presented for the first time, and it has been used to optimize the WDM/TDM RSOA based PON. Also, a cost-effective, simple design SCM WDM/TDM PON with rSOA-based ONU, was optimized and implemented. This prototype was successfully tested showing high performance, robustness, versatility and reliability. So, the system is able to give coverage up to 1280 users at 2.5 Gb/s / 1.25 Gb/s downstream/upstream, over 20 Km, and being compatible with the GPON ITU-T recommendation. This precedent has enabled the SARDANA network to extend the design, architecture and capabilities of a WDM/TDM PON for a long reach metro-access network (100 km). A proposal for an agile Transmission Convergence sub-layer is presented as another relevant contribution of this work. It is based on the optimization of the standards GPON and XG-PON (for compatibility), but applied to a long reach metro-access TDM/WDM PON rSOA-based network with higher client count. Finally, a proposal of physical implementation for the SARDANA layer 2 and possible configurations for SARDANA internetworking, with the metro network and core transport network, are presented

    Energy-efficiency improvements for optical access

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    This article discusses novel approaches to improve energy efficiency of different optical access technologies, including time division multiplexing passive optical network (TDM-PON), time and wavelength division multiplexing PON (TWDM-PON), point-to-point (PTP) access network, wavelength division multiplexing PON (WDM-PON), and orthogonal frequency division multiple access PON (OFDMA-PON). These approaches include cyclic sleep mode, energy-efficient bit interleaving protocol, power reduction at component level, or frequency band selection. Depending on the target optical access technology, one or a combination of different approaches can be applied

    Redes ópticas passivas de próxima geração (NG-PON)

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAs redes ópticas passivas (PONs) prometem satisfazer os requisitos dos utilizadores e provedores de serviços de forma a obter débitos mais elevados, quando comparados com as tecnologias baseadas em cobre. Com este trabalho pretende-se estudar e apresentar as tecnologias PON correntes actualmente, as suas características principais e alguma interpretação de como estas conseguem satisfazer os requisitos impostos. Vários standards para PON têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos ao longo dos anos e, considerando que a necessidade de melhores características de serviço é contínua, surgiram as redes ópticas passivas de próxima geração. As NG-PONs prometem satisfazer as exigências dos novos serviços, garantindo melhor qualidade de serviço global que os seus antecessores. Neste trabalho as recomendações do ITU-T e do IEEE são estudadas e apresentadas em detalhe e, como corolário, são comparadas por forma a identificar as suas diferenças e semelhanças. Com base nos conhecimentos obtidos, e com o intuito de validar por simulação alguns dos limites impostos pelas normas são feitas várias simulações de uma rede PON, seguindo a norma 10G-EPON. São variados parâmetros como distância da fibra, número máximo de utilizadores e perdas máximas por inserção de forma a poder avaliar o seu efeito e enquadrar com a norma obtida.Passive Optical networks (PONs) promise to overcome the requirements of users and service providers to achieve higher data rates than conventional cooper Technologies. This work study and present the actual PON technologies, their main features and how they can successfully fulfill the imposed requirements. Several PON recommendations have appeared all over the years and due to ever increasing demand of improved services, PON networks evolved to Next Generation Passive Optical Networks. NG-PONs come to respond to the new quality and demanding services, ensuring better global performance than their antecessors. The ITU-T and IEEE recommendations are studied and presented in detail, and by corollary are compared in order to easily comprehend the differences and similarities between them. Based on the knowledge obtained and with the aim of validate by simulation some of the boundaries imposed by the recommendations, several simulations of a PON network are performed, following the 10G-EPON standard. Parameters like, fiber distance, number of users and maximum insertion loss are changed to evaluate their impact in the PON performance and to frame them in the recommendation

