179 research outputs found

    APUS: Fast and Scalable PAXOS on RDMA

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    State machine replication (SMR) uses Paxos to enforce the same inputs for a program (e.g., Redis) replicated on a number of hosts, tolerating various types of failures. Unfortunately, traditional Paxos protocols incur prohibitive performance overhead on server programs due to their high consensus latency on TCP/IP. Worse, the consensus latency of extant Paxos protocols increases drastically when more concurrent client connections or hosts are added. This paper presents APUS, the first RDMA-based Paxos protocol that aims to be fast and scalable to client connections and hosts. APUS intercepts inbound socket calls of an unmodified server program, assigns a total order for all input requests, and uses fast RDMA primitives to replicate these requests concurrently. We evaluated APUS on nine widely-used server programs (e.g., Redis and MySQL). APUS incurred a mean overhead of 4.3% in response time and 4.2% in throughput. We integrated APUS with an SMR system Calvin. Our Calvin-APUS integration was 8.2X faster than the extant Calvin-ZooKeeper integration. The consensus latency of APUS outperformed an RDMA-based consensus protocol by 4.9X. APUS source code and raw results are released on github. com/hku-systems/apus.published_or_final_versio

    Middleware-based Database Replication: The Gaps between Theory and Practice

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    The need for high availability and performance in data management systems has been fueling a long running interest in database replication from both academia and industry. However, academic groups often attack replication problems in isolation, overlooking the need for completeness in their solutions, while commercial teams take a holistic approach that often misses opportunities for fundamental innovation. This has created over time a gap between academic research and industrial practice. This paper aims to characterize the gap along three axes: performance, availability, and administration. We build on our own experience developing and deploying replication systems in commercial and academic settings, as well as on a large body of prior related work. We sift through representative examples from the last decade of open-source, academic, and commercial database replication systems and combine this material with case studies from real systems deployed at Fortune 500 customers. We propose two agendas, one for academic research and one for industrial R&D, which we believe can bridge the gap within 5-10 years. This way, we hope to both motivate and help researchers in making the theory and practice of middleware-based database replication more relevant to each other.Comment: 14 pages. Appears in Proc. ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Vancouver, Canada, June 200

    Byzantine state machine replication for the masses

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    Tese de doutoramento, Informática (Ciência da Computação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2018The state machine replication technique is a popular approach for building Byzantine fault-tolerant services. However, despite the widespread adoption of this paradigm for crash fault-tolerant systems, there are still few examples of this paradigm for real Byzantine fault-tolerant systems. Our view of this situation is that there is a lack of robust implementations of Byzantine fault-tolerant state machine replication middleware, and that the performance penalty is too high, specially for geo-replication. These hindrances are tightly coupled to the distributed protocols used for enforcing such resilience. This thesis has the objective of finding methodologies for enhancing robustness and performance of state machine replication systems. The first contribution is Mod-SMaRt, a modular protocol that preserves optimal latency in terms of the communications steps exchanged among processes. By being a modular protocol, it becomes simpler to validate and implement, thus resulting in greater robustness; by also preserving optimal message-exchanges among processes, the protocol is capable of delivering desirable performance. The second contribution is concerned with implementing Mod-SMaRt into BFTSMART, a reliable and high-performance codebase that was maintained and improved over the entire course of the PhD that offers multicore-awareness, reconfiguration support, and a flexible API. The third contribution presents WHEAT, a protocol derived from Mod-SMaRt that uses optimizations shown to be effective in reducing latency via a practical evaluation conducted in a geo distributed environment. We additionally conducted an evaluation of both BFT-SMART and WHEAT applied to a relational database middleware and an ordering service for a permissioned blockchain platform. These evaluations revealed encouraging results for both systems and validated our work conducted in the geo-distributed context.A técnica de replicação máquina de estados é um paradigma popular usado em vários sistemas distribuídos modernos. No entanto, apesar da adoção deste paradigma em sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas por paragem, ainda existem poucos exemplos de sistemas reais tolerantes a faltas bizantinas. Segundo a nossa experiência nesta área de investigação, isto deve-se ao fato de existirem poucas concretizações robustas para replicação máquina de estados tolerante a faltas bizantinas, assim como uma perda de desempenho demasiado elevada, especialmente em ambientes geo-replicados. A razão fundamental para a existência destes obstáculos vem dos protocolos distribuídos necessários para assegurar este tipo de resiliência. Esta tese tem como objetivo explorar metodologias para a robustez e eficiência da replicação máquina de estados. A primeira contribuição da tese é o algoritmo Mod-SMaRt, um protocolo modular que preserva latência ótima em termos de passos de comunicação executados pelos processos. Sendo um protocolo modular, torna-se mais simples de validar e concretizar, o que resulta em maior robustez; ao preservar troca de mensagens ótima entre processos, também é capaz de entregar um desempenho desejável. A segunda contribuição consiste em concretizar o protocolo Mod SMaRt na ferramenta BFT-SMART, uma biblioteca fiável de alto desempenho, mantida e melhorada ao longo de todo o período correspondente ao doutoramento, capaz de suportar arquiteturas multi-núcleo, reconfiguração do grupo de réplicas, e uma API de programação flexível. A terceira contribuição consiste em um protocolo derivado do Mod-SMaRt designado WHEAT, que usa otimizações que demostraram serem eficientes na redução da latência segundo uma avaliação prática em ambiente geo-replicado. Adicionalmente, foram também realizadas avaliações de ambos os protocolos quando aplicados num middleware para base de dados relacionais, e num serviço de ordenação para uma plataforma blockchain. Ambas as avaliações revelam resultados encorajadores para ambos os sistemas e validam o trabalho realizado em contexto geo-distribuído.Projeto IRCoC (PTDC/EEI-SCR/6970/2014); Comissão Europeia, FP7 (Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development), projetos FP7/2007-2013, ICT-25724

