102 research outputs found

    Pupil Center Detection Approaches: A comparative analysis

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    In the last decade, the development of technologies and tools for eye tracking has been a constantly growing area. Detecting the center of the pupil, using image processing techniques, has been an essential step in this process. A large number of techniques have been proposed for pupil center detection using both traditional image processing and machine learning-based methods. Despite the large number of methods proposed, no comparative work on their performance was found, using the same images and performance metrics. In this work, we aim at comparing four of the most frequently cited traditional methods for pupil center detection in terms of accuracy, robustness, and computational cost. These methods are based on the circular Hough transform, ellipse fitting, Daugman's integro-differential operator and radial symmetry transform. The comparative analysis was performed with 800 infrared images from the CASIA-IrisV3 and CASIA-IrisV4 databases containing various types of disturbances. The best performance was obtained by the method based on the radial symmetry transform with an accuracy and average robustness higher than 94%. The shortest processing time, obtained with the ellipse fitting method, was 0.06 s.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the journal "Computaci\'on y Sistemas

    Fast Iris Localization Based on Image Algebra and Morphological Operations

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    تحديد منطقة القزحية هي العملية الأكثر أهمية في نظام التعرف على القزحية التي تكون خاضعة وبشدة لتأثيرات البيئة,  وبالتالي، فقد تم اقتراح طريقة جديدة  لتحديد الحدود الداخلية والخارجية للقزحية. الفائدة الرئيسية من استخدام العمليات الحسابية للصور هي أنها طريقة بسيطة وسريعة وان هذه المميزات يتم استخدامها ودمجها مع العمليات المورفولوجية في تصميم الخوارزمية المقترحة. خوارزمية تحديد القزحية المقترحة قد صممت مع الأخذ بعين الاعتبار الملامح الشكلية لصورة قزحية العين مثل منطقة الضوضاء الموجودة في أجزاء مختلفة من صورة العين (مثل الانعكاسات الضوئية والتركيز والقزحية المرئية بصورة جزئية). النتائج التجريبية لتحديد القزحية تم إجراؤها على مجموعة من صور قزحية العين تتكون من 756 صورة تنتمي إلى قاعدة بيانات معهد العلوم الأكاديمي الصيني للأتمتة (CASIA V-1)، و450 صورة تنتمي إلى قاعدة بيانات جامعة الوسائط المتعددة (MMU V-1), تشير النتائج إلى تحقيق مستوى عالٍ من الدقة باستخدام التقنية المقترحة. علاوة على ذلك، فإن نتائج المقارنة مع خوارزميات تحديد القزحية الحديثة تعزز من دقة عملية فصل القزحية بشكل كبير اضافة الى كونها أكثر كفاءة من الناحية الحسابية.The localization of the iris is the most significant factor in biometrics of the iris, which traditionally assumes strictly controlled environments. The proposed method includes the pupillary and limbic iris boundaries localization. A primary advantage of image arithmetic operations is that the process is straightforward and therefore fast, these characteristics are employed and combined with the morphological operators in the designing of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm takes into account the noise area which is found in various parts of the eye image such as light reflections, focus, and small visible iris. The experimental results are conducted on a collection of iris images consist of 756 images belong to Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Automation (CASIA V-1) and 450 images belong to Multi Media University (MMU V-1) databases.  The results indicate a high level of accuracy using the proposed technique. Moreover, the comparison results with the state-of-the-art iris localization algorithms expose considerable improvement in segmentation accuracy while being computationally more efficient

    Deteksi Iris Berdasarkan Metode Black Hole Dan Circle Curve Fitting

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    Sistem pengenalan identitas personal berdasarkan ciri biometrika adalah suatu sistem pengenalan seseorang berdasarkan pada ciri biometrika yang melekat pada orang tersebut. Iris mata merupakan salah satu ciri biometrik yang handal untuk sistem pengenalan identitas personal. Bagian sistem pengenalan identitas personal berdasarkan biometrik iris yang dianggap paling krusial adalah deteksi lokasi iris, karena akurasi deteksi iris berpengaruh pada tingkat akurasi sistem secara keseluruhan. Lokasi iris pada citra mata dibatasi oleh dua buah lingkaran yang memisahkan antara bagian iris  dengan pupil dan sklera. Telah banyak metodemetode yang diusulkan oleh para peneliti untuk menghasilkan deteksi lokasi iris dengan akurat dan cepat. Masalah akurasi, kecepatan waktu eksekusi dan ketahanan terhadap noise merupakan bidang penelitian yang menantang pada deteksi iris. Makalah ini menyajikan metode deteksi iris menggunakan metode black hole dan circle curve fitting. Langkah pertama, mencari batas dalam lingkaran iris yang memisahkan antara daerah iris dan pupil. Dengan metode black hole yang bekerja berdasarkan fakta bahwa lokasi pupil merupakan daerah  lingkaran yang paling hitam dan memiliki distribusi nilai intensitas yang seragam, maka lokasi pupil dapat ditentukan dengan teknik pengambangan. Batas lingkaran pupil dapat ditentukan dengan circle curve fitting dari parameter lingkaran daerah pupil. Langkah kedua,  mencari batas luar lingkaran iris yang memisahkan antara iris dan sklera. Peta tepi citra iris dicari dengan menggunakan deteksi tepi Canny, kemudian diambil satu komponen tepi arah vertikal yang dapat mewakili batas lingkaran luar iris. Dari komponen tepi tersebut, dihitung jari-jari iris yang berpusat di pusat pupil. Dengan jari-jari iris dan pusat iris maka dapat ditentukan batas luar iris menggunakan circle curve fittin