    Transceivers para TWDM-PON

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesIn recent years, Internet has been assuming a fundamental role in everyday life. Traffic demands are increasing in such a way that the available technologies will presumably no longer satisfy the raised requirements. For the last years, operators have expressed a clear interest in the implementation and development of Passive Optical Network (PON) to provide several services and applications to a high flow rate per client. Comparing to other access technologies, PON is very attractive mainly due to reduction of maintenance and to the operational cost efficiency. As a consequence, PON systems were standardized and developed in the whole world, but the everincreasing bandwidth demand makes this type of network need to evolve. Therefore, the current standardized technologies Gigacapable PON and XG-PON need to be upgraded to Next-Generation PON2. In order to protect the initial investment and to reduce the operational costs, operators should keep the current optical distribution network, providing the technologies coexistence in the same fiber. The principle of NG-PON2 is to improve previous technologies, in terms of capacity, ODN compatibility, bandwidth and cost-efficiency. In April 2012, Full Service Access Network (FSAN) selected the time and wavelength multiplexing PON (TWDM-PON) technology as the solution of choice for NG-PON2. Almost one year later, ITU-T G.989.1 came out, providing some wavelength plans proposals. The ability to operate on existing fiber ODN, coexisting with legacy PON is the most important requirement. The current dissertation is based on the study of TWDM-PON upstream transmission. Both GPON and XG-PON work in burst mode for upstream direction, therefore in the current study also that type of data transmission is considered for upstream TWDM-PON. Once using this transmission mode, some parameters have to be taken into consideration, as the packets size and their separation length in order to understand which frame fits the best, considering the system performance. In the actual study, it was supposed to visualize transients in each packet, however it was experimentally proved that once the lifetime of the carriers is less than the burst time, it was not possible to identify any of them. It was also verified that increasing the guard time will decrease the performance of the system.A Internet tem vindo a assumir um papel fundamental no quotidiano de cada utilizador. A largura de banda exigida é cada vez mais alta, desta forma, as tecnologias actualmente disponíveis acabarão por deixar de satisfazer os requisitos emergentes. Nos últimos anos, as operadoras têm manifestado um interesse evidente no desenvolvimento de Redes Ópticas Passivas (PON), com o intuito de fornecer vários serviços e aplicações a uma taxa de fluxo elevada por cliente. Comparando com outras tecnologias de acesso, as redes PON são muito actrativas devido à sua baixa manutenção e aos custos/eficiência de operação. Como consequência, os sistemas PON foram padronizados e desenvolvidos em todo o mundo. No entanto, este tipo de tecnologia necessita de progredir ao longo do tempo, mantendo a satisfação dos requisitos de tráfego que lhe serão impostos. Assim, as tecnologias actualmente implementadas: GPON e XG-PON, necessitam de sofrer um upgrade para NG-PON2 (Next- Generation PON 2). De modo a proteger o investimento inicial, reduzindo os custos de operação, as operadoras devem manter e reutilizer a ODN já implementada, possibilitando a coexistência das tecnologias na mesma fibra. NG-PON2 é uma melhoria da capacidade, da compatibilidade na ODN, largura de banda e custo-eficiência das tecnologias anteriores. Em Abril de 2012, a FSAN selecionou a tecnologia TWDM-PON (Time and Wavelength Division Multiplexing PON) como solução do projecto NG-PON2. Um ano após a sua seleção, a norma ITU-T G.989.1 foi publicada, propondo alguns planos de comprimentos de onda. A coexistência de TWDM-PON com as PON anteriores na mesma ODN é o requisite mais importante. A presente dissertação baseia-se no estudo de transmissão upstream de TWDM-PON. Ambos GPON e XG-PON operam em modo burst para a direção upstream. Uma vez utilizao este modo de transmissão, é necessário considerer determinados parâmetros como o tempo de separação interburst – guard time, tal como o comprimento de cada pacote, com o intuito de compreender o impacto da variação destes mesmos campos no desempenho do sistema. No presente estudo, era susposto visualizar transientes em cada pacote de transmissão, no entanto foi comprovado experimentalmente, que uma vez que o tempo de vida dos portadores do EDFA selecionado é menor que o intervalo de cada burst, não se identificaram transientes. Verificou-se também que, o aumento da separação interburst degrada o desempenho do sistema

    Optical switching for dynamic distribution of wireless-over-fiber signals in active optical networks

