92 research outputs found

    Timing and Carrier Synchronization in Wireless Communication Systems: A Survey and Classification of Research in the Last 5 Years

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    Timing and carrier synchronization is a fundamental requirement for any wireless communication system to work properly. Timing synchronization is the process by which a receiver node determines the correct instants of time at which to sample the incoming signal. Carrier synchronization is the process by which a receiver adapts the frequency and phase of its local carrier oscillator with those of the received signal. In this paper, we survey the literature over the last 5 years (2010–2014) and present a comprehensive literature review and classification of the recent research progress in achieving timing and carrier synchronization in single-input single-output (SISO), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), cooperative relaying, and multiuser/multicell interference networks. Considering both single-carrier and multi-carrier communication systems, we survey and categorize the timing and carrier synchronization techniques proposed for the different communication systems focusing on the system model assumptions for synchronization, the synchronization challenges, and the state-of-the-art synchronization solutions and their limitations. Finally, we envision some future research directions

    Channel Estimators for Full-Duplex Communication using Orthogonal Pilot Sequences

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    Full-duplex communication is desirable to maximize the spectral efficiency, despite the challenges it puts forth. The key challenge inhibiting the operation of radios in full-duplex mode is self-interference. In this paper, we propose a pilot-based channel estimation to estimate both self-interference and communication channels simultaneously at both ends of a full-duplex link using orthogonal sequences. The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound for estimators of both the channels was determined and compared with the half-duplex channel estimator. We performed simulations varying sequence length and channel taps and studied the performance of the estimators. We also studied the effect of synchronization between the sequences on the performance of the estimators. Thus, providing a solution to balance the trade-off between the accuracy of the channel estimation and the overhead added to the transmissions for full-duplex communication

    Advanced receivers for distributed cooperation in mobile ad hoc networks

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    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are rapidly deployable wireless communications systems, operating with minimal coordination in order to avoid spectral efficiency losses caused by overhead. Cooperative transmission schemes are attractive for MANETs, but the distributed nature of such protocols comes with an increased level of interference, whose impact is further amplified by the need to push the limits of energy and spectral efficiency. Hence, the impact of interference has to be mitigated through with the use PHY layer signal processing algorithms with reasonable computational complexity. Recent advances in iterative digital receiver design techniques exploit approximate Bayesian inference and derivative message passing techniques to improve the capabilities of well-established turbo detectors. In particular, expectation propagation (EP) is a flexible technique which offers attractive complexity-performance trade-offs in situations where conventional belief propagation is limited by computational complexity. Moreover, thanks to emerging techniques in deep learning, such iterative structures are cast into deep detection networks, where learning the algorithmic hyper-parameters further improves receiver performance. In this thesis, EP-based finite-impulse response decision feedback equalizers are designed, and they achieve significant improvements, especially in high spectral efficiency applications, over more conventional turbo-equalization techniques, while having the advantage of being asymptotically predictable. A framework for designing frequency-domain EP-based receivers is proposed, in order to obtain detection architectures with low computational complexity. This framework is theoretically and numerically analysed with a focus on channel equalization, and then it is also extended to handle detection for time-varying channels and multiple-antenna systems. The design of multiple-user detectors and the impact of channel estimation are also explored to understand the capabilities and limits of this framework. Finally, a finite-length performance prediction method is presented for carrying out link abstraction for the EP-based frequency domain equalizer. The impact of accurate physical layer modelling is evaluated in the context of cooperative broadcasting in tactical MANETs, thanks to a flexible MAC-level simulato

    Secure OFDM System Design for Wireless Communications

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    Wireless communications is widely employed in modern society and plays an increasingly important role in people\u27s daily life. The broadcast nature of radio propagation, however, causes wireless communications particularly vulnerable to malicious attacks, and leads to critical challenges in securing the wireless transmission. Motivated by the insufficiency of traditional approaches to secure wireless communications, physical layer security that is emerging as a complement to the traditional upper-layer security mechanisms is investigated in this dissertation. Five novel techniques toward the physical layer security of wireless communications are proposed. The first two techniques focus on the security risk assessment in wireless networks to enable a situation-awareness based transmission protection. The third and fourth techniques utilize wireless medium characteristics to enhance the built-in security of wireless communication systems, so as to prevent passive eavesdropping. The last technique provides an embedded confidential signaling link for secure transmitter-receiver interaction in OFDM systems