    Arquitetura de elevada disponibilidade para bases de dados na cloud

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Computer ScienceCom a constante expansão de sistemas informáticos nas diferentes áreas de aplicação, a quantidade de dados que exigem persistência aumenta exponencialmente. Assim, por forma a tolerar faltas e garantir a disponibilidade de dados, devem ser implementadas técnicas de replicação. Atualmente existem várias abordagens e protocolos, tendo diferentes tipos de aplicações em vista. Existem duas grandes vertentes de protocolos de replicação, protocolos genéricos, para qualquer serviço, e protocolos específicos destinados a bases de dados. No que toca a protocolos de replicação genéricos, as principais técnicas existentes, apesar de completa mente desenvolvidas e em utilização, têm algumas limitações, nomeadamente: problemas de performance relativamente a saturação da réplica primária na replicação passiva e o determinismo necessário associado à replicação ativa. Algumas destas desvantagens são mitigadas pelos protocolos específicos de base de dados (e.g., com recurso a multi-master) mas estes protocolos não permitem efetuar uma separação entre a lógica da replicação e os respetivos dados. Abordagens mais recentes tendem a basear-se em técnicas de repli cação com fundamentos em mecanismos distribuídos de logging. Tais mecanismos propor cionam alta disponibilidade de dados e tolerância a faltas, permitindo abordagens inovado ras baseadas puramente em logs. Por forma a atenuar as limitações encontradas não só no mecanismo de replicação ativa e passiva, mas também nas suas derivações, esta dissertação apresenta uma solução de replicação híbrida baseada em middleware, o SQLware. A grande vantagem desta abor dagem baseia-se na divisão entre a camada de replicação e a camada de dados, utilizando um log distribuído altamente escalável que oferece tolerância a faltas e alta disponibilidade. O protótipo desenvolvido foi validado com recurso à execução de testes de desempenho, sendo avaliado em duas infraestruturas diferentes, nomeadamente, um servidor privado de média gama e um grupo de servidores de computação de alto desempenho. Durante a avaliação do protótipo, o standard da indústria TPC-C, tipicamente utilizado para avaliar sistemas de base de dados transacionais, foi utilizado. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que o SQLware oferece uma aumento de throughput de 150 vezes, comparativamente ao mecanismo de replicação nativo da base de dados considerada, o PostgreSQL.With the constant expansion of computational systems, the amount of data that requires durability increases exponentially. All data persistence must be replicated in order to provide high-availability and fault tolerance according to the surrogate application or use-case. Currently, there are numerous approaches and replication protocols developed supporting different use-cases. There are two prominent variations of replication protocols, generic protocols, and database specific ones. The two main techniques associated with generic replication protocols are the active and passive replication. Although generic replication techniques are fully matured and widely used, there are inherent problems associated with those protocols, namely: performance issues of the primary replica of passive replication and the determinism required by the active replication. Some of those disadvantages are mitigated by specific database replication protocols (e.g., using multi-master) but, those protocols do not allow a separation between logic and data and they can not be decoupled from the database engine. Moreover, recent strategies consider highly-scalable and fault tolerant distributed logging mechanisms, allowing for newer designs based purely on logs to power replication. To mitigate the shortcomings found in both active and passive replication mechanisms, but also in partial variations of these methods, this dissertation presents a hybrid replication middleware, SQLware. The cornerstone of the approach lies in the decoupling between the logical replication layer and the data store, together with the use of a highly scalable distributed log that provides fault-tolerance and high-availability. We validated the prototype by conducting a benchmarking campaign to evaluate the overall system’s performance under two distinct infrastructures, namely a private medium class server, and a private high performance computing cluster. Across the evaluation campaign, we considered the TPCC benchmark, a widely used benchmark in the evaluation of Online transaction processing (OLTP) database systems. Results show that SQLware was able to achieve 150 times more throughput when compared with the native replication mechanism of the underlying data store considered as baseline, PostgreSQL.This work was partially funded by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project UID/EEA/50014/201