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    El continuo crecimiento de ancho de banda demandado por los usuarios finales está provocando una gran exigencia sobre las redes de acceso. Estas exigencias sobre las redes de acceso, que principalmente emplean tecnologías inalámbricas, están migrando hacia el dominio óptico con el fin de soportar estos altos requerimientos de ancho de banda. Dependiendo de los requerimientos y características de los usuarios finales, las redes de acceso óptico han evolucionado en diferentes direcciones. En entornos residenciales y urbanos los usuarios demandan conexiones fijas de alta capacidad y bajo coste. Las redes ópticas pasivas (PON) han cumplido estos requerimiento y son las tecnologías elegidas por los operadores. En los entornos empresariales, en los cuales la calidad y la seguridad son piezas clave, las redes ópticas activas han encontrado su hueco proveyendo flexibilidad, adaptabilidad, alto rendimiento y al mismo tiempo dando soporte a sistemas de control de redes. Los proveedores de equipos están ahora girando su vista hacia nuevos mercados, donde soluciones ópticas puede ser usado eficientemente. El transporte de datos de redes de móviles (o mobile backhaul en ingles) es un mercado que se ha convertido en objetivo principal, ya que el tráfico inalámbrico está creciendo exponencialmente. Nuevos dispositivos, junto a las aplicaciones de gran consumo de ancho de banda, son los principales motivos de este crecimiento. Las tecnologías de banda base puede soportar sobradamente mobile backhaul a las actuales velocidades de transmisión. Sin embargo, debido a la ubicación de nuevas licencias libres disponibles en la banda de frecuencias y el desarrollo de las tecnologías radio a través de fibra permitiendo generación, distribución y recepción óptica de señales, la migración hacia escenarios en los que se use señales inalámbricas a través de fibra son mas probables. Además, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como la seguridad y alta movilidad de los usuarios, todo parece indicar que soluciones activas son más atractivas, siempre y cuando que los consumos de energía se mantengan dentro de límites razonables. En esta tesis, se diseñó una red óptica de acceso basada en tecnologías de radio a través de fibra. El bloque principal de la red fue un conmutador óptico basado en componentes activos (amplificadores ópticos semiconductores); el resto de la red fue diseñada acorde a la distribución por canales del conmutador óptico. Utilizando este conmutador óptico, se realizó una validación experimental de la red. El experimento consistió en una implementación de un sistema de cuatro canales operando en la banda de frecuencia WiMax y empleando una modulación llamada multiplexado de división ortogonal en frecuencia (OFDM) a 625Mb/s por canal. La información fue enviada a través de 20 km de fibra óptica, y el redireccionamiento de la señal fue llevado a cabo por un conmutador de 1 entrada y 16 salidas. El resultado es una degradación imperceptible de la señal en cada canal en el mejor y en mejor escenario en términos de interferencia entre canales. Este sistema cumple con los requisitos de una red de acceso activa para señales de radio a través de una red de acceso óptica

    Activation Process of ONU in EPON/GPON/XG-PON/NG-PON2 Networks

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    This article presents a numerical implementation of the activation process for gigabit and 10 gigabit next generation and Ethernet passive optical networks. The specifications are completely different because GPON, XG-PON, and NG-PON2 were developed by the International Telecommunication Union whereas Ethernet PON was developed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The speed of an activation process is the most important in a blackout scenario because end optical units have a timer after expiration transmission parameters are discarded. Proper implementation of an activation process is crucial for eliminating inadvisable delay. An OLT chassis is dedicated to several GPON (or other standard) cards. Each card has up to 8 or 16 GPON ports. Furthermore, one GPON port can operate with up to 64/128 ONUs. Our results indicate a shorter duration activation process (due to a shorter frame duration) in Ethernet-based PON but the maximum split ratio is only 1:32 instead of up to 1:64/128 for gigabit PON and newer standards. An optimization improves the reduction time for the GPON activation process with current PLOAM messages and with no changes in the transmission convergence layer. We reduced the activation time from 215 ms to 145 ms for 64 ONUs

    Wavelength reconfigurability for next generation optical access networks

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    Next generation optical access networks should not only increase the capacity but also be able to redistribute the capacity on the fly in order to manage larger variations in traffic patterns. Wavelength reconfigurability is the instrument to enable such capability of network-wide bandwidth redistribution since it allows dynamic sharing of both wavelengths and timeslots in WDM-TDM optical access networks. However, reconfigurability typically requires tunable lasers and tunable filters at the user side, resulting in cost-prohibitive optical network units (ONU). In this dissertation, I propose a novel concept named cyclic-linked flexibility to address the cost-prohibitive problem. By using the cyclic-linked flexibility, the ONU needs to switch only within a subset of two pre-planned wavelengths, however, the cyclic-linked structure of wavelengths allows free bandwidth to be shifted to any wavelength by a rearrangement process. Rearrangement algorithm are developed to demonstrate that the cyclic-linked flexibility performs close to the fully flexible network in terms of blocking probability, packet delay, and packet loss. Furthermore, the evaluation shows that the rearrangement process has a minimum impact to in-service ONUs. To realize the cyclic-linked flexibility, a family of four physical architectures is proposed. PRO-Access architecture is suitable for new deployments and disruptive upgrades in which the network reach is not longer than 20 km. WCL-Access architecture is suitable for metro-access merger with the reach up to 100 km. PSB-Access architecture is suitable to implement directly on power-splitter-based PON deployments, which allows coexistence with current technologies. The cyclically-linked protection architecture can be used with current and future PON standards when network protection is required