    Distributed synchronization algorithms for wireless sensor networks

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    The ability to distribute time and frequency among a large population of interacting agents is of interest for diverse disciplines, inasmuch as it enables to carry out complex cooperative tasks. In a wireless sensor network (WSN), time/frequency synchronization allows the implementation of distributed signal processing and coding techniques, and the realization of coordinated access to the shared wireless medium. Large multi-hop WSN\u27s constitute a new regime for network synchronization, as they call for the development of scalable, fully distributed synchronization algorithms. While most of previous research focused on synchronization at the application layer, this thesis considers synchronization at the lowest layers of the communication protocol stack of a WSN, namely the physical and the medium access control (MAC) layer. At the physical layer, the focus is on the compensation of carrier frequency offsets (CFO), while time synchronization is studied for application at the MAC layer. In both cases, the problem of realizing network-wide synchronization is approached by employing distributed clock control algorithms based on the classical concept of coupled phase and frequency locked loops (PLL and FLL). The analysis takes into account communication, signaling and energy consumption constraints arising in the novel context of multi-hop WSN\u27s. In particular, the robustness of the algorithms is checked against packet collision events, infrequent sync updates, and errors introduced by different noise sources, such as transmission delays and clock frequency instabilities. By observing that WSN\u27s allow for greater flexibility in the design of the synchronization network architecture, this work examines also the relative merits of both peer-to-peer (mutually coupled - MC) and hierarchical (master-slave - MS) architectures. With both MC and MS architectures, synchronization accuracy degrades smoothly with the network size, provided that loop parameters are conveniently chosen. In particular, MS topologies guarantee faster synchronization, but they are hindered by higher noise accumulation, while MC topologies allow for an almost uniform error distribution at the price of much slower convergence. For all the considered cases, synchronization algorithms based on adaptive PLL and FLL designs are shown to provide robust and scalable network-wide time and frequency distribution in a WSN

    Decentralized Ultra-Reliable Low-Latency Communications through Concurrent Cooperative Transmission

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    Emerging cyber-physical systems demand for communication technologies that enable seamless interactions between humans and physical objects in a shared environment. This thesis proposes decentralized URLLC (dURLLC) as a new communication paradigm that allows the nodes in a wireless multi-hop network (WMN) to disseminate data quickly, reliably and without using a centralized infrastructure. To enable the dURLLC paradigm, this thesis explores the practical feasibility of concurrent cooperative transmission (CCT) with orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM). CCT allows for an efficient utilization of the medium by leveraging interference instead of trying to avoid collisions. CCT-based network flooding disseminates data in a WMN through a reception-triggered low-level medium access control (MAC). OFDM provides high data rates by using a large bandwidth, resulting in a short transmission duration for a given amount of data. This thesis explores CCT-based network flooding with the OFDM-based IEEE 802.11 Non-HT and HT physical layers (PHYs) to enable interactions with commercial devices. An analysis of CCT with the IEEE 802.11 Non-HT PHY investigates the combined effects of the phase offset (PO), the carrier frequency offset (CFO) and the time offset (TO) between concurrent transmitters, as well as the elapsed time. The analytical results of the decodability of a CCT are validated in simulations and in testbed experiments with Wireless Open Access Research Platform (WARP) v3 software-defined radios (SDRs). CCT with coherent interference (CI) is the primary approach of this thesis. Two prototypes for CCT with CI are presented that feature mechanisms for precise synchronization in time and frequency. One prototype is based on the WARP v3 and its IEEE 802.11 reference design, whereas the other prototype is created through firmware modifications of the Asus RT-AC86U wireless router. Both prototypes are employed in testbed experiments in which two groups of nodes generate successive CCTs in a ping-pong fashion to emulate flooding processes with a very large number of hops. The nodes stay synchronized in experiments with 10 000 successive CCTs for various modulation and coding scheme (MCS) indices and MAC service data unit (MSDU) sizes. The URLLC requirement of delivering a 32-byte MSDU with a reliability of 99.999 % and with a latency of 1 ms is assessed in experiments with 1 000 000 CCTs, while the reliability is approximated by means of the frame reception rate (FRR). An FRR of at least 99.999 % is achieved at PHY data rates of up to 48 Mbit/s under line-of-sight (LOS) conditions and at PHY data rates of up to 12 Mbit/s under non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions on a 20 MHz wide channel, while the latency per hop is 48.2 ”s and 80.2 ”s, respectively. With four multiple input multiple output (MIMO) spatial streams on a 40 MHz wide channel, a LOS receiver achieves an FRR of 99.5 % at a PHY data rate of 324 Mbit/s. For CCT with incoherent interference, this thesis proposes equalization with time-variant zero-forcing (TVZF) and presents a TVZF receiver for the IEEE 802.11 Non-HT PHY, achieving an FRR of up to 92 % for CCTs from three unsyntonized commercial devices. As CCT-based network flooding allows for an implicit time synchronization of all nodes, a reception-triggered low-level MAC and a reservation-based high-level MAC may in combination support various applications and scenarios under the dURLLC paradigm

    Physical layer authentication for wireless communications

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    Probabilistic Graphical Models: an Application in Synchronization and Localization

