568 research outputs found

    Fast, uniform, and compact scalar multiplication for elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians with applications to signature schemes

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    We give a general framework for uniform, constant-time one-and two-dimensional scalar multiplication algorithms for elliptic curves and Jacobians of genus 2 curves that operate by projecting to the x-line or Kummer surface, where we can exploit faster and more uniform pseudomultiplication, before recovering the proper "signed" output back on the curve or Jacobian. This extends the work of L{\'o}pez and Dahab, Okeya and Sakurai, and Brier and Joye to genus 2, and also to two-dimensional scalar multiplication. Our results show that many existing fast pseudomultiplication implementations (hitherto limited to applications in Diffie--Hellman key exchange) can be wrapped with simple and efficient pre-and post-computations to yield competitive full scalar multiplication algorithms, ready for use in more general discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, including signature schemes. This is especially interesting for genus 2, where Kummer surfaces can outperform comparable elliptic curve systems. As an example, we construct an instance of the Schnorr signature scheme driven by Kummer surface arithmetic

    Point compression for the trace zero subgroup over a small degree extension field

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    Using Semaev's summation polynomials, we derive a new equation for the Fq\mathbb{F}_q-rational points of the trace zero variety of an elliptic curve defined over Fq\mathbb{F}_q. Using this equation, we produce an optimal-size representation for such points. Our representation is compatible with scalar multiplication. We give a point compression algorithm to compute the representation and a decompression algorithm to recover the original point (up to some small ambiguity). The algorithms are efficient for trace zero varieties coming from small degree extension fields. We give explicit equations and discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of cubic and quintic field extensions.Comment: 23 pages, to appear in Designs, Codes and Cryptograph

    Computational and Energy Costs of Cryptographic Algorithms on Handheld Devices

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    Networks are evolving toward a ubiquitous model in which heterogeneous devices are interconnected. Cryptographic algorithms are required for developing security solutions that protect network activity. However, the computational and energy limitations of network devices jeopardize the actual implementation of such mechanisms. In this paper, we perform a wide analysis on the expenses of launching symmetric and asymmetric cryptographic algorithms, hash chain functions, elliptic curves cryptography and pairing based cryptography on personal agendas, and compare them with the costs of basic operating system functions. Results show that although cryptographic power costs are high and such operations shall be restricted in time, they are not the main limiting factor of the autonomy of a device

    From Dragondoom to Dragonstar: Side-channel Attacks and Formally Verified Implementation of WPA3 Dragonfly Handshake

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    It is universally acknowledged that Wi-Fi communications are important to secure. Thus, the Wi-Fi Alliance published WPA3 in 2018 with a distinctive security feature: it leverages a Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (PAKE) protocol to protect users' passwords from offline dictionary attacks. Unfortunately, soon after its release, several attacks were reported against its implementations, in response to which the protocol was updated in a best-effort manner. In this paper, we show that the proposed mitigations are not enough, especially for a complex protocol to implement even for savvy developers. Indeed, we present **Dragondoom**, a collection of side-channel vulnerabilities of varying strength allowing attackers to recover users' passwords in widely deployed Wi-Fi daemons, such as hostap in its default settings. Our findings target both password conversion methods, namely the default probabilistic hunting-and-pecking and its newly standardized deterministic alternative based on SSWU. We successfully exploit our leakage in practice through microarchitectural mechanisms, and overcome the limited spatial resolution of Flush+Reload. Our attacks outperform previous works in terms of required measurements. Then, driven by the need to end the spiral of patch-and-hack in Dragonfly implementations, we propose **Dragonstar**, an implementation of Dragonfly leveraging a formally verified implementation of the underlying mathematical operations, thereby removing all the related leakage vector. Our implementation relies on HACL*, a formally verified crypto library guaranteeing secret-independence. We design Dragonstar, so that its integration within hostap requires minimal modifications to the existing project. Our experiments show that the performance of HACL*-based hostap is comparable to OpenSSL-based, implying that Dragonstar is both efficient and proved to be leakage-free.Comment: Accepted at 2023 IEEE 8th European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P

    Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks. Homomorphism versus Watermarking Approach

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    International audienceWireless sensor networks are now in widespread use to monitor regions, detect events and acquire information. Since the deployed nodes are separated, they need to cooperatively communicate sensed data to the base station. Hence, transmissions are a very energy consuming operation. To reduce the amount of sending data, an aggregation approach can be applied along the path from sensors to the sink. However, usually the carried information contains confidential data. Therefore, an end-to-end secure aggregation approach is required to ensure a healthy data reception. End-to-end encryption schemes that support operations over cypher-text have been proved important for private party sensor network implementations. These schemes offer two main advantages: end-to-end concealment of data and ability to operate on cipher text, then no more decryption is required for aggregation. Unfortunately, nowadays these methods are very complex and not suitable for sensor nodes having limited resources. In this paper, we propose a secure end-to-end encrypted-data aggregation scheme. It is based on elliptic curve cryptography that exploits a smaller key size. Additionally, it allows the use of higher number of operations on cypher-texts and prevents the distinction between two identical texts from their cryptograms. These properties permit to our approach to achieve higher security levels than existing cryptosystems in sensor networks. Our experiments show that our proposed secure aggregation method significantly reduces computation and communication overhead and can be practically implemented in on-the-shelf sensor platforms. By using homomorphic encryption on elliptic curves, we thus have realized an efficient and secure data aggregation in sensor networks. Lastly, to enlarge the aggregation functions that can be used in a secure wireless sensor network, a watermarking-based authentication scheme is finally proposed

