9 research outputs found

    Ahmadi Women Resisting Fundamentalist Persecution

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    Since the start of the Reforamsi era and the fall of the New Order Regime led by President Soeharto in 1998, there have been numerous incidents of violence against the Ahmadiyya in Indonesia stemming from different interpretations of the Qur’an, which has led to cases of murder and the destruction of mosques. These incidents, and others like them, suggest the importance of understanding the context of such discrimination against the Ahmadi and in particular Ahmadi women to establish a peaceful and more equitable Indonesia. This dissertation focuses on Ahmadi women’s experiences in dealing with conflict and the ways they organize themselves to resist against conflict for the betterment of their lives in the face of social and institutional discrimination

    Subaltern agency and the political economy of rural social change

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    Twenty years after the fall of Suharto in Indonesia, most political studies of Indonesia’s post-New Order democratic ‘transition’ have left the ideas, forms of organisation, strategies and impacts of lower class struggles largely unexamined. Scholarly works that address the dynamics of social and political change have largely focussed on the mixed outcomes of decentralisation and democratisation of state power for elite actors since Reformasi, providing little or no framework for conceptualising popular political action in the context of this institutional restructuring. Drawing on propositions from Marxist political economy, Gramsci’s concept of hegemony and social reproduction theory, this thesis develops analytical approaches for investigating the dynamics of rural subaltern agency in post-New Order Indonesia, focussing on how rural subaltern actors ‘do politics’. The approach applied here extends the analysis of political studies beyond the state, its institutions and hegemonic practices by focussing on the persistent, albeit often fragmented, popular struggles to secure control of resources and shift social relations of power in favour of subaltern and other non-elite classes. It considers the connections between everyday popular encroachments on hegemonic power, social movement struggles and moments of social and political crisis with the potential for transformative social and political change. Using qualitative data from extensive fieldwork in Central Java, the thesis demonstrates that legacies of subaltern struggles over power and land as a resource are reflected in villagers’ contemporary relations with state institutions and other forms of social organisation. They organise across multiple scales, and employ diverse tactics including shifting alliances with other social actors to further their interests. Their political claims are strongly informed by cultures and ideologies that have their roots in previous periods of collective action, which are reproduced or transformed though their experiences in contemporary social struggles. Finally, the thesis considers how these diverse expressions of subaltern social struggles might contribute to progressive forms of agrarian development and the broadening and deepening of pro-poor democratic struggles in Indonesia

    Perception and response to receptivity: the history and growth of the Wesleyan Church in the Philippines, 1932-1994

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    Promise, pretence and pragmatism: governance and taxation in colonial Indonesia, 1870-1940

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    Taxation was at the core of colonial exercises of governance, state-building and state-society relations. This dissertation analyses taxation in colonial Indonesia between 1870 and 1940. In an era of continuous expansion and reform, colonial statesmen envisioned a full-fledged tax state of equivalent and just forms of tax-payment in accordance with fair laws, a transparent administration and benevolent governance. They saw taxation as an important tool in the project of constructing a modern empire, ‘disciplining and improving’ its subjects and unifying and reforming the state. However, despite intricate law-making processes, shrewd strategies of data accumulation and registration, and a sophisticated bureaucratic machinery, the colonial state in Indonesia had limited success in realising its ambitions. On the ground, taxation was controlled by local elites and driven by processes of negotiation, mediation and subversion of the state apparatus. Rather than imposing a Western model of taxation on the colony, the resulting system became an amalgam of Dutch and local interests, while the state itself became increasingly mixed with the local structures and practices it was supposed to change and replace. Instead of a force of extraction and reform, taxation provided an arena for contesting the colonial state.Based on extensive archival research and traversing the Indonesian archipelago from Aceh to the Moluccas, this dissertation unveils the diverse administrative realities of colonial Indonesia as created by colonial officials, intermediaries and subjects. By focusing on taxation, it demonstrates how colonial governance was experienced as hybrid and malleable, thereby contributing to broader academic debates about colonial statecraft, fiscal policy and the consequences of colonial rule. Stichting Belastingmuseum prof. dr. Van der PoelGrenzen van fiscale soevereinitei