    NewSQL Monitoring System

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    NewSQL is the new breed of databases that combines the best of RDBMS and NoSQL databases. They provide full ACID compliance like RDBMS and are highly scalable and fault-tolerant similar to NoSQL databases. Thus, NewSQL databases are ideal candidates for supporting big data and applications, particularly financial transaction and fraud detection systems, requiring ACID guarantees. Since NewSQL databases can scale to thousands of nodes, it becomes tedious to monitor the entire cluster and each node. Hence, we are building a NewSQL monitoring system using open-source tools. We will consider VoltDB, a popular open-source NewSQL database, as the database to be monitored. Although a monitoring dashboard exists for VoltDB, it only provides the bird’s eye view of the cluster and the nodes and focuses on CPU usages and security aspects. Therefore, several components of a monitoring system have to be considered and have to be open source to be readily available and congruent with the scalability and fault tolerance of VoltDB. Databases like Cassandra (NoSQL), YugabyteDB (NewSQL), and InfluxDB (Time Series) will be used based on their read/write performances and scalability, fault tolerance to store the monitoring data. We will also consider the role of Amazon Kinesis, a popular queueing, messaging, and streaming engine, since it provides fault-tolerant streaming and batching data pipelines between application and system. This project is implemented using Python and Java

    Database High Availability using SHADOW Systems

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    Various High Availability DataBase systems (HADB) are used to provide high availability. Pairing an active database system with a standby system is one commonly used HADB techniques. The active system serves read/write workloads. One or more standby systems replicate the active and serve read-only workloads. Though widely used, this technique has some significant drawbacks: The active system becomes the bottleneck under heavy write workloads. Replicating changes synchronously from the active to the standbys further reduces the performance of the active system. Asynchronous replication, however, risk the loss of updates during failover. The shared-nothing architecture of active-standby systems is unnecessarily complex and cost inefficient. In this thesis we present SHADOW systems, a new technique for database high availability. In a SHADOW system, the responsibility for database replication is pushed from the database systems into a shared, reliable, storage system. The active and standby systems share access to a single logical copy of the database, which resides in shared storage. SHADOW introduces write offloading, which frees the active system from the need to update the persistent database, placing that responsibility on the underutilized standby system instead. By exploiting shared storage, SHADOW systems avoid the overhead of database-managed synchronized replication, while ensuring that no updates will be lost during a failover. We have implemented a SHADOW system using PostgreSQL, and we present the results of a performance evaluation that shows that the SHADOW system can outperform both traditional synchronous replication and standalone PostgreSQL systems