    Non-ideal iris recognition

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    Of the many biometrics that exist, iris recognition is finding more attention than any other due to its potential for improved accuracy, permanence, and acceptance. Current iris recognition systems operate on frontal view images of good quality. Due to the small area of the iris, user co-operation is required. In this work, a new system capable of processing iris images which are not necessarily in frontal view is described. This overcomes one of the major hurdles with current iris recognition systems and enhances user convenience and accuracy. The proposed system is designed to operate in two steps: (i) preprocessing and estimation of the gaze direction and (ii) processing and encoding of the rotated iris image. Two objective functions are used to estimate the gaze direction. Later, the off-angle iris image undergoes geometric transformations involving the estimated angle and is further processed as if it were a frontal view image. Two methods: (i) PCA and (ii) ICA are used for encoding. Three different datasets are used to quantify performance of the proposed non-ideal recognition system

    An FPGA-based hardware accelerator for iris segmentation

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    Biometric authentication is becoming an increasingly prevalent way to identify a person based on unique physical traits such as the fingerprint, the face, and/or the iris. The iris stands out particularly among these traits due to its relative invariability with time and high uniqueness. However, iris recognition without special, dedicated tools like near-infrared (NIR) cameras and stationary high-performance computers is a challenge. Solutions have been proposed to target mobile platforms like smart phones and tablets by making use of the RGB camera commonly found on those platforms. These solutions tend to be slower than the former due to the decreased performance achieved in mobile processors. This work details an approach to solve the mobility and performance problems of iris segmentation in current solutions by targeting an FPGA-based SoC. The SoC allows us to run the iris recognition system in software, while accelerating slower parts of the system by using parallel, dedicated hardware modules. The results show a speedup in segmentation 2X when compared to an x86-64 platform and 46X when compared to an ARMv7 platform

    Robust iris recognition under unconstrained settings

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Bioengenharia. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    A hybrid method for accurate iris segmentation on at-a-distance visible-wavelength images

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    [EN] This work describes a new hybrid method for accurate iris segmentation from full-face images independently of the ethnicity of the subject. It is based on a combination of three methods: facial key-point detection, integro-differential operator (IDO) and mathematical morphology. First, facial landmarks are extracted by means of the Chehra algorithm in order to obtain the eye location. Then, the IDO is applied to the extracted sub-image containing only the eye in order to locate the iris. Once the iris is located, a series of mathematical morphological operations is performed in order to accurately segment it. Results are obtained and compared among four different ethnicities (Asian, Black, Latino and White) as well as with two other iris segmentation algorithms. In addition, robustness against rotation, blurring and noise is also assessed. Our method obtains state-of-the-art performance and shows itself robust with small amounts of blur, noise and/or rotation. Furthermore, it is fast, accurate, and its code is publicly available.Fuentes-Hurtado, FJ.; Naranjo Ornedo, V.; Diego-Mas, JA.; Alcañiz Raya, ML. (2019). A hybrid method for accurate iris segmentation on at-a-distance visible-wavelength images. EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing (Online). 2019(1):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13640-019-0473-0S11420191A. Radman, K. Jumari, N. Zainal, Fast and reliable iris segmentation algorithm. IET Image Process.7(1), 42–49 (2013).M. Erbilek, M. Fairhurst, M. C. D. C Abreu, in 5th International Conference on Imaging for Crime Detection and Prevention (ICDP 2013). Age prediction from iris biometrics (London, 2013), pp. 1–5. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6913712&isnumber=6867223 .A. Abbasi, M. Khan, Iris-pupil thickness based method for determining age group of a person. Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. (IAJIT). 13(6) (2016).G. Mabuza-Hocquet, F. Nelwamondo, T. 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    Enhanced iris recognition: Algorithms for segmentation, matching and synthesis

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    This thesis addresses the issues of segmentation, matching, fusion and synthesis in the context of irises and makes a four-fold contribution. The first contribution of this thesis is a post matching algorithm that observes the structure of the differences in feature templates to enhance recognition accuracy. The significance of the scheme is its robustness to inaccuracies in the iris segmentation process. Experimental results on the CASIA database indicate the efficacy of the proposed technique. The second contribution of this thesis is a novel iris segmentation scheme that employs Geodesic Active Contours to extract the iris from the surrounding structures. The proposed scheme elicits the iris texture in an iterative fashion depending upon both the local and global conditions of the image. The performance of an iris recognition algorithm on both the WVU non-ideal and CASIA iris database is observed to improve upon application of the proposed segmentation algorithm. The third contribution of this thesis is the fusion of multiple instances of the same iris and multiple iris units of the eye, i.e., the left and right iris at the match score level. Using simple sum rule, it is demonstrated that both multi-instance and multi-unit fusion of iris can lead to a significant improvement in matching accuracy. The final contribution is a technique to create a large database of digital renditions of iris images that can be used to evaluate the performance of iris recognition algorithms. This scheme is implemented in two stages. In the first stage, a Markov Random Field model is used to generate a background texture representing the global iris appearance. In the next stage a variety of iris features, viz., radial and concentric furrows, collarette and crypts, are generated and embedded in the texture field. Experimental results confirm the validity of the synthetic irises generated using this technique