8 research outputs found

    Teaching JavaScript with Vue.js

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    In this paper we provide details of the enhancements made to a front-end web design and development course. The Computer Information Systems (CIS) course successfully teaches HTML, CSS, and JavaScript with supporting libraries. A practical experiential project provides foundational concepts and provides web design front end developer knowledge and most in-demand skills. Our focus in this paper is on advanced JavaScript – specifically frameworks, libraries and packages. In particular we demonstrate the flexibility, versatility and power of Vue.js in this paper. Topics covered include the Vue instance, expressions, directives, attribute binding, conditionals and loops, event handling and methods, and class and style binding. The paper describes a pedagogically well-defined application which continuously builds upon these topicsAccepted manuscrip

    Performance analysis of selected tools for building a Single Page Application

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    The article presents analysis of the performance of selected tools to build a Single Page Application. Chrome browser with DevTools tool was used to evaluate the performance of the test application. The total number of all tests was 112. As part of the study, a test application was created using different JavaScript frameworks - the Angular framework and the Vue.js framework

    WebAssembly as an alternative solution for JavaScript in developing modern web applications

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    The article describes the impact of using WebAssembly on the performance of web applications. A Blazor framework based on WebAssembly was used. The paper shows that it is possible to create fully functioning Single Page Application using C# programming language. The second application was made using Angular framework. Both applications implement the same functionalities. For prepared applications loading time and size of transferred data was measured. The impact of using browser cache memory and gzip compression was examined. The performance of handling http requests using GET and POST methods were measured. The performance of WebAssembly against JavaScript code in task of sorting a list of N objects was compared. The performance of modifying html DOM was examined. Selected code metrics of written applications were compared. JavaScript presents better performance with tasks related with browser API. WebAssembly was better for computing

    Estudo Comparativo de Tecnologias de Desenvolvimento front-end paraWeb

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    There are several JavaScript technologies intended to assist in theconstruction of web systems user interfaces. Choose the most suitablefor a new project can be a difficult task. Three of these technologieshave gained prominence: Angular, Vue and React. All focusedon the front-end development of web applications. In order to facilitatethe process of decision making about which technology is themost suitable in a new project, this work establishes a comparativestudy of the three most used JavaScript technologies currently andto highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Thiswork adopted performance, size and support for different browsersto carry out an experimental comparative study. An applicationwas developed as a use case and replicated in each of the technologies,in order to analyze the development process and the resultsunder the same set of tests. A software to perform the tests in anautomated way was implemented to collect the performance resultsusing the Google Chrome browser. It was possible to identify whichtechnology is most suitable in each test scenario. For example, theAngular framework performed better in 8 out of 10 scenarios evaluated,despite having a longer startup time and build size of theapplication compared to React and Vue. It is estimated that Angularloads more information in the initialization process to make thestate of the application “more prepared” for user interaction

    Evaluación de la facilidad de aprendizaje de frameworks JavaScript: Backbone, Angular y Ember

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    JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages in web development, which has led to the emergence of a variety of JavaScript frameworks and the consequent difficulty in selecting one of them. The present study focuses on usability as a factor of adoption of a JavaScript framework and aims to evaluate the usability of three well-known JavaScript frameworks: Backbone, Angular and Ember. The evaluation of usability was carried out using the usability test technique and focused on the following attributes: learnability, error rate and satisfaction. The results showed that Angular was the framework that the participants of the study perceived with greater usability followed by Ember and Backbone in last place.JavaScript es uno de los lenguajes de programación más utilizados en el desarrollo web, lo que ha provocado la aparición de una gran variedad de frameworks JavaScript y la consiguiente dificultad para seleccionar uno de ellos. El presente estudio considera la usabilidad como un factor de adopción de un framework JavaScript y tiene como objetivo evaluar la usabilidad de tres conocidos frameworks JavaScript: Backbone, Angular y Ember. La evaluación de la usabilidad se realizó mediante la técnica del test de usabilidad y se centró en los siguientes atributos: facilidad de aprendizaje, tasa de errores y satisfacción. Los resultados mostraron que Angular fue el framework que los participantes del estudio percibieron con mayor usabilidad, seguido por Ember y por Backbone en último lugar

    Factors and actors leading to the adoption of a JavaScript framework

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    The increasing popularity of JavaScript has led to a variety of JavaScript frameworks that aim to help developers to address programming tasks. However, the number of JavaScript frameworks has risen rapidly to thousands of versions. It is challenging for practitioners to identify the frameworks that best fit their needs and to develop new ones which fit such needs. Furthermore, there is a lack of knowledge regarding what drives developers towards the choice. This paper explores the factors and actors that lead to the choice of a JavaScript framework. We conducted a qualitative interpretive study of semi-structured interviews. We interviewed 18 decision makers regarding the JavaScript framework selection, up to reaching theoretical saturation. Through coding the interview responses, we offer a model of desirable JavaScript framework adoption factors. The factors are grouped into categories that are derived via the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The factors are performance expectancy (performance, size), effort expectancy (automatization, learnability, complexity, understandability), social influence (competitor analysis, collegial advice, community size, community responsiveness), facilitating conditions (suitability, updates, modularity, isolation, extensibility), and price value. A combination of four actors, which are customer, developer, team, and team leader, leads to the choice. Our model contributes to the body of knowledge related to the adoption of technology by software engineers. As a practical implication, our model is useful for decision makers when evaluating JavaScript frameworks, as well as for developers for producing desirable frameworks.peerReviewe

    Theoretical and practical problems of using mathematical methods and computer-oriented technologies in education and science: Coll. materials in the III All-Ukrainian Conference

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    Збірник матеріалів ІІІ Всеукраїнської конференції «Теоретико-практичні проблеми використання математичних методів та комп’ютерно-орієнтованих технологій в освіті та науці» 28 квітня 2021 р., м. Київ.Proceedings of the III All-Ukrainian Conference "Theoretical and practical problems of using mathematical methods and computer-based technologies in education and science" April 28, 2021, Kyiv