642 research outputs found

    Reflector antennas with low sidelobes, low cross polarization, and high aperture efficiency

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    Techniques are presented for computing the horn near field patterns on the subreflectors and for correcting the phase center errors of the horn pattern by shaping the subreflector surface. The diffraction pattern computations for scanned beams are described. The effects of dish aperture diffraction on pattern bandwidth are investigated. A model antenna consisting of a reflector, shaped subreflector, and corrugated feed horn is described

    A generalized method for determining radiation patterns of aperture antennas and its application to reflector antennas

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    The reflector antenna may be thought of as an aperture antenna. The classical solution for the radiation pattern of such an antenna is found by the aperture integration (AI) method. Success with this method depends on how accurately the aperture currents are known beforehand. In the past, geometrical optics (GO) has been employed to find the aperture currents. This approximation is suitable for calculating the main beam and possibly the first few sidelobes. A better approximation is to use aperture currents calculated from the geometrical theory of diffraction (GTD). Integration of the GTD currents over and extended aperture yields more accurate results for the radiation pattern. This approach is useful when conventional AI and GTD solutions have no common region of validity. This problem arises in reflector antennas. Two dimensional models of parabolic reflectors are studied; however, the techniques discussed can be applied to any aperture antenna

    Shape Validation And Rf Performance of Inflatable Antennas

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    Inflatable aperture antennas are an emerging technology that is being investigated for potential use in science and exploration missions. In particular, for missions to Mars and beyond, large deployable aperture antennas can provide the antenna gain required for high data rate communications, where the necessary antenna diameter exceeds the available volume of typical launch vehicle platforms. As inflatable aperture antennas have not been proven fully qualified for space missions, the author’s Master’s Thesis assessed the Ruze equation in characterizing this antenna technology. Inflatable aperture antennas do not follow a parabolic shape, and so the Ruze equation is not applicable due to the macroscopic shape errors of this technology. Therefore, geometric evaluations of the surface profile cannot simply correlate antenna gain degradation with the root-meansquare shape error with a parabolic surface. Consequently, the focus of this work was to derive an accurate mathematical model of an inflatable aperture antenna in order to characterize its Radio Frequency (RF) performance. Calculus of Variations methodologies were used to derive the surface profile shape of the inflatable aperture antenna. Physical Optics techniques were used to generate the antenna pattern profile. Validation testing of the predicted inflatable antenna shape model was performed through use of Laser Radar metrology measurements on an inflatable test article. Assessments of the RF performance of the inflatable aperture antenna, compared with nominally shaped solid paraboloidal antennas, were obtained through simulations of both technologies using a common diameter, depth, and arc v length. Assessments of the RF performance of the inflatable aperture antenna was also performed against itself for changes in distance of the antenna feed location in the axial direction. Whereas the Ruze equation is limited to assessing gain reduction, this effort will also assess beam spreading and first side lobe angle and magnitude. The ability to characterize the RF response of this antenna will provide for an improved understanding of this technology. The accurate representation of the shape of this type of antenna technology will help to identify the most appropriate ways in which this technology could be utilized in planning future communication architectures for NASA missions to Mars and beyond

    Shape Validation and RF Performance of Inflatable Antennas

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    Inflatable aperture antennas are an emerging technology that is being investigated for potential use in science and exploration missions. In particular, for missions to Mars and beyond, large deployable aperture antennas can provide the antenna gain required for high data rate communications, where the necessary antenna diameter exceeds the available volume of typical launch vehicle platforms. As inflatable aperture antennas have not been proven fully qualified for space missions, the author's Master's Thesis assessed the Ruze equation in characterizing this antenna technology. Inflatable aperture antennas do not follow a parabolic shape, and so the Ruze equation is not applicable due to the macroscopic shape errors of this technology. Therefore, geometric evaluations of the surface profile cannot simply correlate antenna gain degradation with the root-mean-square shape error with a parabolic surface. Consequently, the focus of this work was to derive an accurate mathematical model of an inflatable aperture antenna in order to characterize its Radio Frequency (RF) performance. Calculus of Variations methodologies were used to derive the surface profile shape of the inflatable aperture antenna. Physical Optics techniques were used to generate the antenna pattern profile. Validation testing of the predicted inflatable antenna shape model was performed through use of Laser Radar metrology measurements on an inflatable test article. Assessments of the RF performance of the inflatable aperture antenna, compared with nominally shaped paraboloidal antennas, were obtained through simulations of both technologies using a common diameter, depth, and arc length. Assessments of the RF performance of the inflatable aperture antenna was also performed against itself for changes in distance of the antenna feed location in the axial direction. Whereas the Ruze equation is limited to assessing gain reduction, this effort will also assess beam spreading and first side lobe angle and magnitude. The ability to characterize the RF response of this antenna will provide for an improved understanding of this technology. The accurate representation of the shape of this type of antenna technology will help to identify the most appropriate ways in which this technology could be utilized in planning future communication architectures for NASA missions to Mars and beyond

    Satellite communication antenna technology : summer school, 1982, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven: lectures

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    Satellite communication antenna technology : summer school, 1982, Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven: lectures

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    Slits in parabolic reflector antennas.

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    Diffraction by slits and scattering by antennas with slits in their reflectors are investigated. Attempts are made to engineer nulls in the rear radiation patterns of relatively small (ten wavelength) aperture reflector antennas by changing the size and position of slits in the reflectors. Diffraction by sharp edges are considered using a modified form of the Geometrical Theory of Diffraction and also reflector surface currents are studied from an integral equation standpoint via the Method of Moments and hybridised forms of the Method of Moments. Both amplitude and phase of electromagnetic fields are measured the use of a Microwave Homodyne Detection System, and experimental results are presented along with theoretical results

    Focal region fields of distorted reflectors

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    The problem of the focal region fields scattered by an arbitrary surface reflector under uniform plane wave illumination is solved. The physical optics (PO) approximation is used to calculate the current induced on the reflector. The surface of the reflector is described by a number of triangular domain-wise 5th degree bivariate polynomials. A 2-dimensional Gaussian quadrature is employed to numerically evaluate the integral expressions of the scattered fields. No Freshnel or Fraunhofer zone approximations are made. The relation of the focal fields problem to surface compensation techniques and other applications are mentioned. Several examples of distorted parabolic reflectors are presented. The computer code developed is included, together with instructions on its usage