11,284 research outputs found

    Photorealistic physically based render engines: a comparative study

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    Pérez Roig, F. (2012). Photorealistic physically based render engines: a comparative study. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/14797.Archivo delegad

    Joint Material and Illumination Estimation from Photo Sets in the Wild

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    Faithful manipulation of shape, material, and illumination in 2D Internet images would greatly benefit from a reliable factorization of appearance into material (i.e., diffuse and specular) and illumination (i.e., environment maps). On the one hand, current methods that produce very high fidelity results, typically require controlled settings, expensive devices, or significant manual effort. To the other hand, methods that are automatic and work on 'in the wild' Internet images, often extract only low-frequency lighting or diffuse materials. In this work, we propose to make use of a set of photographs in order to jointly estimate the non-diffuse materials and sharp lighting in an uncontrolled setting. Our key observation is that seeing multiple instances of the same material under different illumination (i.e., environment), and different materials under the same illumination provide valuable constraints that can be exploited to yield a high-quality solution (i.e., specular materials and environment illumination) for all the observed materials and environments. Similar constraints also arise when observing multiple materials in a single environment, or a single material across multiple environments. The core of this approach is an optimization procedure that uses two neural networks that are trained on synthetic images to predict good gradients in parametric space given observation of reflected light. We evaluate our method on a range of synthetic and real examples to generate high-quality estimates, qualitatively compare our results against state-of-the-art alternatives via a user study, and demonstrate photo-consistent image manipulation that is otherwise very challenging to achieve

    Large-Scale Rendering Using Shadowmaps

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    Shadow mapovanie je najpoužívanejšia metóda ktorá sa využíva v real-time 3D grafike na tvorbu tieňov v lokálnych osvetlovacích modeloch. Táto práca krok-za-krokom vysvetľuje proces vytvárania shadow máp. Porovnané su metódy výpočtu hĺbkovej odchylky ako aj filtrovacie metódy, a zároveň je odvodený výpočet normálovej odchýlky pre filtrovacie kernely s premennou veľkosťou. Taktiež popíšeme proces ako efektívne obaliť frustum kamery kaskádovým frustumom. Popri tom vysvetlíme ako využiť moderné OpenGL API na zníženie výkonnostných nedostatkov.Shadow mapping is the most widely used method in real-time 3D graphics for producing shadows in local light models. This thesis step-by-step explains the process of creating shadow maps. Depth biasing as well as filtering methods are analysed, then the calculation of normal offset bias for variable sized kernels is derived. We describe the process of efficiently fitting stable cascade frustums to view frustum. Also shown is how to use modern OpenGL to reduce performance overhead.

    Faster data structures and graphics hardware techniques for high performance rendering

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    Computer generated imagery is used in a wide range of disciplines, each with different requirements. As an example, real-time applications such as computer games have completely different restrictions and demands than offline rendering of feature films. A game has to render quickly using only limited resources, yet present visually adequate images. Film and visual effects rendering may not have strict time requirements but are still required to render efficiently utilizing huge render systems with hundreds or even thousands of CPU cores. In real-time rendering, with limited time and hardware resources, it is always important to produce as high rendering quality as possible given the constraints available. The first paper in this thesis presents an analytical hardware model together with a feed-back system that guarantees the highest level of image quality subject to a limited time budget. As graphics processing units grow more powerful, power consumption becomes a critical issue. Smaller handheld devices have only a limited source of energy, their battery, and both small devices and high-end hardware are required to minimize energy consumption not to overheat. The second paper presents experiments and analysis which consider power usage across a range of real-time rendering algorithms and shadow algorithms executed on high-end, integrated and handheld hardware. Computing accurate reflections and refractions effects has long been considered available only in offline rendering where time isn’t a constraint. The third paper presents a hybrid approach, utilizing the speed of real-time rendering algorithms and hardware with the quality of offline methods to render high quality reflections and refractions in real-time. The fourth and fifth paper present improvements in construction time and quality of Bounding Volume Hierarchies (BVH). Building BVHs faster reduces rendering time in offline rendering and brings ray tracing a step closer towards a feasible real-time approach. Bonsai, presented in the fourth paper, constructs BVHs on CPUs faster than contemporary competing algorithms and produces BVHs of a very high quality. Following Bonsai, the fifth paper presents an algorithm that refines BVH construction by allowing triangles to be split. Although splitting triangles increases construction time, it generally allows for higher quality BVHs. The fifth paper introduces a triangle splitting BVH construction approach that builds BVHs with quality on a par with an earlier high quality splitting algorithm. However, the method presented in paper five is several times faster in construction time

    Volumetric Cloud Rendering: An Animation of Clouds

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    This paper demonstrates a production workflow for a volumetric-rendering-based short animation about clouds. The animation is based on the concept of a giant fish swimming in the sky from Zhuangzi\u27s philosophical story. The algorithm and implementation for the modeling and rendering of clouds are also presented. A renderer was developed that uses the OpenVDB library for data storage, fast retrieving and grid manipulation. A user-friendly pipeline was also developed for cloud modeling and rendering, which used Python and XML for adjusting rendering parameters. The pipeline includes Maya to build the rough cloud model and Houdini to calculate the interior light points. Final compositing was done in Nuke. Several MEL and Python scripts were also used to retrieve camera and light information from Maya and Houdini, thereby facilitating the production process

    Differentiable Shadow Mapping for Efficient Inverse Graphics

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    We show how shadows can be efficiently generated in differentiable rendering of triangle meshes. Our central observation is that pre-filtered shadow mapping, a technique for approximating shadows based on rendering from the perspective of a light, can be combined with existing differentiable rasterizers to yield differentiable visibility information. We demonstrate at several inverse graphics problems that differentiable shadow maps are orders of magnitude faster than differentiable light transport simulation with similar accuracy -- while differentiable rasterization without shadows often fails to converge.Comment: CVPR 2023, project page: https://mworchel.github.io/differentiable-shadow-mappin

    Efficient Many-Light Rendering of Scenes with Participating Media

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    We present several approaches based on virtual lights that aim at capturing the light transport without compromising quality, and while preserving the elegance and efficiency of many-light rendering. By reformulating the integration scheme, we obtain two numerically efficient techniques; one tailored specifically for interactive, high-quality lighting on surfaces, and one for handling scenes with participating media

    The Iray Light Transport Simulation and Rendering System

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    While ray tracing has become increasingly common and path tracing is well understood by now, a major challenge lies in crafting an easy-to-use and efficient system implementing these technologies. Following a purely physically-based paradigm while still allowing for artistic workflows, the Iray light transport simulation and rendering system allows for rendering complex scenes by the push of a button and thus makes accurate light transport simulation widely available. In this document we discuss the challenges and implementation choices that follow from our primary design decisions, demonstrating that such a rendering system can be made a practical, scalable, and efficient real-world application that has been adopted by various companies across many fields and is in use by many industry professionals today

    Object-based Illumination Estimation with Rendering-aware Neural Networks

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    We present a scheme for fast environment light estimation from the RGBD appearance of individual objects and their local image areas. Conventional inverse rendering is too computationally demanding for real-time applications, and the performance of purely learning-based techniques may be limited by the meager input data available from individual objects. To address these issues, we propose an approach that takes advantage of physical principles from inverse rendering to constrain the solution, while also utilizing neural networks to expedite the more computationally expensive portions of its processing, to increase robustness to noisy input data as well as to improve temporal and spatial stability. This results in a rendering-aware system that estimates the local illumination distribution at an object with high accuracy and in real time. With the estimated lighting, virtual objects can be rendered in AR scenarios with shading that is consistent to the real scene, leading to improved realism.Comment: ECCV 202