    Building Scalable and Consistent Distributed Databases Under Conflicts

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    Distributed databases, which rely on redundant and distributed storage across multiple servers, are able to provide mission-critical data management services at large scale. Parallelism is the key to the scalability of distributed databases, but concurrent queries having conflicts may block or abort each other when strong consistency is enforced using rigorous concurrency control protocols. This thesis studies the techniques of building scalable distributed databases under strong consistency guarantees even in the face of high contention workloads. The techniques proposed in this thesis share a common idea, conflict mitigation, meaning mitigating conflicts by rescheduling operations in the concurrency control in the first place instead of resolving contending conflicts. Using this idea, concurrent queries under conflicts can be executed with high parallelism. This thesis explores this idea on both databases that support serializable ACID (atomic, consistency, isolation, durability) transactions, and eventually consistent NoSQL systems. First, the epoch-based concurrency control (ECC) technique is proposed in ALOHA-KV, a new distributed key-value store that supports high performance read-only and write-only distributed transactions. ECC demonstrates that concurrent serializable distributed transactions can be processed in parallel with low overhead even under high contention. With ECC, a new atomic commitment protocol is developed that only requires amortized one round trip for a distributed write-only transaction to commit in the absence of failures. Second, a novel paradigm of serializable distributed transaction processing is developed to extend ECC with read-write transaction processing support. This paradigm uses a newly proposed database operator, functors, which is a placeholder for the value of a key, which can be computed asynchronously in parallel with other functor computations of the same or other transactions. Functor-enabled ECC achieves more fine-grained concurrency control than transaction level concurrency control, and it never aborts transactions due to read-write or write-write conflicts but allows transactions to fail due to logic errors or constraint violations while guaranteeing serializability. Lastly, this thesis explores consistency in the eventually consistent system, Apache Cassandra, for an investigation of the consistency violation, referred to as "consistency spikes". This investigation shows that the consistency spikes exhibited by Cassandra are strongly correlated with garbage collection, particularly the "stop-the-world" phase in the Java virtual machine. Thus, delaying read operations arti cially at servers immediately after a garbage collection pause can virtually eliminate these spikes. All together, these techniques allow distributed databases to provide scalable and consistent storage service

    High-performance state-machine replication

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    Replication, a common approach to protecting applications against failures, refers to maintaining several copies of a service on independent machines (replicas). Unlike a stand-alone service, a replicated service remains available to its clients despite the failure of some of its copies. Consistency among replicas is an immediate concern raised by replication. In effect, an important factor for providing the illusion of an uninterrupted service to clients is to preserve consistency among the multiple copies. State-machine replication is a popular replication technique that ensures consistency by ordering client requests and making all the replicas execute them deterministically and sequentially. The overhead of ordering the requests, and the sequentiality of request execution, the two essential requirements in realizing state-machine replication, are also the two major obstacles that prevent the performance of state-machine replication from scaling. In this thesis we concentrate on the performance of state-machine replication and enhance it by overcoming the two aforementioned bottlenecks, the overhead of ordering and the overhead of sequentially executing commands. To realize a truly scalable system, one must iteratively examine and analyze all the layers and components of a system and avoid or eliminate potential performance obstructions and congestion points. In this dissertation, we iterate between optimizing the ordering of requests and the strategies of replicas at request execution, in order to stretch the performance boundaries of state-machine replication. To eliminate the negative implications of the ordering layer on performance, we devise and implement several novel and highly efficient ordering protocols. Our proposals are based on practical observations we make after closely assessing and identifying the shortcomings of existing approaches. Communication is one of the most important components of any distributed system and thus selecting efficient communication patterns is a must in designing scalable systems. We base our protocols on the most suitable communication patterns and extend their design with additional features that altogether realize our protocol's high efficiency. The outcome of this phase is the design and implementation of the Ring Paxos family of protocols. According to our evaluations these protocols are highly scalable and efficient. We then assess the performance ramifications of sequential execution of requests on the replicas of state-machine replication. We use some known techniques such as state-partitioning and speculative execution, and thoroughly examine their advantages when combined with our ordering protocols. We then exploit the features of multicore hardware and propose our final solution as a parallelized form of state-machine replication, built on top of Ring Paxos protocols, that is capable of accomplishing significantly high performance. Given the popularity of state-machine replication in designing fault-tolerant systems, we hope this thesis provides useful and practical guidelines for the enhancement of the existing and the design of future fault-tolerant systems that share similar performance goals