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    “Bahasa bisa dipakai untuk menyembunyikan pikiran”- sebuah pernyataan yang menarik untuk dikaji lebih jauh. Hal tersebut terutama dirasa sangat relevan dilakukan di dunia penegakan hukum. Dalam konteks ini kajian linguistik, khususnya Linguistik Forensik, berpotensi berkontribusi terhadap upaya pencarian dan pengungkapan informasi sahih tentang suatu kasus pelanggaran hukum melalui serangkaian langkah sistematis analisis data bahasa (corpus) yang relevan. Diharapkan, dengan mengoptimalkan pengkajian berbagai moda yang ada, bahasa salah satunya, kualitas penegakan hukum meningkat dan keadilan bisa lebih terkawal untuk ditegakkan. Saat ini ditemukan sejumlah fenomena menarik yang terjadi di dunia penegakan hukum, khususnya di Unit Reskrim di wilayah hukum Polda Jabar sekaitan dengan penyidikan tindak pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan seperti: (1) maraknya modus kejahatan dan tindak pidana baru yang berbarang bukti data kebahasaan dan (2) penyidik mengalami kesulitan ketika menyusun kasus posisi perkara pidana penghinaan, pencemaran nama baik, fitnah, dan pemalsuan sebab kriteria terpenuhinya unsur pidana ini, secara kebahasaan, tidak diatur dalam pasal 310, 311, dan 335 KUHAP serta Pasal 27 ayat 3 UU ITE sebagai sumber hukum yang mengatur tindak perkara pidana ini. Kondisi seperti itu menuntut pendekatan dan aplikasi ilmu pengetahuan modern (dalam hal ini linguistik forensik) yang secara aksiologis mampu menguraikan perkara pidana berbarang bukti data kebahasaan secara tuntas. Untuk itu, Program Studi Linguistik SPs UPI bekerjasama dengan organisasi profesi Masyarakat Linguistik Indonesia (MLI) dan Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra (FPBS) UPI kembali menggelar Seminar Tahunan Linguistik (SETALI) yang ke-4 dengan mengambil tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan. Kegiatan tersebut diarahkan untuk menyediakan ruang bagi para peminat kajian bahasa yang akan mendiseminasikan pemikiran dan temuan terkait dengan hasil penelitiannya. Ada 3 kegiatan utama dalam acara SETALI kali ini: Pra-SETALI Senin dan Selasa, 30 - 31 Mei 2016, berbentuk workshop dengan tema Analisis Bahasa dari Sudut Pandang Analisis Forensik, SETALI Rabu dan Kamis, 01- 02 Juni 2016, dengan tema Linguistik Forensik untuk Keadilan, dan Pasca-SETALI Juma‟at, 03 Juni 2016, berbentuk Public Lecture untuk para peneliti, pengamat, pengajar, dan mahasiswa bahasa dengan tema Towards Clearer Jury Instruction. Pada kesempatan yang baik ini, kami mengucapkan terimaksih kepada berbagai fihak, khususnya kepada Anda semua para peserta SETALI. Tanpa dukungan, kehadiran dan partisipasi Anda dan izin Yang Mahakuasa, tidak akan ada SETALI. Akhirul kalam, selamat berdiskusi dan berbagi ilmu serta pengalaman. Bumi Siliwangi, 27 Juni 2016 Penanggung Jawab, Dr. Dadang Sudana, M.A

    Territories, fortresses, and shifting towns: archaeological landscapes of the Upper Casamance (Senegal), 7th-19th C

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    The Upper Casamance, in southern Senegal, is a region that has witnessed dramatic socio-political changes in the last millennium, including its conquest by the Mali Empire and its prominent role in the Atlantic trade. Yet, until now this region had never been the object of systematic archaeological study. Two seasons of feldwork undertaken in 2013 revealed a landscape of shallow, short-lived sites at odds with the large permanent towns described by historical accounts and oral traditions. I argue in this thesis that the key to reconciling these two sets of evidence lies in a very particular settlement pattern, which I have named 'shifting sedentism', by which villages and towns regularly shifted a few hundred meters, while keeping the name, identity, and institutions of the community intact. Drawing from archaeological data derived from regional survey and the excavation of two sites (Payoungou and Korop), combined with oral traditions, historical documents, and ethnographic examples, this thesis pursues two main themes. First, it documents the previously unexplored archaeological record of the region, both in terms of sites and of material culture, connecting it with known historical narratives, and comparing it with other geographically and culturally relevant areas. Secondly, it explores this notion of shifting sedentism and the different site mobility patterns that have characterised the Upper Casamance over the last millennium, as well as their political and social implications. I suggest that the intersection of these multiple sources illuminates a social and political landscape much more complex than that suggested by any individual source. A landscape characterised by shifting yet permanent towns, fxed sacred sites, and fuctuating military strongholds; whose mobile yet resilient dynamics have shaped the Upper Casamance's history over the last millennium

    Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 21

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    TesisSe realizó un análisis clínico-electrocardiográfico integral de los hemibloqueos comprendiendo incidencia, edad, etiología, evaluación cuantitativa de los criterios diagnósticos, relación con los trastornos de conducción aurículo-ventricular, y pronóstico. Con tal motivo se estudiaron 221hemibloqueos encontrados en 7,130 pacientes adultos de sexo masculino en un servicio de cardiología y medicina. Los hemibloqueos fueron diagnosticados mediante los criterios señalados por Rosenbaum, Castellanos, y Prior y Blount

    GVSU Press Releases, 1973

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    A compilation of press releases for the year 1973 submitted by University Communications (formerly News & Information Services) to news agencies concerning the people, places, and events related to Grand Valley State University