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    Die Lokalisierung von mobilen Nutzern (MU) in sehr dichten Netzen erfordert hĂ€ufig die Synchronisierung der Access Points (APs) untereinander. Erstens konzentriert sich diese Arbeit auf die Lösung des Problems der Zeitsynchronisation in 5G-Netzwerken, indem ein hybrider Bayesischer Ansatz fĂŒr die SchĂ€tzung des Taktversatzes und des Versatzes verwendet wird. Wir untersuchen und demonstrieren den betrĂ€chtlichen Nutzen der Belief Propagation (BP), die auf factor graphs lĂ€uft, um eine prĂ€zise netzwerkweite Synchronisation zu erreichen. DarĂŒber hinaus nutzen wir die Vorteile der Bayesischen Rekursiven Filterung (BRF), um den Zeitstempel-Fehler bei der paarweisen Synchronisierung zu verringern. Schließlich zeigen wir die VorzĂŒge der hybriden Synchronisation auf, indem wir ein großes Netzwerk in gemeinsame und lokale SynchronisationsdomĂ€nen unterteilen und so den am besten geeigneten Synchronisationsalgorithmus (BP- oder BRF-basiert) auf jede DomĂ€ne anwenden können. Zweitens schlagen wir einen Deep Neural Network (DNN)-gestĂŒtzten Particle Filter-basierten (DePF)-Ansatz vor, um das gemeinsame MU-Sync&loc-Problem zu lösen. Insbesondere setzt DePF einen asymmetrischen Zeitstempel-Austauschmechanismus zwischen den MUs und den APs ein, der Informationen ĂŒber den Taktversatz, die Zeitverschiebung der MUs, und die AP-MU Abstand liefert. Zur SchĂ€tzung des Ankunftswinkels des empfangenen Synchronisierungspakets nutzt DePF den multiple signal classification Algorithmus, der durch die Channel Impulse Response (CIR) der Synchronisierungspakete gespeist wird. Die CIR wird auch genutzt, um den Verbindungszustand zu bestimmen, d. h. Line-of-Sight (LoS) oder Non-LoS (NLoS). Schließlich nutzt DePF particle Gaussian mixtures, die eine hybride partikelbasierte und parametrische BRF-Fusion der vorgenannten Informationen ermöglichen und die Position und die Taktparameter der MUs gemeinsam schĂ€tzen.Mobile User (MU) localization in ultra dense networks often requires, on one hand, the Access Points (APs) to be synchronized among each other, and, on the other hand, the MU-AP synchronization. In this work, we firstly address the former, which eventually provides a basis for the latter, i.e., for the joint MU synchronization and localization (sync&loc). In particular, firstly, this work focuses on tackling the time synchronization problem in 5G networks by adopting a hybrid Bayesian approach for clock offset and skew estimation. Specifically, we investigate and demonstrate the substantial benefit of Belief Propagation (BP) running on Factor Graphs (FGs) in achieving precise network-wide synchronization. Moreover, we take advantage of Bayesian Recursive Filtering (BRF) to mitigate the time-stamping error in pairwise synchronization. Finally, we reveal the merit of hybrid synchronization by dividing a large-scale network into common and local synchronization domains, thereby being able to apply the most suitable synchronization algorithm (BP- or BRF-based) on each domain. Secondly, we propose a Deep Neural Network (DNN)-assisted Particle Filter-based (DePF) approach to address the MU joint sync&loc problem. In particular, DePF deploys an asymmetric time-stamp exchange mechanism between the MUs and the APs, which provides information about the MUs' clock offset, skew, and AP-MU distance. In addition, to estimate the Angle of Arrival (AoA) of the received synchronization packet, DePF draws on the Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm that is fed by the Channel Impulse Response (CIR) experienced by the sync packets. The CIR is also leveraged on to determine the link condition, i.e. Line-of-Sight (LoS) or Non-LoS (NLoS). Finally DePF capitalizes on particle Gaussian mixtures which allow for a hybrid particle-based and parametric BRF fusion of the aforementioned pieces of information and jointly estimate the position and clock parameters of the MUs

    Spatial diversity in MIMO communication systems with distributed or co-located antennas

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    The use of multiple antennas in wireless communication systems has gained much attention during the last decade. It was shown that such multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems offer huge advantages over single-antenna systems. Typically, quite restrictive assumptions are made concerning the spacing of the individual antenna elements. On the one hand, it is typically assumed that the antenna elements at transmitter and receiver are co-located, i.e., they belong to some sort of antenna array. On the other hand, it is often assumed that the antenna spacings are sufficiently large, so as to justify the assumption of independent fading. In this thesis, the above assumptions are relaxed. In the first part, it is shown that MIMO systems with distributed antennas and MIMO systems with co-located antennas can be treated in a single, unifying framework. In the second part this fact is utilized, in order to develop appropriate transmit power allocation strategies for co-located and distributed MIMO systems. Finally, the third part focuses on specific synchronization problems that are of interest for distributed MIMO systems