    Optimising Spatial and Tonal Data for PDE-based Inpainting

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    Some recent methods for lossy signal and image compression store only a few selected pixels and fill in the missing structures by inpainting with a partial differential equation (PDE). Suitable operators include the Laplacian, the biharmonic operator, and edge-enhancing anisotropic diffusion (EED). The quality of such approaches depends substantially on the selection of the data that is kept. Optimising this data in the domain and codomain gives rise to challenging mathematical problems that shall be addressed in our work. In the 1D case, we prove results that provide insights into the difficulty of this problem, and we give evidence that a splitting into spatial and tonal (i.e. function value) optimisation does hardly deteriorate the results. In the 2D setting, we present generic algorithms that achieve a high reconstruction quality even if the specified data is very sparse. To optimise the spatial data, we use a probabilistic sparsification, followed by a nonlocal pixel exchange that avoids getting trapped in bad local optima. After this spatial optimisation we perform a tonal optimisation that modifies the function values in order to reduce the global reconstruction error. For homogeneous diffusion inpainting, this comes down to a least squares problem for which we prove that it has a unique solution. We demonstrate that it can be found efficiently with a gradient descent approach that is accelerated with fast explicit diffusion (FED) cycles. Our framework allows to specify the desired density of the inpainting mask a priori. Moreover, is more generic than other data optimisation approaches for the sparse inpainting problem, since it can also be extended to nonlinear inpainting operators such as EED. This is exploited to achieve reconstructions with state-of-the-art quality. We also give an extensive literature survey on PDE-based image compression methods

    Batch point compression in the context of advanced pairing-based protocols

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    This paper continues previous ones about compression of points on elliptic curves Eb ⁣:y2=x3+bE_b\!: y^2 = x^3 + b (with jj-invariant 00) over a finite field F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q} of characteristic p>3p > 3. It is shown in detail how any two (resp., three) points from Eb(F ⁣q)E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q}) can be quickly compressed to two (resp., three) elements of F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q} (apart from a few auxiliary bits) in such a way that the corresponding decompression stage requires to extract only one cubic (resp., sextic) root in F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q}. As a result, for many fields F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q} occurring in practice, the new compression-decompression methods are more efficient than the classical one with the two (resp., three) xx or yy coordinates of the points, which extracts two (resp., three) roots in F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q}. As a by-product, it is also explained how to sample uniformly at random two (resp., three) ``independent\u27\u27 F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q}-points on EbE_b essentially at the cost of only one cubic (resp., sextic) root in F ⁣q\mathbb{F}_{\!q}. Finally, the cases of four and more points from Eb(F ⁣q)E_b(\mathbb{F}_{\!q}) are commented on as well

    Key Compression for Isogeny-Based Cryptosystems

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    We present a method for key compression in quantum-resistant isogeny-based cryptosystems, which reduces storage and transmission costs of per-party public information by a factor of two, with no effect on the security level of the scheme. We achieve this reduction by compressing both the representation of an elliptic curve, and torsion points on said curve. Compression of the elliptic curve is achieved by associating each j-invariant to a canonical choice of elliptic curve, and the torsion points will be represented as linear combinations with respect to a canonical choice of basis for this subgroup. This method of compressing public information can be applied to numerous isogeny-based protocols, such as key exchange, zero-knowledge identification, and public-key encryption. The details of utilizing compression for each of these cryptosystems is explained. We provide implementation results showing the computational cost of key compression and decompression at various security levels. Our results show that isogeny-based cryptosystems achieve the smallest possible key sizes among all existing families of post-quantum cryptosystems at practical security levels

    High-speed high-security signatures

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    Fast and compact elliptic-curve cryptography

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Elliptic curve cryptosystems have improved greatly in speed over the past few years. In this paper we outline a new elliptic curve signature and key agreement implementation which achieves record speeds while remaining relatively compact. For example, on Intel Sandy Bridge, a curve with about 22502^{250} points produces a signature in just under 60k clock cycles, verifies in under 169k clock cycles, and computes a Diffie-Hellman shared secret in under 153k clock cycles. Our implementation has a small footprint: the library is under 55kB. We also post competitive timings on ARM processors, verifying a signature in under 626k Tegra-2 cycles. We introduce faster field arithmetic, a new point compression algorithm, an improved fixed-base scalar multiplication algorithm and a new way to verify signatures without inversions or coordinate recovery. Some of these improvements should be applicable to other systems
